Notes: This is all Caralee's fault (CaraLee934). We were talking about a certain run in Nightwing and I may have first made the 'what if Jason took Dick under his wing instead of Deathstroke?' question but Caralee was the one who threw a plot bunny at me which started this whole story! ...Although, this was probably not what they expected.

Honestly, I really liked the idea of Dick working with Deathstroke. But, I came into the idea through the Teen Titans cartoon where the idea was handled well and fanfiction created a much more awesome picture of what happened that, when I finally read the Renegade storyline, the comics were kind of disappointing. But, I like the idea and the way Dick ended up there was interesting. But, everything else... the characterisation and aftermath wasn't handled well. I don't even know if I can handle it well.

I'm building this story off the comics. That's why since I'm building off the comics, comic scenes will be picked and chosen at will and edited to fit within this new universe.

So, there will be reference to non-consensual sex later on in this story (once Jason gets a clue).

Part 1 – What's going on in Bludhaven?

Jason hadn't pulled himself out of his own grave and established himself as a crime lord for stuff like this. It really was true, you couldn't find good help these days.

The information broker was kneeling on the ground, snivelling. To be fair, Jason had shot his knee out so he couldn't stand but that wasn't a reason to start begging for his life instead of giving Jason what he wanted.

"If you want to live, you'll tell me why you're telling me this obvious lie," Jason said, voice distorted by the red hood overing his face. He flourished the gun in his hand as extra incentive to talk.

"I-It's not a lie! Tommy Tevis had been arrested, his wife's dead and his daughter is placing all her trust in the previous bodyguard, Dick 'Crutches' Grayson! I-I got the trust of the girl's bodyguard and he wouldn't even let me see the location addressed on Sophia's letter, just the name! I knew you would want to be informed of any-" the informant sniffled as tears continued to run down his cheeks- "power vacuums or opportunities in Bludhaven."

Jason sighed, trying to keep himself from placing another bullet in the man like he had done the first time he heard the news.

Dick Grayson… working for the mob? He wondered if Bruce knew.

If this information was real.

"Are you absolutely certain?" he questioned. A grin came to his voice and face as he spoke, images of Dick's fall in his head. Whatever this undercover mission was, Jason was ready to bring it crashing to the ground.

Finding Dick's hideaway was simple. The Golden Boy was transmitting it to anyone who knew how to listen because Nightwing was looking for Deathstroke.

For the second time, worry niggled at Jason. He knew Deathstroke's reputation. What was Dick doing getting the attention of someone like that?

He reminded himself that he was here to destroy Bruce's precious first Robin. Jason's way of doing things will take out the main inheritor of Bruce's way.

Jason knocked on the door numbered 14. There was a nervous fluttering in his belly. He couldn't be sure what would be waiting for him on the other side of the door.

The man who opened the door looked older than the Dick he remembered. Jason couldn't figure out what it was but he decided he didn't care.

"Hey, Grayson. I hear you're hanging out with some interesting people these days." He grinned and reached out.

Jason only intended to touch Dick on the shoulder or something, a light touch to kind of establish some kind of kinship. The kind of thing he had learnt from the few times Dick had interacted with him.

However, Dick flipped back, perching on the dresser behind him. Now Jason realised what the emotion was.

Anger. A dark simmering anger. It was not the fiery bursts of anger he had seen directed at Bruce when he was younger. It was something else.

"Red Hood. Jason Todd," Dick growled, eyes narrowing. "Get out of here!"

"Hmm," Jason hummed as if he was considering it. "No. See, I hear things, even in Gotham. What's this about you joining the mob?" He kept his voice light and amused. "Can't run away and join the circus, huh, Dick?"

Dick's hand curled a little tighter and Jason waited for a punch or fight.

"You know what? I don't have time to deal with you. I'm waiting for-"

"Deathstroke?" Jason internally preened at the shocked look on Dick's face. "Yeah, I know. How do you think I found you? You left enough clues for anyone. So, are you crazy or thinking of taking this 'undercover thing' to the next level?"

Jason had been watching his predecessor carefully however he still wasn't ready for the moment Dick pounced at him.

He fell off balance and was slammed into the mirror, which shattered. His hood cracked at the force.

"I was saving that move for Deathstroke but, I guess it'll do to get the message into your thick skull," Dick said to him in a low voice. "I'm not undercover."

"Oh?" Jason hummed, knowing that a pleasant tone could sometimes be more frustrating than anger. And Jason loved to be frustrating. Even when things seemed to be off. "What'll the B-man think?"

Dick almost released his arms, his grip loosening for a moment before tightening up. Jason hissed as his shoulders stung in protest.

"I failed," Dick whispered into where Jason's ear would be under the hood. "It's been a long year, Little Wing, filled with failure after failure. I got shot, my childhood was burned to the ground, I failed to save a building full of people who would be alive today if they hadn't been living near me and then," Dick let out a unsmiling laugh. "I froze." He said it like a secret joke between them. Jason's insides were churning. The more Dick spoke, the more he felt there was something wrong. "There was one man responsible for it all and when it came time to face him, I let him get shot. I could have jumped in front of the bullet." It felt wrong. "But, I failed." This wasn't Goldie; Bruce's Golden Boy.

Something was seriously wrong with Dick. Where was the Replacement? Barbara? Hey, where was Bruce during all this?

"I don't care," he growled out in response.

"Then leave," Dick responded forcefully, releasing him with a shove.

For a moment, Jason considered doing just that. Only for a moment. Then something else took over. …Curiosity? Yeah, that's what Jason was going to call it.

"What do you even want with Deathstroke?"

"I'm going to join him."

What? "Hey, if you're looking to be 'bad guy', why not join me?" Why did he say that? He didn't think he could leave Dick alone but he didn't think he could have Dick working under him. That was just... weird.

Dick seemed to be thinking the same.

"No offence but, Deathstroke asked first."

Jason snorted. "Seriously? That's a stupid reason."

Dick didn't even smile. The old Dick would have smiled just a little, just enough tell Jason that he knew Jason was trying to make a joke.

"How about this reason; I'm not looking to fight Batman. I have other plans."

That interested Jason. He wanted to know what those plans were. Although, if this was them in action, they were kind of crazy.

"I'll help you. That's more than you'll get from Deathstroke, right?"

Dick crossed his arms. "You don't have Deathstroke's skill."

"Excuse you?" Jason responded angrily. "I'm in a class of my own, Dick, and I'm willing to prove it any time you wish."

Those seemed to be the magic words because Dick agreed to fight him. Jason took Dick to one of his own safehouses in Bludhaven. It was a show of trust since Jason felt that this was probably a pivotal moment for Goldie. A pivotal moment of what, Jason didn't know. Was it wrong of him to hope that Dick was moments away from seeing that Jason's way was the best way?

Dick seemed single-minded in his desire to fight Jason. He followed silently as Jason guided him to the safehouse, which had a boxing ring in it for Jason's private use.

"Ready?" Dick demanded to know. Jason glanced at Dick's hands. They were wrapped and Dick seemed ready to go.

Reckless. Dick fought recklessly. Jason wouldn't have noticed if he didn't know Dick from before. A reckless Dick took to the air. More flips, even when they left openings for Jason to exploit. More jumps and leaps. Dick was burning energy, tiring himself out.

He fought like a man desperate to survive. He didn't banter. When he did manage to hit Jason, he hit hard. Jason's ears rang and that wrong feeling increased.

It was after another flip backwards on his hands that wasn't needed, that Jason kicked Dick to the ground with a sweeping kick. Not one to waste an opening, Jason climbed on top of Dick and held him down.

"I win. How's that for skills?"

Instantly, Jason realised two things.

One: Dick wasn't fighting back. With someone on top of him, Dick should be fighting back.

Two: Dick wasn't looking at him. Dick's eyes were focused on something else, Jason didn't know what but it wasn't him.

"Fine. Get off." At least Dick was speaking.

"Now, what was the plan? Does it have something to do with Sophia Tevis?"

Dick flinched at the name.

"What are you talking about?"

"Didn't you know?" This didn't seem like the kind of thing to escape Dick's notice. "Her mother was killed, her father arrested and she's locked up in some state facility. And you know what happens after that."

Dick cursed. "I don't suppose you have outfits hidden around here?"

Jason snorted and ignored the foul look Dick shot him. "Got nothin' in your colours, Dickie."