Inspired by DZ2's Agent Potter Challenge
Agent Potter & The Hexagon
Chapter 1
Kings Cross Station, London
As Harry stepped through the barricade he could've sworn he felt a chill in the air, reaching for his wand still in his trouser pocket he stopped as he found himself face to scared battered face with Alastor Moody the aged auror recently released from St Mungo's looked at the young wizard.
"Leave the wand where it is Son, I don't mean you any harm, but even if i did you wouldn't stand a chance"
" Professor Moody?, why are you here"
"Hah you are as slow as you look, I'm paying you back" the old auror replied with a laugh, two figures approached The two looking at Moody
"Is it Done?" Moody asked
"Vernon Dursley, has been incarcerated, frankly if we'd known his list of crimes sooner…" an american accented voice spoke from a tall athletic looking man with short spiked brown hair
"now isn't the time for that Dragon, let's take him in and get him acclimated " a woman with an american accent spoke looking to her companion"
"my work here is done, Keep me posted will you Doctor, you can only keep him during the summers and school holidays anything longer and Albus will smell a rat" Moody replied
"Urm excuse me but who are you people, i'm not sad to hear my uncle is gone but who are you?" Harry asked
The man stepped forward addressing Harry "My name is Dr Thomas Oliver, and this is my Wife Kimberly Ann Hart-Oliver, we're here representing Hexagon"
"We can't say anymore here, Al would you be a darling and do that thing you do with the bubble" Kimberly asked the Auror responding by waving his wand a bubble surrounding the group
"Harry we're here to recruit you, Alastor recommended you" Kimberly said with a pointed look
"Hexagon, is the Agency of Power rangers" As Tommy spoke he and kimberly removed metal items from their belts each chrome with a Gold coin holding them in front of Harry before replacing them on their belts.
"we have bases all over the world that the public know about our main aim is the eradication of evil, we know about Riddle and we intend to give you everything you need to finish him for good" Dr Oliver added reaching out his hand "Will you join us Harry?"
"Deal" Harry said shaking Tommy's Hand
"Good, from here on out we use codenames in public I'm Dragon"
"And I am Crane" Kimberly added
Moody removed the bubble and Tommy led the group to a black car, Moody slipping away into the crowd.
Arriving at the car A man Opened the door, before loading Harry's belongings into the vehicle, Harry and the two rangers got into the Car, the car driving for around an hour before pulling up behind a large Cargo helicopter the driver letting them out as a black man walked over wearing a brown Cowboy Hat
"You got him then boss?"
"Harry Potter meet Joel Rawlings Designation LS Green, he's our pilot and a former ranger"
Joel tipped his hat enthusiastically
"Nice to meet ya kid, I'll be flying you back to base"
As everyone boarded the chopper The Car driver drove up the Ramp of the chopper the Cargo doors closing behind him.
Joel Stepped into the pilot seat and Turned on the chopper the helicopter Taking off into the air.
Inside the chopper Tommy, Kim & Harry talked
"Alright Harry, now we can talk, Alastor recommended you, we recently reconnected with a former ally of ours who just so happens to be your godfather, he suggested we bring you in"
"Sirius is with you guys?"
"Sirius is constantly trying to flirt with me and all the other ladies working at our Base in British airspace" Kimberly replied with a smile
"Sounds like Sirius, what did he tell you about me?"
"that your incredibly powerful and that a phoenix once saved you from a mortal injury"
"You mean Fawkes and the basilisk bite?"
"years ago Our mentor told us of a seventh ranger power he created with the help of a group of powerful wizards, the Phoenix Ranger, he told us the power was locked in the body of a Phoenix that should it be returned to the correct bearer in the right circumstances would awaken the powers"
"Urm Doctor Oliver, I don't see where i come in"
Kimberly reached over and placed a hand on Harry's shoulder
"Harry, we think Fawkes is the phoenix and You are the Bearer, we intend to put you and Fawkes together encourage the bond"
"Sorry to interrupt ladies and gentlemen but we are about to land at Hex Base Alpha
Keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times and hey look The welcoming party is here"
The Chopper landed and the door opened as The trio disembarked a Staff member in a dark suit removing the luggage and putting it on a trolley wheeling it to an Elevator.
"Harry Potter Welcome to Hexagon Base Alpha based in the airspace above The West Midlands in England" Tommy said as a Tall Man in a white lab coat approached Tommy and they embraced
"Harry this is Professor William D Cranston, Our chief scientific agent and Former Blue triceratops ranger"
"Professor" Harry said offering his hand
"Tommy you know i hate when you make new guys call me that, Harry I'm Billy nice to meet you I'm in charge of all things Science i also oversee technology but that's run on the whole by Justin my student" Billy replied shaking Harry's hand.
"Come on Harry we'll take you through to the community centre someone's waiting for you there
I know this is similar to Agent of the Hexagon, mostly because it's kinda the same idea, I'm going to be sending Harry back to hogwarts so there's difference there
Hope you Enjoy.