Twisted Fate

"NO!" Sonic leapt in front of Shadow just in time to block a laser coming from Eggman's ray. Shadow turned to see Sonic fall to his knees, a hole through his chest. Shadow gasped, he had never seen Sonic look so horrified by his injuries.

"Ho ho ho! I see that the world's savior has fallen! Victory is mine!" Eggman shouted, announcing to the world his victory (although, only those in the forest had heard him) Eggman figured he was pushing his luck by staying that long, Sonics friends were on their way, so with an evil cackle he flew away.

Shadow looked down at Sonic, in some ways Sonic had been like a brother to him, in others a rival. The blood had started to puddle around Sonic's body. "Sonic, b-buddy, hang on. You're friends are coming, You'll live," Shadow was kneeling beside Sonic, but both knew that Sonic was a gonner.

"P-please… Shadow… t-te-tell everyone… that I-I… am s-s-sorry," Sonic's vision was starting to blur, and he knew that not even the chaos emeralds could save him now.

"Tell Amy… to look for someone better…" Sonic was choking on his own words, blood dribbling out of his mouth.

"Tell Tails-s… th-that h-he was… like a b-brother to me," He gasped at the pain, he knew he only had a few minutes at most.

"And tell Th-that… I'll m-miss th-them all…" His vision blacked, his pain increased exponentially, and just as the gang came into the clearing of the forest, he closed his eyes for the final time, and breathed his last breath.


I first heard the whispering. I had run to the light, because it had been the only thing in the dark. When I had reached the light, it was blinding, it seared my eyes and hurt my head.

It's not time, It's not right, you should've lived longer and finished you're fight!

I gain my vision and see a cloaked figure standing there, his voice echoed and sounded as ice itself.


It was not your time, the past interfered. If you wish to live longer you shall be cured.

"Yes, I'll do anything to go back to my friends!" I shouted, others in the area gave me a strange look.

If it is life that you seek, then it shall be granted but the price shan't be meek.

Through pain and through sorrow you fought, with little thought.

A second chance to live, is what i shall give.

The price is great, to pass through the gate.

You must defeat eggman still, but this time you must kill.

Your memories will be taken, but you are still forsaken.

And finally an ex will be given for every why, and with these you will not have died.

'Wow, tough bargain, memories, kill eggman, and whatever the last part was'

"I'll take your trade, but I have to get back to my friends before anything bad happens to them!" The figure nodded, then he laid his hand on my head. With that everything went black, then white, then black.