Word Prompt: High

Pairings: Sena/Kakei, slight Sena/Hiruma. Platonic Sena/Mizumachi.

It started sometime during her first visits to Kyoshin High School, that during football practice Mizumachi began an odd habit of picking Sena up and placing her on his broad shoulders.

The former swimmer would cheerfully hoist her up with massive hands when she came within reach, even as she babbled in distress at such childish treatment. Objecting proved futile and she couldn't very well jump down since the teen was 203 centimeters tall or roughly 6'7" in American terms. Her legs were her greatest asset after all, Hiruma told/warned her, and she couldn't risk them.

It terrified her at first, being up so high. Perched on the shoulders of a giant, even small, slight Sena began to feel powerful. She had never been able to look down at anyone before, and all of the players that had towered over her now rested underneath gaze. It was… oddly satisfying.

Sena swiftly grew accustomed to the strange habit, no longer protesting or dodging, although she was very capable of avoiding him. Mizumachi picked her up almost absentmindedly after the fourth or fifth time, not seeming to realize he was doing so and truthfully she began to look forward to it. Even tugging on his shirt meaningfully during the rare times he forgot.

Resting her crossed arms on his head, she surveyed the surrounding football field like a queen would her kingdom, albeit a nervous queen who would duck at first anytime someone looked at her. His gravity defying hair was thick and comfy, easy to hide behind and grab when she felt her balance shift. He didn't even seem to mind when she occasionally braided a few locks during her time up there.

"Mizumachi, must you always do this?" Kakei asked tiredly, handing him a water bottle to pass to Sena, who accepted it with thanks. He had protested at when the ritual first began, attempting to remove her physically a few times, but Mizumachi would run away laughing, clutching Sena's legs to keep her steady as she gripped his head in terror. So he stopped, for the sake of her safety.

The taller lineman grinned widely. "What? She likes it, right, Sena-chan?"

She tugged at a few strands of his blond hair, playing to hide her embarrassment. "W-well, it is nice feeling tall, for once."


Kakei sighed, looking up to raise an eyebrow at her. She smiled shyly back, reveling in the fact he had to tilt his head upwards to make eye contact. It was silly, she knew it, but everything about this was silly. Kicking her legs a little, she looked around again, hoping to spot someone else to look down on. The Kyoshin Poseidon was famous for being the tallest football team in Japan, but not from her position.

She muffled a giggle when Hiroshi Ohira and Hiroshi Onishi passed by, arguing as usual and unfazed by the odd shenanigans of their teammate. 'Taller than even those two,' she thought and smiled smugly with another slight laugh.

Mizumachi tilted his head at the soft noise and tugged at her ankle. "Eh, whatcha laughing at up there, Sena-chan?"

"A-ah, nothing, it's just, well, um," she chattered, before slipping up and telling the truth. "It's just, I've never been able to look down on people before and, uh, other players don't look so scary from up here."

Huffing once, Kakei responded first, staring casually away at the practice match in process, "Well, if you like it that much, I suppose I can carry you around occasionally as well."

Her eyes went wide. "Eh?! Um, no need, Kakei-kun, r-really! It's fine!" She objected politely, furiously waving her hands in front of her.

"No way, I'm the one who first did it, I gotta take responsibility!" Mizumachi shot back, tightening his grip on her ankles again, like he was going to make a run for it.

Sena grabbed his hair for dear life, yelping, "Wah, Mizuma-nii, please, be careful!"

Both linemen became abnormally quiet and she gulped, fearing she had said something to offend them. "Sorry, I'm sorry, you both can take turns!"

From her view, Kakei ducked his head, but not before she could see a blush build on his cheeks.

"Oi, watch what you're thinking about my little sister, pal," Mizumachi warned, straightening even more.

'Sister?' Sena thought back for a few confused seconds before she remembered her words. Mizuma-nii, she had called him her brother. She let out a shrill cry, burying her head in his hair again, flushing feverishly. "I didn't mean to overstep my place and imply that close of a relationship; I sincerely apologize and take back my previous statement!" She let out in a rush.

"Wah, no, you can't take it back! I already claimed you as family! No take backs!" He pouted, tilting his head all the way back to frown at her.

Sena laughed anxiously. "Well, if you don't mind then…"

"What about you, Kakei? Wanna be a brother, too?" Mizumachi smirked knowingly at the blue-eyed lineman, who wouldn't meet Sena's eyes as he spoke, "I would prefer not be associated as such to her."

"Oh," she let out after a moment. She fiddled half-heartedly with the blond's hair as he glared at Kakei silently. "I-I understand."

"No! I didn't mean," he cut himself off, his perfectly collected demeanor breaking as he fumbled to explain himself. "I just meant, I don't want you to think of me as a brother."

She shrunk further down, eyes watering slightly. "I see."

"It's not like that! I want you to see me as a man!" He said, probably more forcefully than he intended.

Mizumachi and Sena stared at him, one grinning like a Cheshire cat while the other turned a lovely shade of red. "Ah." They both said at the same time, in two drastically different tones.

The other part of Poseidon's Golden Pair stared in subtle horror at nothing in particular, unable to believe what he had said aloud. A tense silence fell over the small group, only Mizumachi seemed to be comfortable enough to smile. The girl on his shoulders clung to him for dear life as the world around her spun, the blush on her face seeming to have taken permanent residence there.

Sena's cellphone went off, breaking the quiet as she scrambled for it.

"H-hello?" She answered, already getting a bad feeling and forgetting to check the number beforehand.

"Where the hell are you, fucking brat?! You're late for practice!" Hiruma's voice roared over the phone, forcing her to hold it away from her ears.

"Ehh!?" She checked her watch and saw that he was right, of course. "I'm on my way!"

"Ah, bummer," Mizumachi sighed in disappointment, taking her down off his shoulders. Kakei frowned disapprovingly at the Deimon captain's harsh manner, but inclined his head in farewell as the girl prepared herself to leave, the phone still at her ear.

"Wait." Hiruma stopped her, sounding suspicious. "You didn't answer me. Where are you at now?"

"Uh," she hesitated, unsure of how much worse it would be to lie or tell him the truth that she was visiting the Poseidon players.

"Sena-chan," Hiruma purred, the pleasant way he twisted her name on his tongue made her blood freeze in her veins. Her mouth refused to reply, locked in sheer terror, as the seconds passed and his fury became a tangible force through the phone. Her face paled as she realized it couldn't get any worse.

Until Kakei took the phone from her stiff hand and answered, defiantly, "She's here at Kyoshin High School."

A muffled scream grew in her throat as she stared at him.

"Oh, I see," she heard Hiruma say, cheerfully. Weeping internally, she tightly gripped the edges of her school shirt until it was on the verge of tearing. "Tell that fucking shrimp that when she's done, I'll be waiting for her in the clubroom."

"Very well. Goodbye, Deimon."

"Fucking bye."

Sena shrieked, snatching the phone out of his hand and racing at top speed for the field exit, right through the practice game. She dodged around the startled players with ease and flew down the corridor to the outside city. Letting out a sobbing breath, she pushed herself to go faster.

Mizumachi watched her rapidly retreating form, marveling at the speed and agility her tiny legs could generate before turning to his teammate. "You know you just made it even worse for her, right?"

Kakei blinked and frowned guiltily. "I… hadn't thought of that."

Mizumachi rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. He already missed the weight on his shoulders. "Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one with common sense on this team."

"Please don't say such things, it makes me ill." His friend replied back instantly.

Comments and suggested pairings are welcome.