Title: Action And Reaction.

Author: Invader Johnny.

Summary: Set after "Tramps Like Us" Gigi one night, deep in thought, she just needed to make some decisions in her life.

Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll, FX does. Simple as that.

Author Notes: Nothing to say other than I sympathised with Gigi when she got hurt when Flash double crossed her.


What the hell IS this thing we call life? Well by definition I guess one could call it the precious joy of being here on this Earth but I think it's a bit more complex than that.

Gigi turns around to see the empty space on the other side of her bed.

The side that once belonged to that cheating Flash.

"Why didn't I dump his sorry ass when I first learned of his past with Ava?" She questioned angrily , not because of what transpired earlier that night but angry at herself for not being able to see that in the long run, both of them did have a history that would unite them once again.

"And bite me in the ass"

A dark smile slowly made its way to her face, turning her frown upside down.

"But oh yeah, I returned the favour" Gigi thought satisfied "Chainsaws are fucking cool after all."

Back to the subject at hand, the young woman could continue to reminisce on her vengeance at any other time, right now however, she had to stay focus on her present.

Particularly so she could move forward.

"Yes, Flash cheated on me and Ava... Well she sort of betrayed but only technically, she did cheat on my dad after all... So when it comes to it, we got the short end of the stuck, but things don't have to end there... Life goes on, I'm still here, my dad still here, we just need to... Move on... Find someone who won't hurt us"

Davvy came to mind.

"Maybe she can be that special someone in my life... Umm... Life...Some say it's the thing that starts when your born, the beginning of your existance if you will... No Shit, my reason for being here was because my old man couldn't keep it in his pants, the most primal of urges is what ultimately gave me this so called blessed gift of life"

Others say it's not the amount of days or years you have in your life but how you make use of them.

People believe that when you waste time you will not get it back and lose something important, something that may happen only once.

Whatever the defenition is, one thing is for sure...

You can't lose whatever chances you get thrown while living... you may not get one like it ever again.

I believe that its a blessing that in life you get to do mistakes, otherwise how would you learn not to do them again, umm?

"You may have a crappy life a miserable life... a berable life or a very rare good life but ultimately the decision is yours to make of how you wanna live."

Gigi turned over in her bed, unable to handle seeing the empty space, the reminder of the man who hurt her.

"I'm going to move on with my life, one way or another, I won't let this one night set me for who I am for life, I'm going to get over it one way or another"

Because if Ava and Flash's secrets sexcapades had taught her anything was this.

"You can't live in the past, otherwise or you won't have a future, ultimately screwing up any chance for happiness"

So, your thoughts on this?

I know it's short but I felt in a philosophical mood, plus, like I said. I sympathised with what Gigi went through, because I sure as hell how much it hurts being cheated on.

Invader Johnny Signing Off.