Chapter 10: No Place Like Home...

Today, Lucy had a mission.

The Vets.

She had gone out shopping the day before to buy cat necessities: Litter, Litter tray, food, know, the usual.

She also made sure to pick up cat shampoo and a green flea collar (that may or may not have looked a little like a kitty version of a backpack).

She realised two days after having Happy as a companion that he could possibly be a beloved pet of someone. Honestly, the busty woman wondered why she hadn't noticed the possibility sooner. The blue fur-ball -though filthy when she had discovered him- seemed to be well fed and spoiled from what she had seen.

That also meant that he may possibly be chipped.

So no harm in getting him checked, right? And that was exactly what she was going to do. Placing the blue feline into the pet carrier attachment on her bike, she set off to her destination.

Within the hour, she had found results: A name and an address.


Magnolia was known for its luscious forest on its outskirts. One of the very few places of vegetation -local parks could hardly pass since most of them were only large enough for a swing set and a slide- left in the otherwise concrete towns and cities of Fiore.

So when Lucy followed the directions, with a hell of a lot of difficulty she might add -What kind of nutjob lived anywhere near magnolia forest?! Never mind in it! What the hell!- she had still gotten lost because her mobile data and network cut off due to the lack of signal.

It was already dark by the time she had found the house and she couldn't help but shake slightly when a shiver spider-walked down her spine.

Turning the engine off at a healthy distance of ten feet -she really didn't feel like being killed by the person who lived here..especially over a cat- the honey-brown-eyed girl manoeuvred off and around her bike, detaching the carrier before making her way towards the house.

One thing she wasn't afraid to admit, was that each step closer, her heart pounded harder.

She couldn't deny being absolutely terrified at that moment. It was eerily similar to a horror film and that made her uncomfortable.

Isn't the blonde white girl always the first to die? She felt her footing falter, one leg still in the air as the thought crossed her mind. The blood that had been pumping around the girl's body with a vengeance, suddenly drained from her face completely as she looked back over her shoulder towards her bike.

Maybe she should've just waited until tomorrow.

When it was light. But that would still mean she'd be in a forest, light or not she was at least a good mile away from...well...anyone and anything.

That meant no one would hear me scream.

A loud clap echoed into the empty night, as a dainty, pale hand collided with Lucy's now red cheeks. Shocking herself out of her fear.

"Ouch! Totally didn't mean to hit that hard~!" she whisper-whined as she slowly rubbed her right cheek. Taking a deep breath to centre herself, she made the last few steps to the faded wooden door.

She couldn't help eyeing the house up, what kind of person would even live here?

There were tree branches growing out from the actual building, though the structure seemed solid enough to not collapse -did they break physics?- but besides that, the house looked relatively normal….for a witch out of a children's story, probably.

Especially with the crooked chimney at the side. Guess that's art for you?

Lucy let loose one last shiver as she looked down at Happy, a wicked gleam in his eye as he looked back at her.

Ever since meeting him, she knew that cats could smile. They were also very evil in a mischievous way, too, and they certainly weren't stupid animals.

Eyes back on the wooden door, her fist rapped against it.

"I hope you realise what I-" before she could even finish her sentence to the cat, the door creaked open, causing another shiver to run through her body as her head slowly, and almost robotically, turned towards the shadowed person.


Fortunately, it wasn't some creepy-arse guy hellbent on killing her or anything dark and twisted like she had expected. However, she hadn't registered that the girl knew her name.

Said girl gave a small smile in relief, the tears that had been welling up slowly drying and fading away. Then the reality settled, and concern became the dominant emotion.

She took in the young teen at the door, long dark blue hair in twin high pony-tails, dressed in pale green pyjamas with small blue -what was that? Dragons?- creatures designed all over them.

"Hey there, sweetheart, is your mother or father home?" She watched as the girl's face fell slightly, taking in Lucy's face before giving a small sigh.

"Sorry, n-no one else is here but me at the moment".

"Oh...I see" Lucy frowned as she gave the girl a second look-over. She seemed a little too fragile and young to be left alone out here, whether this was her home or not, it wasn't like they had neighbours around should anything go wrong.

As if she knew what Lucy was thinking, the bluenette opened the door a little wider and stepped outside slightly.

"B-but, my big brother will be home shortly. He's my guardian, he just went to get some milk and bread from the shop, if you'd like to...maybe...wait".

"I see, well I'll take up your offer if you don't mind..?"

"O-oh, right, I'm Wendy." Lucy gave a nod as the girl moved aside to let her in.

The inside was much nicer than the outside, it still seemed a little outdated: a wood fire burning in the centre of the room with a stone fireplace. A plain wooden table sat before it on a mat with an old-fashioned red-orange couch not far from it and a matching chair on the other side, sat facing the fire. Luckily, it wasn't too close so it wasn't a fire hazard.

It was as Lucy sat down, that she remembered why she had come here.

"Oh, right!" the loudness of the gasp caused Wendy to jump slightly as she closed the door over.

"W-what is it?" Lucy couldn't help but giggled and place the carrier in her lap.

"I believe you're missing a cute little kitty named Happy?".

Wendy's eyes widened slightly as she made her way towards them before a smile graced her face and she giggled lightly, "Of course he'd be the one to find you". The bluenette covered her mouth as the blonde tilted her head in confusion.


"I'm home~" the sound of the heavy door closing made both females spin around to face the culprit.


"Hello, little sister" The male smiled as he dumped a plastic back on the table. He seemed somewhat familiar to the blonde, but then again, she was pretty certain she didn't know a guy who had a red tattoo under his eye, maybe he had a similar face to someone she'd interviewed? Or perhaps she had passed him before on the street.

The male placing a finger to his lips and winking when the blonde wasn't looking, his eyes switching between the young girl and the older one.

Wendy gave a slight, almost unnoticeable, nod before running up to him and hugging him.

"Big brother! What took you so long?".

"Sorry, Wen, traffic was bad on the way back" his eyes stayed focused on the blonde as she struggled to remove the blue death -Happy had an attitude Jellal was not able to tolerate, especially since the little creature was a constant pain in his arse. He was convinced the feline could play pranks and had a similar personality to Natsu's old one- out of his cage (could she not leave him in there?).

Instead of mentioning it, he took the opportunity to whisper in his boss' adoptive sisters ear. "Natsu got a call from the vets, informing him of Lucy receiving his address. I was supposed to be here earlier, but traffic was actually terrible. Once she's gone, I'll send him a text".

Well, that made more sense, the girl was beginning to worry about him, he hadn't told her he was working late. Though he could have texted her as forewarning about Lucy coming by to drop Happy off.

The journalist rejoiced when she finally got the cat out of the carrier; she would say that she had never known a cat that preferred being inside one so much before him, but she couldn't remember if she'd ever met a friends cat or not, she only recalled seeing them on her way to work. "Finally!"

The woman turned around with the cat carrier in hand and looked towards the older, bluenette male. "Well, I'll be off them, since happy's home as are you" she them gave Wendy a soft smile, "Where shall I put this? I have no need for it anymore so.."

"O-oh, Umm.." Wendy -yes, those little creatures were, indeed, dragons upon closer inspection- quickly rushed forwards to grab the box from her hands, "Thanks, I'll go put it in the storage cupboard. Be careful going home Lucy-san".

The blonde gave a nod before making her way to the door, "Pleasure meeting you, Wendy, Mr Dragion".

Jellal waved the blonde off with Wendy before closing the door and wincing as Lucy's engine started up, "Best texting your actual 'big brother' and tell him she's gone. I'll wait here with you until he arrives".


Lucy was just turning onto her street when she realised that she had never actually mentioned her name to the girl.

And she was still pondering over how the teen may have known it as she tried to force the lock to turn.

"Her brother must have mentioned me, the vets did take my name to let him know I was going to drop the cat off.." That had to be it.

She began to frown again and grit her teeth though, as she realised that even though the key was turning, she still couldn't hear that distinctive 'click'.

She furrowed a brow after another two attempts before checking to see if it was open.

It was.

Had she forgotten to lock it? But she could've sworn… she sighed and closed the door over. She'd figure it out tomorrow, she was too tired to think.

"Don't even think about moving." She was about to turn around when the familiar, gruff voice growled out. A cold, metal object pressed against the back of her head.

Now what?!

She honestly wished her life was more mundane.

She also had to say, watching movies or even just thinking about being in this situation...she would've thought she'd be some kind of badass.

But being in the situation, she felt as though she was either going to soil herself or break down crying.

Which was so not badass.

~Sneak peek for next chapter~

"You bastards! What did you do to her?! Where is she!" Natsu's roar echoed around the entire building, his vice-like grip on the phone turning his tan knuckles white. "I swear if you touch her. I'll-" his now low voice was cut off.

"-You'll what, Salamander?" the woman's voice took over, "Your threats mean shit as long as we have your precious 'Luce'." Natsu's teeth clenched.

"I just love how it took almost a week before you figured out that it was us. But she's soooo close to breaking. All of those screams of hers, I really wished you could've heard her. They're simply...delicious~" the silverette on the other end of the line licked her lips as the pinkette's face changed from anger to pain.

"Just let her go" His voice barely above a whisper. "She isn't a part of our world no more. I doubt she ever will be. I'll sign the fools deal, just-just let her go, please".

"Don't be so certain. She just itching to break her chains. And He has no use of you anymore. Not when we have her as your replacement in the plan".

"DON'T YOU FUCKIN' DAR-" then the line was dropped.