Otherwise known as that chapter that includes a "data dump" style flashback because of plot reasons.

In which Team Flash and the Rogues work together to repair the breach, while "Jay" disappears into the background to help deal with the Geomancer. And Ollie tries to persuade Len to remember the attack via meditation.

Still takes place during Flash S2E19 "Welcome to Earth-2".

All characters seen or mentioned copyright DC, CW, etc.

Leonard slumped in his usual perch above the Pipeline, waiting for something, anything, to convince him that they actually had a chance. For the last fifteen minutes he'd watched as two of his Rogues, Roy and Shawna, struggled to take Nyssa down.

Mick waited near the combatants, watching for a chance to tackle the assassin, while Thea watched from a perch similar to the thief's own.

They battled it out within the Pipeline itself—with the repairs going on nearby, and Jay and Joe's argument upstairs, the tunnel was the only place big enough for the fight without the risk of damaging important equipment. And yet, even with Shawna's teleportation, she and Roy were losing.


Oliver gave a piercing whistle that made Leonard clap his hands over his ears but did nothing to make the fighters hesitate.

"Ow," Thea muttered. She pointed to her left ear. "Can you do that again, Ollie? I think I can still hear on this side."

The archer shook his head. "Nyssa!" he called. "Mind giving them a break? I may need to borrow the Rainbow Raider."

Nyssa threw Roy once more, then sheathed her sword.

"You, too, Snart," Oliver said. "But don't get too comfy; you're joining them down there soon enough. So I hope you've memorized Nyssa's moves better than you did your attacker's."

"Great," Leonard muttered. In truth, he'd barely watched Nyssa at all—not that there was much to watch, with the Rogues' limited skills making the fight all too simple for the assassin. But he wanted nothing to do with her, with any of them, and he'd spent half the fight with his eyes squeezed shut lest the very sight of Nyssa's "moves" trigger another panic attack.

He couldn't imagine how he was supposed to learn to defend himself from these people.

"So what do you want?" Leonard asked. Whatever it was, it had to be better than fighting an assassin.

Assuming Oliver didn't plan to test the thief himself. Leonard shuddered.

"We're going to try something different," Oliver replied. He held out a candle. "You'll probably find it a little weird, but I believe this will give us results."

Leonard looked at the candle and lifted one eyebrow. "A candle? Really? You know, Ollie, if you're saying I stink, there are easier ways to make me take a shower."

Oliver smirked. "If I was saying you stink, I'd just throw you into the bay," he said. He nodded down at the combatants. "Like so."

Mick had taken advantage of the interruption to grab Nyssa from behind, but with a duck and a twist the assassin quickly laid him out on the floor next to Roy.

"And don't call me Ollie."

Leonard sighed. "Okay, fine. What's the candle for, Ollie?"

Thea snickered.

Oliver scowled. "You're going to tell us exactly what happened when this metahuman attacked you," he replied. "Every detail."

Leonard shuddered again. "I've already told you," he said, a tremor sneaking into his voice, "I can't—"

"Can't remember, I know. That's what the candle is for. I'm going to help you remember."

"The League has treatments for that," Nyssa said.

Leonard yelped and jumped back... straight into the wall. He shook for a good twenty-six seconds before he found his voice again. "Could you people not sneak up on me?"

"My apologies," Nyssa said. "I am trying not to frighten you, though I admit I am not accustomed to the necessity, nor particularly adept at it. And I imagine your assailant will not offer you the same courtesy."

Leonard couldn't tell whether she was genuinely apologizing or being patronizing, but he finally decided it didn't matter. It wasn't her fault he was so jumpy, after all. Even though she was a League assassin. And it wasn't exactly fair for him to expect everyone to tiptoe around him, not when the very skills that frightened him so badly might be the only thing to save Lisa.

She glanced at Oliver. "We have the supplies. The League's treatments would be far more effective than... that."

Oliver shook his head. "Under the circumstances, I don't think introducing more drugs to his system would be a good idea. Nor do I think that Doctor Allen would appreciate the suggestion."

Nyssa winced at the mention of the doctor.

"Besides, someone with an eidetic memory shouldn't need anything as strong as one of the League's truth serums," Oliver continued. He gazed sidelong at Leonard and muttered, "Shouldn't need any help remembering at all."

"He'll need to remain calm for your method to work," Nyssa pointed out. "That would be quite the challenge under the circumstances, even if he wasn't frightened of us."

"That's what the Rainbow Raider is for," Oliver replied.

"Okay," Roy said, climbing the ladder to join them. "What do you need me to do, Ollie?"

"Don't call me Ollie," Oliver growled.

Roy shrugged and winced. "Ow. I think I pulled something. Don't call me Rainbow Raider. If we have to work together, I think we can stand to be a little less formal."

"I once had a partner named Roy," Oliver snapped. "Do you honestly think I want to call you that?"

"Then call me 'Biv' if my name bothers you so much," Roy said. "It's what my friends call me."

"Nyssa had at least one thing right," Oliver replied. "Having a common enemy does not make us friends." He glared at Leonard. "If Barry wasn't in danger, I wouldn't even be here. If you want me to be able to help, then you need to be ready to do exactly what I tell you. Is that understood?"

Thea grimaced. "Sorry, Snart," she said. "My brother's, uh, pep talks," she spat the phrase with a glare at Oliver, "take a little getting used to."

"Who said anything about a pep talk?" Oliver asked. "He needs to know this is serious—"

"Pretty sure he's already figured that out," Thea snapped.

Oliver shook his head. "So are you coming, Snart?"

"Sure thing, Ollie," Leonard mumbled.

Oliver continued to glower.

"Oliver," Leonard corrected himself.


Oliver led the two Rogues deeper into the labs, down below the Pipeline to where Eobard Thawne once had his lair.

"Not the most ideal environment to meditate," Oliver admitted, "but we need the quiet." He sat down and lit the candle in front of him. "Sit. Try to make yourself comfortable."

Leonard nodded and sat down, crossed-legged, across from Oliver.

"Sit up a little straighter," Oliver said.

"I thought you said 'comfortable,'" Leonard muttered.

"I don't want you falling asleep on me," Oliver replied.

"No fear of that," Leonard said, but he straightened up as instructed.

"We're not going to hold hands and sing kumbaya, are we?" Roy asked. "Because I have a terrible singing voice. I think I'd be a lot more help as Nyssa's training dummy."

"Not exactly," Oliver said. "Can you make sure he stays calm? Even with his eyes closed?"

"I've never done it that way," Roy admitted. "If I use my power on him now, before you start, it should last a good long while. But once I lose eye contact I may not be able to do any more." He frowned. "I mean, I could try, but now isn't really…."

"Isn't the time to experiment," Oliver finished. "Do it now, then. And stick close in case he needs you again."

"This has got to be the weirdest part about working with you," Leonard muttered as Roy crouched next to him.

"No arguments there," Roy said. "Now shush so I can concentrate."

Leonard met Roy's gaze and watched with curiosity as those dark irises brightened in color, transforming into a light blue that nearly matched the thief's own eyes. As the color spread into the metahuman's pupils—and washed out Leonard's vision—the thief felt an itching in his head.

Like someone rummaging around in my brain. Was that how Roy's power normally felt? A little sloppy, maybe, but so subtle that he'd never noticed it before.

"It helps if some part of you already feels the emotion," Roy explained, "so I can find it and enhance it. So whatever you're thinking, keep thinking it."

"I'm thinking that I'd like to know how your power can affect me like that." The tension slowly drained out of the thief, and he finally relaxed.

Roy shrugged. "Yeah... I'd like to know that, too. Especially..."

"Shit!" Oliver leapt from his seated position and grabbed Roy before the metahuman could topple over onto the candle. "Er, have you use your power, then light the candle. Are you okay? I didn't realize it would take this much out of you."

"Me... neither," Roy panted. He was drenched in sweat. "He's very... resistant." Oliver led him to the wall so the metahuman could rest.

"Is that going to be enough?" Oliver asked.

Leonard blinked several times, but the blue haze remained in his vision. "It will have to be," he replied. "It doesn't look like Biv will be using his power again for a while." He felt a brief stab of guilt that he couldn't show his worry for his friend, but he quickly stifled that guilt by reminding himself that the metahuman's power was at work. The fear remained, strong enough to cloud his memory of the attack, meaning Roy's power alone was not enough. But it no longer interfered with his ability to simply think. "This might actually work."

Oliver dropped back into place across from the thief, adjusted the candle, and nodded. "Then let's begin. We're going to find the hidden truths, deep in your subconscious. Clear your thoughts. Close your eyes. Focus on your breathing."

In through the nose... A prickle of fear. And no metahuman, now, to maintain eye contact.

Out through the mouth... The breathing exercise was similar to what he did during a panic attack. He could do this. He had to.

"You're floating in nothingness," Oliver continued to murmur. "All that exists is your breath. Your thoughts are clouds, drifting away."

"I remember," Leonard said. "I remember when he showed up."

"What did he do?"

"It was... cold. Too cold, even for this time of year. The floor was a sheet of ice. I thought he'd hurt Lisa, so I tried to shoot him. But he controlled the ice from my gun, even stopped ordinary bullets. I tried to tackle him, and I managed to pull off his hood before he knocked me out."

"Pulled off his hood?" Roy muttered. "You saw him?"

"Shush," Oliver muttered. "This needs to happen naturally; we don't want to lead him, not yet. You said the assassin knocked you out. What happened next?"

"When I came to, I was trapped in a cage of ice. It was sharp, like knives. I couldn't get free, not without seriously injuring myself. He..." Leonard frowned. "He was disappointed. Said he'd hoped I could give him a better fight before he killed me. He picked Lisa up and went upstairs. But when I followed him, he was alone." He was breathing faster now, nearly panting.

"Easy... Easy. It's just a memory," Oliver said. "You're safe now. It isn't happening again."

"I know that, but..." Leonard took a deep breath to steady himself. "He stabbed me with the sword. I tried to dodge it, but all I did was make it worse; the tip was broken off when he pulled it out. I could feel my blood freezing, could see it cutting through my skin. I knew if I continued fighting him alone, I'd die before I could help Lisa. I had to get out of there."

"So you called the Flash," Oliver said.

Leonard nodded. "I don't know how I got away—I mean, I remember running, but he should've been able to kill me before I reached the front door—but yes. As soon as I thought I had enough distance, I called the Flash." He opened his eyes. "You know the rest."

"All right, we're going to try that again." The candle wick had burnt low and nearly went out in the melted wax. Oliver tipped it on its side to let the melted wax drain off before returning it to its original position. "But this time, we're going to visit a specific part of that memory. You said you pulled off his hood before he knocked you out. We need to know what you saw when you came to. Now again, clear your thoughts, close your eyes..."

In through the nose... out through the mouth.

"All that exists is your breath. Your thoughts are drifting away..."

"When I came to, there was ice all around me. Knives of it, spears of it, all pressed into my skin. I could barely move without seriously injuring myself. When I could finally face him, he had picked Lisa up. He said she was sleeping, that she would wake up when he allowed her to. He said he would never hurt her."

"His hood...?" Oliver prompted.

"The hood had fallen off. He was... he was..." Leonard shook his head. "I can't..." His voice shook.

"You can do this. What does he look like? That's all we need to know."

"He..." Leonard gasped. "I... I can't. I can't!"

"Yes, you can, Snart. Just tell me what you saw."

"I can't!" Leonard cried out.

His chest hurt; he couldn't breathe!

In through the… In. In!

Lisa needed him; why couldn't he remember? Why couldn't he breathe?

And why was it so cold…?



Leonard began to sob, his protests blending together in an incoherent moan.

He dimly felt someone tugging at his arms, trying to pull him up from where he'd curled up on the floor.

"Come on, boss," Roy pleaded, "look at me. It's going to be all right, I promise we'll figure this out. But right now you've got to look at me!"

"I can't," Leonard moaned again. "I can't."

Ah, the 2018 Barrowman Writing Workshop has been done for a couple of months now and, while I'm still trying to commit to finishing my original fics for publication, I am finally continuing my fanfics!

Re: "Ollie" vs "Oliver"
After seeing a preview from Legends season 3 that had Earth X's "Leo" calling Oliver "Ollie" (followed immediately by "Don't call me Ollie"), I've been wanting to find a good spot to have Len mess with Ollie in the exact same way. But... my stories being what they are, I didn't have many good places where Len and Ollie met and Len being a PITA purely for the sake of using his own brand of humor would actually fit, so in this chapter you have Len ragging on him (and Thea encouraging him to do so) as a form of stress relief.
Ollie seems to be the only one who's missed the memo that it's potentially helpful.

Re: Biv's power drain
I don't know how Biv's power works either, but the fic is operating under the assumption that it affects the "victim's" brain similarly enough to drugs that Len's odd resistance to mind-altering substances (as per my Majummed head-canon that will be explained in other fics) also makes him resistant to that power.
Not as resistant (drugs that work directly on the central nervous system or effectively "trick" the brain into affecting Len's thoughts a certain way don't affect him at all, whereas non-drug "powers" like Biv's, and drugs that work in other ways have limited results). But still resistant.
But the team doesn't know that yet. It'll come up later. Probably.