An; Review if I should write more. This is an AU

"I'm not allowed out this far." Nagisa said, her voice sounding a mixture of apprehensive and excited as she followed her friend further into the forrest, flowers and twigs caught in her long blue hair.

"Relax. Your Mam's out for the day. Besides. We're already 12- we should be aloud out this far." Karma replied, keeping a tight hold on Nagisa's hand as he ducked under increasingly dense tree branches. "Once you see this hideout I found it will be totally worth it. Trust me."

"Why do I feel like that's the worst thing I could do." Nagisa grumbled, but she still followed Karma never-the-less, her grip on his hand not loosening. The red haired boy snickered.

"Have a little faith. I am your boyfriend, after all."

It was true. The two of them had being going out for a month now, which for twelve years olds is pretty impressive. They had grown up next door to each other and had been best friends for as long as either could remember. Karma was forever pulling them into trouble, and Nagisa was pulling them out of it. They were opposites; Karma the violent bad boy, and Nagisa the sweet helpful girl. But they were inseparable.

The two of them walked through the woods, shielded from the afternoon sun by a canopy of trees.

"Here we are." Karma said, stopping suddenly. There was a clearing right in the middle of the woods with a small waterfall and a lake, countless bluebells bloomed all around. It was like a secret Garden.

"Wow.." Nagisa murmured, her blue eyes shimmering with wonder. Karma couldn't help the satisfied smirk that grew on his face. She liked it. He wasn't prepared for Nagisa to stand on her tiptoes suddenly, lean over, and kiss him. It was very brief and very chaste, but still made Karma's heart race and his cheeks flush.

"I think it's beautiful." Nagisa said, pulling away from him, a light blush dusting her cheeks, her blue hair spilling down her shoulders, her eyes as bright as the sky. Karma thought she was beautiful.




The screeching sound of the alarm pierced the air, dragging Karma Akabane out of his dream and back to reality. That was right- he wasn't the twelve year old boy who trekked through forests and blushed at being kissed- he was a Bureaucrat, nearly thirty years old, and had a killer hangover.

He slammed his alarm off in annoyance. It had been seventeen years- Why did he still have to dream of that? His childhood and life with Nagisa didn't seem real anymore, it was like a distant mythical story to him, something not quite tangible, a magical time when he was happy and a girl named Nagisa Shiota still existed.

Then Nagisa died, his parents divorced and the spell was broken.

But this was reality. Karma was an adult, and Nagisa was dead. Alive only his memories, eternally twelve years old.

Karma started his day like he always did- staying in bed as long as he could without being too late, trying not to fall asleep in the shower, then attempting to drown his hangover using coffee. By the time he got into his sleek expensive car, it was the time he was already suppose to be in work. Ugh. Why did it have to start so damn early anyway?

Work was, well, work. He used to find it exciting not so long ago, but he'd climbed the ranks so fast and dominated the place so quickly that he soon bored of it when it no longer posed a challenge.

His assistant, Okuda, placed a strawberry coffee in front of him when Karma walked into his office, late as usual. She was only working here to save up money to go to university, her phone and people skills were pretty poor, but her coffee making talents made up for it- the girl seemed to use her chemistry expertise to concoct the perfect drinks.

"Excellent as usual." Karma said, giving out a rare compliment he reserved only for the few people he actually liked.

"T-Thank you." She stuttered, blushing.

The day was like any other; Saturated with boring paper work, pointless phone-calls and impossible demands from his pointy-haired boss.

By the time the clock struck six, Karma was ready to burn the building to the ground.

Sluggishly, he climbed into his car, and drove home, feeling a dull sense of relief that the day was finally over.

There was surprisingly little traffic on the way back. Karma was cruising in the car, listening to his radio, when suddenly, somebody ran out in front of his car.

Karma's reaction was instant; He slammed the breaks down so fast that the tires screeched loudly as the car rapidly came to a halt.

The offending jay-walker was still stood dazed, mere centermeters from the car. The person was wearing a pair of grey trousers and a matching blazer that Karma recognised as the school uniform of Kunugigouka.

Kids these days.

An annoyed expression on his face, Karma pulled his door open and stepped out the car. That had been close, Karma thought, he better make sure that this idiot school boy wasn't hurt.

"What kind of moron jumps out in front of a car?" Karma sneered, as he walked over. "Don't they teach you road safety in schoo- "

Karma froze when he saw the boy's face properly for the first time;

Porcelain skin, dainty features, big blue eyes framed with dark lashes that where currently widened in shock, and long silky blue hair.

It couldn't be.

"Um- I'm sorry, mister. Are you okay?" The boy (was it a boy?) asked. That voice- it was so familiar to Karma it was almost painful. Soft and light. It was the voice that haunted Karma in his dreams.

For once, the red haired man was lost for words. He could do nothing but stare at the being before him, as a torrent of emotions bubbled beneath the surface so overwhelming it rendered him unable to speak.

The boy bowed quickly, looking flustered. "A-Anyway, I'm really sorry about that." He said, before dashing off before Karma even had the chance to think to stop him.

As the boy left, Karma managed to read the name on his school bag.

His heart stopped. Those kanji, that name, so familiar to him it may as well be etched on his heart.

Nagisa Shiota.