Recovery & Loss Prevention

Author: Cheryl W.

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters or any rights to NCIS or Numb3rs, nor am I making any profit from this story.

Summary: Having heatedly resigned from NCIS, Tony's now an FBI agent with Fugitive Recovery but as fate would have it, his latest fugitive takes him back to the last place he wants to be: DC and on a crash course with his ex-coworkers. (No slash)

Author's Note: Ok, this is a sort of a cross with the show Numb3rs without enough to truly throw it in the crossover category but Don Epps is here and his father will probably make a showing. Not sure why I've got hooked on NCIS and Tony now that the show's gone in different directions but alas, the muse wants what the muse wants. Set around six season NCIS though not as much time has passed from the season 5 premiere (hiatus eps) and this story would be pre-season Numb3rs.

I'm not sure how this story should flow and when to do the back story so please bear with me as we go forth!


Chapter 1: Reunions Suck


Tony DiNozzo sat Indian style on the motel bed, his laptop propped up on his knees as his fingers struck across the keys, speaking to Don Epps, his Fugitive Recovery partner of three months, "Riker's not a guy to sit around playing checkers waiting for the heat to cool down after his escape. He's had a plan in motion since he hit the guard on the bus and slipped out of his cuffs."

Still pacing the room's length, Don ran a hand down his tired face, concurred with Tony's assessment. "Yeah and he's been checking people off that to do list: his ex-partner who sold him out for a shorter jail term, his lawyer who sucked at getting him off the murder rap, his ex-girlfriend who gave him a Dear John letter one month in his stay at prison."

Not stopping his typing, Tony gave into his frustration, "Yeah and we've been one step behind him the whole way, just in time to see the bodies carted into the ME's van." Unbidden, Ducky's face flashed in his head, and he could almost hear the good ME's affectionate tone of voice saying his name, like he had a thousand times on tough cases just before he launched into a speech of encouragement. Clenching his teeth together, Tony shut out that memory, didn't want it to herald in other memories he had no intentions of playing in his head. NCIS was his past, he needed to stay in the now. To do what he had done after Paelia and Philadelphia and Baltimore: create a new Anthony DiNozzo and shed off the old one.

But when his search turned up another murder scene he knew was courtesy of their fleeing prison escapee, he wanted to viciously slam the laptop onto the floor. Apparently fate was not done biting him in the butt because the location of the newest murder….was in DC. And to top off his crappy day…the murdered man was a sergeant in the navy…guaranteeing that NCIS would be the ones on the scene. 'Yeah and my luck is that Gibbs' team will be the ones up on rotation.' And if they weren't…gossip would spread through the DC NCIS office as soon as someone spotted him on the scene.

Noting the pinched features of his partner, Don stopped pacing and studied Tony a moment. "Something wrong?"

Clearing his throat, Tony shut the laptop with precise calm before he met his partner's inquisitive gaze. "I'd say that's a yes. Our buddy Riker's struck again. Apparently he had a beef to pick with his school chum, Mark Nash, because he's dead."

"Boy, when this guy goes on a revenge streak, he doesn't believe in the ten year law of statute does he?" Don grimly joked but when Tony didn't join in on the false merriment, he knew something more was going on with his partner. "So tell me the part you don't want to tell me," he quietly prompted, saw the startled look on Tony's face at his perceptiveness. "Hey, I've gotten to you know the last couple of months and I can practically see that wall coming down over your face."

Surprised and pleasantly pleased that Don had made an effort to get to know him, let alone care if something was bothering him,(so unlike his old partners) that Tony figured the man deserved a heads up for the upcoming crap storm they were going to be walking into. Nash was killed in DC.." then he dropped the other shoe, knowing Don would know the significance, "and he was a naval officer."

"Oh crap," Don breathed out, knew Tony was closed mouthed about his previous career in NCIS and that in itself spoke volumes to him about how bad that situation must have been for DiNozzo.

"Ah, yeah, crap," Tony admitted with a tired sigh as he dumped the laptop on the bed, surged off the mattress and stalked out the door, leaving the door slam in his wake.


Tony walked for 45 minutes before he begrudgingly pulled out his phone and made a call. It was answered within two rings.

"Thought you were going to play hard to get for another two months," FBI Agent Fornell drawled. "This shut out seems a little cold considering I got you your current job and thereby drew the unquenchable wrath of one Leroy Jethro Gibbs down upon my head."

"My current runner killed a naval officer…in DC," Tony announced without preamble.

Understanding the implications as well as Tony did, Fornell swore viciously.

"My thoughts exactly," Tony tiredly replied.

Fornell immediately asked, his tone concerned, "What can I do?"

Tony gave a bitter bark of laughter, "Besides stop fate from being such a backstabber…not much."

Quietly, Fornell suggested, "You could pass this case onto someone else…or let Don go solo."

"Yeah, 'cause that doesn't make me a chicken," Tony bit out with self hate.

Resigned that DiNozzo wasn't going to let him avoid the upcoming reunion with his old life, Fornell asked, "So what will you let me do for you?"

"Be executor of my will?" Tony joked and Fornell snorted in appreciation for the younger man's twisted humor. Then Tony drew in a breath, "I thought I'd pack up my DC apartment while I'm in town and you said the agency could help me relocate."

"Ready to cut all ties?"

"Already done that…just needed…time."

"Where do you want them to relocate you?"

"Los Angeles."

Fornell whistled. "That far, huh? You know I live on the east coast, your dad lives on the east coast…most of the people you know live…"

"I know where everyone lives, Fornell," Tony cut in, didn't need a geography lesson or a psych eval disguised as a geography lesson.

"Guess that's the point, huh? Clean break?"

"Yeah, clean break," but in Tony's heart of hearts, it didn't feel like he was contemplating a clean break ….more like a limb amputation. "So what hoops do I need to go through for the relocation?"

"I'll have someone call you and they can take it from there," Fornell replied but there was a pause. "I know why you left…heck, I supported you…still do. But….you can change your mind, no one would judge you."

"I would judge me. No, I've made the right decision. Besides, I don't do do-overs. I don't do u-turns. I go forward…it's the only way to get over things," Tony grimly announced his philosophy that had kept him sane through the crap storms of his life.

"Ok…but at least call me when you're in town so we can grab a good dinner at your favorite Italian restaurant."

"I think I can fit you into my busy schedule," Tony wisecracked.

"You better. And DiNozzo…good luck," Fornel earnestly bid before he ended the call. But he stood in his office a good while longer, his cell phone in hand. He felt helpless, knowing the emotional upheaval the kid was about to walk into. And the crazy part of it all was, affection, respect and love were the makers of this upheaval. If DiNozzo could stop caring about his old team and if his old team could stop caring about Dinozzo, he wouldn't be worried that the upcoming reunion would irrevocable destroy them all inside out. Sure the Bible said love conquers all but had God actually meant that applied to Gibb's team of eclectic personalities?!. Because as far as Fornell could tell, for them, love, not hate, was the destroyer of their worlds.


Pulling the sedan to the curb a block from the murder sight, Tony groused under his breath, "We made too good of time getting here."

But Don heard him and before he could ask for an explanation, he saw what Tony had: the ME van parked ahead. "Maybe it's not your old team," Don tried to be optimistic but by the grim set to Tony's jaw, his offer of hope was misplaced.

"Nope, it's them," Tony declared as he forced himself out of the car, slammed the door with more force than the car manufacturers would approve of and started walking down the sidewalk. In a few strides, Don gained his side and it made Tony feel better, knowing he wasn't going into the lion's den alone. "Sorry in advance for how awkward this is about to get," Tony offered to Don before he dug his FBI badge out of his winter coat pocketed and flashed it to the police officer manning the police tape and got waved into the cordoned off area.

Ducking under the tape, Tony felt his breath catch in his chest as he saw the familiar people down the alleyway doing their jobs: McGee snapping pictures, Ziva going through trash on the ground for clues or a weapon, Ducky crouched by the body with Palmer hoovering over his shoulder, nodding as Ducky probably imparted some teaching lesson on him. And there, off talking with the police officer who was probably first on scene, was Gibbs. Tony thanked God for small favors that Gibbs' back was to him and his former teammates were so engrossed in their duties that weren't aware of his approach.

As it was, Tony was ten feet away before he made his opening remark. "Well, it's like old home week out here," making sure his tone was that jovial frat boy one that he had perfected to hide his inner emotions whenever he was presented with awkward painful events. It was almost comical the way they all turned his way at the same time, wore the same stunned/startled expression.

McGee and Ducky were tied for speaking first: "Tony?" that was Tim, using that tone of voice that he used to say his name when he thought Tony should run before Gibbs caught him doing something he shouldn't. Ducky's greeting was all warmth: "Good Gracious, Anthony! What a treat seeing you!"

"Trick or treat, a few months too late for Halloween, or maybe I'm early for next year's All Hallows Eve?" Tony joked back, pulling out his mega watt smile as his eyes glossed over the gathered group he once called coworkers…even friends and family but that had only ever been in the quiet of his own head. He didn't let himself look pointedly toward Gibbs but out of his corner of his eye, he saw that Gibbs had yet to turn around, was maybe oblivious to his presence. Or choosing to ignore him.

'Focus on the job at hand,' Tony internally chastised himself before he nodded toward his up-till-now silent partner. "Everyone this is my partner Don Epps. Don this is Timothy McGee, Ziva David, Dr Donald Mallard and James Palmer," he introduced, was pleased that Tim and Ziva shook Don's hand and was just as pleased that Ducky and Jimmie passed on that honor since they had blood and bodily fluids already staining their white gloves.

"Why are you here, Tony?" Ziva asked, a bit of a bite to her tone.

Tony smirked. "Good old Ziva, always willing to forego the pleasantries and get down to the blood and guts." Tony didn't catch Ziva's facial reaction to that zinger because his traitorous gaze had darted back to Gibbs, watched as the man finally turned around, took two steps and then came to a full on stop as their eyes met across the ten yard distance. He had rarely seen Gibbs surprised…but this was one of those times. But Tony couldn't interpret the expressions that coursed over the older agent's features, found he didn't want to. None of it mattered now.

Pointedly looking away from the approaching lead agent, Tony addressed Ziva and her question, "As for how you're being blessed with my presence…your victim was killed by the fugitive Don and I have been after for the past month, Marcus Riker. The naval officer and Riker were childhood chums…apparently with a grudge that was unresolved up until now."

"Would have remained unresolved if you did your job and caught your fugitive a month ago…." Gibb's acidic comment reached the group before he stepped into the loose circle and boldly came toe to toe with Tony. "Isn't that right FBI Agent DiNozzo?"

Tony gave his former boss's insult his best fake laugh, "Oh good one Special Agent Gibbs." His eyes unflinchingly lanced into Gibb's as he introduced his partner. "FBI Agent Dom Epps, meet the always-ready-with- a-kind-word Special Agent Gibbs."

Don didn't offer his hand to Gibbs and Gibbs never even acknowledged the other FBI agent's presence…or his own team's for that matter. He only had eyes for DiNozzo. And it felt like some western standoff in the middle of a dusty street, both waiting for the other to make the first move toward his weapon to initiate the gun fight.

Always trying to be the peacemaker, Ducky pulled off his soiled gloves and barged into the space between Tony and Gibbs and enveloped Tony into a hearty hug. "I've missed you, dear boy." Before Tony could reply in kind, Jimmie was there, giving him a tight hug too and beginning to spurt off words. "It's not been the same without you there, Tony! No one talks basketball with me…and we haven't done a group lunch or dinner in…well since you left. And Abby…she's going to be so happy to see you. You know you really should have given us your new cell number…Abby was pretty upset when she called your old number and….."

"Pretty hard for him to get his voice messages when he left his cell phone abandoned in his apartment when he fled town," Gibbs cut in, judgment soaking in every word, his gut clenching at the memory of B&Eing into Tony's apartment and finding Tony's cell phone on the table along with the discarded pictures of the NCIS team. Then a quick check of the apartment confirmed his worst fears: DiNozzo's truly valued possessions were already gone. Tony was already gone.

Tony didn't miss the insult when Gibbs said he "fled" town, like some coward…or fugitive. But he wouldn't let the man bait him into a confirmation. Instead he let his expression turn to all business, "Well as much as this reunion's been fun, Don and I are going to need to be read in on your findings. Ducky, have you got a time of death?"

Looking between Jethro and Tony, Ducky did a silent sigh as no healing seemed to be in sight between the two men. "I'd say four hours ago."

Don and Tony immediately turned to each other, "Riker could still be in town," Don surmised, hope in his tone that this time the fugitive wouldn't slip through their fingers.

"Yeah, he likes to do a bit of sight seeing before his next kill," Tony concurred, catching onto Don's good vibes and smiling, "which means we have a small window to nail him." Then in synch, the two FBI recovery agents turned around and were heading out of the alley with determination. Neither aware of the stunned and hurt expressions marking each of Tony's previous team's features at Tony's abrupt departure from them without a 'fare thee well' let alone a 'I'll stay in touch'.

Each NCIS team member turned to face Gibbs, saw an expression they had never seen before on the agent's features: a fierce mixture of panic….regret….pain. Then it morphed into a so recognizable expression of determination that all that saw it's appearance fought back a sigh of relief. Gibbs wasn't going to make the same mistake a second time, wasn't going to let Tony just waltz out of their life, was going to get DiNozzo back with them where he belonged.

Taking a few rushed steps forward, Jethro, at the last second, fisted his reaching hand instead of grabbing onto Tony, knew that physical restraint wasn't going to stop the kid from walking away again. That he needed tactics and a trap and….yes, words, he needed to talk to Tony. Really talk to him…say the things he felt…should have said a long time ago, long before the kid got sick of his abuse and walked away from him and everyone else who cared about him.

"We know where your guy was four hours ago and we have a lead on where's he's going to be," Jethro called out to DiNozzo's back, hoping the younger man would take the bait. Felt a flickering of hope when Tony and Don stopped but didn't turn around, held a low conversation between themselves instead that he couldn't hear. 'Come on DiNozzo, just give me an opening here, kid,' he silently appealed.

But it wasn't Tony who turned around, who had been nominated speaker for the partners but Don. "Yeah and what's the lead, Agent Gibbs?" a challenge in his tone like he knew Gibbs was bluffing with a pitifully bad losing hand.

Though he felt like growling out for Tony to turn around, to not walk out on him, them, Jethro offered up his smug grin, "You both agree to do a joint investigation with us and I'll share my intel with you."

That had Tony spinning around and taking a few steps back to his old team but there wasn't conciliation in his eyes but anger. "Don't play me, Gibbs," he lowly bit out before he surprisingly turned to Ziva. "Ziva, where's your bags filled with pertinent evidence, huh? Where are the clues to Riker's next stop? What wonders did you pull from the trash you're still shifting through around the body? Go ahead, show me your evidence bag holding this miracle clue to Riker's next destination and I'll agree to this joint investigation."

Ziva opened her mouth, shifted nervously on his feet, shot a helpless look to Gibbs but couldn't produce an evidence bag to save her life. Eyes shifting from Ziva back to Gibbs, Tony growled, "Next time you want to pull some leverage game on someone, make sure they don't know you as well as I do. And, oh yeah, you should actually have some leverage over them."

Don put a hand on Tony's arm then, bid, "Come on Tony, trail's getting cold."

Nodding in agreement, Tony turned his back on the NCIS team and followed Don's lead out of the alleyway and back to their car, didn't even speak as he handed Don the car keys and got in the passenger side. He didn't look down the alleyway as Don maneuvered the car past the crime scene, didn't want to see how his departure affected his old team…if it affected them at all. His departure now…. or then.

"You ok?" Don quietly asked in concern, eyes shifting from the road to his too quiet partner.

"I'll be better once we catch Riker, shove him back into a nice cell and put DC in our rearview mirror," Tony tersely volleyed back.

"Sounds like a good plan to me," Don amicably agreed. "Now first step: where's a watering hole that Riker would hit in this town? It's gotta be grimy…"

"Have hot waitresses.." Tony supplied and then he and Dom said in synch as they smiled at one another, "And serve Blue Moon beer."


"Blackmail, really Jethro," Ducky scathingly lectured his long time friend as he approached the man who hadn't moved a muscle (well beside to viciously kick over a trash can in a show of rage) since DiNozzo had exited the alley.

"I didn't see you doing anything to stop him?!" Jethro fired back, turning blazing eyes onto his friend.

Matching anger sparked in the unusually even tempered doctor's eyes and his voice rose as he spoke, "Some would say it isn't my place or job to stop him since it wasn't mybullheaded refusal to treat the young man with any respect or kindness that had him leaving town before the ink was even dry on his resignation letter to NCIS!"

Gibbs stiffened at the accusation like it had been a sucker punch. "Respect and kindness?!" Jethro hoarsely repeated the doctor's words. "You of all people know how I feel about Tony, Duck."

Not willing to give his friend clemency, Dr Mallard frostily retorted "Yes and it's too bad that you were too proud to tell Tony how much you value him. You didn't just lose him for yourself…you lost him for all of us and today…by the grace of God we had a shot at…at…" he stammered, wasn't sure how much he could or should have expected from the chance encounter. Reaching out, Ducky gripped Gibb's shoulder. "He was right here, Jethro, and instead of choosing to latch onto him, you used your words to rip him to shreds again." Ducky shook his head in resigned disgust. "I know you've lost people Jethro, but Shannon and Kelly were taken from you, it wasn't your fault. But Tony's leaving, being gone, that is because of you. But it doesn't have to end that way, you still have a chance to make things right."

Gibbs waved his hand down the empty alleyway in frustration. "How?! He's gone, Duck."

"But you know where he's going, Jethro," Ducky supplied with a smile.

Jethro's thunderous expression shifted to a slow smile. "After Riker. If I pick up Riker's trail…."

"You're bound to meet up with Tony and his partner. Hard to turn down help when it's already there," . the doctor said with a twinkle in his eyes.

"You sure you're not the wily special agent, Ducky?" Gibbs teased in a show of humor that hadn't been seen for three months…since one senior field agent Anthony DiNozzo had left the NCIS building and not come back.

"Believe me, my insight isn't virtuous in nature but for wholly selfish motives: I miss the boy too Jethro. Very much."

Jethro swallowed hard and nodded. "Yeah, me too, Duck. Me too," Then he stalked over to the naval officer's dead body and the crime scene. He had to find that link to Riker, had to make good on his boast that he had found a clue to where the fugitive would go next, where DiNozzo would think Riker would go to next. But heck, Jethro didn't care if he missed Riker by a thousand miles…because the fugitive wasn't the target of his search, Tony was.




Thanks for reading and I hope you're interested in more of the story.

Have a great day!