Short fic while I take a break from work. Maybe 10 chapters. Will update as I get time.

Chapter 1.

Regina Mills has been laying in bed almost all weekend long, heartbroken.

The woman she's been dating for the last 8 months, Mallory Caine has decided it's best that they end their relationship.

"Regina it's not you it's just that we've grown apart. Trust me this is for the best." Mal says to her as she packed her belongings into the back of her Mercedes.

"But I don't understand everything has been great lately. Mal please don't leave me. I...I love you."

"Regina, look we can still be friends . And we will see each other at work I'm sure."

"Please don't leave. I promise I'll cut back on my work load and we can spend more time together. I'll do whatever you want."

Mal, cold hearted as ever simply shakes her head as she starts her car and drives away from Regina's house on Mifflin Street.

For the life of her she can't understand what she has not done to please the blonde.

"Maybe Mal never really loved me?" She thinks.


Regina shows up for work on Monday morning dressed to the nines. Perfectly put together from her red Louboutin's to her impeccably styled hair. Looking at her you'd never know that over the weekend the 30 year old had suffered a heartbreak.

"Good morning Miss Mills, here are your messages and your schedule for the day. Mr. Blanchard has cancelled his meeting this morning and he wants to reschedule for Friday. Your 9 o'clock client is here. Is there anything else I can get for you?" Marian,Regina's
/secretary asks as she sets her bosses coffee down.

"No, that will be all."

"Oh and also I'm supposed to remind you to pick up a dress for the company dinner on Friday."

"Thank you Marian."

Regina buries her head in her hand. She hates those dinners and now she will hate it more now that she'll have to go alone. On the flip side it might give her a chance to interact with Mal. Try to find out what she did wrong. She racks her brain tryingto
/think of any time she didn't do anything Mal had asked for.

"It can't have just been my working hours that made her leave me. She works almost the same amount. I've got to get the sexiest dress I can possibly find." Regina thinks after a while, as she presses the intercom to let her secretary know to send inher
first client of the day.


Her day ends and she's almost the last to leave her floor.

The elevator opens two floors down and in steps her ex.

The two women are cordial but Regina makes no attempt to beg the blonde to take her back.

"Regina, are you by chance going to the dinner on Friday?"

"Yes, I am." Regina says hoping Mal will ask to be her date for the night.

"Oh well, I uh hope you don't mind but I will be bringing a date."

Regina is speechless. They haven't even been broken up a few days and Mal already has a date?

She says nothing and steps off the elevator and heads to her car.

Only when she's in the drivers seat of her Mercedes does she let her tears fall freely.

She had heard rumors of Mal and other women but she was always one to trust the woman she thought she knew and loved.

Over the next couple of days it becomes clear to Regina that Mal was indeed cheating on her.

Literally everyone knew but her.

It's Thursday night and the brunette is sat on her bed looking at the dress she's picked out to go to the dinner.

She again debates whether she should go or not until she comes to a decision that she will but not alone.

She needs to find someone fast.

Someone who's preferably younger, taller and hotter than her ex.

Picking up her cellphone she finds and dials the number for Robert Gold. Someone who's helped set her up with dates for events she didn't want to attend alone in the past. It's a last ditch effort and she hopes he has one of his girls available tomorrow.

"Regina Mills, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I need a date Gold."

"Well I'm flattered but as you know I'm happily married."

"Not..not you, you imp. A girl."

"What's your preference, what will be the arrangement and time period?"

"Tall, blonde, hot, younger than I am, preferably athletic. I need her for a date tomorrow night, there is a company dinner that I will not attend alone."

"Hmm I have a couple of girls. I will send you the information and you can choose one. Their price will be on the information sheet and any other special information about them will also be there."

As she's speaking to Gold her phone pings indicating that she has mail.

"I will get back to you shortly."

Regina looks the women over.

None of them tickle her fancy and she calls Gold to let him know that.

"Well I do have one more girl but she's very special and she's only for a select group of clients. She's...special but if you only need an escort for the night and nothing more she might be perfect."

"Send her information."

Regina looks over the file for Emma Swan.

She is stunningly beautiful.

Tall, blonde with perfectly sculpted arms.

There is some other information that Regina almost skips over but she has to reread it several times to make sure she is seeing correctly.

"She has a fully functioning penis."

There's a link after the information to click that has a picture of the blonde. She is fully undressed and Regina has a good look at not only Emma's perfectly sculpted body but also her appendage that could make a grown man jealous of its size.

"Well, Miss Swan you certainly are special and exactly what I need to make Mal jealous."

"Payment will be made tonight. She will need to be dresses in a proper dark suit. I require her to not smoke and no excessive drinking. Also no talking while at the party unless it's in conversation that gives no information about our relationship. Therewill
/be no sexual contact unless initiated by both parties." Regina says to Gold immediately after he answers her call.

"Understood, both her and a complimentary limo will be there at 7pm sharp."

Regina concludes her business for the night and heads to bed.

"Tomorrow will be a long day." She thinks but maybe it will be bearable.


Emma Swan is never nervous for her "dates". In fact, the cocky 24 year old loves getting both paid and at times, laid by some of the most beautiful women she's had the privilege of escorting.

Her limo pulls up to a beautiful house on 108 Mifflin Street at 6:55 pm.

She steps out of the car and takes a moment to straighten her tie before walking to the door promptly at 7pm.

The woman that pulls the door open after she knocks looks like someone straight out of a magazine cover.

Petite, curvy in all the right places, tan skin, full pouty lips.

She's dressed in the tightest red dress that Emma is sure costs more than her salary for the month.

"Good night, I am Emma Swan, here for a Miss Regina Mills." She's managed to stumble out while taking in the beautiful woman before her.

Emma is at a loss as to why someone as beautiful as Regina needs to hire an escort to accompany her? She shakes the thoughts out of her head. The only thing she needs to try and remember is that this is business. Something she is being paid to do.

Regina is speechless.

Emma is breathtaking up close.

Right away she notices the blondes beautiful green irises.

Her photos do not at all do her justice.

She even looks taller than the specs that describes her person.

"Hi..hello..hi I' I mean I'm Regina. I'm almost ready. Please come in." Regina says while staring unashamed at Emma. She momentarily forgets that she's hurting from her breakup while trying to find her words.

"Sure, thank you." Emma says politely as she steps into Regina's foyer.

"Would you like something to drink, Emma?" Regina asks while she bends a little to slip on her pumps.

"No thank you." Emma manages to say. She doesn't miss the chance to admire the prefect ass in front of her.

"See something you like Miss Swan?" Regina says playfully after glimpsing the blonde staring at her behind.

"I see a lot that I like." Emma shoots back flirting easily with the beautiful woman.

Regina shakes her head and loops her arm through Emma's as they head for the door.

Within a half hour they are on an elevator up to the penthouse suits where the party is being held.

Everything is in full swing as they walk in.

Regina pulls on Emma's arms.

"Remember let me do the talking."

"You're the boss ma'am." Emma replies with a dazzling smile that momentarily makes Regina weak in the knees.

For a second she forgets she's there to make her cheating ex jealous and that Emma is here to do a job despite the back and forth flirting between the two of them.

It's not long before she happens upon said cheating ex.

Regina is almost seething with rage when she sees who Mal has brought as her date.

"You really are scraping the bottom of the barrel aren't you Mal? Gwen? Really?"

"Bottom of the barrel? Her father is a senior partnerRegina. She's only a bottom in one place, I'm sure you know where that is."

"She's practically a mailroom clerk, good luck with that."

"And where's your date Regina?"

"She's right here Mal, I'm literally holding her hand."

"Oh, I'm sorry I thought you were baby sitting someone's child. A little young for you, isn't she Regina?"

"Emma is not a child, I assure you." Regina says as she runs her hands possessively over her dates rock hard abdomen.

"Emma, what a lovely name. Lucky for you Regina, it's not a school night. Does she have a curfew?"

"Uh..Regina would you like to get a drink." Emma asks trying to defuse the situation.

"Yes, sweetheart I would love that." The brunettes answers as she drags Emma off toward the bar.

Mal watches as the two women leave. She feels a tinge of jealousy surge in her chest. Even though she's almost certain she no longer wants Regina, under no circumstances does she want that hot "daddy looking" blonde near what is...errr was hers.

Emma in the mean time realizes that her purpose is not really just to be a date but it's to make that woman Regina was fighting with jealous.

She is a little sad that there's now no chance she'll get to bed the woman who's had her cock straining painfully against her compression shorts for the last hour.

"How the fuck did Regina even get a date that fast?"Mal complains to an uninterested Gwen sometime later as she watches her former girlfriend laugh at some silly joke Emma is telling her.

Regina for her part unexpectedly is having a really good time.

Emma is smart and funny.

She wonders briefly what it would be like if her and the blonde were just here on a regular date?

"Hey, do you want to dance?"

"Sure." Emma replies as she takes the smaller woman's hand and leads her to the dance floor.

Regina again is surprised by Emma.

The taller woman is spry on her feet with practiced moves.

The blonde pulls her close as a slower song starts playing.

For the first time tonight Regina is pressed up against Emma's front.

Nothing on her face gives away the fact that she can totally feel the blondes well endowed asset through what Regina can only guess are compression shorts under Emma's tailored pants.

"Are you okay?" Emma asks separating a bit from Regina. Though she knows her profile lists every physical thing about her, she hopes Regina took the time to read through all her stats or this is going to be really awkward and humiliating.

"I'm absolutely fine." Regina says stepping forward, plastering her to body to Emma's.

What Regina thought would be an absolutely unbearable night turns out to be the most fun she has had in a while.

Emma is the perfect date.

The only sadness she feels is when they walk back to the limo. She spots Mal and Gwen practically fucking while sitting in Mal's car in the parking lot.

Tears rim her eyes but never spills.

Emma who was sure up until this moment that she would bed Regina in a heartbeat if given the chance, decides against doing so.

Clearly Regina is not over whatever is going on with that Mal person and Emma wants none of that drama.

It's almost past 1 o'clock when the limo pulls up in front of Regina's mansion.

The tan woman has not said one single word since she saw her ex with her hand up her dates dress before they left.

Emma walks Regina to her door.

The brunette quickly puts the key in the lock but hesitates before she turns to Emma.

"Would you like to come in? I'd love to have your company for the night." Regina says looking lustily at Emma.

She needs to feel wanted tonight. She can have all her regrets when the sun comes up.

Every part of Emma's body is screaming- yes-but she knows she can't. Other than the obvious drama, she realizes that she is deeply attracted to Regina and the potential of developing feelings for the beautiful older woman will spell nothing but disaster
/for her.

"I'm sorry I'm just not up for company tonight." Emma replies unhappily declining Regina's invitation.

"Emma there are no strings attached, I just...I just need..I'm sorry never mind. I understand if you don't want me either."

"That's just it, I want to attach all types of strings to you." Emma thinks.

Emma steps forward and cups Regina's face.

She runs her thumbs along the beauty's sharp jawline before she tilts her head down and kisses Regina deeply.

Emma takes her time kissing Regina. She sucks the the smaller woman's tongue into her mouth and smiles when the brunette moans into her mouth. Emma makes sure to press into Regina enough so that the smaller woman can feel how hard she is making her.

Regretfully shepulls back.

"Trust me when I tell you, I want nothing more than to take you on every surface inside this house but you seem to be hurting and maybe sex with someone you don't know is not the best way to go. You deserve to be worshiped by someone who loves you." Emma

"Thank you Emma." Regina says looking at the blonde for a moment before she turns and steps inside her home. She stays leaning against her front door for the longest while.

"That was so sweet and what a kiss? Maybe she is right? I just need some time to sort myself out and not jump into bed with strangers." Regina sighs. She can't remember the last time anyone has thought about her feelings or about what was best for her.

Emma in the mean time curses herself all the way home.

"What the ever loving fuck is wrong with you Swan? You could be banging one of the hottest women you've ever had the pleasure of meeting, right this very second but you had to go ahead and do the right thing."

The limo stops at her apartment in the city.

She's home.

"Fuck, I'm probably never going to see her again." Emma thinks as she steps through her front door.