"I'd rather have bad times with you than good times with someone else. I'd rather be beside you in a storm than safe and warm by myself. I'd rather have hard times together than to have it easy apart. I'd rather have the one who holds my heart."


"No, Sherlock. I need you. Even though it's never been easy loving you, I love you and will continue to love you forever. Please don't try to tell me I'm wrong or that I'm being sentimental, because goddamn! I am sentimental! I love you!"

Sherlock's eyes welled with tears.

"I- I love you too."

John looked up sharply from where he was sitting on the ground with his head in his hands. Sherlock crouched in front of him, hand combing through his hair.

"You- you do? Really?"

"I do." Sherlock said this with such a honest, nervous face, even as his voice held steady.

John's hopeful face burst into a smile, even as joyful tears streamed down his face.

"I never thought I'd hear you say that. And now- now you did… I don't know what to do."

"How about this."

Before John could think about what that smile on Sherlock's face meant or even begin to decipher what he was talking about, he had lips pressed to his. It was gentle and felt so sweet. Sherlock's hands were on the sides of his face and before John could think about what he was doing, his eyes had closed and his hands were pressing Sherlock's head to him.

When they parted, John's tears had stopped and he was grinning goofily. Sherlock's face mirrored his. For a few moments they rested with their foreheads pressing together, looking into each other's eyes.

"I could get used to this." John smirked.

"Be careful what you wish for. You'll be getting tired of me soon enough." Both men knew that while this had been a very real fear when they first met, it was just a thing of the past. Now they used it as a gentle teasing. But no matter how jokingly it was said, there was always the same answer to it.

"Never. Just as long as you don't get bored of my silly little brain."


They leaned against the wall for a few minutes more. Their moment of calm came to an end with a trill of a text message. Sherlock sighed, taking out his phone.

"There's been another murder, John. What do you say to accompanying me?"

"Oh, God, yes!"

As they straightened out the cricks in their necks and shrugged on their jackets, they made small comments here and there, but were mostly silent.

Before racing out the door, Sherlock stopped John.

"John?" He smirked. "I don't suppose you want to try to surprise the Yard, do you?"

"Why, Sherlock! I'd have never thought you to be the type to do such a thing… I'm in." His tone switched to mischievous in an instant.

"Off we go then! Now, should we kiss or maybe just have you casually defend me while calling me your boyfriend? Ooh! Perhaps we could…" Sherlock's voice was cut off by the door closing behind them as they ventured onto the street.

A/N- Well, I've gotten into Sherlock and I've been reading a ton of fanfiction lately, so I thought, why not make one of my own? Anyway, sorry it's so short and I hope you enjoy it! I can't promise anymore stories anytime soon, but I won't be posting anything until I finish it so nothing else goes unfinished. Please leave a review on the way out! Dftba! :)