Okay, Buttercup might act a bit OOC in this chapter, but keep in mind that she's a 6 year old rich girl and I'm the author here, k?

I'm kidding. Maybe ;)


: :

"I hope your room is satisfactory," Boomer Harrington said courteously. Bubbles scarcely paid attention, however, for she was wholly focused on the sight before her. A huge canopy bed with covers in soft shades of pink had floating curtains that fluttered in the slight breeze. The window was huge, with a cushioned sill, and it looked out on a view of hilly gardens with trimmed roses. An old gardener was moving among the plants with a weed cutter. There was a small bathroom on the left as well as a huge old armoire and a wall-length mirror.

"It's lovely," she said, amazed. "I've never seen anything grander."

"You like it?" Boomer Harrington smiled warmly. "I'm glad. If you need anything, you can ask me. We have a few maids – Martha will take your room."

"Maids!" Bubbles gaped.

"It's a big house. It takes a lot of maintaining," Boomer said.

"I'm sure," she replied, closing her mouth quickly, remembering her manners. "Thank you very much."

"Will you come down to tea? That is, if you want to only, of course," he asked awkwardly. He shifted uncomfortably, cursing himself. Since when did his perfect manners and polished speech abandon him in front of a girl?

"Of course I will, thank you. I'll just wash up first."

"Yes." He stood there for a moment and then realized she probably meant this as a hint. "Oh – sorry –"

He left feeling like an utter fool.

: :

Bubbles descended to the kitchen nervously. She had changed out of her gray traveling suit into her simple navy blue skirt and blouse. Nervously, she had checked her reflection in the mirror, then chided herself. Since when had she cared about her appearance?

"Only the children will see," she had said to herself, trying not to include Mr. Harrington in this description.

A maid stopped her at the foot of the stairs. She was a slight young thing, pretty, with brown curls escaping from her bonnet. "Oh, miss, the dining room is over there. Mr. Harrington is waiting."

"Thank you," Bubbles said, grateful. She would have gotten lost for sure, otherwise.

The dining room was spacious and interesting, with all sorts of unique paintings mounted on the wall. Bubbles half-expected to see chandeliers and fancy silverware, but the plates were simple china and Boomer was seated at the front of the long table.

"Miss Utonium," Boomer said, nodding coolly. He had resolved to be much more professional about this whole governess business. "Do sit down."

She took a seat on his right and fidgeted.

"Bertram will be bringing the children," he said.

Bubbles nodded mutely, her stomach growling. Mr. Harrington was being all cool and polite – had she done something wrong? He looked so handsome, with his hair combed back and his tie slightly crooked and his beard finely shaved….

Bertram, the old butler, came in with the four children in tow. The baby Michael was in front, toddling along, and then came Robin, Blossom, and lastly, Buttercup, who dragged her feet and looked at the floor.

"Good afternoon," Mr. Harrington said, smiling at them. He stood up and helped Michael into an elevated seat.

"Good afternoon, Daddy," they chorused.

"I'm hungry," Robin said reproachfully. Blossom poked her and Robin subsided. Michael picked up his fork and banged it softly against his plate.

Another maid brought in a tray of tea and milk.

"So, Miss Utonium," Boomer said, pouring her some tea. "What was your situation before this?" He determinedly did not notice the dimples in Bubbles' cheek and the twinkle in her eyes.

"I want tea," Buttercup said.

"Milk, BC," he said absently.

"I was working as a tutor for a young boy for quite some time, but he moved to Switzerland. I finished up my –"

"I want tea," Buttercup demanded.

Boomer Harrington frowned at her. "You never get tea. What are you thinking?"

"I want it now, Daddy," she whined.

"No," he said firmly, and looked at her for some time until she cowered. "I'm sorry; continue, Bubbles." He mentally swore at himself – what happened to his resolution of calling her Miss Utonium?

Bubbles unbent slightly. "Oh – well, I attended an all girls grammar school until my father could no longer afford it, so, he would always teach me what he knew every night. When his health began to fail him, my neighbor, an aging woman, gave me the books she wasn't using to keep her fire alive. They were the Classics and I read cover to cover every single day. I accepted a teaching position at a local school and that helped me complete my own studies, before choosing to become a governess."

Boomer nodded. "What type of literature do you like?"

"Daddy, I want tea now," BC screeched. She banged her spoon on the table.

"Buttercup," Blossom whispered. "Shh." Robin giggled; Michael copied her and banged his spoon on the table too.

Boomer Harrington looked harassed. Bubbles felt a rush of pity for him, though she couldn't say why. "Buttercup, behave yourself right now," he said through clenched teeth. "Otherwise, you may leave the table."

Buttercup started crying, much to Boomer's dismay, Bubbles' consternation, and Robin and Michael's delight. "I want tea!" Buttercup screamed. "Dadd-y!"

"But – what on Earth?" Boomer looked angry, then helpless.

Bubbles debated mentally with herself for only a few seconds. "Buttercup," she said strongly, "why do you want tea?"

BC gulped. "I want it now," she said irrationally. Bubbles thought briefly that this girl was persistent.


"You drink it," she said angrily. "I do too."

"All right," Bubbles said, not daring to look at Mr. Harrington. "Then take a sip." She deliberately poured black tea into a cup and handed it to the girl, who glared at her and then stared at the cup suspiciously.

She took a sip, and spit it out. At least she didn't spray it all over the table, Bubbles thought. "Yuck," she groaned, and her siblings screeched with laughter.

"I want to try it," Robin demanded, and snatched the cup. "Eeeww!" Michael was giggling so much that he dropped his plate.

"I hate tea," Buttercup declared.

Bubbles finally stole a glance at Mr. Harrington. To her utter relief, he was smiling.

~End Of Chapter~

A big THANKYOU to everyone who has reviewed, liked, followed and just viewed the story. You da shit~
