"You don't need to do that babe I can shop later" Sasha was facetiming Seth at Black and Brave. His hair was matted to his face and sweat poured off him. Her and Rhys had been at home hanging out when she decided to go grab a few things. "It's fine me and the boy needed out of the house" Rhys giggled in his car seat smiling and waving at his daddy.
Seth smiled watching as Sasha reached behind her seat to tickle his little feet. "Okay well you know better than I do what we have"
"Naturally" Sasha teased tossing her hair back as Seth rolled his eyes. "Alright we're going to go in love you. Say love you daddy"
"Ob yew daddy"
"Behave you two. Love you" Seth kissed his fingertips before closing off the chat. Sasha grinned in the rear-view as Rhys clapped his hands. He loved the grocery store; he always got a cookie. After settling Rhys in the shopping cart with his toy robot he had brought they began to walk the isles.
They went to the produce and grabbed some vegetables for supper and wondered down the bread isle. Rhys leaned into Sasha's chest as they wandered around. Heading for the cereal isle Sasha left Rhys in the cart while she grabbed a couple of boxes. Turning around when she heard him fussing as his little brown eyes threw daggers at a younger woman with dark brown hair.
"You must be Seth's newest bitch" Leighla smirked hand on her hip as she stared Sasha down. Ignoring her Sasha leaned down to kiss Rhys's nose earning his signature crooked grin before turning around.
"Two things barbie. Number one don't curse in front of my son. And number two I am absolutely Seth's new bitch and a total upgrade from you" Winking Sasha turned around to see Rhys giggled and waving goodbye at Leighla whose jaw was still planted firmly on the ground.
"Sassy boy like his mommy aren't ya" She cooed at the toddler who shrieked.
"Momma momma"
Kissing his head, they headed off to get his cookie before they paid for their things. Driving home she sang in the front seat to Maroon 5 while Rhys swayed in his seat. His little lips and hoodie covered in cookie crumbs. Once they got home, she strapped Rhys into his highchair with some goldfish crackers so she could unload and put away the groceries.
As she started in on the last bag Rhys began to whimper and rub his eyes.
"One more bag baby and we'll go for a nap" but she never made it through the last bag before Rhys began to sob. Exhaustion taking over his little body as it shook with each sob. Deciding the bag wasn't full of anything that couldn't be left out she scooped him from his chair and brought him over to wash his little face.
Carrying him into his room she changed him into his sleeper with grey and yellow stripes. Closing the blinds and turning on his sound machine she kissed his head smiling as he was already snoring away.
"Momma loves you so much baby boy"
While Rhys slept Sasha finished putting away the groceries and took the chicken out to marinate. Dancing around the house she picked up all the laundry and started a new load. She loved this life; she always wanted a family and with Seth and Rhys everything felt right.
Sasha was so busy dancing and in loaded the washing machine she missed the sound of the front door and steps leading to the laundry room. Seth leaned against the door frame watching her, he loved her so much it quite frankly scared the shit out of him. Spinning around Sasha gasped and grabbed her throat.
"Fuck you Rollins are you trying to kill"
"I'm sorry" He smirked taking her into his arms and against his chest. Pressing his nose to the crown of her head he smiled as she squeezed tight against him.
"I love you" He mumbled against her lips when she leaned up to kiss him.
"I love you more, even enough that I didn't kill your ex today" She grinned batting her eyelashes at him.
"What happened" He groaned; fucking Leighla just could not leave him alone. If he were honest part of him knew she would run into Sasha. She always showed up at the worst times.
"It's fine babe she asked if I was your new bitch"
"You are my bitch"
"You figure huh"
Seth grinned leaning in close "Yup"
Sasha leaned in close for a kiss until Seth closed his eyes and she licked his nose.
"Sucker" She hollered charging down the hallway as he chased her.
When he finally grabbed her, he pinned her against the wall kissing her softly as she melted into him. And like clockwork Rhys whined from his bedroom making Sasha burst out laughing.
"I'm changing his middle name to cock block"