Title: Jealous

Author: Calliope-plantain

Rating: M

Pairing: Regina/Emma

Disclaimer: I do not own Once. All characters in this story sadly do not belong to me; they're simply being borrowed for a little while, and then will be returned. This story was not written for profit and no copyright infringements are intended.

Prompt from Tumblr: Emma and Regina are secretly in a relationship but gossip makes Regina insecure about their sex life.

Beta: Scarlet-Marauder awesomely was my beta. So any mistakes she's missed are her fault ;)

AN: I am trying to use this to inspire me to get back into writing "Famous Last Words" – which is still in the works; just university, my job and health have halted it somewhat. This fic will be 3 chapters at most.

"I don't like the way he's looking at you; I'm starting to think you want him too. Am I crazy? Have I lost ya? Even though I know you love me, can't help it" - Nick Jonas

She was thankful at times like this that she had moved out of her parent's apartment. There was no chance of her getting caught; alone or with her new girlfriend. Shortly after they had defeated Hyde and Jafar but more importantly The Evil Queen, Emma realised no matter how much she had tried Hook and she did not work. All those feelings she was meant to feel with Hook, she had felt with Regina. She doubted no one would be as surprised as her, when she realised this. She had been shocked still when Regina seemed to feel the same. Their relationship was still new and fragile, having only been together nearly 4 months. Though she wasn't even sure they were together. They still did everything they did together before confessing there might be something between them. Lunches, cinema trips, walks on the beach, meals and movie nights over at Regina's. Just Henry was not as present as he had been before, and for the last 2 months they had been sleeping together whenever Henry slept out at his grandparents or at a friend's. No one else knew about their new relationship. They had both decided to explore what this was between them before sharing it with their family and friends; and for right now it was working. Regina had slept over last night, under the guise of helping Emma prepare for an important meeting with fairies about funding for the convent. She had wanted to go to them as the Sheriff not the Saviour which had led to her feeling anxious. Emma had found herself tossing and turning all night, switching between feeling apprehensive and silly for worrying so much.

Regina must have sensed Emma had not slept well or that she had felt uneasy about the day ahead because the former queen had pulled her in extra close and gave her a well-placed kiss with a whispered good morning. There was something about seeing Regina moments after waking; something so vulnerable and extraordinary that if Emma allowed herself to think about it for too long she felt a strong tug within her chest. A feeling she was not ready yet to identify with a woman she had yet to call her girlfriend, despite both of them knowing that was exactly what they were to each other. The well place kiss however soon turned into one which was deeper and more forceful; and soon found both women naked upon the blonde's bed. Disappointingly though it did not matter how far from Emma's mind she tried to force her anxiety she found she was too tightly spun to let go. While she had enjoyed watching her bed fellow writhe in ecstasy under her administrations while Regina tried to return the effort, Emma found she was unable to fall over the edge when the brunette did. Shamefully she found herself pretending she had as to not upset Regina; it was hardly her fault Emma was worrying so ridiculously.

However the fact she had been able to get so worked up, without being able to find release had meant Emma had been so incredibly turned on all day. Part of her knew she should wait for Regina who had said she would sleep over again tonight as Henry was away on a school trip and would not be back until the weekend. She knew she could wait and it would be better than anything she could do, but she couldn't wait. She had to take the edge off; it was not her fault her girlfriend, not girlfriend was unbelievably skilled and fiercely hot that she could not wait. Emma started removing her clothes as soon as she crossed the threshold of her room, and she was completely shed of all garments by the time she entered the bathroom.

The cold air almost stung her heated flesh as she pushed the shower door open. The cold floor even clung to her slightly clammy feet as the glass door clicked behind her. Emma turned the shower on, instantly heating the small shower space as the cold water rain down upon her. The displeasure soon evaporated with the oncoming steam as Emma allowed the water to wash over her washing away her day, but none of the desire that burned within her left; that remained, strong and raging. Her right hand slid down the opposite arm; once, twice, three times. Emma closed her eyes as she pictured Regina showering her body with attention. Regina's slender fingers trailed across her clavicle, tracing every dip and peak. The blond felt her breath hitch. The brunette's fingers feathered their way across her skin like a breeze while the shower poured down onto her causing her hair to cling to her face. Emma's other hand rose and pulled the unwanted hair tie from her wet mane letting the tie fall somewhere upon the shower floor, her eyes still clammed shut.

Regina's fingers danced their way down the valley between Emma's breasts causing her breath to hitch. Emma leant backwards until her back rested on the newly warmed tiles to remain upright. The wandering hand grazed her hardening nipple, causing her to gasp out right. The nub was soon swirled and pinched. A moment of disappointment and almost crazed desire followed as Emma realised even in this fantasy the warm water was not as good as Regina's hot mouth and touch. Another almost painful tweak by the invading hand had the blonde groan loudly. The other breast received the same treatment. The throb in between her legs was almost painful. Her hips bucked into the hand travelling down her soaked body. The nimble fingers slid over her trimmed hair, catching her swollen clit; causing her to gasp and her lower half to thrust forward. Her eyes almost shot open and it took more determination than she realised she had just to keep them closed and keep this fantasy going.

The Mayor's finger traced her swollen core, making Emma's hips jerk, legs quiver, and her breathe to shallow even further. Before she slipped over, Emma lowered herself until she was sat on the warm floor, back pressed against the wall and foot pushed into the shower door. Regina's hand only ceased movement for a moment, before caressing her engorged nub. Emma all but yelp, jerking upwards to gain more contact. The long fingers slipped into her core with little resistance. Her breathing was fast and shallow now, and she could feel her heart pound against her ribcage. Her own juices coated the invading digits easily as her walls tried their hardest to grasp them. Emma's head lull slightly to the side, making sure her face was not in the water's path. In her mind's eye she could see Regina's face looking down upon her as her fingers worked their magic, slipping in and out of her folds. Opening her eyes Emma saw through the steamed glass door, those piercing chocolate eyes looking back from above her. She heard her own gasp of breath over the noise of the shower and could do very little as her orgasm rage through her and she rocked against her own hand. It was only once her body stopped involuntarily twitching she realised that Regina, unlike Emma who if she had found her girlfriend in this position would be so intensely turned on, instead she looked pissed. Before Emma could stand on shaking legs, Regina all but power matched out of the small bathroom, without looking back.