chaptered fic; only a heartbeat away 10 (we got to make it soul to soul)
fandom: law & order svu
pairing: rafael barba/olivia benson
word count: 5599 words
note: a bodyguard-ish AU inspired by a tweet liked by Mariska and the #BarbaForPrez hashtag. Title of fic and chapter titles taken/adapted from Vixens' Only a Heartbeat Away. More notes at the end.

Barba's words were so sudden, so unexpected, that Olivia thought she had misheard him for certain.

Olivia, I think we should disclose.

She whipped around to face him, an expression of shock and surprise on her face. "Excuse me? What did you just say?"

He met her gaze steadily, his chin raised, his face serious and determined, telling her that she definitely did not hear him wrong. "I think we should disclose," he repeated, with his customary confidence. But knowing him as well as she did, she did not miss the flicker of apprehensiveness in his eyes, betraying his nervousness.

"Rafa…I…" she pushed her fingers through her hair, her thoughts racing and tripping over one another. "Why the sudden desire to…what brought this on?"

He shoved his hands into his pockets, shoulder lifting in a slight shrug. "I just feel like I don't want to hide anything anymore." He stepped closer to her, and picked up her hand in his. "Olivia, I…"

She looked at her watch, shaking her head. "Rafa, this is not a conversation to be had, not right now. You have to leave in precisely eight minutes, in fact, and this…"

Amaro's voice chose that moment to crackle over her earpiece. "Car's ready, Benson." Sighing, she rubbed her temples slightly and extracted herself from his grip. She did not miss the flash of hurt fleeting across his face, and felt a stab of guilt as the President instantly recomposed himself, arranging an expression of casual indifference. "We have to go."

"But we will talk about this later," he said affirmatively, his tone leaving no room for arguments. It was a tone she recognised very well, and she knew effectively that, whether she wanted it or not, whether was she even ready or not, they would be having that conversation.

Olivia stared at her tablet in front of her. The President's security schedule for the next day was pending her run-through and her clearance, she had about twenty emails to respond to, and another five phone calls to make, and yet, she was just sitting there. Her fingers were tapping and typing – gibberish, most of it, because she was not concentrating, but she had to assume the demeanour of being completely distracted by work, so that Barba would not attempt to have the conversation with her.

Barba, on his part, was looking out of the window, his face pensive. To her relief, he made no effort to talk, but his fingers were tapping repeatedly on his knee, a sure sign that he was preoccupied by his thoughts.

Maybe he was rethinking about what he had said, the whole matter about disclosing their relationship. Did she want him to have second thoughts about it? Surprised, she realised that she perhaps did not necessarily want that.

But still, he wanted to disclose. Everything was still so new, and uncertain, and did they really want to take the step of disclosing? That seemed like such a huge step – bearing in mind that they had been seeing each other – officially anyway – for about six weeks. That was, if she was to count from the moment he took her hand in the hospital and told her he wanted to try being with her. The in-betweens had consisted of small moments between meetings, briefings, quick lunches and dinners (with other people and other agents in presence) and coffee runs. And that one dinner, which was ruined by Yelina, but thankfully had ended on a good note.

But even as the thoughts ran through her mind, she knew that it wasn't just six weeks, not really. They had been dancing around each other a lot longer than that – the looks, the inadvertent touches that were more deliberate than they had seemed. They had started off with very defined roles, where lines were clearly drawn, as they always had been, and she had no intention of ever crossing the boundaries. But somehow, a genuine friendship had sprung up between them, and that was when she started to see a side of him that he had never shown to anyone else – the sweet and slightly vulnerable side under the snarky, sarcastic and confident demeanour.

She had crossed the line long before she realised it.

But she couldn't help herself from worrying about what disclosing would mean for her, for them. Would it affect her job? It would, wouldn't it? By the standard operating procedures, she should've disclosed, from the moment she started having unprofessional feelings for Barba. Personal feelings meant that professionalism could and would be compromised. She was open to the liability of acting emotionally.

Dropping her tablet onto her lap, she sighed, realisation crashing upon her. She had, for the lack of a better word, fucked up on this. By right, she should've removed herself as the head of his security detail six weeks ago, or maybe even earlier. But she wasn't thinking clearly or carefully, and it had all happened so quickly, the shooting, their honesty in facing the existing feelings between them, the exhilaration of being with him…she had lost the sight of her role.

For someone of her position, it was pretty much an unforgiveable oversight. But she didn't want to give it up. She worked hard to get to where she was, she made sacrifices, and she actually loved her job, despite the dangers it posted. She loved the planning, the detail, the rush when everything fitted together. And well, there was the matter of the person she was protecting. She didn't want to give it up. Not in the slightest.

But if they disclose, it would not be her decision anymore. And it may come down to her having to choose one or the other; her job, or her relationship.

Maybe I shouldn't have taken that final step. Maybe I should have just learned to dealt with my feelings, and kept things professional. Maybe I should've told him no. Maybe we should just go back to how we were. Things would be so much easier.

Even as the thoughts ran unfettered through her head, deep down, she knew that even if she was given another chance, and knowing all that she knew now, she would have still said yes. She would have still opted to take the chance.

Well, shit.

Her feelings for Barba, evidently, ran much deeper than she had realised.

The stress of the day floated away as the door opened to reveal her son, smiling excitedly. She had managed to avoid Barba; he was still locked away in a long meeting with Vice President Calhoun at the end of her shift. She had gladly handed the reins to Dodds and headed home for a much-needed breather. Even if she knew she couldn't avoid it forever, she still needed some space to sort out her thoughts.

Conversation between them had been stilted; on one hand, she was glad, but on the other, she missed their usual easy banter, with the usual jabs in between.


Laughing, Olivia opened her arms as her son launched himself at her for a long hug. "Hello, my darling. Did you have a good day at school today?"

"The greatest," he chattered, his face excited. "I painted a turtle for you, Mummy!" He held out a coloured picture of a green turtle with a multi-coloured shell.

She took the picture, gasping in admiration. "Look at the colours of the shell! Is it a super special Super Turtle?"

Noah just looked at her. "No, Mummy, it's just a turtle."

"Well, it's a beautiful turtle, baby. Let's put it up on the fridge, shall we?" She took Noah by the hand, and waked into the kitchen, only to come face to face with Trevor Langan.

"Trevor," she said in surprise, as Lucy hurried behind her with Noah's school bag and lunchbox. "Oh Liv, sorry! I didn't get a chance to tell you Trevor wants to see you. He only got here about five minutes before you did."

"That's fine, Lucy," she brushed off Lucy's apologies, looking at Trevor curiously. "What's the occasion, Trevor?"

"Liv," he came forward and gave her a friendly hug. "I tried calling you, but you weren't picking up. Did you see the message I sent you?"

Olivia winced, drawing her personal phone out of the pocket of her blazer. "I'm sorry, Trevor, work has been crazy today, and I hadn't had the time to even look at my non-work phone."

Trevor nodded, saying nothing. He had not asked for more details about her job, not even after seeing President Barba paying her a special visit at the hospital. He knew the details about her job was confidential, and if he did not need the information on a legal standpoint, he wasn't going to ask her about it.

Lucy, sensing maybe they needed some privacy, held out her hand to Noah. "Come on, Noah, let's get you into the tub for your bath."

As Noah went off agreeably with his babysitter, Olivia turned to Trevor. "Can I offer you a drink? Tea, coffee? Maybe a glass of wine?" She asked, moving towards her fridge.

"Tea is fine, any kind will do." He took a seat at the kitchen counter and accepted the mug she handed him. "So…I have news."

Olivia's shoulders tensed, as she paused in the midst of sipping her own cup of tea.

"It's good news, don't worry. The adoption process has been finalised." Looking at her, he gave her a huge smile. "It's all done. Noah's yours."

She let out a little gasp as tears of relief sprung into her eyes. After all these months of waiting and praying and hoping…the journey has finally come to an end, and Noah was hers. For now and for always.

Jumping up, she gave Trevor a huge hug, tears spilling over. "Thank you…thank you so much for everything, Trevor."

He drew back and smiled, patting her on the shoulder. "All part of the service, Liv. Besides, I have never wanted this more for you and Noah. I'm glad I managed to help."

"So what happens now?" She asked, wiping away her tears.

"The finalisation hearing has been scheduled for next Monday, ten o'clock in the morning. I would suggest you set aside the entire morning for this, but it should not take long. "

"Right, yes, of course." She pulled out her work phone and swiped to her calendar. Thankfully, she had the entire day off, as Barba was scheduled to be in Ohio for the day, and Dodds was in charge of that. "Can I share the news, or do I have to keep it under wraps?"

"Planning to tell your boss? By that, I mean the boss, of course." Trevor raised an eyebrow, a teasing note in his voice. The professional side of her life was semi-classified, but not the personal side, as far as he knew. They had developed an easy friendship throughout the adoption process, and he felt comfortable enough to tease her a little about it.

Olivia flushed, shooting him a look. "I was going to tell Lucy."

"Ah, yes, Lucy."

She heaved a sigh, and looked at him. "Anything you want to ask me directly, Trevor?"

"Only if you want to tell me," he returned, lifting his shoulder in a shrug.

"I don't know if there's anything to tell," she muttered, taking her mug to the sink and rinsing it out. It wasn't exactly a lie, she told herself. It wasn't as if she didn't want to tell him – Trevor was a good friend and she trusted him – but it was all so…complicated. Especially now.

Which was really ironic, because Barba wanted to define things.

Sensing her discomfort, he moved towards her and squeezed her shoulder quickly. "I'm sorry, Liv, if I made you uncomfortable…but I just want you to know, anytime you need a friend and an ear, I can be that, okay?"

Touched by the sincerity in his eyes, she smiled and squeezed his arm briefly. "I know, and I appreciate that."

"All the paperwork that needs your attention in is here." Trevor handed her a folder of documents. "I'll leave you to share the good news with Lucy and Noah."

"You're welcome to stay a celebratory dinner," she invited, accepting the folder. "It's pizza night tonight."

"Thanks, Liv, but I have somewhere to be," he said, glancing quickly at his watch. "I'll see you next Monday at court, okay?"

"You can definitely count on that, no question."

"We're not going to compromise on this," Barba leaned forward and tapped on the document to emphasise his point. "I will not agree setting up more 'processing centres' at the border, you and I both know that's euphemism for detention centres."

"I know, and I'm on the same wavelength, Rafa," Calhoun held up her hands in a placating gesture. But the House Republicans have been increasing their pressure, we have to…pacify them somehow. If we can make some concessions on this matter, then on the front of the health policy you've been working on and pushing for…"

"Rita, I cannot sacrifice one thing for another," he snapped. "What you are suggesting is fucking ridiculous, I won't compromise this way."

A heavy silence fell between them as Barba threw his folder on the table and sat back, his arms folded. Calhoun was the first to speak, leaning forward, eyebrow arched. "You want to tell me what's going on with you? I mean…you've always been snarky and tetchy, but it's been on an unusual level today, even for you."

He grabbed another pile of papers and sifted through them, pointedly ignoring her. She sighed, taking off her glasses, and grabbing the papers out his grasp. "We're taking a breather," she said firmly, tossing the papers back on the table. Heading towards the cupboard where she knew the President had scotch and wine stored, she poured a tumbler of scotch and a glass of wine. Handing him the scotch, she gestured towards him. "Okay. Talk."

"I have nothing to say."

"Rafa, we've been friends for nearly thirty years, so you know how this is going to work. I won't stop pestering you until you talk, so you might as well get it over and done with," she said, matter-of-factly.

He glared at her. "You're a major pain in my ass."

"And you know you're grateful for it. So? Is it our esteemed deputy director of the Secret Service that had you in such a marvellous mood?"

He grunted unintelligibly, sipping his scotch.

Rita smiled smugly. "I'm taking that as a yes."

"I told her I want to disclose our relationship," he finally admitted.

She blinked, surprised, nearly choking on her sip of wine. "Okay, wow. That's actually kind of huge."

"I'm not talking about a press conference to the whole of America, of course, just internally."

"And I'm guessing that conversation didn't go well?"

"It was hardly a conversation," he frowned. "I said we should disclose, she immediately said she couldn't talk about it, and it was left at that."

"Okay," she nodded. "Can I ask, why is it that you suddenly wanted to disclose?"

"It wasn't sudden," he grumbled. "I have been thinking about it. It's just…it's hard, you know? Everything has to be so…covert. I couldn't even have a proper, personal dinner with her without the whole dog and pony show of security or what not. I want to be able to spend some private time with her, I want to take the relationship further, and I can't do it without giving definition as to what she means to me."

Rita was quiet for a moment. Love and relationships never meant much to him, that much she knew, or rather, he had not allowed them to mean anything. She had been there, first hand, for the Yelina debacle, and he had never permitted himself to be invested since, until now.

"You know there will be certain repercussions once you disclose. She most probably will be taken off your security detail. And knowing Tucker to be the ass he is, there is a possibility he might decide to discharge her from the Secret Service, on the reason of her not being forthright from the moment things changed between the two of you."

"I won't allow that," Barba said, a flash of anger in his eyes.

"And you have certain provisions to make sure that that doesn't happen, of course," she acknowledged. "I'm just saying that you have to know it won't be business as usual. You will be asking her to make significant changes to her career."

"Are you saying that we should not disclose?"

"I'm not saying that," she clarified. "Both of you deserve the opportunity to work this relationship out, openly and all. I like Olivia Benson, and I think she's really good for you. I've seen her putting you in your place, and God knows, you need that. What I am saying is, you need an honest, heart-to-heart conversation about where you want this relationship to go, before taking this step. Think about what this means for both of you."

"I want this relationship to last…" he paused suddenly, realisation washing over him. He had not felt like this in years. I want this to last. I want us to last.

"I can hardly believe I am hearing this from you...but it's good. It's great, in fact. I'm so glad to know that you're not actually dead on the inside."

"Calhoun…" he said warningly.

She held up her hands in surrender. "I'll stop...but seriously, if you ask me? You can make this work. Just…talk to each other openly. And try not to be a stubborn ass."

"Oh, very sound advice."

"I know," she smirked. Reaching out, she patted his hand briefly. "But Rafa…I'm always on your side. You know that."

"I do," he said, his face softening. "And I've always appreciated that."

"Good that you do," she picked up her glasses, and slipped them back on. "Now with that little bit of soul baring out of the way…back to work now, President Barba."

Olivia stopped outside the President's office, her hand poised to knock on the door. In midst of coming to terms with the joyous fact that Noah was now officially her son, Barba's question and their relationship was never far from her mind. She had avoided the conversation for the last thirty-six hours; now it was time to have it. She knocked on the door firmly, and waited for permission to enter.

"Come in," Barba's voice sounded from within.

Mentally preparing herself, she took a deep breath for good measure, and pushed the door open. Calhoun looked up from her seat across Barba's table and gave her a brief smile. Standing up, she gathered some papers in folders, reaching for her briefcase. "We're finished for the day then, Rafael?"

"Not quite, I'd say," he tapped his pen against the table. "But if you must go…"

"That I must," she clarified. "Deputy Director Benson," she acknowledged, nodding as Olivia approached.

"Have a good evening, Vice President Calhoun," Olivia murmured as Calhoun walked past her, with two Secret Service officers following closely behind.

As the Vice President left the room, Barba cleared his throat. "Agents, if you could give me and Deputy Director Benson a moment of privacy, please." The remaining agents' eyes flickered to Olivia, and at the perceptible tilt of her head, slipped out of the President's office quickly.

They were alone now. She was the first to break the silence. "So…"

"So," he repeated. Standing up, he gestured towards the couches in the sitting area of the office. "I think we'll be more comfortable there?"

They moved towards the three-seater, sitting down side by side. He surprised her by taking her hand immediately, linking their fingers together. "First off…I want to apologise for springing it on you when we hadn't really talked about it. But I meant what I said. I think we should disclose. I want us to disclose."

She nodded, squeezing his hand in response. "I want to apologise, too. I didn't mean to be abrupt or evasive…it was just sudden, and a lot to take in. But…you're right. I should have disclosed to Tucker once the…circumstances of our relationship changed. The fact that I didn't…"

"It shouldn't have to have bearing on anything," he interrupted quickly.

Olivia glanced at him warily. "You know that's not true. There are protocols…"

He dropped her hand, his face darkening in a scowl. "I am so sick of all these protocols…"

Sighing, she nudged his knee with hers. "I know you are…god knows how many times I've heard you said that." A ghost of a smile flickered across his face as she continued. "But protocols are protocols, it comes with the job, both yours and mine. And I have to let you know, that if we disclose, I will be taken off as the head of your security detail. And…" here, she swallowed hard. "I may possibly lose my position as the Deputy Director of the Secret Service as well."

Barba shook his head, his face determined. "I will not let that happen. You worked fucking hard to get here, I will not allow our relationship to jeopardise it."

"Rafa, I appreciate that," she said, placing her hand on his knee. "But facts are facts, you need to understand that."

"You seem to forget, Liv, that I am the President. There are certain things that I am prepared to exercise my executive power for. It is ridiculous to punish you for having feelings." Pushing his hand through his hair, he tried to explain further. "I just want an internal disclosure," he said. "All I'm thinking of is a briefing to the Secret Service team and my immediate team about…the changing circumstances of our relationship, if I can say that."

"Changing circumstances," she said, amused. "Are we talking about us, or foreign policy, Rafael?"

She sighed, looking down at her hands, suddenly feeling the pressure of the situation. Much as she wanted the relationship, she wasn't entirely sure if she was willing to give up all that she had worked for. And with Noah's adoption being finalised, she did need her job to secure it. But then again, she wasn't willing to give up what she had with Barba either.

"Liv," he said. "Can I tell you why I wanted to disclose?" At her nod, he continued. "I'm tired of the need to stage an operation just because I want to spend time with you. I'm tired of making up stories about needing personal time when all I want to do is have a pressure free dinner with you. I'm tired of you timing our time together by the clock, and you reverting back to Deputy Director Benson when our time is up. I'm tired of always needing to be conscious about our roles."

He slid closer to her on the couch, the line of his thigh against her. "I want us to just be us, if you get what I mean. I want us to truly be ourselves with each other, and not to be constantly looking over our shoulder. If we disclose, we could do all of that. No more hiding." He stopped, suddenly looking a bit vulnerable. "Please tell me you want the same thing."

"I do," she reassured him quickly, curling her fingers around his. "After having the last thirty-six hours to think about it, I can safely let you know that I do want that, but…I need to tell you something."

He waited for her to continue, his eyes apprehensive.

"Noah's adoption has been finalised."

A smile broke across his face as he pulled her into a quick hug. "That is wonderful news. I'm truly happy to hear that." Drawing back, he searched a face. "And I'm sensing a but, a but that does not bode well for our situation."

She bit her bottom lip, nodding. "In the light of Noah's adoption, I can't jeopardise my job. So…"

Barba shook his head and placed a finger on her lips. "No, Olivia, stop talking. I told you, I will not let anything happen to you, employment wise. I can guarantee that."

She gave him a small smile. "Are we talking about an abuse of power in that regards, Mr. President?"

"Don't be ridiculous. Your record speaks for itself. There is no reason, absolutely no reason at all to end your service. I promise you, we can work it out. All I need to know is, are you willing to take this step with me?"

"I am," she placed her hand on top of his. "I am, but…"

"No more buts, Liv," he said determinedly. "Just think, after we disclose, we can be as open as we want about us being together, at least in the vicinity of the staff. We can spend our private time together however we wish, without needing security operations or clearances. I can even…" he stopped, hesitating and then plunged on. "I can even spend time with Noah. I really want to get to know your son, Liv, him and all other parts of your life. I'm ready for this. I know I don't have the best track record in relationships, but you…you're different. You've always been different. I want our relationship to last."

She was momentarily speechless at that, at the sincerity in his voice.

"Liv? Can you say something? I just kind of bared my soul there, so…"

Laughing, she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around it. "So that's how you charmed a nation, Mr. President. I've always admired your penchant for words."

"There's more to where that came from," he smirked, before his expression turned serious. "So? Are we doing it?"

She leaned forward, and kissed him briefly on the mouth. "Okay. Let's do it."

It was one of those extremely rare days where Barba's attention wasn't one hundred percent focused on his morning briefing. As his Chief of Staff was wrapping up his daily schedule, his mind drifted to his task ahead. All the people he needed to be present was there – the Vice President – although she was already in the know -, the Press Secretary, the Chief of Staff, and of course, the Director of the Secret Service. He opted not to involve the Cabinet – there was no need to. Granted, he knew that the news will reach the ears of his Cabinet members eventually, and he would handle it if the necessity arises.

"…and for the last official meeting for the day – Director Murphy has requested a meeting to update you on the situation in China, as well as several other intelligence matters. The FBI director will be present as well." Tutuola snapped his folder shut, looking at Barba. "And that is your schedule for the day, Sir."

Barba nodded, standing up and buttoning his jacket. "Before I proceed to the first item on my schedule, I have something I wish to say."

Faces turned to him expectantly, waiting. He searched the room for Olivia, who was seated in a corner, and caught her gaze with his. "As this is a matter that may mean changes to my security team, I have decided to disclose this, even though it is strictly a personal and private matter that should not have any bearing otherwise." He took a deep breath, placing his hands on his table. "Deputy Director Benson and I are in a relationship."

Silence fell over the room as every head – with the exception of the Vice President, who was smirking to herself – swivelled towards Olivia.

"What the actual…excuse me, Mr. President? Did you just say…?" Tucker's voice boomed out, breaking the silence, as he jumped up, an expression of disbelief on his face.

"I am positive you heard me, Director Tucker," Barba said dryly. "As the Director for the Secret Service, I assume you may have some input as to what this means for my security team going ahead."

"Damn right I have input," he snapped, glaring at Olivia. "When did this happen? I do not think it was yesterday…which brings me to my next question. Why have you not disclosed when the relationship happened, Benson?"

"I accept the responsibility for my oversight," she said calmly. "But as it was, the circumstances were unexpected…"

"But nothing," Tucker hissed. "Benson, you are off the President's security detail effective immediately, and we will have a discussion on whether are you still fit to lead after this."

Even as she had expected it, she felt her stomach dropping. Barba shot her a quick, reassuring look – I've got you – and turned to Tucker. "Director Tucker, it is not in your place to…"

"Oh, with all due respect, Sir, I have every right to…"

"Gentlemen…" Calhoun's voice rang above the rising volumes of both Barba and Tucker. "If I may offer my perspective?"

Tucker's face clearly said no, you may not, but he nodded reluctantly. "Please, Madam Vice President."

She stood up, pacing the room the little. "Disregarding the recent developments, are you dissatisfied with Deputy Director's performance? And please tell the truth. I am sure I can trust you to be unbiased."

He gritted his teeth. "No…I am not dissatisfied. Benson carried out her duties in a perfectly adequate manner, and had been responsible and accountable on every count. Except now," he added snidely.

"Right," the Vice President nodded. "So…is there any reason to remove someone that had been performing excellently, in light of a reason that is extremely personal?"

"Vice President Calhoun," Tucker sputtered. "This is a severe conflict of interest. President Barba, for all purposes, is Benson's boss. Surely you can recognise that."

She lifted her shoulder in a shrug, and looked towards Barba. "Fine, I see your point. But as you have said earlier, I don't think this relationship happened overnight. And you have admitted to having no problems with Benson's performance in the entire duration of her service, so I failed to see why should she be removed, as she could clearly still do her job despite the personal relationship."

"That is not the protocol…" Tucker's face was red with frustration.

"Protocol is not always set in stone," Calhoun interrupted. She shot Barba a smile. "In my view, the President should have the executive say on who he wants on his security detail. As it is, the President can decide."

Tucker rolled his eyes, throwing his hands up in defeat, glowering. Barba cleared his throat, flashing Calhoun a quick look of gratitude. "Deputy Director Benson stays on as the head of my security detail. As we have both clearly demonstrated, our personal relationship did not, and will not have any unwanted effects on my administration, and on Benson's capability."

The Director's face darkened further, and he gave a tight nod. "As you wish, Mr. President."

Barba surveyed the room, a sardonic look at his face. "Well? Does anyone else have any comments?"

"Sir," Rollins spoke up. "On the side of the press, do I need to…"

"No," Barba interjected, seeing the point of her question immediately. "This disclosure is for the benefit of Benson's position, and the ease of operations when it comes to my private and personal movements. My personal relationships are not for the knowledge of the public."

"Of course, Mr. President. But at the same time, I think it prudent to be prepared…"

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, Rollins," he said, a note of finality in his voice. "Anyone else? If not, this briefing is adjourned."

As the staff began filing out of the Oval Office, Barba moved closer to Olivia, placing his hand on the crook of her elbow. "Are you okay?"

"As far as facing the firing squads went…I think that one went as well as it could," she said, with a slight grimace.

"I told you, I will not let anything happen to you."

"I know, but still…" she broke off as she saw Tucker approaching her, a frown on his face.

"Benson, we are still having that meeting. Just so you are informed," he said stiffly. Shooting a look at Barba, he stepped back, gave grudging nod of respect, and exited the office.

"Mr. President, Deputy Director. The state car will be brought around in ten minutes. We will see to it." Giving Olivia a barely perceptible wink, Carisi and Amaro left.

They were now alone in his office. "So…what are your thoughts about dinner tonight?" He asked, his hand drifting from her elbow to her wrist.

Her lips quirked. "You move fast, Mr. President."

"Is that a yes?"

"Oh, all right, it's a yes," she laughed, pressing his fingers against his, as he leaned in, and pressed a kiss to her lips. He let his mouth linger on hers, but she pulled away once she heard two sharp knocks. Stepping back, she gestured towards the door.

"I believe the car is ready, Sir."

"So formal," he teased, grabbing her hand as he walked towards the door.

"Much as I like holding hands with you…" she squeezed his hand before letting it go. "I think it's pertinent that we remain professional in the presence of others."

He mock-sighed in dismay. "Are you telling me there will be no public displays of affection?"

"Nope," she affirmed, ushering him towards the door.

"How disappointing."

"You'll survive."

"I will, I've got tonight to look forward to," he threw her a smirk.

Her smile was wide. "So do I."

Annnd chapter 10's done! There will probably be a small time-skip in the next chapter, not a super long one, but just wanting to kind of gloss over the initial dating period for a bit, and focusing on other potential…issues in the relationship, Noah being one of the main ones.

I'm sorry if this chapter seemed draggy, was trying to work in some supportive BFF times for both Olivia and Barba. Again, I'm not American and I know it's probably impossible that the President and a member of the Secret Service be in a relationship with so little repercussions as per my story. But as usual, when things don't make sense in the real world, I claim artistic license.

Do let me know your thoughts! Comments and criticisms will be much appreciated!

Happy 2020 everyone!