Author's Rant: FINALLY! Ugh, I was determined to get this out! Please enjoy the next chapter!


Text Messages:





Alright Hiten, it's been two weeks. Fine, I get it. I'm a big, stupid jerk. Whatever makes ya happy, kay? Just stop ignorin' me already. M' getting' sick of pretendin' like I'm not bothered by your silent treatment.

. . .

Damn, you are truly a pro when it comes this. I've never had to work this hard to get someone's attention.

. . .

Seriously? That's how we're gonna play it now? After all we've been through, you won't accept my apology?

. . .

Dude c'mon, this is gettin' stupid. Ya know we both said some pretty fucked up shit. S'not like I wasn't hurt by some of the stuff you said too!

. . .

Hiten! I know you're gettin' my texts. I checked FB and saw your status was active three minutes ago.

. . .

God, dude you're being an asshole. Look, if we aren't gonna be friends anymore could you do me the courtesy of at least sayin' that so I can stop wastin' my time?

. . .

Hiten, babe, I'm sorry, alright? How many times I gotta say it until you forgive me?

. . .

Fuck it.

Hiten huffed irritably as he heard the hum from his cell phone vibrating on his pillow. He knew without checking that that was Tsukuyomaru being the stubborn ass he's renowned for. Hiten became so used to ignoring his best friend it became second nature. Both text messages and phone calls were all evaded and with good reason as far as Hiten's concerned.

He learned a new side about Tsukuyomaru that he can't quite shake. But that's Hiten's fault for assuming Tsukuyomaru was different from the others. Of course he would be just like other full blooded demons. They can say what they want about half-breeds, but to automatically class all humans as prejudice, weak, narrowminded pricks is just unfair. Hell, he wouldn't have been born if his father lived that kind lifestyle.

Hiten flips on his other side when he sees his cell phone screen illuminate his dark room in bright blue. Tsukuyomaru's name flashes across the screen as his signature ring tone, some weird anime tune he picked, plays out. Hiten never thought to change it because, well, it was Tsukuyomaru's. Anytime it rung, Hiten's heart hiccupped and here it still does.

Hiten sighs as he sits upright and grabs his phone. His finger slides to hover over the answer key. Maybe he should answer it. It's time to put this mess behind them. It's not like this is their first fight and Hiten highly doubts it'll be their last.

But then their conversation suddenly revives itself from the back of his mind, surfacing like steam from boiling water and just like that, Hiten remembers why he's ignoring the jerk in the first place.

Tsukuyomaru's name fades away for the last time as Hiten's cell quiets, leaving him in a dark room once more. The cell's replaced on his pillow and plugged back on the charger. Even if he had answered, Hiten knew their conversation would have escalated into an argument. And to be honest, he isn't ready to speak to Tsukuyomaru yet; mainly because he knew he said things he wants to apologize for too. He just doesn't know how to go about doing it after being silent for two whole weeks.

Hiten sighs and flops back on his bed, annoyed with the world and himself. His mind is too full to sleep and he's too lazy to get out and stimulate it into focusing on other stuff.

A sharp knock drums his door. Hiten turns his head to the side and says, "Come in," before his father does with a plate smelling heavenly. Too bad he doesn't have much of an appetite.

"Hey Squirt, it's chow time," his dad softly announces, flicking a lamp switch on. "Why'd ya have it dark in here? Don't tell me you're convertin' into one of those emo weirdos?"

"No Dad," says Hiten. "I finished my chores and wanted some quiet time is all."

Hiten's facing away from the doorway. He does hear when his father placing the plate of food on the nightstand and feels the bed dip to his weight. Then a warm, dry hand gently eases beneath his shirt and rubs up and down the middle of his back. Hiten sinks into his bed and scoots over until his side is pressed into his father's hip.

"I haven't seen much of you, today. You feelin' OK?"

"M'fine, Dad."

"You've been unusually quiet."

"Just tired."



"Oh. . ." His father quiets, which worries Hiten a bit because when Inuyasha Saotome is silent, his mind is busily trying to piece things together in ways too peculiar and embarrassing for Hiten to handle at times. "So . . . is this one of those times you're feelin' confused about?"

See? Hiten huffs out a soft sigh and looks over his shoulder to find his dad awkwardly rubbing behind his head. His hair's tightly bound to the nape of his neck and he's dressed in one of his favorite Wal-Mart black graphic tees 'Kiss My Spatcula' with a pair of grey sweatpants.

"You aren't feelin' sexually frustrated, are you?"

Hiten wants to fall through the floor. His eyes go huge and his face erupts in a burst of deep red. "Dad!" Hiten shoots up frantically waving his hands. "We are not about to have this discussion!"

"Why not? You know you can come to me about this stuff."

"So? Doesn't mean I wanna do it! Besides, even if I was, what would you know about it?"

His father looks put off. "I'll have you know I know enough about all that guy-guy business. Hell, you're here!"

"Dad, that's girl on guy stuff. And I'm bisexual, not gay-gay. Sheesh, pay attention."

"Oh yeah. . . but I thought you liked that Tsu-ku-Tsukuyo-maru, that kid."

Hiten's face slacks against his will. A shadow casts over his eyes as he looks away. "I do, or at least I did."

"Ah, so that's why you've been sulkin' around the house lately." His dad rubs and pats Hiten's hip soothingly. "So, the whole confession thing didn't work out?"

"Nothing like that." Hiten lays back on his side facing his father. "We had a bad fight and I'm not really sure we can go back to the way things were."

His dad lifts an eyebrow. "Why not? Fights happen between friends."

"Nothing like this. Some things were said, it got worse and . . ." Hiten shakes his head and grabs one of his pillows to slap over his head. "Dad, I really, really, really, don't wanna talk about it."

Surprisingly, his father hums an affirmative and shifts off the bed.

As he nears the door, a question comes to Hiten's mind that he never, ever thought to ask his father. "Dad?"

His father pauses at the door. "Yeah?"

Hiten sits up into an Indian style position and timidly looks to the side. "What, uh, made you fall for Mom?"

His father lifts an eyebrow. "That's a weird question."

"Yeah, but you've could've picked another human to date. You know all about the stereotypes associated with them. Instead you chose her, a full-blooded demon. I'm, ya know, kinda curious about what made her different?"

His father leans against the door's frame, arms folded, tapping his elbow. "Well, I won't say it was love at first sight. The woman was a pain in my ass during our first semester of school." He rubs the back of his head and shrugs. "I guess she grew on me and me her. We clicked. Humans and demons aren't all that different in appearance and as much as we get on each other's nerves, I'll never say she isn't beautiful."

"Oh." Hiten drums his fingers over his thighs in deep thought, then, "So it was just a physical attraction?"

"Obviously since you're the result of said attraction," his father teases. "I wish I could say we tried, but neither of us expected a baby."

"So, it's safe to say you would date outside your race again?"

A slight blush colors his father's face. "If they catch my eye and connections are made, I don't see why not. People are people, even if we're different races."

"Gotcha." Hiten smiles. "Thanks Dad."

His father shrugs a shoulder and rolls his eyes. "Glad to be of service, now eat your dinner before it gets cold. And since you're in better spirits, ya better have these dishes washed before you go to sleep."

"Ah Dad, can't I get credit for being on good behavior?"

"Like Hell, brat. There will never be a dirty kitchen in this house."

His father laughs on his way out the door. Hiten playfully rolls his eyes and reaches over to grab his plate. Having this talk helped him feel a little better. Hiten didn't know what he'd been trying to solve with asking his father those questions, but it wasn't until moments later where he learned how unique his father was. Despite his inept social skills, he's as open minded as ever.

All the more reason Hiten wishes his father had friends. Seems like such a waste for someone so cool to be alone. . .

On any normal day, Tsukuyomaru would be looking forward to going to his weight training class, but just like the last couple of days, he just wasn't up for dealing with his teammates and their pestering. He knew an interrogation would happen sooner or later. He just would have preferred it came when he was in the mood to deal with all the questions.

Today, his attitude is far from feeling lenient.

Sure enough, as soon as he came through to head for the school's side entrance, over half the team cornered him against the locker wall. He eyeballed the ten or so male demons and humans in turn, and they all worn the same displeased expressions.

"What the Hell's goin' on with you, Shawl?" asks Renkotsu Miller, the football team's senior captain and Tsukuyomaru's supposed rival for the star running back position.

Tsukuyomaru rolls his eyes upward, pretending to not know what his captain was on about. "Something you wanna get off your chest, Renkotsu?"

"Don't play stupid, Shawl." Renkotsu takes a step forward. "You've been blowing off practice and coach says if you don't shape up fast, you won't be able to play in next week's game."

"Is that right? Guess I haven't been feelin' it lately."

"Is that all you have to say for yourself?"

"Pretty much."

"What's your deal?" demands another team member, some average talented cardinal demon. "You've always had the game's best interests in mind. Now all you do is mope around and act like you're top shit."

"Pfft, he's always been a cocky son of a bitch," snaps another member.

Tsukuyomaru boringly looks at him and sniffs. "I've been named MVP twice, won the OP Award, named Rookie of the Year and told countless times I'm one of the most wanted recruits for the University of Alabama, LSU, Clemson, Ohio and Auburn. You're goddamn right I'm feelin' my shit like a gangbanged hoe. Meanwhile, you're lucky if you even receive an honorable mention."


Tsukuyomaru hears Jura cough into his fist to hide his laugh. He smirks in his direction and then returns to being neutral.

"Anyway," he looks them all over and turns to take his leave, "if there's nothing else, my ride's outside waitin'. I'll catch you gentlemen later."

"Hold a second, Shawl." Renkotsu cuts off Tsukuyomaru's exit, folding his arms. "Listen, I've never been one to hound my team," Tsukuyomaru rolls his eyes over how the captain puts emphasis on the world 'my' "because I never thought there was a reason to. But if this behavior keeps up, I'll have no choice, but to recommend you being benched for the rest of the season."

Tsukuyomaru narrows his eyes. "Do what you gotta do." He shoves past without another word. The rest of the team parts to let him by. He sees the disappointed look in Jura's eyes and sighs. He offers a quick fist pound to the demon in passing and heads out the door.

Renkotsu's If that's what comes of it, so be it. He's never begged for a thing from anyone and he for damn sure wasn't about to start now just to sate someone's ego. Hell, it's bad enough he had to stoop to that groveling shit to get back on Hiten's good side, but see where that got him? No damn where except for gaining a bruised ego.

Tsukuyomaru pauses at the curb of the pick-up point and signals to the marked squad car idling at the back of the lot.


Tsukuyomaru looks over his shoulder.

Jura comes jogging over to him holding a notebook. "My bad man, I forgot to give you this." He holds it out.

Tsukuyomaru frowns at it as he takes it. "What's this?"

"That half-demon you're always hanging me told me to pass it to ya at practice. Since you're probably skippin' again, I'm giving it to you now."

Tsukuyomaru bristles. "Are you serious?!"

Jura looks confused. "Uh, yeah?"

So that's how he's playing things now? Tsukuyomaru can't believe this. This just proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Hiten's either trying to ascend to a new level of this silent treatment or he really plans to avoid Tsukuyomaru for good.

He flips through the contents to find this week's homework and nothing more. Not even a note. Fuck it for real then. If that's how he wants to be, two can play it like that.

"Thanks man." Tsukuyomaru circles his bookbag around to stuff it inside.

"You sure ya good, dude?"

"Yeah, I will be." Tsukuyomaru takes a deep breath and exhales. "I'll catch ya tomorrow."

"A'ight man, peace." Jura heads back inside the weigh room.

Tsukuyomaru hears the car slide into place and turns to open the door and sink inside. "Sup Dad," he murmurs, reclining his chair all the way back.

"Hm," his father hums. "You're missing practice again?"

"Yes sir."


Tsukuyomaru shrugs.

"Answer me."

Tsukuyomaru sighs, annoyed. "I don't feel like going."

"Why?" his father presses.

"Because I just don't."


"Dad, c'mon," Tsukuyomaru whines, turning towards the window. "I don't feel like hearin' a lecture today."

The car rolls to a stop at a red light. Tsukuyomaru doesn't need to look in his father's direction to know he's glaring lethal lightning bolts into the back of his head. Then he hears a low growl and a huff. Besides that, nothing else.

To his shock. He'd at least anticipated being cuffed in the back of the head or something.

Tsukuyomaru does check over his shoulder and looks at his father more closely. It's then he notices the worrying lines creasing his face and the dark circles developing beneath his eyes. To top off the worse of it, his father's hair is in an unkempt plait.

"Dad?" Tsukuyomaru lifts his seat upright. "When's the last time you slept?"

His father looks at him hard. Tsukuyomaru has he decency to lower into his chair. God, he hopes his father's appearance isn't because of him. He can't have been worrying about him, could he?

It is a possibility. Sesshomaru Shawl has never been the type to discuss feelings and emotions. That's always been Tsukuyomaru's thing. He's able to confide in his dad and he's one of the best listeners out there. So, maybe that is what's bothering him. That, plus his job happens to be one of the most stressful careers out there.

Tsukuyomaru sighs guiltily, folding his arms. "M'sorry, Dad. I don't mean to worry you."

His father nods.

"Me and Hiten got into a bad fight; like one of the worse ever. And he's been avoidin' me ever since."

"What was the fight over?"

Tsukuyomaru wipes a hand over his eyes. "Stupid stuff. That match up between you and his dad lead to us sayin' junk and I said some stuff, he said some stuff and it escalated from there." He sinks deeper into his seat. "We haven't spoke to each other since."

"I see." Is all his father replies and leaves it at that.

Tsukuyomaru leans his chair back again and closes his eyes. He felt a little better getting this off his chest. "How's work been?"

"Work is work," his father grumbles. "I'm gonna be pulling overtime tonight."

Tsukuyomaru turns his head. "Again? Dad, that's gonna put you at," he pauses to calculate the number and flinches at the sum, "whew, over eighty-eight hours."

His father shrugs.

"Aren't you tired at all?"

"I'm fine."

It sure doesn't sound like it. Tsukuyomaru opens his mouth to protest on his father overexerting himself, but thinks better of it and leaves it alone. Even if he does comment on his dislike of it, his father will make up some excuse saying they need the money for this or that. It isn't like he doesn't have a decent check, especially since his promotion to a corporal, but they're still trying to catch up from when he'd been let go from his previous job. Tsukuyomaru just assumed they would have leveled out by now.

"I could—"

"No," his father sharply cuts off. "I only want you focused on your school work."

"But Dad, it doesn't have to be a permanent job or even a full time one. I can work on the weekends and get my own money. I can pay for my equipment too. At least that way you can handle the bills and stuff. Or I could help with that too—"

His father looks at him hard. "I said no, Tsukuyomaru. Drop it."

Tsukuyomaru bites his bottom lip and stubbornly looks out the window. "Fine," he grunts. "It's not fair you get to worry about me, but it's full battle mode when I care 'bout your welfare. Nevermind the fact that you're all I got. Who cares if somethin' happens to you—"

Tsukuyomaru flinches away when he sees his father's hand coming towards him. But it comes to land on his head and as soft as a feather's stroke, long pale fingers card through his banes and move around to massage his neck. Tsukuyomaru chews on his bottom lip and sucks in a shaky breath.

The hand stays there until they arrive home. The car is pulled into the drive thru. Tsukuyomaru lets the hand gently guide him towards his father's side and let's himself be pulled into a strong hug.

"I swear nothin's gonna happen to me, son," whispers his father. "Nothing short of death can get rid of me."

Tsukuyomaru nods in the crook of his neck. "Yes sir." He leans away. "Ya know what, we both need to get away."

His father smiles a rare smile. "Good idea. I'll see about settin' something up."


Then his father's smile drops as fast as it appeared. "After your punishment expires."

Tsukuyomaru gawks. "Jesus Dad, you need a lesson in maintainin' joviality."

"Shut up and get out of my car."

Tsukuyomaru chuckles, gathering his things. He exits the car, feeling loads better. "Hey, do you know if Mr. Saotome's gonna come by today?"

"I'll go by the restaurant to pick it up. Make a sandwich until then."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Tsukuyomaru pats the car door and steps back. "See ya in the mornin'. Love ya!"

"You too, son."

Tsukuyomaru makes his way to the front door, smile lessening for every step taken. It's as he walks through and makes sure his father's driven away that he makes his way to the kitchen with little expectations. His father hasn't really been home much so. . .

How could he really notice when there's barely any food left in the fridge?

Tsukuyomaru sighs at the few items inside and grabs a bottle of water. Whatever's left inside, his father can have. It isn't like he doesn't eat good at school anyway.

Inuyasha normally can't stand having a slow day at the restaurant, but with today being Books Day, he and Koga were afforded the chance to do a thorough run-through of their finances. He'd gone through them three times already. Koga's doing his last two scans to double check behind Inuyasha incase an oversight was made.

Of course, none's happened this far. Inuyasha's confident in his accounting skills, but it never hurts to be extremely anal, especially when it comes to money.

He'd just completed helping the busboys flip the chairs in the VIP section and came into the main lobby where Koga looked at him from behind the receptionist desk.

"Your books look good, chief," Koga compliments, pen tapping his chin. "Not that I expected anything less."

"You finished with the budget books too?"

"Yep." Koga bends over to retrieve the other two large books and places them next to the main accounting one. "Production's gone up fifteen percent from two weeks ago."

Inuyasha, shockingly, smiles a genuine smile. "Really? That much? I hadn't thought to do a comparison yet."

"No, really, the numbers don't lie. You oughta be proud of ya'self."

"Must be the events."

"Maybe. I'd say they play a good part of it, but's the service and food quality. At this rate, you'll be opening another spot in no time."

Inuyasha rounds the desk to hunt through the top drawer until his fingers bump into his calculator. He grabs a pen after checking the numbers and makes some quick calculations, affordable losses and what equipment to purchase to replace or bring in. When it's all done, he holds up the remaining numbers for Koga to check.

Koga narrows his eyes and whistles, impressed. "OK then, Boss. Color me super impressed."

"I know!" Inuyasha feels excited. Here he'd been thinking it'd be another two or so years before he could think about construction on the next property for another restaurant, but if their profits keep increasing as steadily as they'd been, he doesn't doubt for an instant that the Tessaiga's sister, the Tensaiga. His goal is to have at least five open baring names of demon swords.

The Tessaiga holds a special place in his heart, coming from all those stories he used to hear from his grandfather as a child. It's the hero's first and most powerful weapon. The Tensaiga represents a peaceful, soulful blade, which is why he wants to make the second location a southside brasserie. After that, he'll see what to do for Sounga, Bakusaiga, and Tokijin.

Inuyasha hears a chuckle dragging him from his daydreams. He looks at Koga wearing an enormous grin. "What?"

"You're glowin', Boss. Who'd thought the corners on the sides of your mouth actually turn up."

"Ha, ha, Aren't you done?" Inuyasha's smoothly neutrality returns. "Get outta here. I'll see you bright and early tomorrow."

"Actually," Koga stretches the word so, Inuyasha's nearly kicks him. "I dunno if you remember, but I requested the rest of this week off."

"What? You never ask for time off. And for the next five days? C'mon, Koga, I need you here."

Koga scratches sadly behind his head. "I really wish I could, Inuyasha, but I can't."

"Why not?" Inuyasha demands.

Koga looks to the side, hands sinking to into his pockets, appearing to shrink into himself. It's a posture never thought to associate with someone as confident and boastful as the wolf demon. He always seems sure of himself.

"Well, this'll be the only chance I get to spend this long with my boys. I'm normally off on the weekends, and that's the only time I'm allowed to be around them. This time, their mother's being kind enough to give me a week. So, I thought I'd take the chance."

"You have. . . kids?" Inuyasha asks in wonder. "I. . . I didn't know you were a father."

"Yeah," chuckles Koga. "Kai and Shinta. They're my pride and joy, those two. Wanna see pictures?"

Inuyasha blinks. "Uh, yes, sure." Inuyasha leans over as Koga brings out his cell phone and searches through the gallery until finding a picture with himself and two boys hugging his sides. Inuyasha can't help another smile building. He sees so much of Koga in them, especially in the youngest. "That's great, man. How old are they?"

"Kai's ten and Shinta's six."

Inuyasha nods. "Will you be in town with them?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Why not bring them to the Tessaiga? Show them where you work and offer the best food there is."

"Really? I hadn't thought to."

"Sure, I'd love to meet them."

Koga's rapidly blink. He looks around himself and faces Inuyasha with a frown. "You're serious?"

Inuyasha tilts his head. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Koga shrugs. "I dunno. You're just anti-social. Anytime I ever tried to get you to do anything remotely public, you turn into a recluse."

"Oh." He has a point. Inuyasha rubs the back of his neck. "If it makes you uncomfortable—"

"No!" Koga quickly cuts off, laughing. "No, I'm all for it. It's just weird to hear you initiate it is all. I'll definitely give ya a call about it." Koga tips his head and taps his chin. "We could turn it into a day. Bring your kid too. I've been meanin' to take my boys to the local park."

"I dunno if Hiten's gonna be down with hangin' with kids."

"You never know, he may enjoy it." Koga stretches his arms overhead and cracks his neck. "If there's nothing left to do—"

"Nah, you go ahead, I'll close up—"

The pair are caught off guard as a pair of headlights flash through the lobby windows. Most folks in town know the restaurant closes at nine. Inuyasha motions for Koga to go ahead and head out while he takes care of the latecomer. He unlocks the front door and points to the CLOSED sign.

When blue lights flash in his eyes, his attention focuses on the driver and his stomach clenches. "Damn." That fool. Inuyasha shakes his head and gestures for the idiot to follow him inside. He'd nearly forgot about having to stop by Shawl's house to bring them dinner. He'd had the meal prepped. All they'd need to do is put it in the oven to finish cooking. But seeing as it's nearly ten, he'd gone ahead and did the cooking part for them.

Shawl steps out of the car in full SWAT Team garb, hair tied back and face a blank slant. And here Inuyasha thought he was an emotionless bastard. This guy wears it so much better.

"You can sit in the there," he grumbles with a thumb jerk. "I'll be back with your stuff shortly."

"That's fine," he hears the tall demon mumble and hears him slide into a booth and sit like a rock.

That gives Inuyasha pause. He frowns in the other man's direction, eyebrow cocked. He'd half expected an insult or some kind of snark remark upon arrival, but no such thing happens. In fact, as Inuyasha takes a closer look, he picks away at the unusual way Shawl's body is slumped forward and the uncharacteristic shallowness in his tone.

"Ya good?" He finds himself asking.

Shawl's head slowly lifts, eyes narrowed. "Yeah," he slowly replies.

"You look like you got railroaded by a Mach truck."

"How kind of you to notice."

Nothing else follows. Call Inuyasha a bit paranoid, but people acting out of personality tends to put him on edge. He doesn't like random changes, particularly in people. Shawl's stance is tense, his gaze offset and the low slump doesn't seem befitting a proud demon. Who knows what compelled Inuyasha to feel merciful today, but something tells him his rival hasn't had an overly joyous day.

Inuyasha disappears in the back for a few minutes then comes back with a tall glass of something thick, pink with tiny bits of chopped fruit mixed inside. He places the glass on the table and slides it across. "Here."

Shawl lifts his head again, eyes squinting at the treat. He looks dubiously at Inuyasha with a frown. "I'm not gonna pay for this."

"I didn't ask you to," Inuyasha softly snaps. "It's on the house. Besides, you look like you could use the boost."

"What's in it?"

"Yogurt, Goji berries, bananas, strawberries and kale. S'good for energy boosts without artificial additives."

Shawl eyes the glass. "Why give this to me?"

"I already answered that."

"Hm." Shawl slowly scoops up the smoothie, eyes trained hard on Inuyasha's face. "I hope you wouldn't stoop so low as to snuck laxatives in this. I'd hate to kill you." He sniffs the contents just to be sure.

Inuyasha keeps his cool. The comment didn't have any bite behind it. "So," he leans his hip against the table, folding his arms. "You, uh, need to talk about what's got you lookin' like a kicked puppy?"

Shawl shoots him a dirty look.

Inuyasha smirks. "Pun intended."

Shawl ignores him and takes a sip of his treat. The first taste has his eyes growingly marginally wide. Inuyasha appreciates the indication since the fool can't seem to verbally reveal when he's impressed.

"My offer to listen is still there," says Inuyasha."

Shawl looks at him again. "Why?" He asks after a beat of silence. "You barely know me."

"Exactly." Inuyasha slides into the opposite side of the booth, crossing his arms over the table top. "Since I'm practically no one, there's no fear of judgement."

"No thanks," Shawl said complacently and sighs, voice tampering off. "Besides, it isn't me, I'm concerned for."


Shawl nods.

"So he told you too that him and Hiten are at odds?"

Another nod.

"Yeah, Hiten hasn't been himself since their fight. He only wants to stay home and nothing else."

Shawl sips on his yogurt smoothie, listening.

"I had no idea Hiten even had friends. Or a best friend for that matter. It's affectin' him a lot."

"All the reason why I don't trifle myself with people," says Shawl. "Too much trouble."

"I hear ya there," Inuyasha agrees. "But our sons aren't us. We oughta be grateful. Tsk, look at how much of a dick you are."

"And you bitch more than the average woman."

"Fuck you."

Shawl flips him off.

Inuyasha rearranges himself to press his back against the wall and stretches his legs towards the edge of the booth and rests his chin on the back of his knuckles. "I think. . . I think I wanna help them rekindle their friendship. We may be old assholes, but I'd rather Hiten didn't grow up that way. No one comes in this world to be alone."

Shawl's jaw tightens and he nods. "What do you propose?"

"I'm not sure. I'm no good with arranging setups."

"Nor am I."

The pair go quiet for a few minutes, the silence being disturbed by the quiet slurping coming from Shawl's sipping. Inuyasha looks over at the instant Shawl's glass is nearly empty and he upends it to lick some of it off the rim. Inuyasha's cheeks dust a faint pink and he clears his throat. When the place is placed on the top, he grabs it and leaves to clean it and grab the food from the back.

When he returns, Shawl's stood up and stretched his arms over his head. Inuyasha holds out three foil pans and a Styrofoam container. "The big one's the main dish. Warm it at 475 degrees and the other two at 375."

Shawl points to the Styrofoam.

"That's some leftovers from our company meal. We always fix everyone plates to take home. I know you probably didn't pack a lunch and we just happened to have one left over."

"I see." Shawl opens the top and sniffs the insides. He licks his bottom lip, cuts his eyes at Inuyasha, then out of nowhere says, "Gimme your phone."

Inuyasha looks at him dumbly. "Excuse me?"

"Gimme your phone."


"Just do it."

Inuyasha rolls his eyes but pulls out his phone anyway and hands it over.

Shawl looks at him like an idiot. "Unlock it, genius."

"Jesus." Inuyasha snatches the phone back and puts in the passcode.

Shawl takes it and types in something too fast for Inuyasha to make out.

"What are you doing?"

"Here." Shawl shoves the phone in Inuyasha's chest and turns to leave. "I'll call you."

"Huh?" Inuyasha looks down at his phone to find it back on the home screen. A minute later a number flashes across the screen with a name saying, "Sess-ho-ma-who? What kind of fucked up name. . ." Inuyasha answers. "Hello? Hello, hey do you say your name?"

The other line is silent before Shawl's deep voice filters through. "Sesshomaru."

"Sess-sess. . . OK say that one more time."

". . . You can't possibly be this stupid."

"Shut up, dumbass. You're one with this retarded ass name. Who gives their kid a name with that many S's and syllables."

"I certainly wouldn't talk Inu-Ya—"

Inuyasha hangs up. If he'd known the bastard was doing that, he would've kept his damn phone. Now the asshole has another means of getting on his nerves.

Inuyasha's cell buzzes in his hand, indicating a text just came through. He opens the screen to read it.

That was rude.

Bite me. Why did you want my number anyway?

For personal reasons, ingrate. Be on standby. I will be calling you regarding our sons soon.


Inuyasha replaces his phone in his pocket and sighs. Who knew being around that guy could be so draining. Even if it was only a few minutes, he feels like he's been through a gauntlet. Inuyasha looks around the shop and for the very first time in his life, decides to leave things as they are. He knows it's clean and prepped for tomorrow. Dealing with Sess-sessho—whatever the fuck his name is, left him with minimal energy to deal with anymore bullshit.

TBC: *crawls away to work on My Dreams*