Title: Names

Summary: Gunther angst songfic. Kind of a round about on Gunther's past and present.

Disclaimer: I don't own Friends (I'd be rich) and I don't own the Monkees (I'd be the heir to white out thrown).

Oh I could hide 'neath the wing

Of the blue bird as she sings

The six-o'clock alarm would never ring

But six rings and I rise

Wipe the sleep out of my eyes

The shaving razor's cold and it stings

A couple more pounds and then. the flat line. I've lost her. That is, if I ever really had her. I've been married to her for six years and the thought still runs through my head. *Is she yours? Are you good enough?*

When we first met I didn't want to say her name because if I did it would slide off my tongue like butter, so naturally, I would know that I wouldn't be able to live without her. Caelyn. I don't want to say it now because it reminds that I can't live without her.

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Cheer up sleepy Jean

Oh what can it mean to a

Daydream believer and a

Homecoming queen

Davida. The other name I can't bear to say. I could before, but not now. Because now, that name is all alone. That name used to be filled with joy and giggles and mirth but now sorrow, sadness, and.. I can't be fancy or sound good right now. The truth is with Davida is that she has no mother now and almost no father. I'm nearly all gone. My body's here but parts of me are gone.

Sitting here in this hospital corridor, I have to think of what I'm going to do with Dave (I can't say that name). I could go back to Amsterdam and live with my brother, but I can't go back. Not without Caelyn. I don't know if I can stay in New York. There are not as many reminders of what used to have been. I've lived here for only two years but I've got a job that doesn't need too much work and less English. I'll stay it's easier.

You once thought of me

As a white knight on his steed

Now you know how happy I can be

Oh, our good times start and end

Without all I want to spend

But how much baby do we really need

In truth, I don't think I had Caelyn, Davida, or myself back then. Now I do and I'm not letting do of that.

I've got Caelyn in my heart and in that picture by the TV. I've got Dave here, there, in her room doing her homework, in the kitchen setting the table, and wherever she wants to be. And I've got me wherever I go, whoever's with me, and however I'm feeling.