I do not own the characters! They all belong to the wonderful J.K Rowling!

A/N: I am SO SORRY that it has been so long since I've written! I got married, then honeymoon, then was offered a job overseas in Italy and am now back in the States!

I have just re-read the last 8 chapters and am about to start writing this one, so if anyone has ANY ideas about what they think should happen or plot lines let me know! It will take a little finesse to get back into the swing of things.

So I hope you all enjoy this chapter and will continue to review! Thanks so much guys!

Chapter 9

Dumbledore was sitting in his office contemplating all that has happened the last few weeks. The teachers have all reported that Harry was doing exceptional in their classes and was normally in the top 3 on all assignment grades now. Dumbledore was curious as to this new change in Harry and why all of a sudden? Of course it all very well could be from what happened at the end of last term and he feels the need to avenge Sirius.

I'll have to speak with the boy and see how his term is going so far. Need to make sure he is still compliant. Also need to have him start training with me in learning about Voldemorts past and learning Occlumency from Professor Snape. The discourse between the two should keep him coming back to me for advice and help.

Halloween was soon upon the castle and everyone was getting excited for the feast and festivities. Harry had been meeting Daphne and Cygnus now every week and was fully accomplished in his Occlumency. Partially thanks to his rings for the knowledge, Harry was able to build his mind like a muggle city. Figuring most wizards would not know how to navigate he built roads, trains, buildings, libraries and offices and banks. Inside the bank in a vault he stored all of his valuable secrets, ones that if someone wanted to search would have to go through many combinations of locks and codes to get in. His lesser secretive memories he stored in the library and had them catalogued for easy reference for himself. Others, it would be a little more difficult to find what they were searching for. Cygnus was very impressed and even he did not know how to work his way through Harry's memories and thoughts and told him so.

Harry's and Daphne's relationship had grown and she was finally referring to him as her friend, though Harry knew there was more and made sure to flirt with her every chance he got.

Harry, Neville, Ron and Hermione walked down the hall to the DADA classroom which they shared with the Slytherins. They were early so stood outside.

Hermione had been watching Harry very closely the past weeks and was definitely concerned for her friend. Harry was no longer confiding in her an Ron and sometimes would hardly ever acknowledge they were present. However, she did notice that his friendship with Daphne had grown and was now seen walking and talking with her on a regular basis.

As they were hanging out in the hall the Slytherins approached and with them Draco Malfoy was talking loudly about how his father was trying to pass some new law that hindered females and muggleborns from getting Ministry jobs. Daphne looked downright pissed and from what they overheard Hermione didn't look any happier.

"I'm telling you my father says that this new law is bound to pass and then females will only be allowed to have secretary positions in the Ministry and muggleborns wont even be able to get a job!"

Vincent and Crabbe along with some other Slytherins laughed at this, however Harry noticed that Blaise, Theo, Daphne and Tracey were not. Hermione however being the Gryffindor she is spoke up.

"What are you talking about Malfoy? They can't possibly pass a law like that! It is absurd that women only get secretary positions and muggleborns not at all! Not possible!"

Stopping before the group Malfoy smirked and proceeded to instigate this further with the Gryffindor bookworm.

"And what would you know Granger? You are both female and muggleborn. I doubt you could get a job anywhere in our society, not that we would let you anyway."

Hermione tensing up at this said nothing but merely glowered at Draco. Ron though spoke up.

"Don't talk to her like that Malfoy! Just because your father pays for Fudge to stay in office doesn't mean he gets to choose what laws will be passed and which won't!"

Draco getting angry, "At least my father can actually pay for things Weasley! What good has your father ever done with that measly salary he has in that small dingy office?"

Turning a surprisingly ugly shade of red Ron whipped out his wand and snarled at Draco. "You take that back!"

Pulling out his own wand, Draco responded, "Or you'll do what?"

Not knowing what else to say Ron just sent a leg locking jinx at Draco who, at that exact moment sent a bone breaking curse at Ron. The two curses collided and sent both teenagers spinning down to the floor. Snape then chose that moment to round the corner to see the spells hit the two boys.

"Would someone please care to explain to me why two students are fighting in the halls and with spells no less?"

Hermione spoke up first. "Sir, Draco was talking about a new law his father is trying to pass about females and muggleborns. Ron took offense to that and they both fired spells at each other at the same time."

Looking at Hermione and then at the two boys still being affected by the spells spoke up. "Weasley that will be 10 points from Gryffindor for instigating a fight, and then another 10 points from each of you for fighting in the halls. Now everyone get into the classroom and take your seats! Weasley and Draco take yourselves to the infirmary to see Madam Pomfrey."

Snape cancelled the spell on Draco allowing him to stand up and walk and he and Ron both left the hall to the Infirmary glaring at each other. Everyone else filed into the classroom. Hermione asked if Harry wanted to sit with her since Ron normally did and he sat with Neville but since Ron was gone she didn't have a partner.

"I'm sorry Hermione but then that will leave Neville without a partner."

Neville spoke up, "that's alright Harry I can sit by myself."

"Nonsense Neville!"

Daphne then cleared her throat and Harry looked at her. "Harry, Draco usually sits beside me in class, and since he is gone as well, I would not mind us cooperating in class."

Harry smiled at this and looked at Neville. "You ok with partnering with Hermione Neville?"

Neville smiled and agreed, so Harry went over and sat beside Daphne and started pulling out his textbook and supplies. Hermione scowled but said nothing, not wanting to cause any more trouble for this period. But she would definitely be speaking with Harry about this later on!

Later that evening as the students were heading down to the Great Hall for the Halloween feast Hermione approached Harry.

"Harry, how come you didn't want to sit with me in DADA? Neville could have sat with Daphne."

Turning to look at her Harry responded, "Hermione, Daphne is my friend and since Neville is acquainted with her but not really friends I thought it worked out perfectly. Did you not want to be with Neville?"

Knowing that if he put it that way Hermione would back off.

Showing a slightly shocked expression, Hermione backed up a little bit. "No! That's not what I meant at all! I just wanted to work with you that's all."

"Well maybe next time Hermione." At that moment Ron made is appearance and immediately spoke up about Harry partnering with Daphne and leaving Hermione.

"Ron you have no clue what you are talking about, Hermione and I just discussed this and worked everything out so please back off before you say something stupid."

Getting angry at this Ron responded, "That is it! I am tired of you acting like you are better than me Harry Potter! If I didn't know any better I'd say that whore of a snake Daphne is dousing you with love potions!"

Everyone in the hallway having heard what Ron said froze and listened intently on the 'Golden Trio' that as far as everyone could tell was slowly but surely splitting apart.

Harry having stood there not knowing what to say at first and was mulling it over in his head was getting angrier and angrier about the comments that Ron made about Daphne. Snarling and whipping out his wand he spoke up in a dangerous voice that if Ron hadn't been too thick to realize probably would have backed off.

"Now you listen to me Ronald Weasley. You will apologize about what you said about Daphne or I will personally make you eat your words, and you better do it fast because I am quickly losing my patience with you!"

Daphne having chose that moment to walk around the corner with Tracey Davis, Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott paused having heard her name. Oh no, what is going on now?

She looked across the hall and saw Harry pointing his wand at Ron and Ron with his wand at Harry. Both boys looked murderous and everyone knew this was not going to end well.

"You heard me Potter, Ron spat out. "Your whore of a girlfriend is dousing you with love potions, otherwise you wouldn't be acting this way! I say we curse the lot of them, the filthy snakes!"

Deciding then and there that he was done with Ron's anti Slytherin antics he spoke in a voice so dangerous that everyone in the hall who heard him knew he was serious in everything he said, including one Daphne Greengrass, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, and several other Slytherins.

"Ronald Weasley, if I ever find someone that is as honest, smart, cunning and beautiful as Daphne then I will count myself a lucky man. You however are a spineless, worthless, piece of shit, and if I EVER hear you talking about her, Tracey or any other Slytherins for that matter behind their backs with them not able to defend themselves I will personally send you to Madam Pomfrey for a week straight. You hear me? You are childish, immature, rude, and brash. As are most of the Gryffindor's. If you would get your head out of your ass and see the daylight you would realize this petty feud between Gryffindor and Slytherin is utterly ridiculous! Now apologize about what you said earlier about Daphne and I MIGHT decide to forgive you and your stupidity."

Ron having turned a very 'Vernon like purple' the whole time Harry was talking howled with rage and fired off a string of curses.

"Reducto! Anteoculatia! Petrificus Totalus!

Harry having seen from a mile away what Ron was going to do with the howl of rage he emitted, Dodged the first curse, put up a silent shield for the next to and then without even blinking an eye or muttering any words sent back a string if multicolored spells that no one knew what they were. The only thing anyone saw next was Ron was hanging in the air upside down, having turned a brilliant shade of lime green, sporting a hat that said Slytherin! On the front and was wearing a black dress with green undergarments with little snakes on them.

Smirking evilly, Harry walked up under Ron.

"Ron! I never knew you supported the Slytherins in such a fashion! And what nice underwear you have there! I thought all of your insults to the snakes house was just a front. Looks like I was correct. Good for you for seeing through house rivalry. But alas, this friendship must come to an end Ronniekins. I have grown tired of your attitude and I must part from you. You see you are bringing me down and hindering my progress to greatness! After all… I am 'The Boy who Lived'. And with that Harry turned and walked down the hall with everyone staring after him like he'd lost his damn mind.


Turning around he saw Daphne and Tracey come running up to him. "Well good evening ladies, and what do I owe the pleasure of two beautiful specimens in my presence?"

"Cut the crap Harry, I saw what happened. I want to say thank you for defending me although I would like to know what started the whole thing."

Smiling with a twinkle in his eye, quite like a certain headmaster they all knew he responded, Ah do not worry about that my dear but instead allow me to escort you to your table!"

Smirking at the play between the two, Tracey just shook her head and looped her arm through Harry's outstretched elbow that he offered them. Daphne shook her head and muttered, "what am I going to do with you Potter?"

Tracey laughed and answered while Harry just grinned like a loon. "Well you both could always just quite playing around and actually get together. Everyone knows or at least suspects you two like each other.

At that Daphne stopped in the hallway with an incredulous expression on her face.

"Excuse me Tracey Davis, what did you just say?!"

Harry look slightly taken back and for once had no snappy, flirty comeback for Daphne. Instead he blushed and looked away over the shoulder of Daphne as if there was something veeerry interesting behind her he was studying.

"You heard me. Everyone knows you two have been meeting up doing Merlin knows what and have become rather close over the past few weeks. It doesn't hurt that Harry defended you in front of everyone."

Looking at Harry, who was still looking over her shoulder and then to Tracey she responded, "Yes, but Harry defended all Slytherins, not just me."

Smirking Tracey said "Yes but he DID say that he would be lucky to have you. Isn't that right Potter?"

Still looking away and slightly blushing Harry didn't respond. Daphne blushed slightly and looked over at Harry. "Did you mean it Harry?"

Looking up into those wonderful blue eyes that he gets lost in every time, he just simply nodded his head. Daphne blushed a little more and smiled. She took ahold of Harry's elbow and lead them onward to the Great Hall. However they didn't get very far before they were approached by two 7th year Gryffindor's. "Don't even think of sitting at our table Potter. We heard what you said back there about Gryffindor's. Hanging out with snakes won't help you but neither will we in Gryffindor house any longer."

Coming up behind him Neville had his wand out and spoke up. "Some might not but this Gryffindor is proud to call Harry Potter my friend and says he will always be welcomed into the house and at the table. Care to defend yourself against a heir of an Ancient and Most Noble house?"

Taken aback by Neville's sudden outwardness they had to collect themselves. But before they could say anything someone else spoke up from behind Harry and his group.

"I'd watch your tongue if I were you before you start insulting Potter and the House of the Snakes as well."

Turning around Harry saw Blaise and Theo approaching with both of their wands drawn and pointing at the two older Gryffindor's. Smiling at this new development, Harry turned back around and spoke up.

"I don't know about you boys, putting a drawl on the word boys, but I'd say your outnumbered and definitely out matched. One must always acquire good allies no matter where they are from. Powerful people are powerful people and you would do well to remember that."

The two older students lowered their wands and backed away but didn't stop scowling. As they left Theo and Blaise came and stood next to Harry. "I guess it is out now that we are on your side."

Turning to look at them with concern on his face, Harry said, if that's the case then we need to up the protections for you two. Especially when Malfoy hears about this."

Not knowing what was going on between Harry and the other two Slytherins, Tracey and Daphne shared a look and Daphne then cleared her throat. "Um, Harry? What is going on?"

"Oh sorry Daphne, Blaise and Theo approached me a couple weeks ago and said they did not want to follow in their fathers footsteps. We came to an agreement that they would be my spies in the house and in return I would protect them."

"Yes but that's out now", Tracey responded.

Daphne however looked as if she was thinking something very deep. "What is it Daphne?"

Turning to look at Harry she explained, "well I was thinking it doesn't necessarily have to come out that they are supporting you. Only that they were defending their house. None of the Slytherins will believe the rumors they hear from the Gryffindors anyway. That way you could still use them as spies. They would have to convince Draco though that they are not on your side. But that shouldn't be too hard to do. You will need them especially if… " And Daphne muttered something.

"What was that Daphne?" Harry asked. Blushing slightly she looked up and spoke up. "well….if we start you know.. seeing each other… I wont really be that much help."

Looking as if he both won the lottery and lost it at the same time Harry could only stand their speechless. Meanwhile Tracey laughed out loud and both Blaise and Theo changed their expressions from surprise to that of smirking. They also knew something was going on between the Golden Boy and the Slytherin Princess.

And all three of the friends all had the same thought running through their minds.

This was going to be an interesting year!

A/N And there is another chapter! Whew this one is pretty long! I just was getting back into the swing of things and didn't really know where to stop! So If you like this chapter please let me know, and please please tell me if you have any ideas on where this story could go! Being gone for so long I have lost a lot of my original thought process on this story but still remember that I would like an independent, powerful and slightly dark Harry.

Thank you to all of my readers!
