The war for Westeros had lasted two years, longer than anyone had anticipated. Daenerys and her allies had expected to swarm there enemies and take what they came for with only a minor fuss. With several armies at there command, the fight should have been quick, but of course nothing is that simple. Nor should they have expected it it be. For one thing, Yara and Theon Greyjoy's uncle, Euron Greyjoy, had abandoned his plan to seduce Daenerys with his armies, and instead proposed the same plan to Cercei Lannister. It worked and they joined forces with several other allies to take on Daenerys. It may not have affected things too much, but Jon Snow, new Lord of Winterfell, had also heard of Daenerys' arrival and asked for her alleigence in fighting creatures known as White Walkers. An undead army coming to lay waste to everything in there path? Unbeleivable, but they were able to bring Daenerys proof, or as much as she needed to send her army to the Stark's aid. She even tried to request Cercei's help, but the Queen refused to beleive rumors, as her mind had now completely gone and she was filled with paranoia and contempt for everyone around her.

In the end, the Walkers had gotten past Winterfell and even made it so far as to come within sight of King's Landing. It was only at that point, when she could see the army of the dead with her own eyes, that Cercei took the threat seriously. But, she still sent no aid. She instead barricaded herself inside the city with her army, threatening to fight from there or blow the city up as a last resort. Cercei's brother Jaime saw reason, however, and took the army with him to fight against the Walkers. All her allies left her behind and joined with Daenerys, the Starks, the Tyrells, and the rest. And it was only due to there combined forces that they were able to fight the army back, coupled by the fact that they were now readily able to make Dragon glass and Valyrian Steel thanks to Daenerys' dragons and the magic of Melisandre and other witches like her.

By the time the battle was over, there were countless dead and much work to be done to fix the damage the Walkers had done, but they had forged new alliances, the people were rallying around Daenerys as there leader, having seen her and her dragons as heroes who turned the tide in the war, and they were more than happy to have her in place over Cercei, who did little to nothing to stop this catastrophe and she was easily supplanted when Daenerys came to take the throne.

In total, the war lasted a grand total of two years. At the one year anniversary of the war's end, life in King's Landing had more or less resumed as it did before. Repairs were being made to villages and cities all over Westeros, and the crown had officially been placed on Daenerys' head. All through the night, there was much rejoicing in King's Landing, as the people finally had a leader they respected, looked up to, and could feel safe under. The sight of dragons in the sky was no longer a sign of doom, but of strength and justice.

And, as Daenerys looked around her castle on the night of her coronation, she smiled at the celebrations that night involving a great many jovial songs, dance, and drunken conversation between war buddies and royalty, between people of cultures that would ordinarily not come within two hundred miles of one another. She was finally home where she belonged and it was just about how she had pictured it. Of course, at the end of the night, she was tired from all the partying and drinking and just wanted to get up to bed.

What she didn't realize is that, when she got past all the guests and finally reached her bedroom, the real party would begin. When she opened her bedroom door, she found Margaery Tyrell in her bed, naked as the day she was born, waiting for her.

"Hello, my queen." she smiled at her in a seductive voice.

"I didn't even... When did you get here?" Daenerys was surprised by the woman's sudden appearance. There was no word sent to her that Margaery had arrived at any point in the day. Last she heard, she was in Highgarden tending to her people there.

Margaery stood up on her knees on the bed. "Don't be mad at your guards. I gave them explicit instructions not to tell you. They knew I was a special guest of yours, so they didn't question it. I wanted to surprise you."

"Never the less, I'm going to have to give them a stern talking to." Daenerys smiled.

"That can wait until tomorrow..." Margaery stretched out on the bed like a cat, propping her perfectly round ass up in the air and looking Daenerys in the eyes across the room. "...So, are you going to help me celebrate your big day?"

Daenerys said nothing. She just took the crown off her head, then tossed it aside and reached back, untied her dress, and let it fall to the floor before approaching the naked woman on her bed.

Some time later, a knock came at the door. Daenerys grabbed a candle and approached it, opening it to find Varys on the other side.

"Sorry to disturb you, my lady. A raven came for you from Winterfell." He took an envelope out of his robe and handed it to her. "I admit, it probably could wait, but normally when Lord Stark sends a letter, it is of some urgency."

"Best to be safe." Daenerys said.

"Yes. Goodnight, your grace." Varys said as he left.

"Good night, Lord Varys." Daenerys closed the door and went back into the room, opening the envelope as she sat back on the bed.

"What was that about?" Margaery sat up, with her hair almost comically messy and skin covered in drying sweat.

"It seems my nephew has sent me a letter." Daenerys answered. Long story short, it was discovered during the war that Jon Stark (or Snow, or Targaryan, depending on who you talk to) was actually the son of Rheagar Targaryan and Llyana Stark, which made him and Daenerys aunt and nephew.

"What does it say?" Margaery asked, looking over Daenerys' shoulder.

"He says... the repairs to Winterfell are near completion and life is returning as it once was. Basically, everything is going well. He wants to visit me in King's Landing, to better get to know me and his heritage." She looked back to Margaery . "I had extended the invitation when last I saw him. He says his brother Brandon can take care of Winterfell in his absence and will be awaiting our approval to arrive."

Margaery laid back down. "I guess you had better send him that 'approval' then."

"You don't like him?" Daenerys asked.

"He's a little... boring." Margaery answered. Though, to be fair, her interactions with Jon had been fairly limited since she got back to Westeros.

"I'll send him a raven tomorrow. We probably should get to know each other." Daenerys gave the letter one last look and found something that might peek her lover's interest. "He says he's bringing someone along. His sister. I believe you know her."

"Sansa?!" During the entire two years of the war, Margaery had found out that Sansa was still alive and, despite wanting to see her very much, they two hadn't laid eyes on each other in all that time.


"Really?!" Margaery asked. "That's great."

"Looks like I finally get to meet this woman." Daenerys laid back down next to Margaery .

"You'll love her." Margaery promised, now with an exited look on her face at the prospect of seeing her young friend again.

Despite them working closely with Jon during the war, Daenerys and Margaery hadn't seen Sansa Stark at all in the intervening time. She was mentioned as commanding the knights of the veil at the time, so Daenerys never got to meet this woman that had caught Margaery 's attention, though she had seen the knights in battle and if there leaders were as fierce as they were, she was willing to bet the woman wouldn't disappoint. The knights of the veil were practically strategic masterminds, always knowing how to use there number to their advantage even when the numbers were not on their side.

The next morning, Daenerys wrote a response to Jon's note, and a few days later, yet another letter came confirming that the two Starks were on their way.

Sansa didn't know how to feel, coming back to King's Landing. The first time she came here, she had hoped it would be a fairytale paradise. Her own happy ending, a princess would be married to a handsome charming prince, and then she would live happily ever after as a queen. Unfortunately, that handsome prince turned out to be an abusive monster, putting her through abuse after abuse, both mental and physical. As soon as she escaped that place, she swore she would never lay eyes on it. She was, quite honestly, afraid of that place more than any other in the world.

And yet, here she was, pulling up in a carriage with armed guards all around her, returning to this city, both despite her fears and because of them. It was almost therapeutic. She was a new woman now, stronger and better for her experiences, and she aimed to prove it by coming here. She needed to prove to herself that this city held no control or affect on her. When the tops of those towers appeared over the hills, her heart skipped a beat, and it only kept skipping as the gates drew closer and closer. Jon was sitting across from her, reaching out to grab her hand and tell her everything would be okay. Sansa knew this to be true. The only Lannister left in the city was the one who had always been kind to her, so she closed here eyes and drifted off to better places, like her victories in the war against Cercei and the White Walkers, her short time as Queen of the Erie, and even daring to think back to her times in King's Landing, remembering the few happy moments she had with Margaery . Yes, those memories could always put a smile on her face. In such a dark time in her life, Margaery was a shining light. She showed her kindness, understanding, and love when Sansa truly needed it. She thought back to Margaery 's smile, her eyes, her gentle touch, her kiss... and just a little of her fear was replaced with hope and even excitement as they crossed through the gates and into the city.

When there party arrived at the castle, both Sansa and Jon were greeted by Unsullied guards, who escorted there servants to the rooms, while Queen Targaryan's handmaiden, a very pretty young woman, escorted them to the courtyard, where they were told Margaery and Daenerys would join them. While Jon spoke with the handmaiden, Sansa just walked alongside them, getting more excited with each step, wondering just how long it would take before she could see Margaery 's smiling face again. The answer: not long. As soon as they turned a corner, there Margaery was standing under a large white tree.

"Margaery !" Sansa called to her.

The Tyrell woman turned to see Sansa walking ahead of her brother, toward her.

"Is that Sansa Stark?" Margaery asked as the two met and embraced each other lovingly.

"Of course. Who else would it be?" Sansa asked.

"Oh, I've missed you." Margaery said.

"I missed you, too." Sansa pulled away from Margaery 's arms.

Margaery took Sansa's face in her hands and cupped her cheeks. "My goodness I haven't seen you in years. You've grown so much!"

"Thank you."

Sansa made way for Jon to cut in. "Good evening, Lady Margaery ."

"Good evening, Lord Stark." Margaery feigned interest.

"Can you tell me where I might find Daenerys?" he asked.

Margaery was about to speak up when everyone heard a voice behind them. "Look behind you."

They did as the voice said and Sansa herself almost gasped when she finally saw The Dragon Queen herself walking up to them. Sansa was immediately struck, (almost intimidated) by the woman just from her beauty alone. Actually, in that moment, Sansa realized it had never occurred to her to imagine what Daenerys Targaryan would look like. Whatever she would have though, she never would have imagined her to be so... angelic.

Jon was the first to say something, extending a hand for Daenerys to shake it, but Daenerys turned it away, saying "Oh, come now, Jon. We're family. We can dispense with formalities." And then she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him in for a hug.

Then, Daenerys turned her attention to Sansa. Margaery introduced her. "My Queen, allow me to introduce Queen Sansa Stark."

"So this is the girl Margaery 's told me so much about." Daenerys took Sansa's hand and, in a surprising move, kissed it.

Sansa blushed. "Thank you. All good things, I hope."

"Indeed." Daenerys smiled, and then made another surprising move. She walked over to Margaery 's side and grabbed her by the arm. Now, there might not be anything particularly odd about that, but the way she did it was in a very distinct kind of way, the way lovers or spouses would do when going on a nice long walk, leaning into Margaery 's body while she stood. But, of course, Sansa didn't think much of it at the time.

"You're both settling, I trust?" Daenerys asked.

"We haven't had much time to settle in, I'm afraid. Our servants have taken care of everything. We came right here as soon as we arrived." said Sansa.

"Well, you must be starving." Margaery said.

"Yes, now that you mention it." Jon said.

Daenerys' handmaiden chimed in. "I've been told dinner will be ready within the hour."

"We'll have enough time to show you around, then." Daenerys said. She then ushered the group along and out of the courtyard. As they all started to leave, Margaery noticed Daenerys put her arm around Daenerys' back, walking along with her hand either staying in place almost around her waist, her wrist, or in her hand. Sansa couldn't help but wonder what that was about.

"I do feel bad we missed your coronation ceremony." said Jon.

"Oh, don't feel too bad about it." Daenerys assured him.

"I missed it, as well, I'm afraid. Though the party afterwards was quite fun." Margaery smiled. This also elicited a smile from Daenerys.

"About that..." Sansa started. "...What exactly are you doing here now?" she asked Margaery . "If Daenerys is the queen, I mean... what happens to you? Do you go back to Highgarden?"

"I had assumed you had heard." Daenerys said.

"Heard what?" Sansa asked.

"Margaery will be ruling alongside me." Daenerys answered.

"Two queens? That's... interesting. Is that allowed?" Jon asked.

"There's no law against it. And we're both perfectly okay with it." Daenerys and Jon continued to talk, and all of the 'body language' Sansa had seen from Daenerys before was suddenly put into a new light when she heard this news. Even when she looked at Margaery , the Tyrell woman had a somewhat apologetic look in her eyes directed back at her.

Dinner, as it turns out, would take more time than expected to be ready, so the group split up, with Daenerys and Jon splitting off to become better acquainted, while Margaery and Sansa goingoff into the gardens.

"Brings back a few memories, doesn't it?" Margaery smiled as they walked past the rows of flowers.

"It does. When I heard about the fighting here at King's Landing, this was the one place I hoped wouldn't be destroyed." Sansa looked around at all the familiar sights. From the beautiful trees and flowers growing all around her, to the sitting areas that overlooked the seas. She and Margaery walked these pathways practically every day. Throughout all of the horrors she had experienced in this place, these gardens were a place where things didn't seem so bad.

Margaery picked a flower from the garden and handed it to Sansa, a gesture the redhead accepted. "I missed you after you left."

"I missed you, too." Sansa said.

Margaery looked around and saw that the few people that were out there when they first arrived at the gardens had all left. So, she moved forward and kissed the other woman on the lips. Sansa wrapped her arms around the Tyrell woman and pulled her in close, but something was keeping her from being quite as passionate about it as Margaery was. Before she arrived at King's Landing, she gladly would have let Margaery into her bed at a moment's notice, but there was something sticking in her head that had dulled the enthusiasm.

Margaery apparently hadn't noticed. As she pulled away just a few inches, she said "It can be just like old times, right?" She moved in for another kiss, but Sansa kept her back. "What?" Margaery asked. "What is it, Sansa?"

"What exactly is going on with... her?" Sansa asked.

"Daenerys?" Margaery asked. Sansa nodded. "I... what do you mean? I thought we explained it."

Sansa didn't want to come off as too presumptuous. If she had misread things in any way, then this conversation could go very wrong. "You ruling alongside her, how does that work? Why is she letting you stay here?"

"Because my family supported her claim to the throne. It was simple. She rules over Westeros, I get revenge on the woman who killed most of my family."

"And your okay with that? Margaery , you've always wanted to be queen! Has that changed?" Sansa asked.

"Well, I still am the queen." Margaery said.

Margaery could make up a lie. She could probably tell her that her family's death changed her priorities, but it's not as though there wouldn't be a few holes in her story. It's not like she wouldn't find out the truth anyway, so she figured she may as well give it to her straight.

"You're going to be her Queen?" Sansa asked again.

"That's the general idea." Margaery answered.

Sansa was astonished at this. "So... how does that- when did this happen?"

"When I fled King's Landing, I came to her for help. We agreed to support her and give our armies to her, among other things, if I got to rule at her side as queen."

"So... what?! Are you going to marry her? Is that how this works?" Sansa asked.

"Two ruling monarchs in Westeros have to be joined by blood or marriage to rule over a kingdom." Margaery moved in closer and tried to whisper. "Listen, Sansa-"

"Did you sleep with her?" Sansa asked.


"Answer me!" Sansa said very firmly.

There was a noticeable pause in between Sansa's question and Margaery 's answer that hurt the credibility of her answer. "No. Of course not."

"You're lying!" Sansa moved away from her and began to walk briskly down the path.

"Sansa! Wait!" Margaery started to whisper to her as a few people walked out into the gardens. "We're not in love, or anything!"

"I'm sorry. Are you talking about you and her, or you and me?" Sansa wasn't bothering to whisper.

"It's purely a business arrangement. The wedding is purely a formality."

"Oh, well then!" Sansa said.

Margaery walked in front of Sansa to cut her off and look her straight in the eye. "Sansa, I never meant to hurt you, but I did what I needed to do. After all I'd been through, all I'd lost and fought for, I couldn't lose it all just like that."

"I guess that's all that really matters." Sansa said. "Those nights we spent together meant something to me. I thought they meant something to you, too. I guess that was just me being naïve."

"It wasn't. They meant a lot to me, too." Margaery said.

"Well, I guess they're over now."

Sansa walked around Margaery , who grabbed her by the arm. "Sansa-"

"Just... don't!" Sansa pulled away from her and kept walking. Margaery tried to follow her for a few steps, but Sansa just glared back at her and Margaery knew it was best to keep her distance for now

Most of the rest of Sansa's day was spent alone. Whether it was her servants assisting her in settling into her room, or time spent in the library, or even just overlooking the view of the city or the ocean, Sansa didn't really feel like talking to anyone if she didn't have to. It had crossed her mind a few times that maybe she was feeling a little melodramatic about this whole Margaery thing. The nights they spent together, in retrospect, could probably be considered a summer fling. Looking back on it, who knew if there was anything substantial in there relationship. Or anything that could grow into something more. Was it really anything to feel broken hearted about? Then again, that could be just her depression talking. After all, between Joffrey and Ramsey, Margaery 's arms were probably the only loving ones that ever held her since she left Winterfell. The only gentle touch she ever felt, and one of the few kind, caring people in her life for the longest time. How brief there relationship was didn't really change the way she felt.

As Sansa tried to sort her emotions out, looking out over the sea to the horizon, she didn't hear Daenerys approach her from behind, the woman's grey dress flowing in the wind like a flag.

"A beautiful sight, isn't it?" Sansa turned around to see the Targaryan and she almost sneered at the sight of her, but she held it back.

"I guess so." Sansa avoided eye contact with her and looked back to the water.

"We missed you at dinner." Daenerys walked up to stand beside her.

"I wasn't hungry." Sansa asked, internally groaning at the mention of her former lover's name.

"Margaery told me a lot about you." Daenerys said. Sansa nearly sneered at the mention of her former lover's name. "She told me all that you'd been through with your family. With the Lannisters and the Boltons... and I've actually found your story quite inspiring." Daenerys said.

"Inspiring?!" Sansa said, almost insulted.

"Yes. For someone to go through so much hardship for so long, and yet learn from it, use it, become a stronger woman because of it... There's a lot to admire in that." Daenerys said.

This wasn't what Sansa had expected to hear. Daenerys Targaryan, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Savior of Westeros, the woman who had been sold as property to a Dothraki Khal and rose up to become a Queen was now calling her inspiring? She didn't know how to react.

"Thank you." was as good a thing to say as any, though it came out a bit moodier than Sansa intended.

"Where is Margaery , anyway? Wasn't she with you all day?" Daenerys asked.

Again, the sound of Margaery 's name made Sansa give a loud, exasperated sigh. "I don't know where she is. Maybe you should check in your bedroom, perhaps." Sansa snapped at her.

By this point, Daenerys had gotten the hint that Sansa wasn't in the mood to socialize, so she departed with a "Well, okay. Thank you." This left Sansa to question just what the hell she was doing. Her answer: She was being a child. This woman had approached her as a friend, talking about how 'inspiring' her story was to her, trying to be pleasant and accommodating, and Sansa wouldn't even look her in the eye all because they had both slept with the same woman. Hell, it's not like Daenerys said to Margaery "Hey, Margaery ! Do you have a girlfriend? Yes? What's her name? Sansa? That's nice. Let's fuck!" Hell, Daenerys had probably never even heard of Sansa until after she and Margaery got together.

Sansa was mad at Margaery , but that was no reason to take it out on Daenerys, so she had to fix this.

"You, know..." Sansa called to her. The Targaryan woman turned around to face her. "I heard a rumor about you, I was hoping you could tell me if it was true." Sansa walked closer to her as she talked. "I heard that, when The Great Masters attacked Meereen with there army of ships, you came in and burned the whole fleet down with just your three dragons."

"Is that so hard to believe?" Daenerys asked.

"The story goes that the fleet was in the hundreds of thousands." Sansa added.

Daenerys didn't say anything, feeling a little uncomfortable about the truth of her final victory over the masters being stretched that far. "I think the story may have been exaggerated slightly. The masters didn't deem Meereen as a threat, so they sent only as many ships as they felt they needed. Still, it was enough for me to get my point across when we did defeat them."

"How many were there?" Sansa asked.

"A few hundred, I think." Daenerys answered.

"Still, very impressive. I actually glimpsed a couple of them in the war a few years ago. Even from so far away, they were... magnificent." Sansa recalled a time where she and the armies of The Vale of Arryn stood upon a hilltop and the three dragons mowing down an entire garrison of White Walkers with there flames. When everybody saw them raining fire down from the sky, it stopped the entire army in there tracks. They didn't know whether or not to be terrified or to feel empowered that they had these three titans on there side.

"Would you like to see them up close?" Daenerys asked.

"They're here?!" Sansa said.

"Of course. They always go where I go." Daenerys said. "Missandei and Jon are probably there now, if you want to join them."

Sansa couldn't believe this. She had the chance to be one of the few people in countless years to see a real live dragon up close.

"How could I refuse?"


The lord of Winterfell heard his name called as he walked the halls of the Red Keep outside the White Sword Tower alongside Daenerys' handmaiden Missandei. He turned around to find Margaery running toward him.

"Lady Margaery ." He greeted her.

"Hello. Finding your way around alright?" he asked.

"Yes, actually." he turned to the handmaiden beside him. "Miss..."

"Missandei." she reminded him.

"Missandei, sorry... was just showing me the way to the Dragon Pit." he said.

"Oh! They're quite an intimidating sight. Do you mind if I join you?" she asked.

"No, not at all." The three of them continued walking. "Where is Sansa?"

Margaery sighed. "Actually, that is what I was hoping to speak to you about. We... had a litle bit of an argument. After we all parted earlier."

"An argument?" Jon asked, wondering how the two could have had an argument in the short time he had spent apart from them. "Nothing too serious, I hope. I know she's quite fond of you."

"It might be a little serious. I was hoping you could help me." Margaery said.

"Well, what's the problem?" Jon asked.

Margaery wasn't sure how to tell him. Did he know his sister was into women? If not, could she really come right out and tell him she and his sister had a relationship?

"I... can't really answer that. It's a little personal. Just... what makes her feel better? Anything in particular she likes?" Margaery skirted around the question.

"She might like it if you apologized, assuming you were in the wrong." Jon said.

"I might have been." Margaery admitted.

"It's difficult for me to help if I don't know what the problem is." Jon said.

It was at times like this where Jon (as anyone would) felt a little useless. Margaery was clearly very concerned and going to him for help, but he couldn't even muster up a suggestion for how to solve her problem.

Margaery wanted to punch Jon for being so useless. But, it's not like it was his fault. She wasn't giving him much to go on.

"You're her brother... or cousin, or whatever. The point is you grew up together. I'm sure the two of you must have fought." Margaery said.

"Well, in that case, there was only one answer: time. We just gave each other space, went to our separate corners, is all. And when we came back together, everything would be okay. We would either apologize or the apology was implied." Jon suggested. "Just give her a day or two, then sit down and have a nice, civil conversation. That's all."

Margaery had assumed he would say something like that. There really weren't that many alternatives for a problem like this. The problem was that Margaery wanted what she had before with Sansa. She wanted to talk and laugh with her, to kiss her again, the way they did before. She wanted someone to show her the path to getting back there and, with her marriage to Daenerys, that path was nowhere in sight. That option didn't seem to exist anymore.

"Is everything okay?"

Sansa was awoken from her daydreaming by the sound of Daenerys' voice. She had barely said a word since they started walking to the Dragon Pit. Daenerys had done all the talking and Sansa had barely heard a thing.

"I'm... sorry." Sansa said, bringing herself back to the moment.

"What's wrong? You seem a little aloof today." Daenerys looked her in the eyes.

"It's... nothing." Sansa said.

"I don't mean to pry where it's not my business, but there's nobody else around. If it's personal, I wouldn't tell a soul." Daenerys said.

Sansa really didn't want to have what could possibly have been a very awkward conversation, but then again, it was doing her no good to keep silent, so why not just be upfront about it?

"It's Margaery ." Sansa confessed.

And right at that moment, Daenerys realized just how stupid she had been that day.

While Daenerys was doing that, Sansa continued to speak. "I don't know if she told you, but we had a-"

"Oh! No!" Daenerys put her hand to her forehead. She was mentally chastising herself for being so insensitive. "She... I'm... I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have... I... Jeez. I'm sorry for how I acted around her earlier."

Sansa was surprised at how apologetic Daenerys was being. "No, no. It's okay."

Daenerys kept apologizing anyway. "I don't know what I was thinking. I knew that you and her had something, and... I don't know why I did that. I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Sansa could see that the other woman's apology was sincere.

But, now neither really knew what to say to the other.

Sansa was the first to speak. "When did she tell you?"

"It was... on the ships. On our way to Westeros." Daenerys said.

"So... before or after you... got together." Sansa asked.

"After." Daenerys felt bad saying it. She didn't want to hurt Sansa's feeling anymore than they already were.

"I see." Sansa's chin dipped low.

Daenerys brought a finger to her chin to lift it up. "Sansa, if you still have feeling for her... I mean, we're not in love. The marriage is a formality. Nothing more."

"She said that. Doesn't really fix things." Sansa said.

"It can for you. If the two of you are in love, then who am I to get in the middle of that. You two could still be together." Daenerys offered her.

"I'm not sure if I could be with someone, who would then turn around as soon as I'm gone and hook up with another woman." Sansa said.

"It'll pass. I'll move on. Maybe find someone else." Sansa said.

"Just know the option is open, if you still care for her." Daenerys said.

"Do you?" Sansa asked.

"Do I what?"

"You said you weren't in love. Are you sure?" Sansa asked again.

"Yes. Margaery is... a very attractive woman. We are alike in our ambitions, to an extent, and I do like having her around, but as a friend." Daenerys answered. "I've known for a long time that I would marry for power, not for love."

"Could you be happy that way? Knowing there are no feelings between you and the person you're bonded to for life?" Sansa asked. Now that she had more control over her own life, she couldn't actually imagine willingly getting into a marriage like that.

"I guess we'll see." Daenerys answered.

"Not to sound too judgmental, but I've been in loveless marriages before. It's not an experience I intend to repeat. If I ever marry, it would be with someone special, loving, someone I wouldn't mind waking up to every morning. I don't think you should have to trade one for the other. I could do without power myself. I'll take happiness." Sansa said.

"With words like that, I envy whatever man or woman is lucky enough to catch your eye." Daenerys said. They smiled at each other.

When the two arrived at the pit (which sat perched outside the Red Keep, not too far from the Winch Tower), they found Tyrion Lannister keeping his feet firmly rooted to the ground in the doorway and would step no further inside the dragon's home.

"Lord Tyrion!" Sansa called to him in surprise.

"Lady Sansa! A pleasure!" He greeted her. "I'm happy to see you again safe and sound."

"And you as well, my lord." Sansa said.

"Lady Daenerys, I would like-:" whatever Tyrion had to say next, he was startled by the loud noise of a roar inside the pit. "Goodness! Will I never get used to that?"

"Lord Tyrion!" Jon's voice called from inside the pit.

"We had better see what the noise was about." Daenerys pushed the other two along.

Whenever someone saw Daenerys Targaryan's dragon for the first time, the feelings they experienced were always the same: awe. Whether out of fear or amazement (or both) there mouths gaped, there eyes were wide, and not a single word was spoken until Daenerys spoke to them. Sansa was no different. The dragons didn't need to do much but sit there in the grass, letting Jon pet them on there heads like large cats, and Sansa was speechless at them.

"Don't be afraid to get in a little closer. They don't bite." Sansa looked to her left at a bench by the wall and saw Margaery sitting there next to Missandei, looking about as nervous as Tyrion had, though not because of the dragons, but because she had been wondering if she should say anything to Sansa this whole time, or if she should just keep her mouth shut.

"Certainly not while I'm here." Daenerys assured her. Sansa, for a brief moment, considered saying something to Margaery , but instead took Daenerys' offer and moved in toward them. Daenerys looked back at Tyrion in the doorway. "You don't want to join us?" she asked.

"I can see everything very well from up here, madam. Thank you very much." he assured her.

Daenerys walked down the steps and stood next to Sansa, who was still hesitant to go near the large reptiles.

"There are two." Sansa said. "I had seen three before."

Daenerys looked sad. "Drogon fell during our final battle with the Walkers."

Seeing Daenerys saddened by the memory of her fallen dragon, Sansa put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry." she said.

Daenerys smiled. "Go on. Say hello."

Sansa was terrified. Her approach to one of the dragons was slow, preparing to jump back should the large creature snap at her. Sansa could feel her heart ready to burst when th one closest to her made eye contact. She could swear for a second it was about to lunge foreword and bite her in two. She probably would have stepped away if she hadn't felt Daenerys' hand on her back, pushing her along.

"His name is Rhaegal. Go on. Don't be shy." Daenerys then said something to the dragon that Sansa didn't understand, but it made him bow his head.

Sansa reached out and put her hand on Rhaegal's head, petting him like a large dog. She smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

"See?" Daenerys said.

Sansa kept her hand on Raegal's hide as she continued down the side of his long neck toward his wings. She couldn't beleive she was not only seeing a real-life dragon, but also making contact with it.

From a few feet away, Margaery was watching Sansa's smile come to life like a little kid.

"What do you think?" Daenerys asked.

"I've heard about these since I was a child. Honestly, I think they're the most amazing thing I've ever seen." Sansa said.

"Would you like to take them for a ride?" Daenerys asked.

"What?!" Sansa asked.

They heard Jon standing over by Viserion. "Really?"

"Yes. Just climb on. I'll undo the chains." Daenerys said. "Be sure to hang on tight. We don't have saddles or handles. Remember that."

Jon didn't waste any time climbing on Viserion's back. Daenerys put her hand to the chain under the dragon's neck and took off the lock keeping it on the ground. The dragon almost immediately took off, blowing Sansa back against Rhaegal side. They all heard a loud and startled "WHOA!" From Jon as he took off into the air.

"I don't think Jon's ever been quite so... lively." Sansa commented.

"What about you?" Daenerys asked.

Sansa hesitated. Rhaegal looked at her. She nodded. If Jon could do it, she could. Why not? She climbed onto the dragon's back, trying to find a comfortable position just behind the neck. Daenerys moved to grab the lock on Rhaegal's neck.

"You're sure it's safe?" Sansa asked.

Daenerys grabbed her hand. "Trust me?" She asked. Sansa nodded. There was no reason not to. "Hang on tight."

Sansa heard the "SHING" of the metal spike coming out of the lock and, a few seconds later, Rhaegal spread his wings, kicked up the dirt beneath him, and took her up into the air. Slowly but surely, the pit became smaller and smaller beneath her. She rose above the trees, the towers, going almost as high as the clouds. As she flew higher and higher, her previous fears turned into excitement as she looked down on all of King's Landing, unable to see all of the civilians that were looking up at her.

One of which was Margaery Tyrell, who was trying to keep track of her in the sky, hoping she wouldn't slip and fall.

She didn't. Even when Rhaegal took a sudden drop toward the ocean and her body was lifted just a few inches off his back. Sansa felt the water spray across her face as the his claws dipped into the ocean. About a mile away, a few ships made their way toward the city. Sansa thought about signaling Rhaegal to go over to them, see how close they could get, but instead decided to just let him decide where they went.

When they finally returned to the pit, Daenerys, Missandei, and Margaery all clapped for there return. Daenerys was the first to approach them.

"How was it?" she asked.

"Amazing!" Sansa could barely contain her excitement. "We need to bring Arya the next time we visit. She'll go crazy." she said to Jon.

"I agree." Jon said.

"I've been told dinner's finally ready. We should get going." Daenerys insisted.

Margaery approached Sansa, finally gaining the courage to talk to her. Sansa's smile faded when she approached.

"Please don't do that again." she requested. "It scared me to death."

Sansa just gave an awkward "Thanks." They both heard Daenerys giggling a few feet away. "What's so funny?" Sansa asked her.

"Your hair is a mess." she answered.

Sansa ran her hands through her hair. She hadn't noticed before, but all the wind blowing through her hair (and probably some water from the ocean, too) had made her hair look wild and unkempt. The group had a good chuckle at it before they all left for dinner.

That night, everyone parted ways for bed. Daenerys and Margaery went off to their bedroom, while Jon and Sansa went to their separate rooms. As they parted, Sansa and Margaery were both probably wondering if either one was watching the other leave. Margaery and Daenerys didn't have sex that night. (What? They don't have to EVERY night.)

On the way to their own rooms, Sansa asked Jon. "What do you think of our new Queen?"

"I think she'll do a fine job. You?" he answered. "What do you think?"

"I didn't think I'd say it, but I kinda like her."