A/N: This is the end of this story. If you're interested I'll post info to a sequel at the end of this short epilogue.

It was six whole months before Sam or Dean heard anything from their sister other than a short text or a very brief phone call. Actually, they didn't just hear from her they ran into her. Sam and Dean had showed up on the same case that she was working.

The brothers were both excited to see their sister and she acted like she was too, but something was off. The three worked the case together and to the boys it felt just like old times. As a matter of fact they both thought she was going to ask or agree to come back on the road with them and they were both over the moon about it. But she didn't feel the same.

As soon as the case was taken care of she was out of town. Dean went to her room the next morning to invite her to breakfast, but when he got inside her stuff was cleared out and there was only a note.

Had to run. Hope you understand.


As much as Dean wanted to understand he didn't. He didn't understand how his sister could want so little to do with them. It hurt badly, and it took a lot of convincing of himself to decide that going after Imogen wasn't a good idea. It would just push her further away from them.

So like the Winchesters do they muddled through. They took it one day at a time and hoped that Imogen would call. But she didn't, in fact her correspondence became so rare that Sam and Dean started getting worried that she might be in trouble. They did manage to get ahold of her and they talked briefly, but the next time Dean called that phone it had been disconnected and he finally got the message.

Imogen didn't want anything to do with them anymore.

The girl was good about staying under the radar. On the rare occasion she would bump into a hunter she knew they would innocently report back to Sam and Dean and that's how they knew their sister was still alive, but there was no communication between her and the boys. Not for a few years anyways.

Several years would pass before Dean and Sam would see their sister again. By then Bobby would already be gone and the angels would have fallen.

A/N: Thank you all so much for reading! This story and all of your wonderful comments have meant so much to me.

The sequel, Perfectly Imperfect, is going to be quite different from this story. I hope y'all enjoy it. The first two chapters are up on my profile now. Please give it a read!

Here's a preview of the sequel:

There are some people in life that you can fall out of touch with for weeks, months, even years at a time, but no matter what when you are reunited it's like you were never apart. That's how Imogen felt about Bobby. She knew that no matter how long she stayed gone that he was going to welcome her back with open arms and like she hadn't left.

So when she pulled into his driveway as the sun was setting and saw nothing but rubble where the house used to be she had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. Slowly she got out of her car and walked over. The house had burned, not recently either. By the looks of it, it had burned well over a year ago. What the hell had happened since Imogen left? She'd heard nothing of this, nothing at all. Granted, she'd made herself pretty scarce the last few years, avoided hunters to the best of her ability, and when she couldn't avoid them there was only a few who knew she was Sam and Dean's sister anyways.

Imogen had no idea about this though. Was Bobby even alive? She couldn't remember the last time she'd even heard anything about him, much less bothered to check. Sam and Dean were basically hunter celebrities so she was sure she would have heard if something had happened to them. But all of a sudden she wasn't so sure and she needed that reassurance.