Bones hadn't expected to see her back in the clinic for a while, but as he looked up from his work to find her standing in the doorway, cupping the blood pouring from her nose with her hand, he shook his head. He should have known better. This was Camille Osbourne he was talking about.

She gave him a somewhat sheepish grin. "So, has it been quiet around here without me?"

Bones narrowed his eyes. "More than you could imagine. Have a seat."

Hopping up onto the biobed as if she bled from an appendage of her body on a regular basis, Camille surveyed the clinic, looking at the extra chair next to her bed. "Love what you've done with the place."

Rolling his eyes back so far he thought they might show entirely white, Bones scoffed. "So, what did you do this time?"

"I…may or may not have had a bad run with a torpedo."

"Do I want to know?"

Camille held her hands up in surrender, then seemed to realize there was still blood all over them. Bones came over and tilted her head back, setting to work mending her nose.

"Hey, I was innocent! Juliet was the one firing it."

Bones knew that they were just simulation torpedoes, but he was still a bit worried about Camille's lack of thought for personal safety. It wouldn't have done much more than it already had – being about an inch thinner than a usual torpedo and fired at a much lower velocity than was custom – but he still worried about her once she got on a starship.

Wait, he was worried about her? Since when was it his business to be worried about her? About anyone, really, except Jim? Brushing it aside as a physician's normal concern, he turned his focus back to what he was doing.

"Ow," she commented bitterly.

"Oh, just be glad it's not broken," Bones growled. "Not like Jim."

Camille grinned ruefully. It had been about two weeks since their encounter with the Romulans, and Jim's slightly crooked nose was not getting him anywhere with the ladies at this point. At one point when a pair of female cadets had walked past and given Bones the eye instead of him, Jim had about fainted with shock.

Bones was okay with it. Even if he wouldn't have returned the attention, it wasn't as though he didn't enjoy seeing the normally confident Jim that nonplussed.

He finally let her lift her head back into a normal position. "That should be the worst of it," he told her. "I expect you to stay out of this clinic for at least another month, you hear?"

"Yes, sir," she muttered sarcastically.

Bones would take it. He honestly hadn't expected that much compliance in the first place.

She almost made it another two weeks. But the next thing Bones knew, Camille was being hauled into the clinic by Juliet, who seemed frantic.

"I'm going to ask you one more time," Camille was demanding, "where am I?"

Juliet looked at him with panic. "She can't remember anything!"

Bones felt his panic mounting, but tried to keep calm, running to their side. "What happened?" he asked, scanning Cam's head and shoulders for any sign of impact.

"Well, we were testing out new weapon formulas, and she accidentally got shot with a blast of memory loss gas – "

Bones held up a hand to stop her, looking skeptical. "Come again?"

"Memory loss gas. It's a relatively new thing, just developed. I don't know how long it'll last, if it'll be permanent – "

She was interrupted by Bones practically falling back onto a biobed in relief, laughing like a deranged hyena. Obviously a bit perturbed by the normally stoic Dr. McCoy in such a state, Juliet raised an eyebrow in question.

"Um, Bones? What's so funny?"

"I helped develop that gas as part of one of my classes, Juliet," Bones told her. "She'll be fine in a few – "

Camille chose that moment to aim a punch at his face. Bones wasn't shocked that she packed quite a hit, but still, the sensation of unexpectedly being knocked onto his butt was unexpected at best.

"Cam!" Juliet screeched, holding her back. Camille was fighting admirably, to be sure, but Juliet had a height advantage…if nothing else.

"Who are you people?" Camille asked, growing slightly maniacal. "I demand to know where I am!"

Bones got to his feet, rubbing the spot on his jaw that she'd come within a hair of dislocating. "You seriously don't recognize us?"

"You'd think the stark terror might have clued you in by now," she spat at him.

Bones rolled his eyes. "I'd like to say I hate to do this, Cam, but you have it coming. And you leave me no choice."

And with that, he jabbed a hypospray into her neck, knocking her unconscious. Turning to Juliet, he said, "She should come around in about an hour, good as new. Head on back to class."

Juliet breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks, Bones."

Bones would laugh about it later, and Jim would especially get a kick out of Camille punching him in the face. But Bones also had felt a bit of discomfort when Camille didn't recognize him. He didn't like to dwell on it too long, but he knew that he was secretly glad they were assigned to the same ship. The idea of her forgetting him, of all they'd been through becoming water under the bridge, was an unwelcome one.

Bones had gone almost a month without treating Camille for anything. He knew it wouldn't last long, however, when he heard a grunt in front of him and found Karina apologizing in passing to someone she'd nearly run into. Unfortunately, she was also coming from the direction of the clinic. He groaned.

"What'd she do this time?"

Karina sighed in exasperation. "Contracted the flu, of all things," she said. "I swear, Bones, is there anything that hasn't happened to Camille?"

Bones could point out that Cam wasn't the one who'd gotten kidnapped by Romulans, but decided perhaps that wasn't the best option here. Thanking Karina, he made his way into the clinic to find Camille curled up on a biobed in the fetal position. He could only assume Karina had all but dragged her here. Judging by the ragged rising and falling of her chest, she was sleeping fitfully.

His first thought was to her lungs, but he knew from the routine checkup he'd given her after her incident with the memory gas that they were almost as good as new. It was probably just the illness giving her chills. Sure enough, her breathing was perfectly even, and the jerking was due to a violent bout of shivering.

Her brow furrowed, as if she were having some sort of feverish dream, and sweat coated it, matting her hair against her skin. After drawing a blanket up over her, he brushed her hair back from her forehead.

What was he doing? He'd sworn to himself he was never going here again!

"Well, looks like someone's having an eventful day," came a voice from the door.

Bones whirled to find Jim standing there, a face-splitting grin on his face. Groaning, Bones growled, "Jim. No."