Attack on DXD

Chapter 1 In an unknown world! Problems of great proportions.

The Gremory group are now in quite the situation. After their victory against the scheming Ryuu Tatsuo, the Old Satan faction member Creusery Asmodeus, greatly altered the co-ordinates of the Gremory families' magic circle. Transporting them to another world. A world where magic is non-existent and ineffective. And little did they know, just how dangerous this world truly is!

Re-uploading this in a bigger font. Making it easier for readers.

The crimson circle appeared on the surface of the new world. The co-ordinates successfully been set. In an instant, Rias, Issei, Kiba, Koneko, Asia, Akeno, Gasper and Xenovia, emerged from the blinding light.

Rias was alarmed, the first to notice that the transportation had in fact failed.

"Is everyone alright?" Rias Gremory asked the first priority making sure everyone was present.

"No problems here Rias. It seems we are all safe." Issei said as he observed their surroundings.

"President, where are we exactly?" The blonde knight side as he stared at all the buildings in the area.

"I don't know. This is unlike any place I have seen before. I must have messed up the transportation circle. Everybody gather together and I will get us home." Rias said as she tried to concentrate her magic power.

"Not possible!" Rias said her eyes shooting wide open after she failed to create a new circle.

"President, what's the matter?" Koneko said as Rias began to look confused and shocked.

"I can't seem to gather any magic power. Everyone, try to activate your powers!" Rias said causing everyone to obey.

"Yes president!" They all said as they began to prepare their power.

Kiba tried first to materialise a sword. But nothing happened.

Akeno tried like Rias did before to create a magic circle. But just like Rias and Kiba, Akeno failed to gather any magic as well.

It was the same with Xenovia, Gasper, Asia and even Issei. Nobody's magic power or sacred gears, seemed to be working.

Koneko was the first to show any shine of hope when she successfully managed to destroy what was left of a huge heap of rubble with her fists.

"It seems that our magic power doesn't work. But our own physical abilities, remain unchanged. That explains why Koneko-Chan can still use her reinforced offense and defence power." Issei said making Rias put her thumb and index finger under her cheek whilst she dwelled in deep thought.

"Anyway, we can't just stay here. Let's search for any signs of human life so we can find the means to get home." Rias replied.

All of a sudden, the ground below them began to shake. A loud sound echoed to the point where the buildings began to shake.

"Where is that noise coming from?!" Kiba said feeling a bit nervous without his sword with him.

"I don't know, but it's getting closer!" Issei said as the buildings shook greater.

"I'm scared!" Gasper cried out as he curled up into a ball.

"Wait a second, what the hell is that thing?!" Issei said pointing in front of them.

The Gremory group prepared to battle unaware if this creature was friend or foe.

"Everybody don't let your guard down and stick together!" Rias said as the creature began to get closer.

The creature suddenly came to a stop, giving the Gremories a chance to analyse its features.

This unknown creature was approximately 10 metres tall. Its head was much larger than a normal human being and its mouth extremely wide. The creature's eyes were locked onto the crimson princess as its huge mouth began to open.

Issei managed to spring into action just in time. Deploying his devil wings he scooped up Rias causing the giant creature to crash into a building instead.

"Thank you Issei." Rias said when he let her down.

"Don't mention it. But I guess now we know that isn't a friendly creature." Issei said as the giant began to regain its footing.

"Everyone! Deploy your wings now! It's not safe on the ground!" Rias said as she and Issei flew into the air. It now being evident that their wings being a part of their bodies, were still usable.

The enemy tried to swat the enemy group as if they were nothing but common house flies.

Kiba and Issei were unlucky. Underestimating the creatures reach, they were smacked out of the sky and hit the ground.

"Yuuto! Issei!" Rias said suddenly screaming when she was caught in the creatures grip whilst she was distracted after checking on her servants.

"Rias!" Issei shouted seeing the creature tighten its grip around her.

Koneko tried to kick the giant. However, she too was caught in its grip.

Issei tried his best not to panic. Observing his surroundings to see if there was anything he could use to save Koneko and his master.

Not a moment too soon, Issei spotted on the ground two swords next to a body. Or what was left of it. This body had clearly been butchered as only the torso remained which wore a green cape with the symbol of two wings on the back.

"Kiba! We have to aim for his blind spot!" Issei shouted throwing one of the swords to him.

"I got it Issei Kun!" Kiba said as they both charged the creature with blades equipped.

Issei and Kiba ran along the walls of opposite buildings and leaped from them as they succeeded in getting into the creatures blind spot. Both swordsmen met each other at the back of the beast's neck as they cut through the back of his neck in two different directions.

Issei and Kiba then used their enhanced speed to cut off the beasts giant hands to release the captive Rias and Koneko.

The two devils touched ground. Along with the creatures ginormous head and hands.

"Rias, Koneko-Chan, are you alright?" Issei said assessing their damage.

"We're okay. But that creature is faster and stronger than it looks. If you two were a second later, I fear that mine and Koneko's bones would be broken by now." Rias said as she shook off the grim thought.

"Akeno-San look out!" Issei shouted when the beast failed to die and attempted to step on her.

"Are you kidding me? It's still alive after its head has been removed?" Xenovia said when the creature began to regain its body parts.

"Everyone look out! We've got company!" Issei shouted when six more similar looking creatures began to walk towards them.

"Damn it! Boosted gear!" Issei shouted but the gauntlet remained hidden.

"Everyone! We need to escape from here before it's too late ahh!" Asia said screaming after she was caught by the terrifying monster.

"Asia! Damn you take this!" Issei shouted trying to slice at the monster's head.

However, Issei's attack was proven to be useless when the beast caught his sword and slammed him into the ground.

All of a sudden, the creatures advanced using the commotion as a perfect distraction and grabbed each and every one of the Gremory members except Issei who lay on the floor.

"Let go of me!" Rias said as she tried her hardest to prevent the creature crushing her.

"How dare you do this to my friends you ugly bastards!" Kiba said trying his best to attack the giant with his blade.

"Issei!" Rias shouted as she helplessly fell victim to her opponent's strength.

"Issei Kun!" Akeno and Kiba shouted out to their friend as they too began to reach new levels of danger.

"Issei Senpai!" Koneko and Gasper shouted as they along with the others were lifted over the creature's heads.

"Issei-San!" Asia screamed tears streaming down her face as the creature began to open its mouth.

"That's enough! You freaky bastards! You have no idea. Who you are fucking with!" Issei shouted a tower of flames suddenly surrounding him.

(Welsh dragon! Balance breaker!)

The giants who were now revealed to be carnivorous human eaters, closed their mouths and drew their attention to the sudden light show in front of them.



"Star sonic booster!"

Issei used this distraction to cleave his way through all of the dangerous monsters hands. Releasing all of his friends from captivity.

"Issei! Your power it's working again?!" Rias said both greatly relieved and shocked of this turn of events.

"Everyone, stay back. I'll finish these bastards quickly!" Issei said as he deployed his dragon wings and ascended into the air.

A giant hand came Issei's way. The red dragon emperor evaded to the side and then delivered a colossal counter strike to the creatures head causing it to be removed from its body and to be sent flying into the building next to him.

"I'm not done!" Issei shouted as he drove his armoured foot into another giant's gut causing it to fly backwards and knock into two others.

After Issei landed on the ground, one of the enemies clumsily threw down his fat hand to try squish him like a bug. Little did this big guy know though, it would take a lot more than that to kill the powerful dragon wielder. Issei removed the giant's mitt and shot upwards whilst holding it. Using all of his strength, the red dragon emperor smashed the giant into the ground.

"Issei Kun, those creatures are getting back up again. And their injuries seem to be regenerating!" Akeno said making Issei turn to them.

"Well if that's the case, then I will just have to blow them all away!" Issei shouted causing all of his gems to glow.

(Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost!)

Issei concentrated his magic power very carefully. Placing all of it inside his highly powered magical blast attack.

"Crimson Dragon Cannon!" Issei shouted as he shot two different dragon shots which then merged together at the middle to create an even more powerful impacting attack.

The creature's intelligence became well known as they made no attempt to avoid Issei's dynamic attack and remained where they stood. A powerful crimson light shone through the town as it consumed the dangerous carnivorous creatures. Only their skeletons remaining after the powerful blast annihilated their believed to be indestructible skin.

Just as the Gremories began to celebrate in Issei's great triumph against these unidentified beasts, the brown haired teen's armour suddenly cracked into pieces showing the extent of the strain it had put on Issei's body, using this power unconsciously in a world without magic. Issei collapsed in a puddle of blood his eyes showing no signs of life as he lay in his bodies' crimson liquid.

"Issei!" Rias said as she and the rest of the devils ran over to the collapsed pawn.

"Issei Kun! This is bad. He is bleeding very badly!" Kiba said trying to get him on his back.

"I won't let Issei-San die!" Asia said as she placed her hands near the teenager.

Everybody looked very grim knowing that Issei was in critical condition and normally Asia's healing power could help him. But they all knew it painfully well it wouldn't work.

Asia leaked tears on Issei as she kept her eyes closed and gave herself a nose bleed when she tried her very hardest to get her sacred to respond to her will.

"Please work! I'm begging you!" Asia screamed as she tried to heal him.

"Asia that's enough. Don't push yourself too hard." Xenovia said suddenly stopping herself when a warm and beautiful green light emerged from the former sisters fingers.

Asia was able to heal Issei's wounds as a result drawing his life away from danger. As soon as Asia relaxed her power in relief, she too passed out from exhaustion being caught by Xenovia before her head hit the ground.

"We need to find shelter and somewhere safe for Issei and Asia to rest." Rias said managing to keep herself composed in front of her friends.

"Yes president!" Everyone still conscious said deploying their devil wings ready to take flight.

"President, we have got company." Akeno said pointing towards the roof.

Rias and the others turned their vision towards the individuals on the roof showing the first sign of normal human life since they had arrived. These humans all had green capes on with two wings on one blue and one white. And to makes things worse, all of them were armed with two swords each.

"Oi brats. What was that bright light and explosion just now? Are you Titan's?" The individual with short black hair said looking down at them with a menacing glare.

"Titan's? You mean those creatures that just attacked us?" Kiba whispered to Rias making the short guy jump down from the roof using hooks to get him safely on the ground.

"I asked you a question. Answer me who are you?!" The man said drawing his blades.

"Captain, don't get too close! They could be dangerous!" Another soldier said as the captain closed in on the Gremories.

"I am Rias Gremory and everyone here is a member of my peerage." The crimson haired girl said to the black haired man who suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"I am Captain Levi of the survey corps. You have all shown abnormal abilities and caused a huge mess in our town. We will be taking you all into custody!" Levi said signalling his troops to descend as well and draw their weapons.

Rias prepared to resist but was convinced to avoid that by Kiba.

"President it's best we don't show any hostility towards these soldiers as we are now. They all look well trained in the art of swordsmanship and we have no ways to fight back. Also it looks like they have some sort of grappling device so running is also out of the question. Let's surrender and think of a plan after Issei and Asia regain consciousness." Kiba advised as he retracted his wings.

"I understand." Rias said signalling to everyone to not resist or try to fight back.

"We will go along with you Captain Levi. As long as you promise not to hurt my servants should we comply." Rias said as handcuffs were placed on her and everyone else.

"I can't promise you anything." Levi said as they journeyed back to the survey corps' hideout.

Please look forward to the next chapter! What will happen to the Gremories? Will they will be killed by the survey corps? Or will they ask to join the survey corps to help retake wall Maria against the colossal Titan? Stay tuned!