Walking the rest of the Judgment Hall, Frisk sighed.

* Been a while, huh Chara?

* …

*What, are you still not talking to me?

* Fine, be that way, you'll have to talk to me soon

Frisk continued walking, not bothering to look out the window, they could tell it was getting late, they figured they'd sleep in the throne room after everything was done.

* Stop…

Frisk raised a brow and walked slower "What?" the asked confused.

* Stop, please…

Frisk stopped walking "Is… something the matter Chara?" Frisk asked with more curiosity than concern. They could care less about Chara after everything that's happened.

They were met with silence "You want to talk to me to stop, I stop and you don't even talk? Ugh" They continued on their way.

* Please… stop…

Frisk immedietly stopped, huffing in annoyance. If they'd known Chara was going to be this way they would have gotten it over with quicker, they were being annoying…

"Why… what do you want Chara?" After hearing nothing for about a minute the continued once again.

Chara's plight's grew more frequent the farther Frisk walked.

Chara called out for Frisk to stop 27 more times, Frisk ignored Chara 27 more times.

* Frisk…

That time though, they stopped, it was the first time Chara had said their name in… a long time. Frisk was beyond angry with that.

"What! What do you want?! You keep calling for me, telling me to stop and I do! But when I ask why you stay quiet! WHY! Tell me why or I'm ignoring you for the next five runs, more if you keep talking!" Frisk threw the knife in their hand at the pillar next to them leaving a giant spider web crack in it.

Frisk could feel Chara's presence shrivel away in fear from the outburst. Good they thought.

"If you don't tell me WHY YOU WANT ME TO STOP… in the next… I'm feeling generous, ten second, you are not gunna like what happens next… in fact, you're going to hate it" They were met with more silence.


* …


Chara didn't know what to do… they couldn't tell frisk, but they had a feeling of what they would do to them if they didn't.


Think… think… I don't wanna… Chara whimpered.

* Please don't…


* Frisk, I'm begging you, please! Don't!

Frisk grinned at Chara's pleas, their begging.

"Six" They still continued.

* Please, no! Just stop! Please!

Frisk has had enough of this. Frisk flashed an image to Chara, also forcing them to see.

It was an image of Asriel, grown up, holding their body while being pelted with arrows, bleeding out onto the once golden flowers now stained in the Monster's blood.

Chara cried in Frisk's mind.

Frisk clenched their jaw "Tell me. Now. Unless you want more of that!" They yelled once again.


* W- What?! You said six before!

"That took longer than six seconds, be grateful I'm giving you this, now tell me, why did you call for me than ignore me?" They asked the last part in as a sweet a voice as they could manage with how angry they were.

Chara was about to respond when a clanging sound rung through the Hall, it came from the Throne Room.

A small voice was heard after "Shh! W- we need t- t- to be quite!" Someone, no. Alphys. Alphys said that… but she was evacuating people…

What if she still is…

Frisk ran over to the pillar where their knife rested in it. Grabbing it they pulled it out of the orange stone.

"Stalling… I don't know how you planned this but you're stalling me!" They yelled as they ran through the rest of the hall, a few seconds later and Frisk was running through the gray hall before the throne room.

Barging into the room Frisk saw two people, Alphys and Asgore were standing halfway across the room, a mess of metal bits were in front of Asgore. The idiot dropped them, big mistake Frisk ran to Alphys, knowing it would be difficult to kill Asgore now that he wasn't surprised.

Jumping up into the air Frisk screamed as the brought the knife down onto Alphys. Hitting the ground Frisk looked up.

They saw Alphys, she had a big slash going from the top of her head to her pelvis, a big line, it was bleeding.

"I- I'm s- s- sorry… A- Asgore…" those were her last words before she turned to dust, leaving nothing bust the dust on the flowers and her lab coat. I wonder if I inject all those flowers under her dust with DT if SHE'LL come back as a horrid mistake They smirked at the thought but they had bigger problems to deal with right now.

Jumping to their right they dodged the trident that Asgore had swung down at them.

"Alphys… I am sorry I could not save you…" Asgore looked up and glared at Frisk. The human smirked and waved their hand as saying 'come at me'.

"I could not save you… But I can avenge you! And everyone else that had died at this hum… no… creature's hands!" Asgore swung his glowing tridents at Frisk again who simply stepped to the left.

"Thanks for the introduction and compliment old man but…" Frisk looked up at Asgore, their eye's glowing a devilish red "I prefer demon!" Frisk swung at Asgore with all their might.

The king thought ahead and raised his weapon to block the strike. Somehow his weapon changed color and turned orange, the attack went right through, hitting Asgore for all his HP.

Frisk felt Chara sobbing in the back of their mind, not wanting to be TOO mean they left them be.

"So… that is how it ends…" Asgore took a deep breath "Asriel… Chara… my children… Toriel… I- I'm sorry…" With that he turned to dust, leaving only his soul.

After a quick look around Frisk raised their knife to attack the already cracking soul when white pellet's surrounded it, all but one moved in and hit it. The soul cracked and split in half, then the final pellet closed in and hit the soul, shattering it.

Frisk smirked at the sound of the late king's soul shattering, that's what they always' loved most about killing, the shattering.

Flowey popped up out of the ground, just in front of Asgore's dust. The close proximity between the two made Frisk take a step back

"See? I never betrayed you!" A bead of sweat ran down his face as he spoke.

"I- It was all a trick you see!" Yet again Frisk narrowed their already squinted eye's at the deceitful flower in front of them.

"I- I was waiting to kill him for you! But… looks like I just finished him off, heh…" In a low voice the human growled at the flower "You stole my kill" The voice was low enough that Flowey was unable to hear it.

Though he could not hear what the child had just said, it couldn't have been nice. After a brief chuckle Flowey glancing down at the ground beneath himself, there was a small puddle of sweat. Looking back up to the child he continued to plead for his life.

"After all i- it's me your b- best friend!" No, it's not… Run away Asriel! Please, run away! Chara yelled and yelled for Flowey to flee, to run away. But he couldn't hear them.

Frisk tapped their foot on the ground impatiently, crushing the flowers there "I'm helpful I can be useful to you, I promise I won't get in your way, I can help… I can… I can…" Flowey's face morphed into Asriel's. Tears streaming down his face..

He looks like a snivelling mess Frisk keep their neutral expression as they listened to the flowers pleas "P- please… don't… kill me…" Frisk raised their knife but Flowey spoke again?

"I- I'm sorry for ruining your plan t… to get more souls… I just didn't have it i-in me to kill them" What is going on…? He's never talked this long before… Frisk lowered their knife as a ghost of Chara appeared beside them.

Flowey continued talking about how he messed up and whatever, meanwhile Frisk and Chara were having a little chat.

* Chara

* What do you want…

They crossed their arms over their chest and looked away

* I want you to be the one to kill As- Flowey

* What?! NO! Why?!

* You're always the one to… kill him… so why me?!

* I need you to learn and accept

* A- accept what…?

Frisk smiled at Chara.

* I've accepted and look at me! Better than ever!

Chara paled at the thought If that's what it did to THEM, I want no part in it! But Frisk was Determined.

* That is why I've been doing this, to get you to understand, to accept it

* …

* Okay, I can see where you're hesitant

* Think of it this way! Accept your role, or I'll keep doing Genocide, oh and I'll make sure you watch. Every. Single. Fight.

Tears fell from Chara's eyes. They didn't want any of this, all they did was give a suggestion way back when on Frisk's first run. Oh how much has changed since then…

Flowey had stopped talking a while ago, he saw that, who he thought was Chara, was thinking. He couldn't exactly burrow away; he was in a FIGHT. And for some reason he felt as though he was locked in place.

Frisk gripped the knife tighter, dust fell from the blade and onto the golden flowers beneath them. Frisk looked to their side where Chara was, they extended out their arm and handed Chara the knife.

The first human stared at the blade for what seemed like hours.

I have to do this… f- for everyone else… They told themselves If I just kill Azz- Flowey, once, maybe they'll listen to me? I have to hope…

Slowly Chara reached out and grabbed the knife. A very small part of the mind told them to attack Frisk, but they ignored it. Even if they did kill Frisk they would just appear before Sans again.

Their stalling made it so they didn't SAVE, if they died it would bring them to Sans, though there was nothing that could kill them here.

And the battle with Sans wouldn't last that long anyways…

Chara lowered their head as for their hair to cover their eyes.

Chara raised the knife and brought it down onto Flowey, aiming for his stem to make it end quickly. It did not. After the attack hit he was still standing, shocked and scared but alive. Chara attacked again and again only to further destroy the flower.

Again and again and again did they bring the knife down upon him. With each strike Flowey's whimpers got quieter and quieter. Only after Chara had attacked eight time was Flowey completely dead, nothing left. Not any dust, not a soul, nothing… They felt disgusted with them self.

Dropping the knife Chara fell to their knees, their head in their hands.

* Why… I- I'm sorry Asriel… I'm so sorry…

* I'm sorry… I'm sorry

Frisk felt something, deep in their soul. Guilt… regret? Frisk scoffed as they shoved those feelings down. There was no need for those feeling, they have done nothing wrong. But it did interest them as to why they were feeling them in the first place.

Sighing Frisk walked over to Chara and sat on the ground next to them.

Chara ignored Frisk as they sat next to them, looking at them.

Frisk wrapped both arms around Chara in a sideways hug, this shocked Chara greatly.

Despite being very shocked at the action, they did not push Frisk away. Instead of hating Frisk at that moment, right there, in their arm they felt… safe? But, why? They should hate Frisk, despise them for murdering everyone, AGAIN! And making them kill their brother! Why are they feeling… HAPPY?!

Chara was about to speak but Frisk spoke up first "Don't worry… it'll get easier" they sounded… sad almost.

Frisk then softly kissed Chara cheek. Letting go of them Frisk laid down on the flowers, arms behind their head.

Both of them were red as a tomato but neither spoke about it. Frisk was too… out of it, to admit it and Chara was way to confused to speak or even think straight.

Chara was internally screaming. WHAT… WHY… Why did they… Aughhh! Chara took some deep breaths before thinking about it again Ok… why did they do that...?! In waterfall Frisk said they could care less about me. They basically said they HATED. ME.

Chara inwardly groaned and fell onto their side in a confused, crying mess.

Frisk was no better. Why did I do that… I could care less about them yet… why did I fell… happy? No logic they could think explained anything right now. I accepted a long time ago… why…

Frisk was going to ponder about it more but sleep was calling them. Looks like their fight with Sans tired them out more than they thought.

Closing their eyes, they softly heard Chara ask them something.

* Why…

I don't know ghosty… I don't know With that, they fell asleep.

Frisk woke up in the Judgement Hall "Ugh… my head… why am I here?" Holding their aching head, they slowly stood up.

"Why do I feel as if I'm not at 20 LV…?" Looking forward they saw Sans. Glaring at the grinning skeleton they spoke again "Because I'm not…"

Getting their knife from the floor Frisk walked forward.

"i got a question for ya" Sans asked when Frisk was not in their regular spot.

"you've gotten bored doin the same thing over and over, I can tell by that expression" Frisk stopped and narrowed their eye's at the Judge.

"so… why not try something different fir a change, yeah? the choice's up to you, freak" The Hall vanished and was replaced with an empty void.

Frisk attempted to walk around but found they could not move, their knife was also not in their hand anymore… weird.

An image of Toriel kneeling on the ground, cut up and bleeding appeared in front of them, it was soon replaced with her holding an entire Butterscotch-Cinnamon Pie in her hands "My child, the pie is ready!" Soft cheering was heard as the image faded away.

In came a picture of a headless Papyrus, his scarf frozen in mid air as it was falling. That was replaced with the skeleton running around with… them on his shoulders… laughing "HUMAN! PREPARE FOR FASTER SPEEDS!" Giggling was heard as it disappeared.

What was happening… why is this happening… what's happening?

A melting Undyne the Undying appeared, puddles of blood were mixed with puddles of… Undyne. It turned into Undyne in her normal black tank top and blue jeans watching anime with Alphys and… them.

Why were they in these images… no… memories. They were memories of the past, past timelines. Back before they accepted, they remembered now.

Frisk's thoughts were interrupted by a flash of light, in it's place stood Mettaton NEO, Power of NEO quietly playing in the background. Another flash and there stood Mettaton EX and… them. Again. Singing on stage and in ridicules poses. "And here we are! Stunning you with our Glamour!" the song lyrics echoed throughout this void.

How stupid I was back then They though as they recalled that memory.

"Do you know why you're doing this Frisk?" A voice from behind asked.

Turning around to face them Frisk gasped. In front of them stood Asriel, not the God of Hyperdeath, not the Angel of Death, their old best friend, Asriel Dreemurr.

Cautiously Frisk walked up to Asriel. After a minute of staring at him Frisk remembered Asriel had asked them something "What do you mean?"

Asriel turned away from Frisk "All of your runs… and two fifths of them are Genocide… why?"

Frisk moved closer to Asriel, placing a hand on his shoulder he looked at them.

Smiling Frisk answered "For Chara, to let them learn, to help them accept" Asriel frowned, Frisk stayed smiling. "Don't worry Asriel, it'll be over soon, they already killed you-" Frisk poked Asriel's nose, they booped the snoot "As Flowey so all it'll take is time, and thanks to this weird dream I know just how to sped that up"

Asriel took a step back and crossed his arms over his chest "And what is that exactly?"

Frisk walked around their goat friend "Oh Asriel, if I told you, you'd be disgusted with me more than you already are" Asriel looked like he was about to argue but Frisk continued "No need to argue, I know you're disgusted with me, I've done hundreds of genocide runs, how could anyone not be?" Frisk laughed.

"That fact doesn't bother me anymore, it did on my first… three geno runs, after that I tuned people out" Frisk stopped in front of Asriel once again "Chara and your words telling me to kill is what piqued my curiosity to do Genocide. I ignored your advice because… I was a pacifist, didn't want to fight. Your 'advice' turned into useless lines of dialogue, Chara never said the same thing twice… well they did once but I distracted them so that doesn't count."

Asriel was seriously upset, Frisk thought this was okay.

Frisk smiled again "All I'm doing is returning the favour Asriel, I don't see any harm in that"

Asriel glared at Frisk "You don't see any harm in it? Sure you wouldn't, you've lose your mind!" Frisk was about to speak but Asriel cut them off "No, I'm talking now" Frisk gave a small nod but didn't stop smiling "You're going around killing and RESETing, killing and RESETing over and over again. To make it worse, every now and then you do a True Pacifist!"

Frisk crossed there arms and raised a brow "And that's bad how…?"

"UGH! You RESET it! You free Monsters and than RESET it, taking away their freedom!" Asriel screamed at Frisk, the human winced slightly.

"I... have a reason for that my dear Asriel" Frisk announced, pointing a finger up.

"And what is that…" Asriel was seething through his teeth.

Frisk started walking around "Killing can get boring after a while, you need to change things up every now and then" they finished with a big grin.

Asriel had it, screaming, his hands caught on fire. Very fast, Asriel started shooting the fire at Frisk who kept dodging out of the way.

Asriel shot fireballs from everywhere, every single one aimed for Frisk, none of them hit.

After a few rounds of Asriel summoning walls of fire and sending them at Frisk, he stopped.

"You can't hit me Asriel, I defeated Sans more times than I can count" Just then a fire ball hit Frisk right in the chest making the lose their balance and fall on their back.

Shifting so they were on their side Frisk clutched their chest where the fire had hit.

"Looks like I did hit you" Asriel smirked.

Frisk held the wound in pain as they glared up at Asriel who had moved to stand in front of them.

Frisk's bright red soul appeared from Frisk, it started to crack.

"See you when you're better" Asriel turned and started to walk away.

"I… I am better" Frisk managed to say through the feeling of their skin burning. Asriel turned around and looked at Frisk.

"Better than you" With those words Frisks soul shattered, making him leave the dream world.

Frisk slowly opened their eyes and for a short while was panicked as to why they were on a field of golden flowers.

Curious, they put their hand where Asriel had burned them, nothing was there. I know it was a real-ish dream, no one has those kinds of dreams and them just being dreams Frisk looked over at the semi-translucent ghost of Chara who was still sleeping Don't worry Chara, this will all be worth it in the end.

Half an hour later Frisk decided to wake Chara up. In that time, they decided what they would say to them, deciding it was good they nudged Chara. They groaned in response. Next Frisk poked Chara's nose, they were smiling.

Upon noticing that they were smiling Frisk immedietly stopped It's time's like these I could care less about them…

Putting their arms under Chara's, Frisk pushed Chara. Not sideways, up!Frisk got off their knees and crouched, doing the action again they successfully flipped Chara, waking them up.


* What the hell was that for?!

Frisk laughed "Y- you do remember you can speak, right?" They managed between laughs.

Chara crossed their arms.

* Yes I know; you prefer to keep your eye's close, I prefer to do this

* But couldn't you have woken me up like a normal person?

Frisk recovered from their laughter "Few things you gotta know Chara; one, I'm not normal, as you can tell, two, all the normal people are dead, three, hmm… no, this is funnier"

Chara frowned.

* Wow, way to kill the mood, but that's what you do best, isn't it? Killing?

Now Frisk was the one frowning "I can be fun!"

* Really? The dates with Papyrus and Undyne don't count

Frisk put their hand to their chin in thought "I… can't think of anything right now… but I am fun!"

* Killing doesn't count

Frisk huffed and sat back down "Anyways… I have a deal I want to share with you Chara"

Chara gave Frisk a look that they didn't trust it one bit.

"I'm going to do a True Pacifist Run" Frisk clarified.

* You always do a TP Run every now and then, what's different about this one?

Frisk smirked "It's going to be one of my last Runs!" Frisk cheered, Chara didn't.

* 'One of your last'? What does that mean?

Frisk waved their finger at Chara "Because if I said last that would be a blatant lie, now I'm going to tell you a blatant lie, it's one of my last so I can readjust myself to pacifism"

* Ugh, sure, I buy it, let's do it

"J- just like that? You agree just like t- that?!" Frisk was shocked, they didn't expect Chara to agree so easily, they thought they'd have to… make them agree.

* Yeah, everything here is dead, why not

Wow, this is taking less time than I expected, my guess is in a few weeks they'll accept Frisk grinned and walked over to the SAVE star behind the throne, Chara followed.

Frisk called their SAVE FILE.


* File Saved

Continue * RESET

The two of them put their hands over the RESET button.

Together they both pressed the button.