Chapter 9
You Have the Right To...Move On
I know, long update, but it's here now so enjoy. Many thanks to King Ben for his awesomeness.
You're quite welcome! Sorry it took so long. ~Ben
Inside Family Bros Pizza, we find Fry, Bender, Amy, and Uma enjoying a fresh cheese and pepperoni pizza. Amy paused her eating to look around the pizzeria.
"Wow, this place sure has changed." She noted and true to her words, the once empty pizzeria where Fry and Amy had their first outing with Uma had grown tremendously. Now, it was packed with people and aliens of all different shapes and sizes. Business was booming, and both Blek and Bug Mama could not be happier.
Speaking of the Cygnoid couple, Blek and Bug Mama made their way to the groups table. Blek spread his arms excitedly upon reaching the table.
"Pizza Guru, Pizza Guru's family, and shiny man what brings you here to family pizza? I so happy to see you."
He then proceeded to plant a kiss on everyone's cheeks. Fry blushed lightly from the kiss from male bug man while Amy offered a smile, enjoying the warm, family feeling. Uma just giggled at the contact. Lastly, Bender, feeling irked by the bug man invading in his personal space, promptly let Blek know how he felt about the gesture.
"Hold on! What hel-heck do you think you're doing!?" Shouted the robot, pausing mid-sentence to censor himself.
"It's my family's and my planet's tradition. This is how we greet others. Earthlands touch hands, you have no idea where hands have been, that is disgusting." Blek explained.
"Well in my country, you kiss these cheeks." Bender stated as he pointed down at his ass.
"Of course, my friend, at least they're not hands." Blek then picked Bender up and spun him around.
"Woah, wait a minute!" Bender cried in panic as he turned his head around to face Blek.
"Blek! What have I said about kissing other cheek?"
"But Bug Mama, it's his country's tradition."
"Don't want to hear it. We are on earth country now. We should only welcome on the cheek of the face of earthling."
"As you wish, Bug Mama." Stated Blek as he set Bender back down on the chair before he whispered to him. "I will greet you in your country way later when Bug Mama is not around."
Bender made a quick gulping sound in worry.
Once Bug Mama finished hugging Uma, she turned to address the rest of the group.
"So, tell Bug Mama, how is family? You good, yes?" Fry looked down at the pizza in front of him and let out a sad sigh. Hearing this Bug Mama frowned.
"What's wrong, Pizza Guru, why your face so sad? It's not the food is it?"
"Meat Bag over here finally told our captain where to put it and now we're on a permanent vacation." Bender drawled.
"That is good, vacation very good." Blek said happily. "I'll get the good wine to celebrate, not the one with the mice blood, but the one with the squirrel blood!"
Bug Mama watched her husband leave the table and turned to Amy. "Okay, lovable, but idiot husband gone, now tell Bug Mama what's really wrong."
Amy looked down before addressing her. "Nothing really, Bug Mama, it's just…how do I say this…" She paused, trying to think of the right words. "Fry and our captain could not see eye-to-eye so to speak and, well, Fry decided to abandon ship, well leave the company. Now we're just trying to figure out what we should do from here."
"You have no job? No worry, you work here. Bug Mama would take care of you."
Fry smiled up at the woman. "Thanks Bug Mama, but I want to try and do something new on my own. Back in my time, I grew up in a pizza joint and I want to try something other than being a delivery boy or working at a pizza joint."
"Oh, you so very lucky! I have big dreams of having children born in my pizza home. Imagine, baby pop out and the first thing they smell is Bug Mama's warm pizza. Smell all the delicious aroma of that charco angelicia. I mean, how could a child not enjoy their first smell being the best smell they'll smell in their life? Then, they are hooked for life and they will work for me forever and I will have the best pizza place in the whole world. I will conquer the world and then I will have more children and turn them into pizza soldiers and then we can conquer all the world's! I will rule the worlds with my delicious pizza!" Bug Mamma ranted excitedly, scaring both Amy and Fry.
"I have to say, I like this woman." Bender stated as he leaned back in his chair.
"Don't know why, but she reminds me of someone."
"Yay a pizza world! A Bug Mama's Pizza world!" Uma cheered from her spot at the table.
Fry and Amy glanced at each other in worry before Fry spoke. "That's a nice dream Bug Mama, but that doesn't help with my situation." Amy nodded in agreement.
"I see no problem. When Bug Mama rules the world, Pizza Guru will be taken care of because Bug Mama take care of family and Pizza Guru is family." Bug Mama stated sweetly as she kissed the top of Fry's head.
"I like the way you think lady." Bender proclaimed happily.
Amy quickly elbowed the robot to shush him. "Well taking over the world will take a long time, so let's call that Plan B." She said to divert the conversation. " For now, Fry, let's concentrate on you and what you always wanted to do. Is there anything in the world that you wanted to be or do?"
"Hmm…" Fry thought. "My whole life I wanted a robot best friend." He told them seriously, making everyone including Uma turn to look at Bender.
"Pass, that's too easy." Bender stated.
"Hey I got it!" Uma raised her hand. "Daddy could be a cowboy and meet some Indian Martians and save a princess and her family's ranch and be a hero! Then Daddy and the princess will fall in love and get married and then Amy can become my Mommy and give me brothers and sisters! That's my dream." She finished sweetly.
"Wait Amy becomes what?" Fry asked quickly.
"Aww Uma thinks I'm a princess." Amy bragged.
Bender laughed at the two. "Don't worry Meat Nugget, that dream is halfway fulfilled." He told the little girl with a wink.
"Well I did like that adventure." Fry continued. "And I did look good in that cowboy getup."
"I'll say." Agreed Amy with a dreamy smile. "So, when's our wedding?"
"I got it!" Fry jumped to feet, completely ignoring Amy in the process. "I can become a superhero and save the world."
"You already did that Captain Yesterday." Bender said, reminding Fry of their 'New Justice League' days.
Fry slumped in his seat. "You're right Super King."
"Why don't you go to an alternate world and see what alternate you do." Bug
Mama suggested.
"Been there done that." Fry quickly dismissed, remembering in the alternate world where he married Leela.
Amy rubbed his back gently. "Don't worry, we'll think of something." She said, giving Fry a comforting smile. Fry smiled back at Amy as the two gazed at each lovingly.
"By the way, what's the sitch between you two?" Bender asked, gesturing between the two of them. "You two bang yet?"
Hearing the robot's coarse question, Fry and Amy quickly jumped apart. Both avoided making eye contact with the other. "Great you two are still in denial." The robot cracked his knuckles. "I guess it's up to ol' Bender to get you two together."
"Bender!" The two cried out at the same.
Amy ground her teeth and yanked the robot across the table "This isn't the time or place." She said threateningly.
"Okay, okay, I got it, geez." Bender surrendered. "Don't get your panties in a twist." Amy then let him go, making the robot fall backwards. "Besides, that's Fry's job now. Hahaha!"
"I am back and I brought the wine what did I miss" Blek asked the group.
"Papa we try to figure out what Pizza Guru can do for work." Bug Mama told her husband.
"He can work here, Mama."
"He wanted do something else."
"What better than work at earthing family pizzeria?" Blek ask confuse not understanding why someone would turn down the greatest earthing dream.
"That what I say."
"Mama did you tell him about taking over the world with pizza."
"Si Papa, but that will take a while so it plan B."
Blek thought for a moment "Well what about your career chip how can you have a job but with no chip."
Bender open chest and pull out a bag caree chips. "I got them right here" He shakes the bag "Look I even got Leela old job right here." The robot took out a chip.
"What was her old job again." Amy asked as she took the chip and scanned it with her wrist thingy. "Hmm…it says that she was a cryogenics counselor. That's not bad, good pay and pretty good benefits. Plus, being a cryogenics counselor, you get to meet a lot of interesting people." Amy stated as she held the chip out to Fry. "How about it? Do you want to be a cryogenics counselor?"
"Nah, I don't want to work there. It reminds me of when I was a frozen popsicle at one time."
"Cool," Tossing the chip into the air and catching it, "I'll take it then." Amy tells them. "Who knows, it could be fun."
"I just wish that something came out to me." Said Fry as a bag of money is thrown through the window, completely shattering it. The Red, Rascal Robot,
Roberto, nervously enters the building through the window and grabs the bag.
Bender spots his old friend first. "Roberto!" He waved, as Roberto approached the table. "What are you doin' here?"
Roberto look around anxiously. "What? A fella can't drop in on his ol' friends and hold 'em hostage?"
Roberto positions his knife in front of Blek's neck. "I'm good! Can I get you chair? I bend leg up free." Blek asks the burgundy color robot, completely misreading the atmosphere.
"Oh no one pull a knife up at Bug Mama's Papa."
"You shut up woman! Or I will slice you and dice you up." Roberto shouted and pointed the knife at her. Fry and Amy quickly grabbed Uma and both shielded the child with Fry slightly in front of Amy.
"You put that thing away before you poke someone's eye out." Bug Mama told the crazy robot.
"That's a great idea, why don't I start with that child over there?" Roberto said as he pointed the knife at Uma, making the child cry out in fear. "Daddy I'm scared."
"You did not just pull that knife on the little one!" Bug Mama yelled as she grabbed a wet mop out of nowhere.
"Lady, I will stab you."
"Now you are threatening me?" Bug Mama hit the robot over the head with mop, giving him a slight shock. "Listen hear, get your burgundy ass over here. Boy, you best come over her so I can tan that ass redder then the robot devil himself!"
"I am warning-" The insane robot tried to threaten.
"Now you warn me? Boy, you better check yourself. You break into my home, break my windows, threaten my husband, and then scare little girl with that dirty knife."
"My knife ain't dirty! I just cleaned it."
"Boy, that is the dirtiest knife I have ever seen and you bring it in here in my fine establishment." Bug Mama snatched the knife out of Roberto's hand.
"Hey that's mine." Roberto cried as he chased after the bug woman into the kitchen.
"And it's filthy." She said as she tossed it into the sink. "Now clean it up young man."
The robot ran to the sink and grabbed the knife. "I'll teach you that no one messes with Roberto-huh?" Just then the door shut and was locked behind him.
"Now Bug Mama is going to teach you why no one messes with Bug Mama's family."
Pained screams were heard from the kitchen as Fry and Amy looked at each other worry. All the while, Bender just smiled to himself. "Ahh, it's good to see old friends."
"Attention, criminal robot in the building, come out with your hands up." Outside the pizzeria, the building is being surrounded by NNYPD officers and hovercars.
"Come out with your hands up."
"Never!" Bender shouted out the door.
"...Uh, the other criminal robot."
Blek opened the door. "Oh Mr. Roberto, he is, how you say, busy with Bug Mama right now. She gonna teach him a lesson." The police officers walked in cautiously and the group inside were now able to identify them as Smitty and URL.
"We thank you for your cooperation, but this is a police matter, citizens." Smitty replied with his 'better than you attitude.'
Blek gave them a big grin. "Ahh, the police is going to be paying for my window."
"No sir, we're just here to bring the criminal in."
"Then you gonna have to wait until Bug Mama is finished with him, because someone is going to pay for this window." Blek told the two with a smirk.
"Sir, you do not understand, we need to take the criminal to jail." URL spoke for the first time.
"Jail, he says, what criminal gets there? I tell you what, he get three square meals a day, pay no rent, have roof over head, and even have a little bit of sunshine every day. That's what you called jail?" Blek asked the two. "Take him to jail, more like a vacation to me. Where I'm from, if someone steals they chop the hand and then, if they steal again, they chop the other hand and if they try to steal again, they chop off a foot then the other foot-"
"And if they steal again then they chop off one forearm the next forearm then they make you eat them."
"Sir, please-"
"I once had a cousin that had no arms or legs, become stubbles. He still stole, he lost his tongue after that. He still stole more, but I'm not going to tell you what they cut off to make him stop stealing. But you want Mr. Robot to go to jail? You go right ahead and talk to Bug Mama, you see what happen. She'll straighten him, she will I tell you."
Cries of pain were heard from the back, making the two officers jump and take off to the kitchen in a hurry. What they saw made them gasp in shock. For there, laid before them, was something they had never seen.
"What is he doing?" Asked Smitty
URL shook his head quickly. "I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy."
"HOLD ME!" Smitty cried as he flung himself at his robot partner. URL wrapped his arms around his fellow officer. "Shhh it's ok, I got you, baby."
"Help me!" Roberto cried as he dropped the clean plate he was washing into the sink. He ran to the officers and held up his hands together. "Take me to jail please, electrocute me, throw away the key, drop me in a volcano, anything! Just get me away from this mad woman!" The robot begged.
"Get back here! You're not done washing dishes yet, you got a lot to pay for breaking my window." Bug Mama scowls at the robot.
Outside the Family Bros Pizzeria, the number of NNYPD officers and hovercars surrounding the building had diminished. Amy, Uma, Fry, Blek, Bug Mamma, and Bender exit the pizzeria as the crowd cheers while all but one hovercar one fly away. Smitty and URL forced Roberto into the last hovercar left.
Bug Mamma is over by Smitty's shoulder as she continues to nag the two. "Now you remember you going to pay for Bug Mamma's window. You come and wash dishes until window pay off, yes?"
"Ma'am, this criminal is going to jail for a long time." Smitty told her in smug tone of voice.
"Oh, so you going to pay for my window?" She asked.
"Ma'am, that's not a police problem."
Bug Mamma raised an eyebrow at Smitty, "Let me ask you, robot perform crime, yes?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"The big fancy police officer catches robot for crime, yes?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Criminal robot runs and tries to escape, yes?"
"Yes, ma'am."
" So, police man chases criminal robot, yes?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Then criminal robot breaks my window to escape police, yes?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Oh okay, so you see that I am right and that you are wrong that the criminal
works for me now, right?"
"Uhh, yeah yes, ma'am. The criminal works for you." Smitty said in a confident voice.
Bug Mamma nodded her head in satisfaction. "I see good." Then she pat his cheek. "So, thank you, nice cop man, for agreeing that this bad guy works for me. I appreciate what you have done, you may leave now." She walked away as she mumbles 'dumbass' under her breath.
"Excuse me, ma'am, I'm sorry I didn't catch last part of what you said?" Smitty asked.
"I said you have a nice ass."
"Well thank you, ma'am." Smitty grinned as he walked away with an extra kick in his step.
Bug Mamma watched him walk away and shook her head and said. "Real big dumbass."
Smitty sighed as he leaned against the hovercar. "You know, URL, sometimes it's almost too much for me."
URL enters the hovercar. "You mean the respect we get and the high level of job satisfaction?"
Smitty enters the car next. "There's that, but I'm also talking about saving people's lives on a daily basis, but there also the great health insurance and great pay rate. Plus the free hot ride." The hover car grows a roof of light and flies away.
"That's it!" Fry said excitedly. "I can be a cop!"
Amy smiled dreamy. "I do love a man in uniform." And she began to picture Fry in a sexy police officer uniform as he swings his handcuffs around his finger.
"Bug Mamma agree." As the Cygnoid women pictured her husband in Pizza delivery uniform.
The two let out a dreamy sigh together. Uma look at the two confused.
"Grown-ups are weird." She told Bender as the robot pat her head gently. "You'll understand when you're older.
Then he pictured Uma grown up in several sexy uniform outfits. Bender quickly slapped the dream bubble out of the way and shook his head in horror. "Never mind you're never going to grow up." He stated as picked the child up.
Fry took a deep breath outside the steps of the Police Academy. A sign in front read 'NOT AFFILIATED WITH POLICE ACADEMY IV.' 'This is it.' Fry thought to himself. 'This a respectable and a high level job. Good pay, health benefits, vacation, and opportunity for a respectable position in order to be a good explain for Uma.' Fry walked inside the Police Academy. "Hello. I'd like to enroll in the Police Academy."
The officer at the front desk scoffed at him. "You think you can just waltz in here ask to be a cop?"
Fry hesitated before he nodded his head. "I hope to get some training first."
"A smartass, huh?" The officer accused.
Fry shook his head in denial. "No sir, I'm not a smartass. I just figured I'd need to come in and fill out an application and then get some training in."
This had the old policeman smile. "Finally, a smart one. Most everyone that comes in here asking for an application expect us to give them a gun and a badge right off the bat. And yet here you are, knowing that you've got to train for at least three weeks in order to get it. You have a brain in there, son."
"I try, sir, I really do and you're saying it takes three weeks for me to become a cop? I think I can handle that." Fry stated with a huge grin.
The policeman smirked and make his way around the desk. "I like you, kid. All that hard work will make the training fly by in no time. You got a name, son?"
"Philip J. Fry, sir. But everyone calls me Fry."
The policeman offers Fry his hand. "I'm Sergeant Ermey. Welcome to Police Academy, Philip J. Fry." Fry shook the policeman's hand.
In a classroom, everyone sat at desks while wearing white NNYPD shirts.
Aliens, humans, including Fry, and robots, including Fat-bot and the spotty teen robot, are sitting down. Fry turns to a brown Robot to his left.
"Hi! I'm Fry."
The brown robot waved back. "I'm the Sound Effects 5000." Sound Effects 5000 produces several sound effects to show what he could do.
"Wow! That would be more impressive if you were a human!" Fry stated as he thinks about an old friend from his youth.
Sound Effects 5000 look down sadly "Yeah..."
Hearing the robot feel down, Fry quickly try to cheer him up. "Hey it still pretty cool, I wish could do sound effect like that."
The robot looked up happily. "Yeah!?"
Before Fry could reply the door slid open, grabbing everyone's attention, as
Sergeant Ermey walked in. "On your feet, maggots, for Chief O'Mannahan!" He shouted in authoritative voice. Everyone stands up at attention as one. Even the old grumpy man in the back suddenly moves like a twenty year old.
A woman with knee high black boots and female version of the police uniform strut her way to the podium. Chief O'Mannahan stood at the podium and took a quick glance at everyone. "At ease, cadets. I'll make this short and sweet 'cause I'm PMS-in' like a lumberjack. Police Academy is not for everybody. You're gonna get your boobs scuffed. But, if you got the vulva to stick it out, I'll be proud to call you ladies policemen."
Fry salutes the Chief with the rest of the cadets. "Sir! Yes, ma'am!"
Both Fry and the Sound Effects 5000 are seen in a police car driving at high speeds. Sound Effects is in the driver's seat and Fry is grinning in the passenger's seat as he enjoys the ride. The screen behind them changes to white and the car is revealed to be attached to the floor and the buildings that they were passing by is just a circling background. Fry and Sound Effects 5000 look to a black-haired man in the room.
"Yeah, that's great." The black-haired man stated as he approached the driver's window. "Now can you actually turn on the ignition?"
Sound Effects 5000 looks down sadly. "I don't have any hands." The robot lifted up his arms, revealing that he only had foot cups for hands.
Fry looked at the robot questioningly. "Why haven't you gone to the hand store or the pawn shop? Heck this isn't even my original hand." He stated as he held his hand up to emphasize his statement.
"Umm…comedy relief?" The robot asked in an awkward tone.
Outside Police Academy, Fry, another human, and two robots are practicing on the shooting range. Fry, upon running out of ammo, angrily threw his gun towards a shooting target as if it were a tomahawk, hitting the target in the center.
Chief O'Mannahan watched from a distance and nodded her head in approval.
"He the one?" She asked Sergeant Ermey who was standing next to her.
The older man nodded his head. "Yep, got brains in that there noggin' of his."
"More like common sense." Said a third voice belonging to the black-haired man from before as the three watched the orange haired cadet continue his training.
"Good accuracy and smarts." Chief O'Mannahan grin "Let's test out his reflex."
In an arena, Fry turns on a lightsaber and readies himself for the next test. He turned and nod his head to Sergeant Ermey, who is standing on a nearby podium. The next test takes place in a construction site with a sign reading BATON RANGE above it. Once the clock starts, Fry immediately hits three robbers with beavers-like features, but stops himself from hitting a woman who is carrying a baby. The sergeant nods approvingly at Fry's performance. Then he grins evilly and cranks the knob all the way up as the ground opens up and laser guns are pointed at a confused Fry.
Fry looked down at his body, which is now covered in red dots. "Ahhh…Uh-oh."
In a track field, the cadets are seated and awaiting the Chief O'Mannahan's speech. Said chief is standing on a stage in front with a sign reading: TODAY: POLICE ACADEMY GRADUATION, TONIGHT: POLICE ACADEMY AWARDS. In the bleachers around the field is a crowd of friends and family watching the momentous occasion.
Chief O'Mannahan stood before everyone and loudly cleared her throat. "Well, it's that time of the month: Graduation Day. So put 'em together for our new officers." The crowd applauds and Sound Effects 5000 can be seen next to Fry with his new hands clapping too.
Amy's voice is the loudest and an exuberant 'Woohoo!' is heard. Fry turned his head to the crowd to find the noise and sees Hermes with his wife, Professor Farnsworth, Zoidberg, Bender, his dog Seymour, and Amy with little Uma in her arms.
"Hooray for the pigs!" Bender cheered.
"Graduates, you are hereby officially cops. Now move along, nothin' to see here." Chief O'Mannahan told them as the new policemen cheered and threw their lightsabers in the air, completely forgetting about the Law of Gravity as it starts to rain lightsabers on the complaining policemen.
"Hooray! Free sky sticks!" Zoidberg cheered as a lightsaber falls on his head, ridding him of his crest. "Ooh!" Zoidberg pointed his claw accusingly. "Police brutality!"
That night at the Police Academy Award Ceremony, Fry is seen shaking hands with Sound Effects 5000. "Congrats on winning the 'Vehicle Operation' Award."
Sound Effects 5000 made a 'vroom' noise and honks like an eighteen-wheeler making Fry laugh.
"Move aside, numb nuts." Bender shoved the other robot to the side. "This meat bag already has a robot best friend." He stated possessively.
This had Sound Effects 5000 make a womp womp wump noise as he held his head down.
"Aww, Bender, you're so cute when you get jealous." Amy teased.
Bender scowled. "I'm not jealous, I'm just letting the lesser bag of bolts know that this meat bag's ass is claimed." He emphasized this by slapping Fry's ass.
"Ouch, Bender!" Fry cried as rubbed his now sore butt, glaring at Bender.
Bender shook his hand in pain. "Ouch is right, since when did you get buns of steel?" He asked.
Before Fry could reply, he gets another smack, this time on the other cheek.
"Amy?!" Then he squeaks, "CHIEF!" upon seeing Chief O'Mannahan in front of him. Fry quickly snapped a salute to the chief "Sir! Yes, ma'am!"
"At ease Cadet." Chief O'Mannahan told him. "I want to congratulate you on not being a pussy officer."
"Thank you, Chief O'Mannahan."
Uma being the child she is, had no filter whatsoever and stated what was on her mind. "Wow lady, I want to grow up to be just like you: strong and manly."
"Uma!?" Fry cried in a panic. "I am so sorry, chief."
"Calm down Training Bra, don't get your panty in a twist." Chief O'Mannahan brushed him off. "Children just say what on what they think. It's refreshing to hear such truthful words of innocence." She gave him a nod. "See you in the field, Officer Fry."
Amy look abashedly at Fry. "So, that's your chief?"
Outside the NNYPD, the words 18TH PRECINCT are below the façade. A TV screen on the wall displays the caption WANTED along with the profile photographs of two people: a woman and a man…who are walking by it. A policeman soon exits the building to chase after them. Inside the NNYPD, a bored policeman and Chief O'Mannahan, who is writing on a pad with a pen and has a cigar in her mouth, are standing in front of a screen displaying a map. The map has two photographs of individual locations on it: one of which is the NNYPD itself and has the captions INCIDENT, APB, and 10851. Chief O'Mannahan spits on the floor after finishing her cigar. "Nice…" She complimented herself.
In front of her are two tables where eight policemen, including URL and Fry, are sitting.
Chief O'Mannahan cleared her throat. "Alright, before we head out, I'll be teaming up our new Training Bra's with their more experienced Corsets as partners. Sound Effects 5000, you'll be with old Gretsky."
Sound Effects 5000 raised his arms, turned to Gretsky, and produced a cheering sound. Gretsky, in response, covered his ears and screamed. "Ow, my tinnitus!"
"Fry, due to the unfortunate loss of Officer Smith, you'll be riding with URL." Chief O'Mannahan told him.
URL looked down sadly at the mention of his old partner. "Poor Smitty, he was just a few days from retirement."
"Wuh— What happened?" Asked Fry.
"He took an early retirement. Damn that floozy."
Back in the Planet Express conference room, Zoidberg, Hermes, Professor Farnsworth, and Leela are sitting at the table. Professor Farnsworth suddenly stood up. "Well, let's get down to business."
Leela looked at the old man weirdly. "Aren't you gonna say something like [poorly imitating Professor Farnsworth's voice]: Good news, everyone?" She asked.
Professor Farnsworth shook his head sadly. "No, I just said that for Fry's benefit. Made the poor fellow feel better about his pointless job."
Hermes and Zoidberg nodded with their eyes closed.
Leela leaned back in thought. "As much as I miss him and Bender, they didn't really serve much purpose around here. Though Fry did walk Zoidberg."
Hermes, the Professor, and Leela looked at Zoidberg, who is biting on a leash and whining pitifully before he spits out the leash.
"In any case, I've improved on Fry by sticking some wheels on a board, so you can easily make the next delivery without him." Professor Farnsworth stated as pulled a board made of wood with wheels attached to the table and slid it over in Leela's direction.
"Neat. So where are we going?" Leela asked.
Professor Farnsworth made the table's holographic projector display a planet in grey. "You will be going to Planet Pandora, Leela,"
"By myself? That's too dangerous! Plus, isn't that the 3-D planet? Can't I just send my avatar?"
Professor Farnsworth shook his head in anger. "No! You should have thought of that before you drove my many times grand uncle away! And the drunk robot! And my intern who just so happens to share my blood type! Besides, it's cheaper just to have you die."
"Then we can find a whole new crew." Hermes added with a grin.
"Hooray! Everyone wins!" Zoidberg cheered as Leela huffed in frustration.
Somewhere on a New New York street, a green car is seen going relatively fast speeds. In a stopped police car, URL uses a radar detector to measure its speed. The radar's screen reads c+15 MPH. Fry looked at it and whistled.
"Whoa! Fifteen miles over the speed of light."
"That's a violation of the Law of Lorentz Invariance, baby." URL commented.
"Light 'em up!" Fry shouted excitedly as URL's head grows two police horns. The two officers ride their motorcycles in pursuit of the speeding car. The car's driver soon spotted the two policemen in his rearview mirror as he gently pats a box next to him. The green car raced through the busy streets, causing confusion and scaring the people on the street. Up ahead, there is a sign reading: WELCOME TO CIRCUIT CITY. The car enters the City through an electric passageway, turning into Tron-styled car. The NNYPD motorcycles proceed through the passageway in pursuit of the car and each one becomes a light cycle.
The chase continues and URL, seeing the hobo Dandy Jim, called back to Fry. "Look out for that particular individual."
Fry quickly swerved his cycle and created wall of light in front of the hobo. "An electric wall, eh? I can't see the harm in peein' on that." In unrelated news, New New York City experienced a brief blackout that same night.
Still trying to avoid capture, the green car hits Fry's cycle, causing it to spin around in the air with Fry attached. In a surprising show of skill, Fry managed to make a safe landing and continued the pursuit.
"Whoa! Where'd my man learn that?" URL asked.
Fry smirked back as the two kept pursuing the car. "A Sunny D commercial."
URL moved ahead of Fry. "Let's refract this sucka."
The two appear in front of the car and proceed towards him. The driver screamed in terror as his car is surrounded by an electric wall on each side, forcing him to drive towards what seems to be the center of Circuit City. At the center is a giant, jewel-like object around with a floating caption that says: FRESNEL CIRCLE. The driver tried to prevent his car from colliding with the object by driving around it. As he passes it, the object creates five duplicates of the car and five duplicates of the driver, each in a different color. The six identical cars crashed into the electric wall produced by the original car and the six identical drivers screamed as the six cars turned back into one, broken, original car. The light in the City disappears again and the driver stumbled out of his car's door onto the floor. Fry and URL are quickly upon him, pointing their guns at him.
"DNA and career chip, please." Fry demanded. The driver offered his hand and Fry pierced it with a gun that projected a hologram reading: NNY DMV, ERWIN SCHRÖDINGER and the driver's profile photograph.
URL looked at the profile. "Erwin Schrödinger, huh? What's in the box, Schrödinger?"
Erwin Schrödinger looked around nervously. "Um...a cat, some poison, und a caesium atom."
Fry, being the animal lover he is, quickly asked. "The cat! Is it alive or dead?" Schrödinger ignored the question, prompting Fry to push Schrödinger against his car's door, alarming him. "Alive or dead?!"
URL moved in close. "Answer him, fool."
Erwin Schrödinger smiled creepy. "It's a superposition of both states until you open it and collapse the wave function." He sang.
URL entered the car. "We'll see about that." He opened the box and a cat jumped out of it and attacked him. Unaffected by the animal, URL took a closer look at the box. "There's also a lotta drugs in there too."
-Thanks to King Ben for this part-
As URL and Fry drive Schrödinger to the Precinct
"Man, being a cop is harder than I thought." Said Fry.
URL chuckled slightly before replying. "You think this was bad? You should have been there when we busted Heisenberg."
"What was so bad about Heisenberg?"
"Heisenberg was a slippery speeder. Whenever we clocked him for speeding, we could never tell where he went to pursue him." Grumbled the robot.
"So how did you catch him?"
"We figured that since we lost sight of him whenever we checked him for speeding, that the next time we next saw him we would just chase after him and charge him for speeding when we caught him. Well because we weren't worried about checking his speed, we were able to pinpoint where he was going and call for backup to catch him. And catch him we did, serves him right." Finished URL.
"Neat!" Exclaimed Fry. "I can't wait to have cases like that!"
-thanks Ben-
Outside the NNYPD, the TV screen had an image of the Hyper-Chicken in prison and the caption read: NEED A LAWYER? Fry and URL could be seen escorting Schrödinger inside. A policeman wielding a lightsaber and two civilians were also present. Inside Chief O'Mannahan's office, the Chief is painting her nails above a drawing of Schrödinger. "You boys did good, nailed a major violator of the Laws of Physics." She complimented both URL and Fry.
"He's goin' down." Stated URL as he lifted up Schrödinger's cat. "Cat's gonna testify."
Chief O'Mannahan lifted up the drawing of Schrödinger, revealing a WANTED notice on it. "Guys like this really bust my uterus. You're both getting a promotion!"
"Woah!" Fry cried. "I can't wait tell my family."
URL patted Fry on the back. "Take an early leave, Rookie. I'll finish up the paperwork here."
"You sure?" Fry asked, not wanting to put all the work on his new partner.
"Get out of here, Training Bra." Chief O'Mannahan shouted. Fry gave the two a mock salute as he headed out the door. The Chief undid her hair from her tight bun and shook it loose. She turned to URL and gave him a seductive smirk. "How about I help you with that paperwork?" She asked with a wink. "Though it might take ALL NIGHT."
"Oh yeah baby!" URL spoke behind the closed door.