Jack glanced up from his magazine, annoyed by the screaming toddler in North's living room. The other guardians were trying to calm the kid but were failing miserably. Jack, heaving a large sigh, put his book down and got off of the chair, grabbing the child into his arms. Bunny growled, trying to snatch the boy back, but Jack was done with listening to the wailing.

Ever since the little boy had shown up in the North Pole, Bunny, North, Tooth, and Sandy were all trying to get the boy to go to sleep. They had no clue who the kid was, or how he even got into the Pole in the first place. As Jack was a teenager, the guardians thought it would be best if Jack stayed out of it. Jack had only shrugged and pulled out a magazine, sitting sideways in one of North's chairs while the guardians ran around, trying to get the mistrusting child to calm down. To Jack's annoyance, they weren't doing a very good job and decided to take matters into his own hands.

The boy only cried harder, not knowing what was going on. Jack sat back down into his chair, picking his magazine and lounging back in the armchair, the kid in his lap. Jack didn't say a word, and rubbed the kids back for a little bit, focused on the article about Justin Bieber. Jack didn't even know why he read this shit. Sophie had already read this issue and offered it to him. Jack had shrugged and taken it, and he was kind of sucked in.

"Frostbite," Bunny crossed his arms. "Let us deal with him."

"Not until he's quiet," Was all Jack said.

"He's not going to quiet down, Jack. He needs an adult." Bunny rolled his eyes.

But to everyone's surprise, the child was beginning to calm down. Jack continued to read his magazine, and soon the child's crying was reduced to sniffing.

"You done crying?" Jack asked the kid, glancing down at the red-eyed child. The kid nodded, putting his thumb in his mouth. Tooth cooed, but Jack shook his head and pulled the thumb out of the kid's mouth. "Don't do that. What's your name, kiddo?"

"Luke," The kid whispered, his eyes wide.

Jack just nodded. "Nice name. I knew a Luke once. Great guy. Why are you sad, Luke?"

Luke thought about the question, unsure if he could trust this man. However, when he looked up at the white haired teen, there was something about him that made Luke want to stay in his arms until his mommy came and got him.

"I'm scared," Luke whispered. "Lizzy died last week, and mommy and daddy are mad. It was my fault."

Gasps were heard from across the room, but Jack didn't bat an eyelash. Didn't even look at the kid in his lap. His eyes were still on the magazine.

"Why is it your fault?"

"I was in the street… I was gonna be hit by a car, but Lizzy pushed me out of the way and got hit instead. Lizzy's probably mad too."

Jack raised an eyebrow, looking down at the young child. "Why would Lizzy be mad, kid?"

The child looked confused as to why this strange teenager did not understand. "She died for me."

"Exactly. She died for you. She wanted you to be safe, so I doubt she would be mad. Sounds like she loved you." Jack said.

"How do you know that?" Luke peered up at him with his big green eyes.

Jack was silent for a minute, looking back at the magazine. Bunny was sure Jack wasn't going to answer, but Jack was full of surprises.

"Because that's what older brothers and sisters do for their younger siblings, kid," Jack answered the toddler's question with ease. "I died for my little sister because I loved her, and I wanted her to be safe."

The guardians frowned. Had Jack died? Why hadn't he told them?

"You did?" Luke looked equally as surprised. "How?"

"We were ice skating, and the ice broke. Emma was about to fall in, but I grabbed her and switched places with her. I fell in." Jack answered as if he was talking about a normal day's events.

"Wow. So Lizzy wanted me to be safe?" Luke asked, a smile forming on his lips.

"Sounds like it," Jack nodded, fixing his eyes back onto the magazine. He turned the page. The teen fashion page.

"What's your name?" Luke asked Jack.

"I'm Jack," Jack smiled, reading the page he was on. "Say, would I look good as an emo?" Jack pointed at the guy wearing all black eyeliner and black clothes.

Luke giggled and shook his head. "No, that boy looks mean, and you're nice. You should wear that!" Luke pointed at a boy who was wearing a green t-shirt and beats.

Jack raised an eyebrow. "Huh. Maybe you're right. I'll ask Sophie later."

Luke yawned and cuddled up into Jack's chest. "I like you," Luke smiled.

"I like you too. But it's bedtime, which means North and Bunny are gonna take you to your room. Tomorrow you're gonna go back home." Jack explained.

"No!" Luke whined. "The Bunny is scary," He whispered. Jack laughed.

"He just looks scary; he's just a fluffy bunny inside. He won't hurt you. Trust me, if he was mean enough to hurt you, I definitely wouldn't be here reading this really weird magazine." Jack grinned.

That seemed to convince Luke, and he crawled off of Jack's lap to toddle over to the Easter Bunny.

"C'mon, ya little ankle-bittah, time for bed," Bunny picked up the child. Luke waved at Jack once more, the winter teen saluting back with a smile. "Thanks, Jack," Bunny whispered, giving Jack a nod. "Nice job."

Bunny and Tooth left to put Luke to bed, leaving Jack lazily flipping through the magazine. Fifteen minutes later, Luke was fast asleep, and the guardians were back in the living room.

"Where did you get that magazine?" Bunny snorted as he sat in a chair, cleaning his boomerang.

"Sophie gave it to me. It's what all of the teenagers are into these days, and Soph said she's sick and tired of seeing me not knowing stuff." Jack chuckled. Man, fifteen-year-olds were a piece of work.

"I don't understand," Tooth frowned. "How did you get him to trust you?"

"We tried everything!" North furrowed his brow. "But you put him in lap and ignored child. How did that work?"

"You were just riling him up by chasing him around. He needed to calm himself down." Jack answered, flipping the page. "Damn, that shirt is ugly. Besides, I told you: I know kids."

"Obviously." Bunny agreed.

Jack's new cell phone that Jamie had set up for him buzzed. Jack pulled it out of his pocket, reading the message on the screen. Jack rolled his eyes and put the phone away.

"What is that white box?" North tilted his head.

"A cell phone. Jamie said I have to have one. That was Sophie; she's taking me to get Sonic tomorrow."

Bunny groaned. "I feel terrible for every parent of a teenager if this is what they're like."

"Don't feel bad, Bunny. Think about it: They only have to deal with it for seven years. You have to deal with it forever."

Bunny groaned again.

Jack closed his magazine, putting it on the ground. "Remind me to give that back to Sophie," Jack requested. "I've gotta go spread snow in Canada."

And with that Jack was out the window, leaving the guardians to wonder about how Jack died to save his sister. Tooth picked up the discarded magazine and started to look through it.

"Tooth, don't even think about it," Bunny warned her.

"But it looks so interesting!" Tooth protested, but Sandy grabbed the magazine out of her hands.

North smiled. "Let's leave teenager things to Jack, no?"