Hello there : D

This is a seven-shot, with each shot based on one deadly sin. Each chapter has a different theme and setting, sometimes even in AU.

Disclaimer: I don't own magi.

Chapter one's summary: The only thing that could motivate Sinbad to do his paperwork was Ja'far and Judar's catfights. But then again, maybe not.

"Hey, Ja'far."

The high advisor of the Sindria kingdom turned around to find his Fanalis friend and fellow General, Masrur, in front of him. He frowned in confusion. "I thought you were supposed to keep Lord Muu company?" He asked, his tone hesitant.

Muu Alexius was currently the honorable guest of Sindria, as a representative of Reim to both discuss political and trading matters and the king had decided that Masrur was the best option to keep his fellow Fanalis company.

"Yes. That is why I am here." The red-haired man said in his usual calm monotone voice. "As you are aware he is supposed to leave this evening because of the coming storm."

"Yes. That is why I have ordered the servants to prepare a huge feast for today's lunch. But that doesn't explain why you are here." The silver-haired man tilted his head, looking at the taller man curiously.

"Actually Muu sent me here. He said something about an incomplete contract…" The Fanalis said.

Ja'far blinked as Masrur handed him a piece of paper which was supposed to be the contract. He started to read every single word carefully to see what was wrong with it. Everything seemed to be okay. Well, everything but one thing. The signature of the king was missing.


"What should I tell Muu?"

"Tell him that the contract will be completed before the lunch is served." Ja'far smiled pleasantly.

Way too pleasantly.

Judar was lying on his stomach on Sinbad's desk, twisting a string of the High king's purple hair around his finger playfully. He always enjoyed playing with Sinbad's hair, first because his hair was something phenomenal both in color and ductility and second because it greatly vexed the king. He dangled his feet back and forth, trying to get the other man's attention. He narrowed his eyes when he didn't get any and crawled towards the king, playing with the hem of the king's robe gingerly. Sinbad frowned at him, completely unamused.

"Stop it Judar. I need to finish these." He pointed at the stack of papers which were piled up on his desk and sighed in frustration.

Judar paid no mind and continued to mess with the king's robe. "If you think you are going to fool me with that excuse then I have to say that your level of stupidity is way lower than what I have originally thought."

Sinbad glared and Judar grinned. "Say, Your Dumbness, are you not bored?"

Sinbad was tempted to say yes but that meant giving Judar the pleasure of having the upper hand and only God knew what the black magi would do if given an inch. He rolled his golden eyes as Judar started to trail his finger teasingly down his jawline and sighed.

"Look, I really need to finish these unless you want Ja'far to assassinate me." He remembered Ja'far's dead dreadful eyes years ago, when he was still an assassin and shuddered. His advisor could be pretty scary when he wanted to be.

"That's not gonna happen." Sinbad raised an eye-brow and Judar smirked. "That is not gonna happen because I am the one who will kill you."

"Sure…now stop messing with my robe."

"But I am bored." The magi whined.

"Entertain yourself elsewhere." The king looked at him with a serious expression and tried not to get distracted by the alluring look in Judar's half-lidded crimson eyes.

"No way."

The black-haired magi ignored the king as he gave a small wave to his wand and before Sinbad could blink he felt his usual ponytail loosening and his long purple hair fell all over his shoulders and back in less than a second.

"Are you crazy!?" Roared the older man. He glared at the young magi and started to secure his hair band once again.

"Uh...uh…." Judar stopped him. "Didn't I say I am bored? Amuse me."

The evil glint in the magi's seductive eyes told Sinbad that he should runaway. Faraway. It was never a good sign when Judar's eyes twinkled like that. The last time he had seen his eyes shone this way was when he had broken through Sindria's barrier just for the fun of it.

"You have such a pretty hair, Sinbad." The magi purred. "I bet all women you sleep with would give a limb to have such exotic color." He received a glare and laughed. "But why the hell you keep your hair in that lame ponytail? You seriously need to change your style."

"Thank you very much for the compliment but I much prefer to keep my lame ponytail." The king narrowed his amber eyes. "Now hands off." He spat darkly.

Judar ignored him once again and gave another small wave to his wand. Sinbad felt his hair being pulled up by gentle invisible hands and after a moment of panic he realized that his hair was being re-designed. He slowly brought a hand up to his hair, only to find out that now his hair was neatly styled in the Kou's imperial hair design.

His hair was officially raped.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!" He was horrified.

Judar was laughing so hard that he could not breathe. "Oh my God….your hair looks like the old hag's. It suits you….idiot queen." He teased and grabbed his stomach, not able to contain his hysterical laughter.

Sinbad twitched. "Quit messing with my hair." He said warningly.

He made a mental note to return the favor to the magi a hundred of times worse and tried to undo that ridiculous hair style albeit very unsuccessfully.

"You are doing it wrong. You should pull the pin from the other side. You are so pathetic when it comes to this." Judar was laughing so loud that Sinbad's ears were practically bleeding.

"I don't spend half of my day in front of the mirror worshiping my hair, unlike some people."

"That is no excuse. Just admit that you are not capable of doing it." Judar had tears in his eyes as he laughed harder. "I bet Kouen would propose you if he saw you right now…You would be Kou's Empress and I, your magi…at last." He grinned.

"Now you are being delusional. Even if that happens Kouen has to play the empress part." The High king gritted his teeth and gripped the magi's chin firmly in between his fingers, eyes sharp and burning.

"Now let me show you what I am capable of."

Judar gulped.

Ja'far was far too angry to bother knocking as he opened the king's office door. Why should he knock anyway? Sinbad probably was writing his stupid adventures which were becoming ridiculously unbelievable in each volume or spacing out. ANYTHING but doing his paperwork.

What he didn't expect was to find a naked Judar lying on the desk moaning lewdly with an equally naked Sinbad hovering above him.

"What are you doing?" He asked flatly, not even bothering to sound surprised.

"We are having office sex…" Judar responded shamelessly as he stopped nipping on Sinbad's neck before pushing the king away, obviously pissed off with Ja'far. "and we were just getting to the good part."

"No! We were discussing something!" Sinbad's panicked voice was enough to make everything clear, not that it was not clear enough with the king and the magi naked from head to 'far frowned and as if in cue, the king realized his nudity and tried to find something to cover himself with.

"Oh? So dirty talk is considered a discussion nowadays? and where the hell did you find that damn leaf to cover yourself with!?" Now Ja'far was really angry and Sinbad was officially terrified.

"Hey! Be mindful of your words! What dirty talk? I am your stupid king's official lover, so I have every right!"Protested Judar.

"Really? Since when?" Ja'far spat.

"Since now!" Judar stomped his foot on the ground like a child and glared at the advisor.

"Oh? So, the fact that Kouen screws you in Kou is just a rumor?"

"WHAT!? You sleep with Kouen?" Sinbad asked Judar accusingly, jumping in the middle of the conversation out of nowhere.

"Hell no! Your stupid king is the only one who does indecent things to me!" He screamed, mostly to Ja'far.

Sinbad winced. Ja'far was going to have his head. He should have told Ja'far himself about his meetings with Judar. Now that they were discovered in such an embarrassing way, he was sure he was going to be lectured into oblivion by his advisor about his simple and kind nature which was the polite version of the word stupidity.

"Sin, is he telling the truth? Did you molest him? That's disgusting! What are you? A pedophile?"

"What pedophilia?! He is not under-aged! "

"Did you rape him?!"

"Of course not! We had consensual sex!"

"By pedophile he meant that you are way too old to please me in bed." Judar supported helpfully and Sinbad made a sound similar to a wounded animal. He hated to talk about his age.

"Why you are so shameless? For God's sake, at least have the decency to cover yourself!" yelled Ja'far.

"How on earth I am supposed to find a magical floating leaf to cover myself like that stupid king?"


"Look, I don't care what you two have been doing…or for your weird hair fetish." He threw a disgusted look at Sinbad's hair which the king had totally forgotten about it. "Just do it at the proper time and in the proper place." He glared at Sinbad, promising a silent painful death if he dared to defy.

"Of course!" Sinbad flashed him a smile which was wiped out in an instant by another death glare.

"And you! Put some clothes on. Let's leave the king alone to finish his work. He is lazy enough without you getting him distracted."

Judar hesitated a bit and Ja'far growled dangerously. "Don't make me cut your pretty hair into Sindria's latest fashion." His blades shone warningly under his sleeves.

Judar could have sworn that he heard Sinbad murmuring something like "Karma is a bitch" under his breath but decided to ignore it for now. He hugged his braid protectively against his chest. "Try it and I will cut your dick." He snarled at the silver-haired man.

"Did you say something?!" Ja'far hissed and Sinbad sighed, deciding that it is time to intervene.

"Stop you two. Ja'far, I am sorry for slacking off. Judar, I will see you tonight in my chambers."

Judar nodded and gave a nasty glare to Ja'far, floating out of the window while Ja'far pursed his lips and threw a dirty look at Sinbad, shoving the contract paper into his face. "I want this done before lunch time." He hissed and stomped his way out of the room but not before stopping for a second. "And do something about that ridiculous hair of yours. You look like a damsel in distress, the kind that Alibaba favors."

Sinbad felt like he had been stoned.

Ja'far looked at the sun. Noon was close and soon the lunch was going to be served. He looked out of the corridor's window to find Judar lazily lying under the shadow of a peach tree.

Thank God.

The annoying magi had not gone to distract Sin. This time the king should have done his work for sure. He strolled towards his king's office to collect the signed contract as soon as possible. Muu was going to leave after lunch and there was no time left.

He walked into the office, expecting to find Sinbad focusing on his work and already done with the contract. What he found though, was anything but that. The king was sleeping soundly with his head on his desk, a goblet of wine before him. It was obvious that he had been drinking and when Ja'far looked at the papers in front of him, he saw that he had been writing those ridiculous adventures again, with the addition of an evil wizard to spice things up.

The ex-assassin twitched. He should have known that the king's laziness has no bounds. Ja'far had to admit that for once Judar was not the one at fault. Sinbad was always unmotivated when it came to his paperwork, with or without the magi to distract him.

It seemed that he needed to persuade Muu to stay at least for one more day.

A/N: Actually I think that Sinbad's hair is very pretty. Add Judar and his beautiful hair and you will get a picture perfect.