Author's note: Hello, my dear readers! I'm a great fan of the 'Percy Jackson' series and greek mythology! This is why I wrote this little one-shot...I've written other stories for Huntik, so this is my first PJO ff...I hope you like it! It popped into my mind, while reading 'The sea of monsters'...*laughs*

Anyways, enough talking! Let's get to business!

Enjoy and please review and give me some feedback! :)

- Lady Athena of Olymp

The ocean's wisdom

Poseidon's POV

I was strolling along the ocean, gazing at the moon, sunken in my thought. This day has been awful!

First, Percy got in trouble with Dionysus again, for not obeying the amps rules..!

Second, I had a rather annoying conversation with Chiron lecturing me, about how to give advice to his child...

Third, Zeus came and scolded me for almost making a small village, near the sea, drown.

And on top of that, Miss 'I'm always right', aka Athena, had to start and argument with me...And of course she got me all mad again, so that Zues again complained about me handling my part of the world...!

Dear gods! Like father like daughter! Really! Always exaggerating and making a fuss about everything! I wonder, how is Percy able to get along with Annabeth? She is just like her mother!

I sighed. This torture will never have an end...literally...

Small waves engulfed my bare feet and I suddenly had the primal urge to go swimming.

I took off my blue shirt and dived into the cool water. I could've just stayed dry, but I wanted to feel the salty water on my skin.

My mood must've alerted the whole sea, because it wasn't about five minutes that some fishes came and asked "My Lord, what is the matter? You seem more distracted than angry..."

I glared at them for daring to intrude my privacy, but eventually I let my anger go away. It wasn't worth my time, and my little companions were right.

"Lord? Can we help you?" The fishes said.

I sighed again.

"I don't know..." I said and brushed my companions softly.

"My seem so troubled..." The blue coloured fish said. "Yes! Did you have some arguments?" The green one asked too.

"Yes...I argued with Athena again..." I said and somehow looked down.

The two fishes sighed at that and looked at me with concern. "Lord...It isn't healthy to argue! Isn't it about time to let the arguments subside and find peace with Lady Athena?"

I barely managed to refrain myself from yelling at them.

"How dare you, mention the name of that woman in my presence?!" I exclaimed and shot them a glare.

The fishes hurriedly bowed and apologised. "We're highly sorry for our inacceptable behaviour, my Lord, but please listen to us!"

I crunched my eyebrows together, still feeling offended, but then I nodded.

"Lord...Lady Athena is a wise woman...durning the trojan war, she was on the winning side, as in all her wars, to be precise...and you know as much as everyone else, that Lady Athena wouldn't start a war without any reason..."

"You want to tell me, there is a freaking reason why this woman fights me SINCE 3000 YEARS?!" I shouted in disbelief.

"No, Lord...But Lady Athena wouldn't do this, if there wasn't something bothering her...and you my Lord, maybe you should re-think your relationship with her..." The two suggested, still aware of the rising temper of their Lord.

I looked at them, no rather I stared. I didn't know whether I was boiling with anger or sighed in defeat. They were right after all...I mean...

"Lord...what is the reason that you always fight with Lady Athena?" The green fish asked me and swam near my leg.

"Because-because she is so..." I started and then stopped.

Because what? Why did I fight with her so much? Why did I hate her? Did I even hate her?

I sighed for what felt like the hundredth time this day.

"May we say something more, Lord?"

I nodded and mentioned them to go on.

"Throughout the years, you and Lady Athena did nothing else than fighting, blaming each other and making the life of the other a hell! She doesn't approve your temper and you, my Lord, and please forgive us this accusation, you still blame her for taking over Athens..."

That was when something snapped in me. Athens...We started fighting with the competition over Athens...! And those fishes were right! We didn't always fight! I mean, we invented the chariot! Together! Hah, I actually made something with that goddess!

My two companions seemed to realise that I started thinking things over, because they said "Lord...I don't think the fates damned you to eternal fighting! I think, there is more than you know..."

I tilted my head. What the Hades was that supposed to mean?!

The two swam away, but before the disappeared in the depths of the ocean, the blue one turned his head around and said "Lord, think of her as a woman..."

I continued to stare, not knowing what to say or what to do.

An ancient greek curse escaped my lips as I continued to stroll aimlessly along the shore.

I let the waves cool me, while the water reached my waist. My hands behind my head, I started to think about what those two said.

An image of Athena appeared in my mind, much to my displeasure.

I thought for a moment.

Actually, she is a really beautiful woman...Wait a sec, what have I just thought?

I shrugged my head, but her image wouldn't leave my mind.

I left the water and buried my feet in the sand, until I stopped, because I felt that someone else was here.

I looked up and there she was.

Her long, curly black hair shined beautifully in the light of the moon, as it elegantly flowed over her shoulders. Her marvellous body was engulfed in a white dress that reached the ground. Golden carvings gracing the soft material. Her feet were bare, sand covering her tanned skin.

There was no sign or her spear or her shield, nor her amor. She stood there like a greek statue. Beautiful and in all her glory.

The she turned around and looked at me with those wise and intelligent grey eyes. Stormy grey, like the storms of her father. But a face, lovely and strong at the same time. Her olive skin perfectly matched her hair. And then her lips. Those strawberry red lips, covered with a light gloss and slightly parted.

She smiled.

And this smile reached her eyes, making them shine like diamonds.

This was the moment, when I realised, how beautiful she was.

I found myself smiling, heat shooting in my face as I walked towards her.

She was calm, peaceful. Not this calculated calmness, not this strategic thinking, no stern looks.

Simply a woman. No warrior. No sign of the war goddess, she sometimes could be. No challenging glares.

Just the most wonderful goddess ever...may Aphrodite curse me for that...I don't care.

She opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but exactly in that moment, a shadow covered her.

With the speed of a lightning, a rock, that must've loosened itself, came running down, straight towards her.

Suddenly I remembered that Zeus punished us! A few days ago, he bursted out in rage, yelling at the whole olympian council, that we were far too immature to be even called gods, and that he will punish us for our childish actions, for our everlasting fights! He said, he will make us mortal and remove our powers for 7 days!

I didn't even think twice and started sprinting.

Dammit! I thought! She is still mortal, and this stupid rock is going to slice her in half!

I fastened my speed, if that was even possible, and prayed to the fates.

Let me be fast enough! Please!

But it was too late.

"ATHENA! Watch out!"

To be continued...

Okay, so this was it...And yes, I've just decided that I'll make a two-shot out of it!

Anyways, I hope you liked it! Please review!

The next chapter will be up soon!