"Wanda!" she heard a voice call.

Who's that?

"Wanda!" it said again.

Where am I?

There was snow everywhere and she was cold.

She saw a figure coming toward her through the blizzard.


"Wanda!" it'd called once more.

Now she was sure it was Pietro and tried to move toward him but she couldn't.

What the heck?

"Pietro?" she called worriedly, longing to see her brother.

"Wanda?!" he'd said over the storm. His figure drew closer and closer toward her until he was close enough to make out.

Wanda looked up to see a brown haired Pietro with tattered up clothes trudging through the snow. He stopped a couple feet in front of her as his legs disappeared into the white cloud under them.

"Pietro! Is it really you?" she'd asked hopefully.

He seemed to ignore her question and yelled over the noise. "Wanda how could you!"

She was taken.

"Pietro, w-what do you-"

"You could've saved us! You could've saved me!" he screamed.

Tears started to well up in her eyes. "P-pietro, I-i'm sor-"

"Sorry isn't going to fix anything Wanda!" he yelled ferociously. Just then, Wanda heard a 'boom' and saw a bullet fly right through Pietro's shoulder.


"You're weak Wanda!" he continued, coming toward her again. Another bullet made it way through his arm.


"You can't do anything right!" he shouted. Two more bullets pierced his back, one making its way all the way through.

Wanda felt like gagging. Her brother marched closer to her through the waist high snow that seemed to be eating him up.

"You're honestly so useless! Couldn't even save your own brother from dying!" he growled. Bullets started to hit him like a hail storm as his blood continued to stain the white snow.

Wanda was terrified at the sight. Her brother was getting closer to her making it easier to see the wounds. His hair had also started fading from its rich brown to a bright white with every shot that hit him.

"Pietro please-" she started with tears in her eyes.

"No Wanda. You're gonna kill all of us. All of them! And then you're going to be the death of yourself all because you can't control yourself! You're a monster and that's all you'll ever be, SO TAKE OFF THE DAMN MASK AND STOP LYING TO YOURSELF ALREADYYY-"

"Stop!" Wanda screamed, jolting up from her bed. She opened her eyes in a panic as tears swam out of them and she recognized her surroundings. Seeing the girls still sleeping around her, she shushed herself and and sat back, keeping a hand over her mouth as she did, letting the tears continue to slide.

"Oh Pietro…" she whispered angrily to herself. She continued to cry for a while, just reflecting on the past couple months and her time before all this superheroing. The times when her and Pietro were together and, though working for a secret evil organization, they were at least together.

A couple minutes later Wanda heard a knock on the bathroom door. She immediately wiped her tears and went to the door to check who it was.

Opening it, she was confronted by a slim green figure standing in front of her.


Gamora stood there still in her sleep wear, starring Wanda down. "I heard a noise. What happened?" she asked bluntly.

Wanda just took a deep breath and sighed. "Sorry Gamora it was… it was just a bad dream. I'm sorry to wake you." she apologized.

Gamora nodded slowly, still inspecting Wanda, noticing the puffiness of her face. "Have you by any chance been crying?" she asked, hardly a hint of kindness in her voice.

Wanda looked down in attempt to hide her face a little and replied. "Why would you thi-"

"Your nose is running and your eyes are bloodshot Maximoff. I know what it looks like when someone's been crying thank you." Gamora interrupted.

Wanda pursed her lips, not wanting the tears to spill out again, especially in front of Gamora, the queen of no emotion.

"C'mon Wanda," Gamora said, attempting a kinder tone. "We can.. talk about it in the room alright?"

This question had been asked toward Wanda time and time again, people in uniforms asking her about her past. Interrogation after interrogation had worn her out of wanting to talk about their horrible past and just reminded her even more of her dead brother.

But, sensing that Gamora was really just trying to help, Wanda complied with the green girl's suggestion, ready to open herself up to yet another peopson.

"Okay.. fine." she answered after a couple seconds. Her and Gamora made their way to the couch in the middle of the room and spoke quietly, making sure not to wake up the other girls.

"So, what's going on?" Gamora preid once they sat down.

Wanda took a deep breath before speaking. "Well, it all started with my brother." she started, twiddling her fingers absentmindedly.

"Mhmm, what about your brother?" Gamora continued.

"Um, he sorta, died not too long ago in a battle.." Wanda continued, unsure of how to explain.

"Oh," Gamora replied, slightly losing her previous attitude after hearing the situation.

"Yeah, it's a long story.." Wanda said uncomfortably, hoping that Gamora wouldn't be too taken by what was about to come out of her mouth.

Right before she had time to continue the story though, she was cut off by a loud sound that broke the silence they'd made sure to keep. Both girls flinched as they heard a newly woken up Natasha announce:

"Happy funday girlies!" she'd called.

"Natasha? What the heck?!" Wanda screeched, the noise scaring her half to death. Especially since they were sure Natasha had been sleeping.

Gamora growled, still shocked by the sudden burst of noise. "Are you nuts? What's wrong with y-"

"Shh, no time for talk girls." Natasha cut them off, putting a finger up to Gamora's now annoyed face. "Today is our vacay/ bonding/ shopping day and we're gonna spend it nicely so everybody needs to hurry up and get off your a*ses cause we're leaving in 30 minutes, got it?"

The girls heard Hope groan in bed, being woken up by Nat's chatter. "Ugh could you guys be any louder? Someone's gonna think we're dying in here." she whined.

"Yup, dying to have a good time!" Natasha cheered.

What in the actual world is wrong with her today? Hope thought to herself, not being used to seeing Natasha be all bubbly and excited.

"Like I said, we're leaving soon, so everyone get ready fast and be prepared to spend the entire day letting go, mkay?" Nat finished, smiling at the girls before heading into the bathroom and closing the door.

The girls all shared a 'what the hel just happened look' before Hope groaned again and lied back in bed. "She's officially lost it," she sighed.

"Obviously," Gamora added tiredly.

Just then, Wanda got up, getting ready to start changing until Gamora stood up and gripped her shoulder lightly.

"Wanda?" she started. "We can finish talking about it later, okay?" she assured.

Wanda looked into her friend's dark eyes and nodded lightly. "Of course," she replied. "And thanks Gamora, for asking and stuff. It means a lot having people you can talk to." she said.

Gamora gave back a small smile. "No problem." she answered.

Then all three girls soon started getting ready for 'their vacay funday' that Natasha had planned. They weren't sure what in the world they'd be doing and anticipated what treasures and surprises Natasha and Wakanda had in store for their day.

Hi Berries! A somewhat short chapter but at least it's something. Sorry again for not updating lately but I hope you guys like it and thanks for sticking with my story.

- Love you!