Shots fired. "Get down, Genji!"

Smoke filling the lungs. "Drive,drive!"

Screams of anguish and fury. "Quit arguing, I'm faster!"

Searing heat of a fire. "Lena, dodge!"

Spinning. So much spinning with sounds of metal bending horribly underneath the force. And Noah eyes open with tears and dirt in his eyes. He shakes his head and finds himself pressed against a metal door. 'Eeh...wait, where am-?' He was cut off at a small explosion from the distance and he stands up with great difficulty.

Blood seemed to be dripping from his forehead and cuts on his arm. The back of his head bumps softly against the other door and he pushes it up. Sunlight flooded the car as some rocks covering the door were pushed out of the way and Noah pulled himself out of the car.

'Ok, ok regroup. Now...where the hell am I?' He thought. Trees were evident, but with more tall grass...and wrecked cars. He laughed painfully as he begins walking around and trying to salvage anything useful. His armor was almost torn to shreds leaving his under clothes slightly ripped and his right shoulder wasn't the best in the moving department.

"H-hey. Pr...prepare to die." A weary voice called out. Noah turned around and found a Talon soldier standing with him more battered than Noah.

"Oh come on pal, we're both tired. Let's just call it a day." The Talon soldier took a step forward, but stopped at hearing a sharp beep from below him. Noah and him looked down to see a discarded land mine was placed there. Noah jumped back as the soldier turned into meat chunks in a hot sizzling blaze.

"Sure, blow me off." Noah chuckled dryly before seeing the dead soldier's pistol next to him. "But thanks for the gun." Picking the gun up, Noah dragged himself through more of the wreckage before collapsing behind a large truck. His eyes flickered before shutting down.

"Come on, I'll buy you a drink." Noah said with some half-ass attempt. His friend waved him off and walked back to his girlfriend. "Can't. Lady's waiting."

Noah shook his head. "Whatever, I'll see you around Sullivan." He turned back to the bar before a hand placed down an order. Gin and tonic. "Care to buy another friend a drink?" A voice dripping with wit and humor.

"Of course!" Another voice, rough and annoyed grumbled. Noah opened his eyes to see a couple more Talon soldiers walking toward him. "The survivors are already accounted for. We should leave while we can before any of the Overwatch agents find us."

"We heard radio chatter around this area before that explosion. It could be one of our men or…" He paused at the thought. "A down Overwatch agent." Noah froze as he could feel the soldiers growing excited at the thought of killing him.

"Alright, I hope they're around somewhere. Bout time we put one out of it's misery."

"Spread out. If it's our men, help them. If it's Overwatch, no mercy."

Noah breathed in and out. His wounds were not helping with the stress at the moment. The footsteps of a Talon soldier caught his attention as he ducked underneath his cover. He needed to take this one out. Silently.

Noah waited patiently and before the Talon soldier knew what to do, one quick blow to the vocal chords silenced him. The soldier coughed hoarsely and grabbed his knife strapped to his side, Noah didn't hesitate to grab the knife and jamming it into the neck.

His enemy choked and gurgled on his blood as Noah covered his mouth. The Overwatch agent pulled the knife out slowly and took a glance to see the two others weren't looking his way.

"Well if it isn't Mr. Burr." Noah said with surprise. Burr opened his arms as he hugged Noah tightly. "And Mr. Bastin, I see you still slum up in the bars."

"Someone's gotta keep Ernie and his omnic in business." Noah said. The two took a seat and Ernie brought them their drinks. Burr asked about Noah's recent business, but Noah wasn't having it.

"Oh no, you disappear after the last job and come back out of nowhere. Ya gotta tell me where you've been." Burr nodded with a guilty smile. "I admit I've been gone for a considerable amount of time, but you're going to be more surprised about what I've got."

Burr pulled a small object out of his coat pocket and placed it on the bar. Noah's eyes widened.

'Deep breath and aim carefully.' Noah said as the tip of the blade was pressed between his fingers. One breath, one exhale. Second breath, second exhale and...release. The knife went flying with a low whistle as it impaled itself on the second soldier. He fell in a collapsed heap and the third soldier was alarmed.

"WH-!" One loud bang covered the rest of the word. Noah panted with the pistol's smoke whisping gently in the air. He pushed his hair back before sitting down and letting the adrenaline finally drain away.

Putting the gun on the side, Noah felt the heat from the sun cake the blood on his head. "I...really...need help." Once again his eyelids sliding to a close before hearing several more voices call out for his name.