Louise carried baby Effie Ronli Bush-Belcher to term, however, she didn't know that the baby she was pushing out was Effie until after she was born. Both boys stood on either side of her, letting her squeeze their hands and trying to be strong for her. The whole time Louise thought this is awful and I'm never going to do this again but after holding her little baby girl in her hands, she smiled down at the pink bundle in her arms and thought yeah, I could do this again.

Immediately after being born, they took blood samples from Logan, Bradley, and the baby. Then, after two weeks of waiting, they walked into the doctor's office for the results: Logan Bush was the father of the baby.

Eventually, Louise and Logan got married, moved into an apartment with their baby and Louise tried not to laugh every time it was Logan's turn to change diapers.

Louise continued to help her dad in the restaurant and Logan continued to work on his music, eventually making enough to support his family without problems.

Once Effie's blonde hair grew out long enough, Logan put her hair up in pig-tails and placed the bunnyhat on her head, just like her mother used to wear. And every time her parents took her out to the park, she was climb on Logan's back until he would put her up on his shoulders.

"Daddy! I can touch the trees up here!"

"Wow! That's awesome! One day you will grow up to be so tall you won't need to be up here to touch them!"

She giggled, running her hands through the leaves, "I hope so!"

Louise would tuck her daughter into bed every night, and cuddle her while Logan read her her favourite picture book until she fell asleep. Then, they would both look at the tiny creation they made together, in awe.

"I think we did good," Logan whispered, staring at his daughter's peaceful face.

Louise smiled and ran her hands through her daughter's hair, "yeah, I think we did too."

"You know she hates taking that hat off," Logan motioned to the bunnyhat that was laying on the night stand.

"Like mother like daughter," Louise kissed Effie's forehead and then got up and walked towards Logan, sitting in a rocking chair.

She got into his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I love you, Logan."

He kissed her head, "I love you too."

"And despite everything that happened for us to get here, it was worth it."

He smiled and kissed her, "Me too. I love you, forever and always."