This is a whim. Also, will not have any sort of decided update schedule, nor anything pre-planned. Canon to the (Not) Supernatural 'verse, and will give explanation on things that strike as inspiration. Such as Frank.

[(Not) Chapter 33]


"Hito-nii! What do you think?"

Yamakawa Hito, age seventeen, eyed his sister thoughtfully as her three friends and his two classmates looked on, before shaking his head at the prospective new outfit. "The color makes your skin look too pale, and it draws attention to your chest. You're not big enough for that."

His classmates (who had seen him while passing by the shop window) both took quick steps back, looking alarmed.

The girls, on the other hand, laughed.

"Thanks, Hito-nii! I can always count on you to be honest!"

The smallest of his sister's friends snickered, "He's more than just honest! He's—he's frank," she decided, choosing a word from their English lesson the day before.

The decisive tone heralded a new nickname.

(He never did quite manage to shake it.)
