Hello my dear readers, I'd like to thank you for your support of this story so far, This is the first chapter that is entierly new to the original piece, it took a little bit to put this our because I had to fight and argue with myself on whether or not to continue on with my idea to continue this as a rewrite or to just keep it a re-edit. I fianlly decided to go ahead and introduce a story linbe and a half that wasn't in the old version of this story. So please let me know what you guys think of the idea.

AN* 16:24 Sep 27 2016: Sorry, didn't realize that I misplaced a paragraph during the first posting of this I will be deleting this notice in about 24 hours.

Ciel Hall, the Ancestral home of the Arc family since it's construction over 400 years ago, for over 13 generations the Head of the Arc Family held power in its walls the very grounds vibrated with the strength of the family. The current head of the family, Dore Arc, sat in his study the same study of his forefathers going over the militia count and soldier reports of his fief the same land given to Cyan of Arcadia by Mantel's Rex Sol one of the last Kings of Mantel, it was still the border point of Atlas to this day there were no fiefdoms that passed Arcanum. The land was fertile but dangerous the people who lived and thrived in it were the best that Atlas had to offer. When the Kingdom went through it's revolution the Arc family was one of the few that kept its power and rank, and for no small part because of the fear the new Royal family and parliament had for Obsidienne Arc and the forces of Arcanum. The Arc's had always produced the best of the best… the Lord Arc snapped the pen in his hand his handsome face twisting into a scowl of disgust as he thought of the mar on the family name.

The letter still sat on his desk, the newest reminder that Dore Are still had a male child, after four attempts with his wife for a male heir he was given a failure. How his son became a team leader was beyond the wisdom of Oum, the boy's grades were entirely unsatisfactory which wasn't a surprise, the only exception was apparently the top score in Strategem even then it was only a 87%. His land would go to his eldest daughter, Vermeil was the strong and powerful girl that her brother wasn't, a master of the sword and shield the Crocea Mors that Jaune stole should be his sisters weapons. And they would be it was foolish of Ozpin to send the boys reports here, now Dore knew where his wayward scum was. The man pushed a button on his desk buzzing the house. Time to take the Family treasure back.

"Vermeil, Blanche, Verte, I need you in my study. I have a mission of great import, come at once."


Verte and Blanche Arc stopped their spar at the sound of their father's voice. Verte stood tall for a girl of 19 almost reaching her father's six foot 2, like all of the family she wore her white armor over her day clothes a simple green shirt and darker green trousers. She pulled her halberd back collapsing it down into itself and hung it from the notch on her belt. Her blonde hair was cut short almost as short as the soldiers of the land her face was thin and sharp, her movements were light and graceful as she walked away from her sister.

"Come now Blanche it's time for your first mission then." Her green eyes looked up from the training ground to the main tower of Ciel Hall. Jaune used to call it the Spider Tower, that the web their father spun all led back to the one room at the top of the tower. It was the most fortified section of the Hall and easiest to defend. Verte felt her mouth twitch into a frown and her shoulders lower slightly at the odd thought of her long gone brother… she missed him, as did the rest of the sisters… but none missed him as much as their mother.

Blanche looked up where her older sister was, Blanche was 14, only ten when her brother left. She took more after her mother barely breaking five foot the little childlike softness on her face was starting to shift into what would be a beautiful face. She holstered her paired hand axe pistols and nodded her head when her sister started walking. SHe would bring honor to the family, not like her brother. She missed him but the memories were distant now the overlaying of her father's words had started to blur what she remembered. Jaune was a weakness, a flaw in the pristine Arc family. She would do her father proud, she didn't want to end up an exile. She brushed off her white combat skirt her pale blue almost silver eyes hardening as she walked forward her bouncing golden curls getting dusted by the slow snowfall of the mountain.

Vermeil Arc sat in her rooms reading when the call came over the Hall. The book would have irritated her father, it was a treaty written after the Faunus Rights Movement on the systematic oppression of a people. It was quite good, the argument sound and well documented. Slowly the tall red eyed blond pulled her white armor over her precisely tailored red and black shirt and vest. She pulled her boots back over her legs in brown trousers and grabbed Vrai Espoir from against her door. The hand and a half blade in sheath slid smoothly into its belt loop as she moved to open the door. She pulled her cloak from its hook flinging it around her shoulders securing it there with the double arcs that were the house sigil. She hadn't been on a mission from father in almost two years now. She was the Heir after all, at 24 she was the pride of the Arcs, the perfect Heir save for her gender. She despised her father though she hid it well. Her first act as the Lady Arc would be to find and reinstate her brother into the family. Her footsteps echoed as she turned a corner to take the stairs up to the Study.

She climbed slowly thinking what would be important enough for her father to send her along with Verte and Blanche, besides the fact that it was Blanche's first mission. Then again Bleue was at Atlas Academy working as a teacher's aide, Violet was doing maneuvers with her unit, Rose was in her first year at Atlas and Noire was on bed rest after her accident with the Beowolves that attacked one of the fringe farms of the Fief so there might have been need. The girl stopped outside of the door. She hated feeling powerless. That's what the old man did to her, to all of them. She squared her shoulders when she heard two sets of footsteps behind her. She'd wait for Blanche and Verte to join her before going into the room.


Jaune sat looking down at the spar going on before him. Yang and Pyrrha was always a fun match to watch, they were so different fighters that were so amazing in their own way. He cheered when Yang slid under a stab on her knees firing a close range shot that caused Pyrrha to flip out of the way her aura glowing slightly as Yang felt the blow redirected and found herself launch backwards. The brawler landed in a handspring that caused everyone in the crowd to roar in appreciation. They were all combatants here, it was different from the festivals and tournaments where the majority of the viewers had never fought before in their lives, here every move was analyzed and broken down by everyone. Discussions would break out after the fight ended, 'what would you have done,' how would you have adjusted for such and such move,' the conversations would breakout almost as soon as the match was called. As Jaune watched the two dance around each other he noticed Pyrrha being careful with her attacks. Good, Jaune had done a full breakdown on each team in Beacon throughout their time here so far, he watched and planned, gathering their weaknesses and strengths together and compiling them into a list.

It started with the big things like Cardin's Strength or other obvious things, but the more Jaune learned about combat the more he gained insight, Yang's stance for example was weakest when she was pulling back from an attack to her right side, she never pulled her body back to center fast enough. That combined with a slight flaw in how Ember cilia discharged casings meant that if timed right someone could get Yang with a knockout shot. Sure enough as The casing flew out and Pyrrha ran low she was able to get behind Yang's peripheral vision the casing giving her the cover she needed. Yang tried to look around to find the spartan only for the red headed warrior to slip back and forth staying in her blind spot. IN a frustrated roar Yang went for a 180 haymaker only to have milo bashed into her knee and slam Akouo into the side of her head. The combination staggered Yang and dropped her into the red ending the match to a huge roaring cheer.

"How'd Pyrrha do that?" Jaune heard Ruby ask someone, probably either one of her or his teammates.

"I don't know, it wasn't the usual way that she fought either though, did you notice that She let a number of openings pass?" Blake and Ruby took the fight apart Jaune listening in on them nodding and shaking his heads when they were on the right track or fell off of it.

"So you were right." Ren spoke up from Jaune's left. The blond nodded his head and stood turning to walk away. Ren followed Nora skipping behind them as they moved to wait for Pyrrha to head back to the room. "Time it right Yang's focus goes to the casing because it's in motion, that gives you an opening to slip behind her field of vision."

"Yup," Jaune popped the p as he stretched his back. He had similar strategies at this point fine tuned for each of his teammates to go against almost everyone in their year. Even each other.

"You could even beat Yang with that plan." Jaune barked a laugh and shook his head at the comment he closed his eyes as he leaned back against a wall. Whoever said that was attempting to be funny, and it was a great way to say a brilliant plan, Jaune almost hoped it would stick.

"Please that would mean I was coordinated enough to move in such a fashion, not to mention you would still need to deliver a strong enough blow to end it, that was why Pyrrha did so few attacks, it was a combination of reserving her strength for the ending blows as well as making sure the hits she made did enough damage to her aura without activating her semblance. Ren would do something similar while Nora could probably end the fight in one blow from the get go." Jaune cracked his neck his eyes closed. "Me though? Nah not even close enough in terms of ability to win that fight. I'll stick to the Grimm thanks they're much easier to dispatch at my level."

"I think you're underestimating yourself there... Mr. Arc." Jaune's eyes shot open as he looked to see Professor Ozpin standing next to him taking a sip from his mug. "The fact that you have such a handle on not only the abilities of other teams as a whole but the individuals on each team and that you have developed strategies for your teammates to take against each opponent. It is no mean feat to develop 128 individual strategies."

"Actually I came up with plans for duos, trios and combinations there of… at last count I had over 750 combinations." Jaune smiled sadly as he thought of how he'd have over a thousand if it wasn't for one thing.

"You don't count yourself?" Ozpin asked sipping his coffee again, by now everyone else had left, Pyrrha Nora and Ren looked at eachother and nodded moving towards the door. Pyrrha placed her hand on Jaune's shoulder in passing she motioned that they were leaving Jaune nodded his head and turned to tell Ozpin he needed to leave only for the man not to be there anymore.

"...That was… interesting?" Pyrrha's statements drew nods from two of her teammates while Nora leaned over Ren's shoulder. She wanted to laugh at how Ozpin just used the very trick Jaune talked about on the three others but that would ruin the fun. "Weiss Ren and I have a study session…"

"Yeah It's time for me to meet with Cardin in the Tac room… I'll see you guys in an hour? We're all meeting in RWBY's room to get ready for a weekend in Vale right? You guys need to go dress shopping?"

Pyrrha nodded as they split paths Nora hanging off of Ren's back.


"How the hell did she do that…" Yang lay on her bed her boyfriend giving her a leg massage carefully working her knee through its motions slowly gently pushing bits of his aura into her leg the gentle turquoise pulses mixing and shifting into her body. It was an amazing thing to have someone actually care about her as a person from the opposite sex. Not then Ren and Jaune didn't count… but Ren was definitely Nora's property even if the stoic didn't show it. Jaune on the other hand was… well… Jaune.

"Well she is a tournament fighter who is still undefeated in the ring." Neptune shifted his fingers digging his fingers into her lower thigh the pressure causing a slight moan from the brawler's lips and a smirk on the 'intellectual's face.

"No that can't be it… little lo-oh… right there." Yang smiled in pleasure as Neptune worked his magic. "P-money and I have been sparring since the beginning of last year, she's won all of them… ah… but this last one was on a whole other level, it was like she had a whole new set of movements built just for me."

"Probably because she did." Blake called from her bed below. Sun curled up next to her asleep his tail mindlessly wrapped around one of her legs. Neptune stopped and looked down Yang's head following his lead. Blake was reading flipping casually for a moment before she looked up at the couple. She sighed and carefully shifted as to not disturb her sleeping boyfriend. "You guys like the overwhelming majority of the school forget something important about JNPR."

"That Nora is scary?" Yang's stab in the dark was met with a bored stare of golden eyes.

"That Jaune isn't as useless as everyone thinks?" Neptunes stab was met with a nod.

"He's not actually a bumbling idiot you know, need I remind you what happened when you Sun and Scarlet bet over 300 lien a piece that he couldn't beat the three of you ganged up on him in a game of War of Remnant." Neptune's face fell at the memory. The man that sat across from the three of them at the end of that game wasn't Jaune Arc, he was a blond monster that smirked behind an unending army of plastic figures as he dropped air raids and Grimm incursions on the Super Awesome Federation's three capitals. The smirk as he opened his hand and received almost a thousand lien was almost reminiscent of a beowulf's predatory grin. The fact that the girls of Rwby shared a story of a similar fate only made the shame hurt the trio even more. "Besides remember Ren's first fight against that girl from Atlas, Ciel… Soleil? And then two weeks later he fought again with a completely different style and power the fight went from a near stalemate in the first fight to Ren utterly controlling the match. Or Nora against almost anyone? The change from what you guys saw last year to this entire semester?"

There was a solid point, all of the members of JNPR save their leader started racking up more and more wins over the past year, in the unofficial betting pools that definitely didn't exist among upper year students it was said the only way to make money on a second year match involving JNPR members was to bet against the leader and with the members. That was of course until you hit the monthly team skirmishes, in which case the smart student with extra cash put a bet or two down on RWBY and JNPR in the mid rounds when the stakes rose to a fair pot. If the matches made it so that RWBY and JNPR met before the finals it didn't matter the rest of the roster that was always the most watched match of the tourney. RWBY up two wins over JNPR six to four at the last count. From there a smart hunter bet it all on whoever was left standing.

"But why is he still bottom ranked of the second years if he's such an amazing tactician?" Sun propped himself up on his elbow as he joined the conversation.

"Simple and Salutations!" the four turned to the door in shock as Penny skipped into their room Ruby close behind her. "The common ranking system in Beacon is based solely off of the inter trainee combat rounds not an accumulated score including confirmed grimm kills, stratagem as well as points awarded through commendations and awards. If you were to use Atlas's method of Ranking in Beacon Jaune would jump almost thirty positions in rank from 32nd of 32 positions to 5th position and out of the 128 students in attendance he is number 14, with current projections rates in place and no further changes to his growth rate it's estimated that Jaune Arc will become top rank of the his class replacing his own Teammate Pyrrha Nikos in the Number 1 spot the 23rd spar of next year. This will move his overall ranking to top student. Projections will only him moving to middle ranks maxing out at 19th rank for your year and only 72nd place overall for the schooling if staying with the spar only principle."

Penny smiled at her friends as they stared at her. Jaune? Top 5 best students in their year? That sounded insane.

"Penny how many confirmed Grimm kills does Jaune have on record at this point?" Ruby asked her robopal there was no way that was right. Jaune would have had to of done it over the break, when everyone was home. He only would have killed a few of them during the school year.

"By the official register Jaune T. Arc, home kingdom of Atlas, has a confirmed kill of over 523 grimm. The vast majority of these kills, over 500 of them accrued between the dates of-"

" May 14 and August 18th…" Ruby interrupted her silver eyes downcast at the thought,500 grimm in-

"Sorry Ruby, you were right on the 14th of May was the starting date, but Jaune Arc's last registered kill of that burst was on the 23rd of July. 70 Days instead of the 96 you were guessing. Averaging a minimum kill of one and a maximum kill of one hundred within a twenty four hour period. The remaining 49 days averaged 7.75510204082 kills. The records show he was on a contracted D level security detail through that time burst in kills combined with the notations of the Resident Hunters and Law officers added a hefty chunk to his accumulated ranking, the boost of wins by his team save him has also been partially credited to him due to leadership and stratagem. The one area that Jaune lacks in are the solo sparring matches." Penny looked at her friends. "That does not seem fair to me that the entire rank be based on one category, not everyone is a front line fighter, it is even more impressive when one takes into account a still not activated semblance and a weak control of aura equal to that of a first year student of one of the feeder academies, if not slightly less so." Weiss returned from a study session with Pyrrha and Ren while Penny while Penny was listing the average daily kills.

"How many days was that mission for again Penny?" Pyrrha's voice barely contained her mix of fear, worry, anger and shock.

"Jaune T. Arc's D-rank mission to assist Jasper Glenn's Security forces lasted for a total of 96 days from the 14th of May to August 18th this year. The largest incursion was on the 27th of June, A mass of mixed grimm including Beowolves, Ursas both minor and major, Creeps, as well no less than 10 Death Stalkers, Jaune Arc is credited with over a third of the kills in the invasion as well as rescuing two different units of Vale soldiers that were garrisoned in the community." Penny smiled as she delivered the news to her friends, even if Ruby knew of her non-organic origins the others didn't. It was so nice to be of use to those she cared about.

"Penny… how do you know this information." Weiss asked slowly, while the facts she listed would be on an open server that the kingdoms would share the fact that Penny knew it and was able to recall it was astounding.

"Hey Guys, what's going on?" Everyone turned to look at the door Jaune stood there a look of confusion on his face as the groups faces betrayed a range of emotion. "Uhm… Guys?"


Roman walked into one of the few places in the city of Vale that he would never rob. Blackwatch Tailor's and Haberdashery was one of the few places that sold high end dust infused suits and accessories. It was also ran by one of the few people in the city that was an untraceable ally of his. Josepie Blackwatch was a retired thief, the original man that taught a little redhead how to fight, case a building, become more than his birth allowed. The shop whispered it's class in dark stained wood walls and a deep burgundy carpet, Fabric peeked out of the cubbies that lined the walls, the back counter was almost more reminiscent of a bar then a tailor's work bench. The man behind had his long silver hair pulled back into a tail his suit was impeccable. A soft bell filled the room as the door opened.

"Hell- Roman, what a surprise usually you call before you show up here." the audible click of a switch being thrown darkened the windows and a thin yellow and blue dust matrix came to life within the walls jamming any kind of outgoing signal. Roman walked up and leaned on the counter "You're exhausted, despite the makeup I can still see the wrinkles around your eyes and you're sloppy in your step."

"I know old man, I-" Roman felt the smack before he could even dodge it.

"And why the hell are you all over the-"

"DAMN IT JOSEPIE I NEED YOUR HELP." Roman slammed his fist into the top of the counter, the sound causing the old man to stop his assault. The old man's jaw dropped at the words, even as a scuffed up waif the kid was so self-reliant it was frustrating. For him to be asking begging for help then it must have been serious.

"Roman…" The old man drew a pair of glasses from under the counter and a bottle of Atlassian Brandy. "Tell me… what's wrong."


A plane pulled into a private airport, the white paint jobs only markings were a pair of golden arcs painted on each side of the fin. As it taxied the three passengers readied themselves for what was to come. For the first time in four years Jaune Arc would come face to face with his family, and if their father's orders were to be obeyed… the Seven sisters would be the only children of the Arc Line.