Chapter 1- Aquamarine

Peridot's Point of view

So Lazuli wants to fuse with me the great and loveable Peridot very sweet as Steven says. Maybe I could but I'm not very comfortable with fusion but maybe it isn't so bad right?

"So Lazuli you said you want to fuse?" I asked

"I never said that" Lapis says

"Oh please I actually have enough of being scared of fusion" I said

"OK fine" said Lapis

So we did our fusion dance which I had no idea but just followed Lapis we merged.

I felt her feelings merged with mine her mind with my head full of knowledge.

Author's point of view

Aquamarine has aqua skin, dark blue eyes, and dark aqua hair. She has a visor similar to Peridot's

Except sharper, her hair was a mix of Lapis and Peridot; she wore a light green halter top with green shorts and a sort of blue shorter skirt over her shorts and no shoes.

Aquamarine's point of view

I feel so lost and confused.

Is this what they wanted?

Am I a mistake?

No were not we are not you chose this I accepted it

So were


AN: Hey guys! SO I'm working on Inner turmoil so please wait If you want to suggest a fusion or two go ahead it can be non canon or cannon. So Bye and I hope you enjoyed Aquamarine.