
In the Uchiha compound Mikoto screamed. She was in the middle of giving birth. Soon the cries of twins could be heard throughout the Uchiha compound Fugaku looked at the door as the mid-wife walked out she stepped aside and bowed Fugaku walked past her and into the room to see two babies laying against their mother Mikoto slowly looked up at him "hey darling come meet them." Mikoto said, Fugaku nodded and walked to her bed and looked down at the tiny bundles

"both boys?" Fugaku asked, Mikoto shook her head and picked up a pink bundle

"a boy and a girl and there is something about the girl that I want you to see Fugaku." Mikoto said, Fugaku looked at his wife

"what do you want me to see Mikoto?" he asked, Mikoto slowly began to wake the baby girl soon the baby girl opened her eyes revealing a blue sharingan Fugaku gasped when he saw it

"how?" he asked, his wife she shook her head

"I don't know Fugaku it was already activated when she was born." Mikoto said, Fugaku stared at the baby girl

"maybe she was who the prophecy was talking about." Fugaku suddenly said, Mikoto nodded

"now what will we name them?" she asked, Fugaku looked at the baby boy

"his name will be Sasuke Uchiha and her name will be Angelina Lotus Uchiha." He said, then he saw Itachi at the door

"come meet your brother and sister Itachi." Mikoto said, Itachi walked to the bed and looked at Sasuke and Angelina he smiled at them Angelina then woke up and opened her eyes Mikoto and Fugaku watched in shock as the sharingan slowly faded away and her eyes turned a beautiful red she giggled as she looked at her family one sentence was going through Itachi's head and that sentence was "I will protect them no matter what".