Chapter 10: Stone of Truth

"Leave? I commanded you to be by my side when I take the iron throne. Now you want to run off back to Crystal Water's?" Daenerys' face was filled with disappointment as she looked to Athena. Her violet eyes stared to the floor.

"I know your grace, I haven't forgotten my promise to you. The iron throne will be yours but I will need to be at Crystal Water's to command the ships. Jon and I are from the north your grace. I will admit I am farther east than Jon but I'm still a loyal ally to House Stark. With your leave I will call the north to your side." It was the truth nonetheless.

"Is this true Jon Snow?" Daenerys asked him.

"Yes your grace, Athena saved my sister from Ramsey Bolton himself. She is the one who gave Winterfell back to us. The northern houses admire her, it would be a mistake sending anyone else to command the north." Jon told her proudly.

"Very well, I have faith in you two," Daenerys said as she looked to the ground again, "blood of my blood."

"I will not fail you your grace. Once I have the north I will be back." Athena said as she stood up. She gave Dany a hug before leaving. Jon gave Daenerys a smile but the dragon queen instead reached out her hand and touched his arm. "You're my blood too Jon, don't forget that." Dany left the both of them to her chambers.

"Jon, go get Sansa and Trystane. We're leaving right now." Athena commanded as she walked to her room to get Leyrion and Sorella.

She made her way outside to find the three ready to set sail again. Athena's eyes wandered to the sky. She couldn't see Ice anywhere. "I wonder where Ice goes all the time?"

"Perhaps to find food or water." Trystane told her in a comforting voice, but it wasn't enough to comfort Athena. She wanted to know the lands the dragon flew over, more importantly the things Ice ate. Many people whispered about the child Drogon burned. How the father greeted Daenerys with the burnt bones thrown at her feet. Athena began to worry, but Jon sensed her uneasiness and put his hand upon her shoulder, "Are you alright?" He asked sweetly. Athena only smiled. She didn't want Jon to be worried about her or Ice or anything else other than trying to keep Sansa safe.

As the ship sailed to Crystal Water's, Athena actually felt happy for the first time in months. She was ready to be home. Ready to feel the winds sweep from the clear ocean water into her face again. It would be over a week before the ship docked at Crystal Water's. The wind was not in their favor.

"So this is your home?" Jon asked looking shocked at her castle's beauty. Athena only smiled in response. Leyrion and Sorella began to chase each other around the castle again. It only made Athena smile even more as it been months since she had seen them play like that.

"It feels like I haven't seen this place in years." She told Jon as they walked inside the castle. Sansa and Trystane followed behind them as did her guards. It was a surprise to Athena that the knights remembered her face but the necklace she wore with a sabers head in silver might've been a giveaway.

"How are you feeling?" Jon whispered to Athena as she entered the Great Hall. The two huge saber statues almost touched the ceiling. They acted as guards whenever her father sat on his throne to hear the needs of the smallfolk. Now the throne was empty, Athena was sure she could see spider webs on the arms of the stone chair. "I miss him." She said climbing up the flight of stairs that led to the throne. Sansa whispered something to Trystane about the chair resembling the iron throne in King's Landing. The comment almost made Athena laugh.

"Your grace!" One of her knights yelled. "We found this one inside your father's chambers." The woman was a red priestess, that much Athena could tell. She was very beautiful, her red hair and dress were a sight that made all the knights look upon her. "Melisandre..." Jon said shockingly. "What are you doing here?" He asked her almost angrily. "More importantly, what were you doing in my father's chambers?" Athena asked a bit annoyed. All she wanted to do was sleep the journey away. Jon was right in having to hold her hair back again.

The red woman did not fight the guards that held her. In fact Melisandre's body was so relaxed it was hard to believe she was being held by guards. Melisandre's copper-colored eyes looked to Athena's brown and violet, "I have come to see the twins of ice and fire for myself." Her voice was somewhat musical to Athena. Each word came out as if written on a sheet of a paper. Jon sighed and grabbed Athena's arm leading her behind a saber statue. "She shouldn't be here. She's a murderer and sorceress." His eyes were wide with fear of the woman. "Does she frighten you so much?" Athena whispered. Jon didn't say anything, his eyes only meet the stone floor.

"Let's first see what she is here for." Athena walked back to where the woman stood. "You still haven't answered my question Melisandre." She said provokingly.

"If you don't mind my queen," Melisandre gestured to the guards holding her arms. Athena ordered them to let go. "Your father never spoke of this," Melisandre reached into her sleeve to pull out a blue stone. All lights in the room focused on the stone, the blue color reflected off the walls of the castle. "But the witch in the cave did." Athena raised her eyes to the sorceress, how did she know of the witch? "The stone of truth, your father knew of this long ago but never told you." She gave the stone to Athena. The blue lights suddenly stopped and the room became silent.

"How do you know all of this?" Athena asked shocked.

"The lord of light tells me my queen. I see visions in the fire, some are of what will happen, others what may happen, and of what has already happened." Melisandre stared into Athena's eyes, "Everything the witch told you is true, all those dreams of the man with silver hair, everything is true."

Athena felt like there was no air in the room. Her voice was lost and she felt her knees beginning to shake. She finally regained her composure after several seconds, "And why does any of this concern you?"

"I have served the lord of light for many years. He grants me with visions in the flames, but some of those visions are what may happen or are incomplete. The stone of truth has great power your grace. It will allow me to see anything I desire."

"And why would I let you take this sacred stone that my father hid from me all my life?"

Melisandre's haunting eyes once again looked to Athena's, "You cannot fight this war alone your grace. As night gathers and kingdoms fall, you need someone who understands how to stop the army of the dead."

"You can help?" Athena asked with hope.

"I can." Melisandre replied proudly. "Allow me to serve you my queen."

Athena looked to Jon, there was anger and fear written all over his face. Both siblings know of the great war still to come and if what the woman saying was true, they both needed her. "You burn innocent men, women, and even children! You come back here asking my sister to let you serve her? After all the evil things you have done?" Jon almost yelled. Melisandre looked guilty but her eyes showed hopefulness.

"The lord of light comman—"

"Aye he commanded you! And I commanded you to never show your face in the north or I'd have you hanged!"

"How can you help us win the war?" Athena asked. Everyone looked shocked at her question, but Jon most of all.

"With the lord of light my queen. The great war is still to come."

"Very well then, but you have promise me something." Athena said. "You will not burn anyone anymore. If you do, Jon will see to that hanging."

Athena left the great hall and headed to her chambers. Jon entered the room as she brushed her hair. "Why Athena, just tell me?" He asked upset. Athena stood and walked beside him. "Jon you heard her, if what she says is true, we need her." She lightly touched him on the shoulder but Jon stood and paced around the room.

"I promised I would hang her if she showed her face again."

"If you're worried about not keeping your word, I can have Maester Lukewell write my command of keeping her alive on parchment. Anyways Jon, she promised to serve me faithfully, I need people on my council who know about how to fight wars."

"You trust that woman?" Jon asked almost disgusted.

"No I don't. But she knows my dreams and the witch, imagine what she knows about our enemies. I don't know about you, but I can't exactly see the future in the fire." Athena began to pour herself a glass of wine.

"We don't need her. This war can be won without her."

"That still doesn't change the fact about everything she knows. If she proves herself useless, I'll send her away. Is that understood?" She asked her brother. Jon nodded but stood still. "What is it?" Athena asked with worried eyes.

"I just hope you're right." Jon said before leaving her chamber. Athena let out a sigh. The day was far too long and tiring to be worrying about a red priestess. Only the future can tell if the red woman proves to be a liar and Athena Silverstone was done worrying about such things tonight. She called one of her handmaidens to ready a hot bath. It had been so long since Athena had time to relax and let hot bath water warm her pale skin. Athena closed her eyes and tried to dream, she pictured her father on his throne with his warm smile. She also pictured Robb as well, his handsome face and smile that made any girl faint. Her mind drifted to the cave where she lost her maidenhood. Athena felt as if she was back in the cave, pretending the bath water was the warm water where her and Robb made love. Just then she felt someone staring at her and jumped seeing it was the Melisandre.

"What the fuck?" Athena screamed not noticing her vocabulary.

"Sorry my queen, I did not mean to disturb your bath." She said. Her eyes seemed to glow from the candle lights.

"Why are you here then?" Athena asked a bit annoyed.

"To serve you my queen." Melisandre told her with a straight face.

Athena laughed sarcastically before saying, "Sorry but I'm not into women." Melisandre did not seem to care of her sarcasm. She walked closer to the bathtub, eyes never falling from Athena's.

"The lord of light blessed me with his commands. I do whatever he commands and from what I see in the flames." Melisandre's necklace began to glow.

Athena couldn't help but be confused. "What are you talking about?" Melisandre reached out her hand, gesturing for Athena to get out the tub. She grabbed a robe for her naked body and tied it around herself before saying, "Listen Melisandre, it's very late and we should both get some rest."

"Come with me your grace, I have something to show you." Melisandre began to walk out the door.

Instead of arguing, Athena just followed wanting to get this over with. Whatever Melisandre wanted to show her must be important if that meant disturbing her during a bath. The two women walked to the great hall where Melisandre turned to her, "I have seen this vision in the flames, the stone you gave me allowed this to be possible." Behind one of the sabers statutes came him, he was dirty and covered with blood.

"What in the gods?" Athena said so shocked she could barely move. He is dead Athena thought to herself. "Robb," whispered not believing it, "Is that really you?" She wanted to cry, it couldn't be him, Robb Stark died at the red wedding.

Robb began to walk closer to Athena, his footsteps were careful. "I think it's me." He told her gently. Athena looked at him then to Melisandre, "I thought you were dead."

"He was." Melisandre answered quickly, "But the lord of light brought him back."

"The lord of light or you?" Athena asked skeptical.

"I obey his commands. He commanded to bring back Robb Stark for you."

"Do you remember anything Robb?" Athena asked.

Robb didn't answer for a couple of seconds, "Sadly, I do."

"Are you still the same person or you ummm well…." Athena didn't know how to put it.

"I think so," Robb said looking at his hands. They were covered with blood.

"Melisandre when people find out he's alive, there's no telling how they will react." Athena told her with anger. Melisandre only smiled.

"I brought him back for you, not anyone else."

"You had no right to do that Melisandre. Look I don't know where Robb was in the afterlife, but you had no right to disturb him."

"It's okay Athena, at least I'm here with you." Robb told her softly.

"No it's not okay. None of this okay! Don't you understand?" Athena said a bit too loudly. "What if he isn't the same?"

"Athena please stop talking like I'm not here. I would never hurt you or anyone. I just need some rest."

Melisandre walked closer to the two of them, "Tomorrow will be an ever longer day, sleep well tonight, the night is dark and full of terrors." Melisandre left the two of them in the great hall where Athena began to rub her temples.

"Are you okay? With being back from the dead?" Athena didn't know how else to say it.

Robb seemed as shocked as Athena. He kept staring at his hands and feet as if they were going to run away. "Well at least I get to see again." Robb said before walking around the room. Athena noticed he avoided the question but didn't want to provoke him. She stood there watching Robb like a child watching a sword fight. He's back, right here with again, but why? For love? Robb married another woman, he gave up his life to be with her. I am not that woman, he doesn't love me anymore.

"You look more dead than I do." Robb said smiling. That made Athena laugh. She hadn't expected him to make a joke like that.

"Sea sick," Athena told him.

Robb raised his eyebrows, "What were you doing out at sea?"

"A very long story," she began walking towards him, "Tell me what you want Robb, food, wine, a hot bath?" She wanted to make him more comfortable and was secretly hoping he would choose to bathe. "All of it Athena," Robb told her. He looked her in the eyes, Robb hadn't done that in so long, "And one more thing." Athena raised her eyebrows before saying, "Yes?" Questioningly.


Yup, Robb Stark is back! Originally, I was planning on Athena falling in love with someone else but as I watch the old seasons, I fell back in love with Robb. He's such a great character and I think Robb and Athena go pretty well together. I hope you guys enjoy the story!