Updated 10/17/16

Okay I was looking at Anime memes and just randomness in general when I had an idea to mix these two! Well I know it has been done, but not done well. So I wanted a crossover that actually explored and mixed the two fandoms equally.


Rin tapped his pencil against his desk and sighed. "Boring shit homework." he muttered leaning back in his chair. Running his hands through his hair he huffed, wishing he had something to pin up his hair. It was hopeless, the muggy air just depressed him.

'I miss Yukio.' he thought remembering how excited Yukio was to go study with that famous doctor , at least he was happy. He felt the ground tremble underneath him slightly, ignoring it he leaned back over his math problems. Biting the edge of his pencil he tried to divide the problem in his head. To no avail.

He jolted up when he heard the door slam, his eyes widening as he fell on the ground,bruising his tailbone in the process. "Ow,ow, ow." he muttered his eyes crossing slightly.

"Dad what the fu-" he started stopping mid sentence when he saw his dad looking down at him. His eyes wide and his lip bloody.

"Dad?" he questioned, Father just shook his head and pulled him up.

"Start packing, now." Father said lightly pushing Rin into his room. Rin nodded and started to pull things together. Truthfully he was used to this, father always sprang these random drills on him and Yukio. They were less frequent lately but he knew just to go through the motions.

He walked downstairs seeing Father sifting through his papers. "So what's the drill this time,old man?" he asked watching as Father frantically searched through his papers.

"Not a drill,titans are in the city." Father said his back turned as he grabbed books and papers. Rin froze and for a second he could feel something twirling in him, butterflies,fear.

"Then let's go! God stop ruffling through your damn priest info and let's go!" Rin shouted tugging on Father's arm. He resisted for a second,grabbing a golden edged book and stuffing it into his bag.

"That damn thing?" Rin groaned pulling father out of the house, automatically turning to lock the door. He pulled his father along running down the side streets. Looking back he saw steam rising from the wall, bile rose in his his mouth.'Titan steam.' he thought horror clouding his mind.

He slowed but felt Father yank on his arm, Rin let himself be dragged along,his eyes clouding over as fear settled in his stomach. As they passed an alleyway he saw a shadow shift, he automatically slowed down.

He turned and saw a shadowy shape. "Rin-kun!" the voice said, tickling the back of his mind. A memory tugging. 'Damn this guy. What the fuck is kun anyway?' He turned and dragged an protesting Fujimoto behind him.

"Titans are coming,you should run." he warned the boy trying to hide the fact all he felt was disgust for him. The boy smirked and leaned against the wall, a piece of hay dancing in his lips.

"Nah, it's just a drill, so why should I get up my ass and worry myself? What I want to talk about is our fight earlier." he replied. Rin gritted his teeth and dryly pointed out the titan steam that was curling above the wall.

"Cannons." the boy, Reiji Rin remembered. A rich merchant boy with a stick shoved up his ass. "Army Cannons, the fucking ass military trying to scare us."

Rin grounded his teeth together, fucking rich boy.

"So anyway," the boy said drawing Rin out of his thoughts. "How much should I pay you?"

"Huh?" Rin asked looking up, confusion clear on his face.

"Well as you know I have a somewhat high status among the higher ups, I don't want to ruin that reputation over a small rumor about the potatoes" he grinned. "I willing to pay you a high amount if you keep it quiet." Reiji said zipping his lips up and making a motion like he was throwing away the key.

Rin groaned "That again?" he asked. 'Damn seriously this guy was an ass though.' he thought venomously.


Rin walked slowly back to the house, rubbing his shoulder's. Trying to relieve the pain.

"Please!Please Stop!" a high voice cried.

Backing up Rin saw a small girl hugging a bag of potatoes to her chest. All while a boy leaned over her grinning maliciously, all while tugging on the bag.

"Now come on, I really want potatoes tonight. You wouldn't want me to make up a story about your parents owing me money do you?" he said, tutting slowly.

She shook her head and hugged the bag closer. "Please we need this to support ourselves!" she squeaked obviously losing her will.

"Hey!" Rin shouted striding over.

End Flashback

"It would be a shame if they knew how much of an ass you really are." he replied boy's face flickered, then smoothed over. "Exactly! So how much?" he asked all while pulling out a bag of coins and shaking a few in his hands.

"Rin!" Father cried pulling on his arm. Rin held up a hand and shook his head "Keep your money, but you need to really run." he replied through clenched he turned and started to run only to stop when he heard the boy say.

"Wow so valiant! Just take the money, you need it! I heard the famous doctor is only taking on your brother for a favor! He so poor he doesn't even have enough coins to rub together!" Rin growled but tried to run only to be stopped by Father.

"We have no time Rin!" Father said clenching his sleeve. They both turned and were ready to run again when Rin heard.

"Vieni un esorcista, giochiamo." (Come on exorcist let's play.)

Father froze and replied."Quali uova diavolo sei?"( Which hell spawn are you?)Sorry if someone is Italian and this translation is bad, I used Google Translate.

"Ah-sah-tro-th" the boy said each syllable like a challenge. Rin turned back and forth.'What's going on?' he thought.

"Rin." Father said drawing Rin's attention over, father's face was frozen. His eyes narrowed and his mouth puckered into a frown.

"Rin take the sword and the letter don't open the sword till you read the letter. Don't read the letter until your safe!" he said while handing Rin the supplies. Rin stared shocked as he tried to form words. Father walked toward the Reiji all while shouting "Go! We'll meet up, don't try to argue just go!"

Rin looked up and down, his hands automatically clenching around the supplies. "But-" he started.

"Just go!" Father yelled walking toward the boy, who had straightened and was glaring venomously. His face pulled up in a sneer, the sneer was damn scary though. Around him flickered. . . bugs? Something danced along his backside, like a snake.

Rin nodded and ignored his gut, running toward the gate. The opposite one. His feet pounded against the ground creating an rhythm, up, down, up down. HE raced up the hill. Right as he was bout to reach the crest, the screaming started, he felt a shock wave hit him. Air pulled him backwards in forwards. He used his arm to cover his face.

"What the-" he froze when he saw an horrifying face. It was muscles and had teeth that were blinding. 'God, a titan!' It was huge it was standing over the wall. . . the worst thing was titans were coming in. Running in. He could already see people being ripped apart, eaten.

He rushed over to a bush and threw up, tears running down his face as he emptied his stomach. "Rin?" a voice asked. He turned and saw the familiar wall guard, Nagatomo.

"Thank God Rin!" the church goer shouted running over and wrapping his arms around Rin. Rin leaned into the embrace for a second, letting his tears flow freely. "Where's Father?"

Rin jolted up. 'Selfish!' he thought. "Umm, over there." Rin said turning around pointing toward the area he had left him before freezing. Whee they were he could see flashes of light,bugs poured around the area.

"Huh?" Rin muttered. He winced slightly when he felt fingers digging into his shoulder. He looked up and saw Nagatomo's face frozen in shock, in fear. He followed his line of sight and saw a titan with longish hair stumbling toward the area where father was.

"No!" Rin shouted stepping forward,struggling against the iron grip Nagatomo had on his arm. "Let me go God-dammit!" he shouted. He squirmed but froze when he heard.

"Nothin' we can do, Rin." Rin looked up shock clear on his face. ' Were going to leave him?' He looked back and saw the titan reaching down, over the edge of the building. 'Choose that damn merchant boy first.' he pleaded.

But after checking he saw that the boy was gone, mysteriously. All that was left was Father. Rin felt his heart practically stop. The titan had closed it's fingers around Father's waist, lifting him up.

Rin fell to his knees. "God,somebody help him. . ." he trailed off watching helplessly as Father squirmed and hit his fists against the titan's closed grasp.

Titan. However he was too late and the Titan . . . ran pass the boy and then bended over to pick up a slack body. Rin choked when he realized it was Father Fujimoto. 'No!NO! NO! NO!' he screamed in his mind. But his feet were stuck to the ground as he watched the titan slowly bring the struggling Father closer to it's mouth.

Finding his voice he screamed "NO! FATHE- DAD! DADDY!" He then froze when he saw Father turn toward him. Time seemed to slow and Father smiled sadly at him. He stopped struggling and mouthed "Read the letter, I love you" Rin stared in shock as Father closed his eyes. 'Idiot no fight! Don't give up!' he thought his mind swirling. The Titan threw Father into his mouth and chewed, then swallowed.

Rin collapsed onto the ground, his mind twisting, every thought like a barbed wire. 'Maybe he survived the chewing.' a part of him reasoned. 'Only to be digested slowly.' the other part answered.

"He's dead." Rin said, the words finalizing the action. "He's dead, he's dead,he's dead."

"God." he growled his eyes hardening. "fucking damn it!" he screamed, blue flames exploding around him, washing him away in azure colors. Then all went black.

Nagatomo POV

He just stared at the Titan, the boy he saw earlier was grinning like a madman. Obviously possessed probably by a higher demon, but the weird thing was the titan was ignoring him and staring at Nagatomo. Hearing a voice shout damn he turned around. Rin was huddled on the ground his arms wrapped around himself his eyes staring straight ahead as he trembled. The scariest thing were the blue flames shooting off Rin's skin, enveloping his in a hazy circle.

Nagatomo turned around to see the higher level demon stand up and squint. It's eyes widened and it turned around and bounded from roof top to roof top. Nagatomo noted this and ran back toward Rin.

Normal POV

Rin's mind was shattered, he could hazily see bright blue lights flickering around him, but all he could think is 'He's gone he's gone' He didn't notice when he was picked up and carried away. He didn't notice when he saw corpse line the streets. Most of all he didn't notice the flames around him until, they slowly faded away,being pulled back into him..

He closed his eyes and wished for a better ending.

Well there was the first bit! I was flopping everywhere during the Asatroth scene, but the idea are demons are still around. But torturing humans just isn't as fun so they stay in Gehenna mostly. Also Father's death and Rin's hallucination were a hard but hey two stories where the beloved parent dies are horrible death which the kid witnesses. Then pledges to kill the murderer. I needed a good death scene.

Also sorry Fujimoto isn't as bad ass because there is no real exorcist order. SO he basically kills a demon if he sees one but isn't supplied with tons of knowledge and information. Also if you want to know what Rin's mind looks like just mix Yukine's sword home from Norigami and the crystal prison Leo is trapped in, for Fairy Tail.

One more thing I want Rin to hop in sometime after the anime, but I wanted a backstory so I have an idea to occupy him until he can jump in with a Mario woohoo!

Oh well, please review and follow!

After update:

I added more detail! Sorry but I will be going through chapters and updating the things I feel are to fantastical. Also the whole time I was like don't make Asatroth too evil, Rin must love him later on. Anyway Bye!