I didn't realize it's been a month since I last updated, but I've been a bit lazy. Rest assured though that I will keep updating. I've had quite a bit of this story planned out since before I wrote the first chapter, from the beginning to how it ends, and some things that will happen in between. In fact, it's actually why I previously considered making this just a one-shot originally because I knew if I continued, I'd have a long journey ahead of me in writing it all down. Good thing I'm pretty stubborn.

Anyways, we left off with Xuo proclaiming to be Zero's grandfather and from there we shall continue.


That one word summed up how Zero felt at that moment, and it was very likely that the elderly matron beside him felt the same. Judging by Vorra's open mouthed expression, she seemed to believe Xuo's revelation.

Looking back at Xuo, the old man seemed to recline back in his chair with a melancholy yet patient expression on his face as if allowing a moment of silence to pass. Xuo probably assumed that he needed time to deal with the shock his revelation caused. While this was true for Vorra, it was not the case with Zero. He had long since passed the point where he would allow emotions to halt his thought processes.

It was not shock that he felt, but suspicion.

Was he supposed to believe that this man was his grandfather simply from his word alone? With the current technologies available in the world, there was no way for him to prove that they were biologically related with absolute certainty. There were no such things as DNA tests and he doubted that they kept medical records such as birth certificates around and, even if they did, they were likely easily faked.

This man met him only hours ago, yet now claimed to be his grandfather. It was an incredible occurrence and one that deserved some consideration.

With short cropped hair, brown eyes, a crooked nose, and a grey beard, Xuo looked nothing at all like him. This could be explained away by his old age, but he still found it hard to see any resemblance.

So far the only proof that Xuo was who he claimed to be was the fact that he apparently knew the name of his mother and the color of her eyes. Her eye color could have been guessed by looking at his own so that proved nothing. Xuo had mentioned that Ina was the name of his daughter, thus making him his grandson, but that might have just been a ruse as well.

Earlier during their games over Pai Sho, the old man had claimed to be an international communication magnate, so perhaps he knew beforehand who his mother was with the wealth of information at his fingertips. However, Xuo's background could have all been lies as well. With no fool-proof way of finding the truth, he began to follow a different line of questioning.

Supposing Xuo was not who he claimed to be, then what was he doing here?

By coming here to the orphanage and claiming to be his biological grandfather, it most likely meant that he had intentions of adopting him. Going by the assumption that everything Xuo told him from the start was false, then the situation simply changed to an old man wanting to pick up a young boy he just met. While the connotation of such a thing was quite disturbing, he doubted it to be the case and even if it was, he was more than capable of defending himself.

On the other hand, if what Xuo told him during their Pai Sho games were true, but they weren't actually biologically related, then that only begged the question of why a rich man would want to adopt a child stranger.

Had the man been impressed by his intellect during their games? Perhaps the story about his family was genuine and he did desire a worthy heir, the man had claimed to have been looking for him after all.

Another thought struck Zero just then.

He hadn't been in this world for very long so there was no way for anyone important to know about his existence. However, there was one aspect about him that might attract the wealthy and powerful.

He was the youngest firebender in history.

If Xuo was truly an international tycoon involved in communication between nations, then he would have no doubt heard about his firebending. Perhaps he found the prospect of having a historic world record holder under his thumb too enticing to ignore.

Or perhaps he was just being paranoid and Xuo was genuinely his grandfather, but one can never be too sure. After thinking for a moment longer, he concluded that the simplest answer made the most sense and Xuo was telling the truth. However, he decided that he would still be cautious in case the unlikely scenario happened where he was wrong.

"I see... so with your supposed wealth and the network of information I assume you receive from the company you own, you tracked me down to this city and, after finding out that I lived in an orphanage, wished to adopt me. Is that correct?" Zero tilted his head, staring intensely at Xuo in an attempt to read his facial expressions. It had been a long time since Zero used his skills in reading body language to detect deception, but he felt that he could still tell if the old man was lying.

After hearing Zero's question, Xuo's face underwent a range of emotions from shock to astonishment. So far he seemed wholly genuine to Zero's eyes and he felt himself ever so slightly relax.

"That's... amazing. You got it all in one. You... are one hell of a kid Zero." Xuo stated in a shocked stupor. "Every time I hear you talk, I'm amazed at just how... smart and articulate you are at your age. You truly are a prodigy."

Zero felt that Xuo was being honest in what he was saying, but he wanted to make sure.

"Of course, it must mean that I've come from a strong line with parents who had good hereditary traits." Zero played on Xuo's pride, causing the old man to smile. He wanted him to feel positive emotions before striking him in a vulnerable area. People tended to have looser lips when they were emotional. "Yet, you let your daughter die a lonely and painful death after causing her enough torment in childhood. Now, that doesn't sound like you're the kind of person who'd be looking for my best interests, so why should I go with you?"

Xuo had a look of pain in his face as he felt the guilt Zero induced in him. He had seen such looks before and they couldn't be faked. Not to Zero.

"I... I know I haven't been a good father and I haven't been taking care of my family as I should have but... I've realized that now. I want to make up for all the wrongs I've done. You're the last of my family and I want to at least be there for you when I wasn't for my own daughter."

Staring at Xuo and listening to his heartfelt confession, Zero firmly concluded that Xuo really did believe in what he was saying. Unless Xuo was actively engaging in a high form of self-delusion, he really was Zero's grandfather. A rich one at that. This was an interesting turn of events indeed.

"So you expect to adopt me and then what? Are you going to play the doting father and be some overbearing adult that tries to impose upon me?" Zero asked in a bored manner.

"No Zero. In the short amount of time I've come to know you, I realize you're not like other children." Xuo stated with a sad smile. "You are the type of person who only comes around once every few generations."

"So what, you think I'm like the Avatar?"

"Not at all Zero," Xuo chuckled. "But that doesn't make you any less amazing. I can see in you the potential to do great things and I want to be there to help nurture that potential. From our conversations earlier today, I can tell you wouldn't enjoy me acting as some doting grandfather towards you so I won't insult you by doing that."

"How did I garner such respect from a figure as highly esteemed as yourself?" Zero asked with raised eyebrows.

Xuo simply smiled before softly replying, "By being yourself."

"In that case, I completely understand." Zero smirked.

"Bwahaha! You really are my grandson Zero! You really do remind me of my younger self." Xuo laughed. After a moment, Xuo's merriment subsided and he became focused once more. "What say you Zero? In whatever it is you wish to accomplish, will you let me help you along the way and allow me to be a part of your life? If you say no, then I'll respect your decision and never bother you again, on this I swear. A man must make his own choices in life after all."

Zero hummed before looking away to ponder on the situation.

From what he could gather, Xuo was being genuine and truly did want to help him. In most cases, help was always appreciated but this was a big decision to make and one that would likely affect the rest of his life here.

Originally, he had planned to reject anyone that considered adopting him as he disliked the idea of being doted upon like some average child. Unlike his previous world where he had Nunnally, here he was free to do anything he wanted as he had no goal, no motive, and nothing to hold him.

Well, that wasn't entirely true. There was one thing that interested him and that was the world itself. Before today, he had thought of growing up in the orphanage while accumulating allies from the area as he grew older and then forming a group that would allow him to research anything he wanted.

With Xuo however, his range of options were much wider and he would live a much more comfortable life. It was an obvious choice really, but help didn't always come without a price. Xuo seemed like a shrewd man, he had to be to have reached where he was in life, so it was almost prudent to expect a cost to such good fortune even if they were related.

In the end, Zero decided that he was willing to pay whatever the price was. He had dealt with many terrible things in life and he was confident he could handle anything that came at him. Besides, what could he possibly lose? His life? Ha.

"Sure." Zero plainly responded with a small smile.

Xuo exhaled in relief before smiling at Zero. "Wonderful! You won't regret it." Xuo turned to Vorra who had stayed quiet throughout the entire exchange. "Well ma'am, it's been settled. I'm adopting Zero. If you could please show me the paperwork to make it all official it would be greatly appreciated."

"O-Of course. Let's discuss the details in my office." Vorra nodded before leading Xuo outside the room.

Zero sat alone in silence before laying his head back on the chair to rest after all of the day's events.

"Are you sure you want to take him home now? It's late and you know how this city is like at night." Vorra said in a worried tone.

"I don't know actually, considering how I'm new to this city," Xuo lightly replied. "But I'm sure we'll be fine."

"Well, if you say so." Vorra hesitantly agreed before looking down at Zero who stood beside his grandfather. Her face took on a softer look before speaking to the boy, "We're going to miss you Zero, you were probably the most well behaved child we've ever seen here. I hope you enjoyed your stay here and if you ever need to see us again feel free to drop by. Don't forget to eat your meals! I know you like to skip them to read. Oh, and don't train too hard with your firebending, we don't want you to get burned like that incident a couple weeks ago. And be nice to girls, you're going to be attracting a lot of them when you're older. Also you shoul-"

"Yes ma'am, I understand." Zero rolled his eyes. It was better to just agree than to argue with the overbearing woman.

Vorra smiled a tearful smile before kneeling to level with Zero's short height.

"You be a good boy alright? Your mother entrusted me with you. I know you're special and you have to make your own path," Vorra hugged him. "But don't forget your roots."

Women can be so emotional, Zero thought. Nonetheless, he returned the hug and awkwardly attempted to pat the elderly woman's back with his short arms.

"And don't forget us." Vorra whispered.

"I won't." Zero reassured. Vorra smiled sadly one last time before letting him go.

After the matron stood up, Zero and his new guardian bid her goodbye before setting off down the road. As they walked in silence, Zero took the time to close his eyes and bask in the cool breeze that caressed his skin.

The streets of North Chung-Ling held a different atmosphere compared to the boisterous liveliness it underwent only a few hours ago. Under the blanket of nighttime, the streets were devoid of people except for the few who lingered outside to smoke from their long pipes, leaving a trail of smoke floating in the air.

It was soothing and relaxing to stroll through the winding roads of the city, and it was times like these that made him appreciate life. It also set him in a contemplative mood. Zero opened his eyes and looked up at the softly glowing moon as he considered something else he felt.

He was feeling weak.

It wasn't because of all the walking he did earlier that made him feel this way, but something else. It was much deeper than anything physical. He could feel how much dimmer his 'inner fire' felt compared to the blaze that it was during the day.

In the course of his earlier experiments to determine the limits of firebending, he discovered that it was weaker during nighttime. After some consideration, he determined that the sun was what allowed him to firebend. This brought up questions as to what exactly it was about the sun that gave people powers.

Was it light?

He had resolved that question by shutting himself in a completely dark room during the daytime to see if it affected his firebending. Interestingly, it did very little to decrease his power, but there was still a difference. He had almost missed it, but he had been meditating to feel even the slightest change in his flame. The difference was about the same as taking a drop of water from a full bucket, but it was still there.

It seemed being depraved from the sun's light had some effect but it was very miniscule. Nonetheless, it was something he filed away for future consideration.

Zero had then done the same experiment during nighttime and noticed a significantly greater change. Instead of a drop, it felt like an entire cup had been taken from the bucket. It was as intriguing as it was baffling. There was something about the sun and the moon that gave rise to supernatural capabilities, both at differing levels, but he just couldn't figure it out. He felt like he was missing something crucial.

Even now, as he walked under the rays of moonlight, Zero was still confounded by his dilemma. Was it sunlight reflected on the moon that allowed firebending at night, but at a weaker level? No, he had discounted light as the primary source for firebending. It had to be something else, but what could it be?

There was nothing he could do about it now without more information and that was something that would come in due time. For now, he would have to focus on the present and find a damned bed. He was quite tired, he realized.

"Where exactly do you live?" Zero asked Xuo.

"Not too far off from here, we're getting closer." Xuo replied.

"Well, I hope we get there soon, my feet are killing me."

"Ah, if you wish, I can pick you up and carry you the rest of the way Zero." Xuo smiled.

It was a tempting offer but Zero had far too much pride to allow that to happen.

"No thanks. Besides, would you even be able to carry me old man? How old are you anyway?"

"Old enough to be your grandfather, but still young enough to attract all the ladies." Xuo responded in a serious tone before breaking character and chuckling at Zero's deadpan expression. "I'm fifty-five if you must know."

"Are you sure you'd be able to care for my interests at that age? Seems to me like you don't have very long to live." Zero bluntly stated. It was a bit harsh, but he had to look out for himself first and foremost, and knowing how long your provider could serve you was an important detail. With this world being relatively primitive, he could only imagine the short lifespan everyone here lived.

"Hmph, as if old age is enough to stop me." Xuo smirked before taking on a thoughtful look. "In all seriousness Zero, you'd be surprised at how long people can live. While there are poverty stricken areas with people lacking decent healthcare and food, the rich, such as myself, do not share the same problems. We can have problems taken care of that normal folk would not even begin to imagine could be solved. That is just a fact of life." Xuo lectured to an attentive Zero. "Take the Fire Lord for example. He's eighty-five years old, yet he is still as healthy as an ox. There's also King Bumi of Omashu who's ninety-seven years old, but is still widely considered to be the greatest earthbender in the world. I may not be in the same league as them, but I think it's safe to say that I have enough resources to live like them. Do you understand?"

"Yes. I understand that I'll have to put up with you for many more decades to come." Zero dully responded.

"That's the spirit Zero." Xuo chuckled while patting Zero's shoulder.

As they continued to walk through the dim streets of the city, they never realized that they were being followed. Deeply engrossed in their philosophical conversations, they were unprepared when they found themselves quickly surrounded by a group of darkly dressed individuals wielding knives and other sharp objects.

The presumed leader of the group took a step forward and spoke in an airy tone, "Well, look what we got ourselves tonight boys. An old man and a little boy lost at night. Hmm, I feel like there's a joke in there somewhere." At this, the group of men laughed. "Unfortunately for you two, you picked the wrong night to go strolling through these streets. It's quite dangerous this late at night and there are many unsavory characters wandering around. Why don't you give us all your money so you wont attract any of those shady criminals?"

"I'm just an old man taking a walk with my grandson. We have no money, so please, will you let us pass?" Xuo calmly asked.

"You know, I'd believe you more if you weren't wearing such expensive clothing. Judging by that style, you must be one of the top tier rich folk. Woo! We struck big tonight boys." The darkly dressed men all cheered at their good fortune as they approached their two victims.

"Wait, I wouldn't do that if I were you." Zero spoke up. "You'll regret it."

Despite Zero's bravado, he knew they were in a bad situation. They were in a five versus two scenario, and he didn't think Xuo had any fighting capabilities. He was also physically tired from the day's events and his firebending was at less than optimal levels. Not to mention, he was in the body of a child.

"Looky here, the kid's got some fangs. However, you're twenty years too young to be threatening me boy. Go get 'em."

All at once, four of the thugs moved to grab at the frozen Xuo. Zero had no hesitation as he punched his fist towards the closest adversary and unleashed a fireball that charred the man's clothing. The move caused the man to stagger back in surprise and pain, giving Zero time to turn to another foe while sweeping his arm in a horizontal arc.

A small wave of fire leapt from his arm towards two of the men causing them to raise their arms in an attempt to protect themselves. They were hit with the blast and cried out in pain, but their forward momentum caused them to stumble and fall in his direction. He was too slow and they were too close to avoid. Zero could do nothing but brace himself as they fell on top of him.

Zero tried to wrench himself free from beneath their bodies but he was too small and weak, while they were quick to reorient themselves in their new positions. Before long, both Zero and Xuo found themselves held in arm holds by their assailants. Granted, their attackers didn't look to be in great shape themselves, but they still lost.

After a moment of silence, the leader of the gang spoke, "Well, well, who would've guessed that you were a firebender? Aren't you a little young to be able to do that? Eh, it doesn't matter I guess," the man shook his head. " You put up a good fight, I'll admit, but playtime's over. We'll be taking your coins now and maybe rough you up, you know, just for fun."

As the man grinned, Zero's mind worked at a furious pace. He couldn't do anything in the hold they had him in, and Xuo was just as likely to be useless. There was very little he could do in their dilemma and everything pointed to a bad outcome. It was beginning to look like a hopeless situation. There was nothing he could possibly- well...

"Wait." Zero said as calmly as he could. "You've passed our test."

"Hmm? What are you going on about boy?"

"Did you really think an old man would stroll through the streets of a city with a bad reputation for crime while wearing obviously expensive clothing? While walking with a young child? Nobody is that stupid." Zero scoffed. "This was all planned out."

"What? You're lying."

"Am I?" Zero asked confidently. "It seems more likely that two people willingly went into shady territory to get caught than just dumb luck, don't you think?"

The gang leader narrowed his eyes at Zero. "And why exactly would someone want to be mugged on purpose?"

"It's simple. Have you heard of Intel Corp?" Zero asked.

"Sounds familiar."

"Well that's because it's a megacorporation that deals in international matters across the land." Zero smirked.

"Yeah, I think I've heard about it boss," one of the thugs spoke up. "It's some big shot organization from what I remember."

"I see..." the boss muttered. "And what does this have to do with them?"

"Intel Corp has certain problems they need taken care of in a... less than legal manner. They've been looking for... trustworthy citizens willing to do the dirty work. For a price well worth it of course." Zero bluffed. "So they sent us to seedy sectors in order to lure out crimi- citizens who have the right temperament for the job."

"So that's why you were so obviously asking to be robbed, with all that expensive clothing? Some big criminal organization wanted some people to do a job?" the leader asked with a frown.

While Zero didn't intend for Intel Corp to be confused as a criminal empire, he could roll with the punches.

"Yes. We are both agents of I.C. and while we may look this way, we are more than meets the eye." Zero stated in a serious tone.

"Hmm, I see. I did wonder how a child could firebend, but if you come from this I.C. then it makes sense." The man nodded his head before breaking out a smile. "Man, these crime syndicates take 'em in younger every year!" he chuckled.

"I said pretty much the same thing! But no one listens to me." Xuo laughed as he played along.

"Well, sorry about this you two." The boss waved away the thugs holding Zero and Xuo. "Just a misunderstanding eh? Us criminals have to stick together after all!"

"Right you are." Zero agreed.

"So what're the details of this job you guys are offering?"

There were many ways Zero could respond to the question, but after pondering it for a moment longer, he decided on a course of action.

"Just a simple job, the exact details weren't given to us for security purposes. I'm sure you know how it is." The gang leader nodded as if he understood what Zero was spouting. "We were ordered to tell you the meeting place where you'll be told the plans for the job. In a week from now, you are to head to the hill on the east side of the island and near the factory there, a tree will be marked with an X. That is where you'll be given the job."

"Hill on the east, near factory, tree with X. I got it."

"Good. Here, take this as a token of good faith from I.C." Zero said as he handed them a pouch with several silver coins. It wasn't a very large amount so Zero was fine with handing it over to them in order to increase the chances of their belief in his bluff.

"Hmm, much appreciated little one." The leader of the gang smiled. "It was a pleasure doing business with you. I'm sure the boys here took that scuffle as just a learning experience, right boys?"

The thugs merely grunted in reply.

"Well, tell your I.C. we'll be there. Here's to a good profitable relationship." He raised his hand as if to toast in celebration.

"Indeed." Zero raised his hand to return the gesture.

Soon afterwards the five-man group walked away and left Zero alone with Xuo.

"That was an interesting experience." Xuo stated in amusement as they continued their walk to Xuo's abode.

"They weren't very smart and criminals are always looking for further chances to gain more wealth. I just gave them a better option. Would they rather mug two people for some paltry sum, or accept a deal that might lead to a potential source of income? It was simple really."

"So what are you going to do now? I know you've given yourself a week, but what then?" Xuo asked.

"They've seen our faces so we'd have to deal with them or risk having to look over our shoulders the rest of our lives. I can think of several options of getting rid of them, from setting up a death trap at the location I gave them or even informing the authorities of hoodlums planning a crime and giving away the location if I wanted a softer approach."

"You're pretty ruthless Zero. Do I even want to know what this 'Death Trap' is or how you're so calm talking about murder?"

"No you probably don't." Zero stated. In case he did go that route, he had been planning to attain copious amounts of flammable material from the local market before covering the entire area of the meeting point with the liquid and setting it on fire when the five men were in place. It was quite harsh, but he didn't appreciate being threatened. "There's also another option we can take."

"And what's that?"

"We make use of them and give them a job." Zero casually replied. "It could be useful having people willing to do your dirty work and giving them a paying job would only cement my- our control over them."

"But you told them the name of my company, what if they ruin its reputation?" Xuo asked.

"Nobody would believe them if they said they worked for your company." Zero confidently responded. "You could easily deny any claims and no one would be able to prove it. Besides, if your company has been as reputable as you say it has, then the chances of people siding with you would be even higher."

"You think of everything don't you?"

"It helps to be prepared." Zero smirked.

"You really are an amazing child Zero, aside from your murderous tendencies of course."

"Yes well, if I don't find a nice bed to rest on soon you'll be experiencing those tendencies very shortly." Zero grunted. It was only now, after the adrenaline left his system, that he remembered how tired his body was.

"Well, luck's in my favor 'cause we're here." Xuo stated as he waved his arm dramatically to his right.

Zero looked over and stared at the large mansion that Xuo was pointing at. It had a similar design to many of the houses in the city, but held a more modern look with metallic parts strewn into its construction and large windows on the higher floors that overlooked large gardens filled with various floras.

On the veranda, there was an assortment of furniture that helped to accentuate the stylized look of the open bar situated in the center. On some of the tables, he could see built-in board games, some of which included Pai Sho.

From what he could see through the windows of the ground floor, the inside decorations had the look of someone who enjoyed a warm and homey atmosphere. To Zero who stood outside under the cover of night, the warm glowing light that shined from inside the house gave it the look of a luminous lighthouse that tore through the darkness as if to guide those who were lost. It was exquisite.

"Welcome home Zero." Xuo smiled.

Welcome indeed Zero. Welcome to the world of Avatar and its crazy shenanigans. Seriously though, I rewatched some episodes of Avatar and there's some crazy shit that frankly confuses me sometimes.

On another note, I haven't said this before, but thanks for all the reviews. It's pretty fun reading them. As I stated before, I already had quite a bit of this story planned out so reading some of your theories brings a smile to my face. A smile that quickly turns into cackles at how close or far you guys are.

It's also interesting that some of you want Azula as the main pairing with Lelouch/Zero. All I can do is reiterate that I've planned out much of this story already and whether or not Lelouch/Zero ends up with anyone ;)

Until next time...