Lloyd felt like he was mentally breaking with the strain of fighting for his life.

Zane was quite literally falling apart next to him. Jay was a no-show presumed dead or screwing some Asgardian whore. And Cole was lying battered and bruised on a makeshift bed made from sticks and leaves.

At least that's how Lloyd currently felt about all of this.

"Seriously, I will..." Cole mumbled. "Make it official, I mean." More determined than ever to get home. He wanted to make it serious with Selie. He swore that if he made it home, he too would take it to the next step. Whatever that entailed. Perhaps he'd take a leaf from Kai's book and entertain the idea of making an honest woman out of her. Was even pondering the idea of a child in the not too distant future.

No. He shook his head. Too soon.

He mused about it. A forced life and death situation tended to have that sort of impact on one's way of thinking. Especially when you had little all else to keep your mind on track. Sadly, all they did was fight, so this place and the lack of daylight, his mind wandered. Right now, his subconscious was thinking things over with Seliel. They would both be happy with the new arrangement, besides, Selie had indicated similar a few months back.

The thought made him smile. It also brought a certain sting to his eyes and the unwelcome appearance of a warm solitary tear. Of course, he brushed it away as soon as it fell. From now on, he'd be devoted to her as it should be. If Cole survived this, he'd follow Kai's lead. Even doing the same as what Lloyd was planning, not only that, getting home in one piece was a must.

"So, how many days did he say?" Cole mumbled, trying to break up the monotony. "Been here five days, can't be that much longer, surely?"

"Until they accept defeat, at a guess." He shrugged, seeing Cole's face drop. "I don't know."

Cole shuddered. If that was the case, they'd never be able to leave. "Did you lose count?" He smirked, tending his own wounds. Slowly pulling back the gauze to check if they'd stopped bleeding. "I thought it was a seven-day stint?" He checked the wall behind him, happy to see his tally markers there. Fights won, lost and lengthy periods of sleep indicating days passed.

"It was, is..." Lloyd corrected, yawning. "Cut me some slack. This constant twilight is messing with my head." He held his forearm over his face. Laying on his back with Zane's weakening grasp in his own.

Breath held at the disdain, Cole could see that Lloyd was struggling to keep it in.

I-is he...crying? Cole cast a worried glance. Shit, he can't give up now. We're so close to getting out of here. Biting his lip, he lowered his voice, a motivational tone to the deliverance. "Come on," He soothed, trying his hardest to rid his voice of desperation. "We can do this, just us two, if Jay doesn't come?"

No answer, just a sniffle.

"We can do it." He hoped his pep talk would help. Might improve the depressive mood floating around at being down by one.

"We can try." Lloyd agreed, finally closing Zane's front panel. Looking forlorn at his nindroid brother, another sigh ensued. "It's not looking good. We're one down and both of us are injured." His eyes widened ever so slightly when he saw Cole's healing stone pouch, it looked decidedly light. "How many stones?"

Cole shifted uncomfortably. He didn't need to pour them out because he could grope the remaining one between finger and thumb. "Uh, one. What about you?"

"Three," He smiled with a growing sense of unease. "I used some too eagerly, All I know is that we need to slow it down, four between two of us isn't good at all."

Cole loosely shrugged a shoulder. Him being the prime user of a few on his second fight. "I wasn't exactly expecting to be skewered on their blades. Haa, maybe if Jay get's here on time, we could use some of his?"

"That's a big ask," He frowned. "You're banking on him coming when this thing's almost over."

"It's called positive thinking." Cole said, "Sure you've heard it, could've sworn it was your motto a few years ago?"

"It was, still is. But you've got to face facts here," He loosely shrugged his shoulder. "Besides, he might not come as we were led to believe."

"What?" Cole sat upright, wincing at the sudden movement. Staring at Lloyd in confusion as the uttered words. "Why would you say that?" Another irritating shrug from Lloyd had Cole biting his fingernail in annoyance, ripping the gnawed thing and attached hangnail from its bed.

"He's been through some hard times recently." Wiping his eyes, anxiously he turned to face Cole. "I've been spending a considerable amount of time with Zane, since Amora, you remember her?"

Where had this even come from? At first, they were talking about the fight duration and Jay being AWOL. Did Amora have something more to do with this or with Jay's obvious quietness? "Yeah, I remember her…" His mood soured. Mostly because he had been given the rundown on her shady behaviour. It was surprising how quickly rumours got around in Ninjago. "Wasn't he banging her as hard as a barn door in a hurricane?"

He chuckled at the phrase, he might have to remember that one. "No, not quite, that was Kali." Lloyd corrected, flustered. "She was the one you screwed." His face paled slightly. "Uhm, maybe delete those pictures."

"Already have." He blushed. "Wh-what were you saying about Amora?"

The blonde leaned on one elbow. "She was the one that did a number on Jay. Gus mentioned something about her assaulting Jay, whilst in her care, although, he didn't exactly elaborate as to why Jay was in her care to begin with."

Cole raised an eyebrow and further grinned at the fact that Jay had let a girl beat him so easily and yet so ruthlessly. "So, you're saying that Jay was in her care? Haa, more like whatever games they were playing got out of hand?"

"Define *out of hand* Cole?" Lloyd retorted, shaking his head. Oddly, despite Cole's inappropriate humour at what should be serious conversation, Lloyd's expression remained stoic. "It was a little more serious. She took his identity, altered our perceptions."

Lloyd's response was abrupt and the tone caught Cole offguard. "And, then what?"

"She had him as a prisoner in her home." He replied, "Seriously, he won't admit anything about what happened. In fact, it took a drunken night with Gus for Jay to mention that small tidbit."

Cole was shocked, frowning with his mouth agape. "Was it really that bad?"

With a grim expression, Lloyd nodded. "Like I said, it might be why he's not here with us, why he might not come at all."

"Yeah, you keep saying that..." Cole huffed.

"He won't talk about it." Lloyd said, shrugging. "I'd say it was pretty bad."

"Or just embarrassing. So, uh what happened?"

"She handcuffed him-" came Lloyd's curt reply.

"Kinky," Cole snickered. It was obvious that judging by Lloyd's expression he hadn't finished. Pursing his lips and looking contemplative, he prompted Lloyd to continue. "Sorry, go-on." He motioned, nodding. "I'm listening, honestly."

Lloyd sat back on his bed, leaning against the rocky cavern wall. "He was defenceless, couldn't fight back, she stabbed him."

"Wow, psycho or something?"

"Something like that." Lloyd had cocked his head, leaning back.

Cole thought that maybe Jay's ex-girl got a little carried away in the bedroom. He certainly wasn't into that kink and up until that point, he no inkling to believe that Jay was either, until now. "Was it y'know, mutual?"

"What, a mutual stabbing?" Lloyd laughed, shooting a mildly patronising stare. "Haa no, like I said...Jay was defenceless."

"Oh, Well was he, uh-" Cole blushed, lowering his voice, embarrassed to state it out loud. "-was he. . .raped?"

The facial expression Lloyd gave made Cole shiver. Was this why Jay hadn't said anything?

"Possibly, I-I don't know," Lloyd shrugged, wholly uncomfortable with the subject matter. "Guards who heard her testimony said that he was naked, cuffed to her bed, I'm sure you can figure out the rest."

"Fuck!" Cole's hand shot to his mouth. "I had no idea."

The idea of male rape was still so taboo. Even in their homeworld, on earth and in Asgard. Males were thought of as the stronger ones yet they were raped as often as females. Though they rarely came forward with it. He grimaced when he thought of it. "Now, I'm not so sure about letting him fight after all. Maybe he needs counselling. You reckon Zane will be up and running in the event the Jay gets here in time?"

"Like I said, he needs repairs. For the moment, it's just us two." Lloyd shook his head. "If Jay arrives, all we can do is ask if he'll fight."

Five days they had been here and the first part of the week was drawing to an end. Each of the three warriors had battled mostly successfully. The odd loss here and there when Cole had misinterpreted an attack stance from the dark elf he was fighting. The resulting injury he was still recovering from was from a rather macabre serrated blue-bladed weapon. One that required the use of a good few stones.

But then very suddenly, one morning. (If it was even morning time.)

An uproar woke the ninja.

The sound of knives clashing, and shots being fired made them bolt out of their beds.

"What's all the commotion?" Lloyd whispered. Clambering to find a good space to peer out.

"I don't know." Cole groaned, sneaking a peek through the bars near Lloyd's legs. "Looks like an intruder." He whispered down.

"An intruder in a whole heap of trouble?" Lloyd cringed. He could see the intruder being dragged away having not put up much of a fight. "Who was fighting though?"

"The elves?" Zane offered.

Cole gawked at that."What? The elves fighting the elves? Seems a little, far-fetched."

Lloyd shrugged. "These people don't talk at that much. Factions might be more common down here, especially if they're all living together."

Cole partially agreed with that. "Might explain why all the serpentine tribes lived separately."

"They are not fighting, despite what y-you may believe." Zane cut in. Glitching slightly. "A prisoner escaped and no one seems to be accepting responsibility, hence the fighting."

Cole gawked at the titanium knowledgebot. "H-how do you know that?" He asked, peering in confusion at the exact same thing that Zane was looking at. "How in the fuck, can you tell that someone's escaped this Helhole?"

Lloyd pulled Cole back, hushing him. "Cole, all speak remember?" He urged, finger atop his own lips. He clambered over Cole's form to sneak a peek. "Did you see anything Zane, considering you were out there yesterday?"

He shook his head. If he had seen a man, he hadn't been that compelling of a face to remember.

Jay shuffled a little, his nervousness apparent at never having seen a dark elf up this close before.

But then, he had just been hoisted upright. Finding himself to be less than one foot away from a chilling pure white immoveable mask. It was daunting to be met with so many after being woken abruptly with a beaker of chilling water thrown over him.

Wow, these guys don't talk much huh?

Breathe, Jason.

So mysterious, is this the silent treatment?

Stay calm. They won't hurt you.

Well, this just got a whole lot more interesting!

He only realised it when a pair of bright blue eyes stared at him, the same height he was. It was then he realised he was standing. Although that wasn't technically correct either. He was being forced to stand. In that, something was keeping him upright.

Strangely, he wasn't cold despite the fact that most of his clothes had been stripped, he was standing in his Under-armour shirt after forgoing the boxers because they wouldn't have fit under his tight trousers before the Nornheim celebration.

This was a good thing though. Those clothes, the ones he had been stripped of looked like Loki's, they were all green and black. But then as he looked the more he realised something was off.

Something was very wrong with this picture.

His hair was longer, that was a given, it tickled his lower back. It was also inky black and wavy. His body hair was dark too, specifically the scant line of hair that trailed from his navel downwards to his. . .

His eyes widened.

It's rude to stare. . .

Uh, this isn't right?

It was just...there was black hair surrounding his seemingly well-endowed manhood. Not loads of it, but, it was really noticeable against his alabaster skin. Had he always been this deathly pale? Where were his freckles?

These strange creatures were looking him over. That much he was aware of. He was looking himself over too, eyes glued on one thing.

You shall inevitably go blind if you keep staring...

Well, I can't exactly help it. It's not mine is it?

"Who are you?" The dark elf asked. Jay's head snapped up at the voice, it was slightly better than looking at the white one eyed anaconda between his legs. He'd seen that thing before, a few times. . .intimately.

Though, right at this moment, the flaccid thing didn't seem quite so intimidating. The fact that he was naked from the waist down didn't help in the slightest. Jay wriggled to no avail. Blushing came naturally when the thing hit both thighs in quick succession.


How do you tuck this thing away?

He found the fact that he was largely unable to move quite the scary prospect. No voice either, his throat was dry. Had been for a few days now.

When he looked down, the water that had been thrown at him was dripping from his hair and face, settling on the dirty floor. Only then, did he notice some type of magical restraint that was being used to bind his legs. Upon closer inspection, he could see the appearance of thin silver cotton. That was all it was.

Naively, he thought it would snap if enough pressure was exerted on the string, yet no amount of wriggling helped. The string, if anything, became tighter around his struggling legs and wrists. Frustratingly, the mysterious cotton didn't break.

"Won't you tell us your name, young one?" An elf asked.

He remained silent, for the time being. He couldn't stop looking at their ears. Pointed and elongated weird ears that seemed twice as long as his.

Then the elf used a cantrip on him. "A named thing is a tamed thing. Tell me, who are you?"

He felt compelled to talk. To say who he was, where he was born, he wanted to spill everything and the thought scared him. He bit his tongue to avoid saying anything. The feeling was like a cold breeze whipping through his head, looking for a crevice to slide through and reveal his secret. Was this a magic trick, hypnotism? Were they about to make him do something embarrassing?

"Why does he not reply?"

The younger elf shrugged. Mouthing something, that to Jay; resembled gibberish.

"You need practice in how to cast the cantrip effectively. If done with authority behind it; only those similar to us can fight it."

His mouth was too dry to speak. Lips were cracked.

A blade was held perilously close to his neck. "Your name?"

He didn't understand a word they were saying. Jay remained silent and watched as another elf grabbed a spool of shimmering cotton before walking behind him. He wasn't expecting what happened next.

The feeling of an attempted garrotting wasn't on his list of things to try before he died. The instant pain made him turn his head to the side, to save the thin razor sharp thread from slicing his voice box open.

"Water." The elf growled, pouring the smallest amount. "He is dry."

A sip was all they allowed.

"A named thing is a tamed thing?" An Elder repeated. His voice cut through the haze allowing Jay to become accustomed to their version of all speak.

A pause. The sparse water trickled enough to wet his vocal chords and soothe his parched throat. Their words were beginning to make more sense and he was completely astounded to know that these creatures could speak his language. They hadn't spoken the two days before, just dumped him in a cave and expected him to watch the fights.

"My name is J-Jason, Walker, Gordon." He rasped in short sharp breaths. "More w-water?"

The elves looked at each other in confusion.

"Not the answer I was expecting, considering." One observed him, standing too close for comfort. "Is it too warm for you down here?"

Odd question. Jay shook his head. No signs of sweat, he was comfortably warm since they'd removed his outer clothes. "Why would you ask?"

"You keep secrets?"

The cantrip was too powerful to fight. He spoke even though he didn't want to. Irritating that Loki hadn't told him about that little trick.

"Everyone has secrets; they need them to keep sane. They're what differentiates one from another. They're the rungs on which the ladder of hierarchy is ascended."

Where did that even come from?

Relax your mind...

"Wise words, you like to talk, I see?"

"I try to talk to get a grasp of what I'm dealing with," He grunted, pulling hopelessly at his bonds.

"Why did you come here, Jotun?"

Jay wasn't sure what they had uttered but he didn't like the sound of the name they had furnished him with.

"I was sent here," He was sure he was meant to fight and so that was all that he could think of. "To fight with my brothers."

"Unfair advantage, A Jotun challenging, you will fight for us?"

He didn't answer. Jay didn't want to fight for these guys, he wanted to see if his own brothers were okay.



"Then tell us why you are here?"

"I already told you." He needed more water, a sip was just mean. He was so thirsty right now, he might have considered Nadakhan's mop bucket, minus the bird poop.

"Take him to the cave and keep him there." He ordered, looking at the Prince in a new light. "I am sure you will find your tongue soon enough. In the meantime, you will fight for us?"

"N-no..." Jay gasped, shaking his head, he simply couldn't fight against his team. "Not for you..."

"Against us? Surely an unfair advantage..."

He could hear a faint chuckle but the masks these elves wore showed no facial expression. Therefore, it was unnerving to hear them giggle without seeing anything but some impossibly blue eyes staring back. "If I win?" Jay asked timidly, his voice was already crackling.

"You get to go back to Jotunheim, alive." He saw the same large elf with the stringed garrotte walking in front of him, re-spooling the thread. "You shall not win, we did not base this on Asgard winning. Although, quite what a Jotun wants with Asgard is unknown to me. All you ever do is fight them."

His bindings were undone and wrapped around the same wooden spool. The more he tried to figure out what this material was, the more his mind span. All he could think was how on Ninjago could a simple string of thread have him immobilised for so long.

"You are wondering what this is, are you not?"

Jay looked at the reel of silver thread. Saying nothing, he observed intently as the spool and reel of thread was tucked out of sight.

"Gleipnir, made by the dwarves to bind. You should know of it, it was used to bind Fenris before he broke his bonds."

Were these creatures expecting some type of response? Other than Loki's expletives at the use of this stuff, Jay didn't understand the importance. "Magic, figures." He mumbled under his breath and rubbed his sore throat. He removed his fingers from his neck, glad to see no trace of blood. Then to at least protect his dignity, the soggy clothes were placed back upon him, annoyingly, complete with holed knees from crawling.

He winced when his arms were lifted and placed on the elves shoulders. Two of them were supporting his frame and carrying him out of a dark chamber.

Jay still had no idea where he was, other than Svartalfheim. He felt like he was so deep in the belly of this world that he might never see daylight again. The feeling only increased when they proceeded to travel further down.

It felt warmer down here, much warmer and humid too. Jay had noticed that the lighting was ominous, a pale flickering red flame that lit the way every so many steps. The lighting itself served to make the damp clay walls stand out.

It gave the impression of bleeding walls, it almost looked like it when he touched the walls and removed his hand to inspect the dark colour now adorning it. He breathed a sigh of relief when he felt the consistency. It was smooth, not overly sticky like blood would be. The small piece he held in his fingers was malleable.


He was thrown into the same room that Lloyd, Cole and Zane were in. Stumbling, he finally lost his footing and landed on his wounded side with a pained grunt.

Instantly, he turned his nose up a little at the new sleeping conditions, it was only minimally better than sleeping outside. This was a small and dingy room with dusty floors and three odd straw like makeshift beds that had been placed against each far wall.

He saw what he needed, it was a small free-flowing underground spring. It was obviously a type of water but the taste would be judged by the rocks it had to travel to in order to filter it. He hoped it wasn't a direct source from the swamp and all of those bones.

Jay couldn't talk. His throat and mouth were too parched to utter a single syllable. He felt wretched as he took on the expressions of his brothers. They had scurried onto their beds at seeing this relatively unknown creature crawling towards them.

Cole brandished a weapon.

Well, aren't you a thing of beauty. Almost wish I had shades...too dazzling... Jay smiled. recognising it as one of the newer blades that Gus had told him about. Bone steel and forged by Geir, apparently.

It looked impressive and lightweight too. Slightly miffed that he'd missed out on getting one of these bad boys. No, he'd been given the elven ones, or more precisely the ones they had claimed from the enemies slew on the battlefields.

The blade was sharp, he knew that much, the tip, when struck, had cleanly sliced through his leather pauldron, just mere millimetres from his skin. No point reasoning without a voice, Jay didn't care all that much that Cole was using it to protect himself, swiping at him. He probably would have done the same.

He narrowly avoided the second swipe hitting his now exposed shoulder. Jay cringed, he only wanted the water. Had to make it to the water with all limbs connected. Maybe one of his other brothers could say something. He wasn't brandishing a weapon or anything.

"Who are you?" He growled, pointing his sword at Jay as he neared the free-flowing stream.

If Jay could talk he would have said something. A sight for sore eyes?

"Cole?" Zane urged, gesturing him to lower the blade. "This man is dehydrated. He only wants the water, he poses no threat."

"How do you know?" He growled. Reluctantly, Cole backed away. Watching cautiously as the creature made a slow and pained effort to get to the spring. His eyes glancing back to Lloyd and Zane for reassurance.

"Go, drink, we will not disturb." Zane uttered, hoping the man understood. "Cole, stand down." he barked, the tone stern.

"It's okay, Cole, just keep out of his way," Lloyd said, nervously. Though he couldn't tell if this thing was male or female, he didn't doubt Zane's judgement. At first glance, it did look male, there were no curves, to speak of. Its hair was jet black, very long and unkempt and the creature was absolutely filthy. Lloyd had caught downwind of it as it crawled past and he subconsciously held his nose. He was watching the creature too. They all were. Watching as it neared the spring and then proceeded to fill a jug of water, gulping it down, greedily.

"Who is he?" Cole asked, rhetorically. Obviously, no one knew, at that point. None the wiser to the reason he had been grouped in with them. "Why have they brought him here, with us?"

Lloyd shook his head, shrugging. He was out of ideas.

"Because, he is like us," Zane commented, watching the man with intrigue. "He is humanoid, and we are the only ones of our kind on this planet."

Cole let out a dark laugh. "Haa, he could be a maniac, a homicidal madman and they grouped him in with us?"

Lloyd couldn't help but agree with Cole. None of them knew the slightest bit about the man who had remained sitting then slumping over, passing out near the spring.

"He does not look very well." Zane motioned, moving closer to remove the unknown man from further harm. "He seems, ill." The nindroid knelt down, pulling the man from the water source. Gently, he slid his hands and arms under and hoisted him up, carrying the limp man to a bed. "He is dehydrated," Zane noted. A frown on his face at the bony protrusions and sunken eyes. "He needs to rest."

"Zane, what are you…?" Cole mouthed, watching as his brother showed gentleness to the stranger.

"Fetch me a cloth." He ordered gently.

"I don't have any," Cole grumbled.

"Ingenuity, you use what you can find upon your person!" Zane stated, snagging a piece of Cole's gi. A piece he wouldn't miss from the overlap of his robe.

Being inventive, Lloyd stepped forward and handed a thin slither from his green ninja scarf. He'd just torn it from the bottom, the cleanest part. "It's all I've got."

"What are you gonna do?" Cole asked, stepping closer. Both elemental masters surrounded the bed and watched Zane dip the green cloth into the water.

He wasn't gentle in the slightest. Zane could tell this man's face was caked in dirt and the only way to do it quickly and effectively with the addition of soap, would be to use some force.

"Wow," Cole mouthed. Seeing the palest skin ever. A remarkably pure white alabaster underneath the dirt. It contrasted so sharply it near enough reminded him of an earthbound zebra. "He's so, uh pale."

"He looks almost, human." Lloyd grinned.

Cole proceeded to tear a small amount of black from his tunic sleeve and followed Zane. Dipping it in the icy cold water before applying it to the man's face.

A sweeping motion to the cleansing ritual that he was copying from Zane.

"He is human, like I was saying." Zane murmured. "Just a little dirty."

"I guess it's too cruel an idea to completely submerge him in the spring?" Lloyd suggested, smiling. "Considering how bad he smells?"

"The spring is far too cold. And besides, we do not have any warm dry clothes for him. He would become too ill."

"More than he already is, you mean?" Lloyd stated.

"Fair enough, no submersions," Cole replied. "So, just carry on like this then?"

He was softer and didn't rub the man's skin to a red mess as Zane was doing. He was doing it with care and ease. Revealing more of this man's face as he carried on. Zane had stepped back, purposefully. And he refrained from showing his true emotions.

He knew who it was. He was thankful, in a way. Also, confused because if Loki was here where was Jay?

"Uh?" Cole recoiled. He saw the face before him, it was startlingly clear now. So damned terrifying to see this man before him, also oddly satisfying. He could, if he wanted to, run him through and then they'd all be free. First, he wanted answers. "Th-this isn't right."

"WHOA!" Lloyd kneeled, wearing the same expression. "Is that-" He got closer still, "It's, L-Loki!"

Cole didn't dare touch the man any further. Shuffling backwards when the man shifted slightly. "B-but if this is Loki, what the Hel's happened in Asgard, war?"

Zane shook his head. "Perhaps, we should allow him to rest, we can ask him tomorrow."

"And in the meantime?" Lloyd grunted getting up. "I'll fight next."

Cole glanced a look at his brother. His hand coming to rest on Lloyd's own. "Be careful, keep your sides closed and use the long blades. They don't like our katana, keep forgetting it has a sharp and blunt edge. I managed to get one a few days ago, he didn't get back up."

"I-I will. Take care of Zane for me. And, watch over him." He said staring pointedly at the man he despised. "If he tries anything, knock him out."

Cole smirked. "Knocking him out, haa."

That would be the last thing on his mind. If Loki came round and tried to raise his hand to cast a spell, Cole would drive the blade right through his head.