A/N: Hey guys, sorry that this chapter is so late, but needed to do school stuff and write chapter to my second story. BUT OH MY GOD! 2 000 VIEWS! I love you so muc XD. This chapter is the end of season 2 and I'm ending this story with it. BUT DON'T WORRY! I'm gonna make another story which will be a sequel to this. I thought that the description of the story doesn't fit to the chapters that I upload now. I'm gonna post a teaser to the story soon after I post this. Also I AM gonna include female mercenaries in the story BUT not all of them and not immediately.
MafiStory: Thank you man, it helps. Also thank you for the idea. I will apply it in the next chapter: prologue to season 3 (no that's not the name of the chapter). I'll try to do the season 3 longer than the other ones, since I have some ideas for the chapters already.
So... enjoy the last chapter.
Atollon, Chopper base, Sniper's POV
I was on a watchtower scoping the area. It was a normal day. Some of these bloody spiders were walking around the base and I thought that they're gonna be a great practice for me. While I was taking out creature after creature, my comm echoed with Zeb's voice.
"Hey Sniper, are you in there?" he asked.
"Yeah, practicing on these bloody spiders." I replied.
"That explains their corpses around the base." lasat joked. "How about you show me some of your tricks? You're unbeatable."
"No worries, I'm coming." I said. "Meet me on the shooting range." After filling another Jarate, I went down. Zeb was waiting for me already holding his Bo rifle and I already knew where to start our training.
"So, are you gonna show me some magical tricks to help me?" he asked chuckling.
"Nah, I have a saying: skill always beats luck." I replied.
"Ok, then what should we start with?" lasat was getting impatient.
"Your gun, mate." I said.
"What's wrong with it? It's not broken or anything." Zeb frowned.
"Yeah, but it's not a sniper rifle." I told him. "If you wanna be a good sniper, then you should have a good gun for that job."
"Oh, but I don't want to leave this gun." lasat replied a bit down.
"You're talking like Heavy, mate. But don't worry. I am sure that you can carry another gun. Maybe one of my old Machinas would do a trick if Engie modified it." I suggested.
"Well, that's an option." Zeb said and we both headed to the armory.
'Heh, I think that with some good training, there can be a very good sniper out of him.' I thought. We searched through the sniper rifles that we brought from our world and tried everything. Hitman's Heatmaker and Classic were too light for him, AWPer Hand was too loud for his sensitive cat ears and he didn't choose Sydney Sleeper because the bullets contained piss. We didn't steal any Bazaar Bargains but then we reached old, good Machina.
"Heh, it's not bad." Zeb commented inspecting the gun. "Not too light, good firepower..."
"And when Engie will modify it, only heads will roll from your victims." I finished for him. "We just need to ask him if he can change the type of ammo. These tracer rounds gonna give up your position immediately." Lasat took the gun and headed to the Engie's workshop.
"After I get my gun, what will we do next?" he asked. I smiled.
"Practice, practice and practice again." my smile was getting bigger with every word spoken. "Let's see if you'll catch up with the program that I'll make for you, mate." And with these words, we entered the workshop.
(Sudden unexpected POV switch) Sabine's POV
It was boring in the base. Ezra, Kanan and Ahsoka were gone on their Jedi stuff on the planet Malachor. Without them around, I needed to do something with the other rebels, otherwise I'd die from boredom.
I looked around the base, but the others were already doing something. Zeb found himself a close friend in Sniper and now they were talking to Engineer. Pyro was playing with bread monster 'Wheaty' and Demoman was getting REALLY drunk, even for him so making bombs with him was out of the table. In frustration I kicked the rock on the ground and it flew into the air. But before it could fall, a ball appeared and knocked it into the wall.
"Home run!" I heard a very familiar voice of Scout. After that incident on Garel, I liked him more although he still could be very annoying. Although I admired his pranking ideas. That's why Ezra developed a friendship with him so fast.
"Hey Scout!" I greeted him.
"Yo, what's up?" he asked.
"Nothing, I'm bored." I replied truthfully.
"Wow, and you're going with this to ME?" he said in this very annoying cocky tone. "Man, you must be really bored!"
"Actually, I just bumped at you randomly." that was true although deep inside I was thinking about doing something with him since there was not many rebels in my age or close enough. "And what were you doing?"
"Well, I was just thinkin' 'bout dat run for guns in our world." he replied throwing the ball and bashing it. "I can't belive dat there are other teams and there's even a girl team. No offense."
"None taken." I smiled.
"Oh, please," we heard Spy's voice. "can you just kiss already?" that made me blush hard. I saw Scout as a good friend but nothing more.
"Ya seem very uninformed for a spy, pal." runner commented. "She'd rather go for Bridger than me. BUT if I don't know about something then you can enlighten me, Sabine." I felt like my cheeks were set on fire. I really wanted to punch Scout right now. Medic would patch him up anyway.
"What are you talking about, I'm not dating Ezra or something." I said as normally as I could.
"You're good in lying to yourself." he smirked. "If I showed you da videos how you react when he's in da room, you'd see what I see all da frickin' time." That made me irritated, but still happy so I swung at Scout, but he dodged easily and I hit a metal crate that was behind him.
"Ow!" I rubbed my wrist.
"Ya should wor on your aim or'dinii (moron)" that made me speechless for a while.
"You know Mando'a?" I asked surprised.
"Well, eavesdropping your little lessons with Ezra it's no problem." Scout chuckled and I was blushing even more.
'How can he know EVERYTHING what's going on? This green liquid made him crazy' my thoughts were grumbling.
"Oh and constant reading dat little homemade dictionary dat you gave him makes da whole thing easier." he added.
"Interesting ." Spy said. "I didn't know that. Perhaps I should investigate this deeper."
"SHUT UP FANCYPANTS!" me and Scout shouted in perfect unison.
"I think not." he replied.
"I heart dat Snipes made a fresh Jarate this morning." runner said. "Would you be a good friend and let us test it's quality on you?"
"No." Spy's face was filled with disgust.
"Ha, doesn't matter pal." Scout commented. "Be right back!" And he was gone. After a while he came back with a jar full of yellow liquid. "Ok Spy, it's time to test the quality of this jar's content."
"NOOO!" Spy cloaked, but Scout jumped on him and like he was riding a bantha, he took the assassin somewhere. Meanwhile I thought about what he said. I liked Ezra a LOT more than Scout, but he could also be annoying especially if collaborated with the youngest RED mercenary. But somehow I couldn't blame him for that. He could always cheer everyone up even in the worst moments.
'Maybe there is something more...' a lonely thought came to my mind but I quickly erased it. I was very unsure about my feelings from the time when Ketsu left me behind. I forgave her, but this scar didn't vanish. On the other hand Scout was a bit right about my actions. Everytime Ezra entered the room, I felt better. It was like an aura of safety and friendship emanating from him. Even if he was younger, I treated him like an equal. And he could fight. Ezra and Scout were often training together and once he even beat me. I was so embarrased, because they invited a lot of rebels from the base on that fight. He was fast and agile, just like Scout, but was also strong.
'Hey, if I have nothing to do, why I won't train with Scout?' I thought. Agility wasn't my strongest trait and I felt that it needs practice. 'Well, if I find him. Who knows where did he go with Spy.'
I walked around looking for him and I saw Sniper and Zeb on the shooting range.
"Patience. Don't rush, mate. The good thing in the sniper's role on the battlefield is that for a while no one will shoot at you so you can take your time." Sniper said. "But if you are alone, you need to hit every time or the enemy will get you."
"What's up?" I asked.
"Sniper is teaching me how to shoot from my new gun." Zeb smiled holding a gun that I never saw before.
"What's that?" my mandalorian curiosity about weapons took over.
"We asked Engie to modify one of my old Machinas that it can fit perfectly for Zeb." Sniper anwsered. "I admire, it has hell of a firepower."
"Yeah, I'm just imagining blowing the buckets out from the corpses of the Imps." lasat grinned.
"Hey by the way, what did Scout wanted to do with my Jarate?" sharpshooter asked.
"Oh, he took it and Spy somewhere probably to make a close meeting between them." I joked.
"Ha, I like him more since we got here and now I have another reason to like him." Sniper laughed. Then I heard a voice from behind us.
"Spy, you smell like piss and, you are going to wash yourself NOW! That is an order!" Soldier yelled. "And Scout, you are gonna recieve a proper punishment for making Spy defile the air of this base!"
"Oooo yeah, you're real scary!" Scout teased. "You need to catch me first!"
"Hey Scout!" I interrupted. "I thought, that if Ezra is not here and he is usually training with both of us separately, then why don't we try to not kill ourselves and train together?"
"No!" Soldier almost yelled in my face. "He will NOT go anywhere until he recieves a proper punishment."
"He doesn't deserve it, I saw it." I tried to go a different way.
"Huh, well then I'll let you go this time, Private Twinkletoes, but next time will not be as friendly." he grumbled. Scout walked away and joined me.
"So... what do we wanna practice?" he asked.
"Well, I wanted to work on my agility and you seem like a person who knows a lot about it." I said.
"Um, I don't think that 'knows' is a good word to describe it, since I think I am a terrible teacher, but if you want me to teach ya a few things, it's no problem." he replied.
"So what are we going to do?" I asked.
"Run, run and run." Scout's face expression was now full of happiness.
"And what does it have to do with dodging attacks and stuff?" I wasn't getting the idea.
"That we're gonna run through the dozens of spiders." he smirked and I looked at him in horror.
"And how are you sure that they won't kill us?" I didn't want to die.
"That's what we have these for!" he pulled out his guns.
"We're running fully equipped?" this was getting better and better.
"Of course! If you run normally, on the battlefield you'll get shot since you didn't train with full equipment." Scout said. We walked to the transmitter fence and I had a feeling that this is gonna end horribly.
"First of all: follow me. Second thing: don't stop for fighting." he said. "3! 2! 1! GO!" Then he ran forward and I was behind him. There was a large group of spiders in front of us and we were heading directly at them.
"Just don't die!" Scout advised.
"Thanks! Not funny!" I shouted irritated. The first spider headed towards us, but Scout just slid under it's legs. It was my turn now. The creature swung at me and I dodged on the left then grabbed it's leg and boosted myself forward. Two more spiders approached me and I jumped between them. Now other creatures were chasing me and the only way forward was a small hole between two rocks. They were getting close so I slid under the rocks.
"Nice work down there!" I heard a voice and saw Scout on the huge rock where he was dodging spider's swungs. There was a gap between my side of the ground and the one where Scout was. The only thing that could get me on the other side was was a wall connecting two sides.
"Alright, it's time for a good old wall run!" I smirked and when the spiders were heard from behind, I was already on wall and bounced off to land on the other side. It went good, but then Scout joined me and spiders surrounded us.
"Guess it's a good time to use our guns, huh?" I asked nervous. The creatures were getting closer, but then one of them fell on the ground with a hole in it's head.
"Fine shot, mate!" that was Sniper's voice.
"Hell yeah! Go guys, we'll cover you from here!" Zeb said grinning evily. And so we did. Scout jumped on the spider's dead body and I did the same.
"Alright, let's say that we can use weapons now!" Scout said and pulled out his two shotguns.
"Ok!" I smiled and pulled out my pistols.
"Just don't engage!" he added. So I did, because a direct fight with them could end with me being dead or badly injured. I was shooting the spiders making them get out of my way. One unfortunate creature charged on me, but I slid under his legs and shot it in the head a few times. In this chaos I finally saw how Scout and the other mercenaries felt when fighting: they felt free and like a wind. That's how I felt now: like I was part of this (primitive in this case) warfare and this warfare was part of me.
'If Ezra could be here...' I thought, but didn't let my guard down. We ran forward and suddenly a bigger spider approached us. It had bigger head and teeth and had a bit redder skin.
"Sabine, Sniper, Zeb!" Scout shouted. "Race who first kills dat tough guy?"
"Oh, you're on!" I smirked.
"Alright, mate!" Sniper replied.
"Are you asking ME?" Zeb joked.
And so we did. All of us started firing at the spider, but it was faster than others from his kind. I aimed for the head, but it's skin was tougher. Basically the whole creature was bigger, angrier, uglier and generally worse version of the normal spiders. It turned towards me and charged with an incredible speed. I jumped out of the way and spider hit the rock behind me. Then two shots from the sniper rifles hit it in the head. It turned around, but recieved three baseballs in the head, which Scout just bashed and soon after it had two cleavers stuck in it's head as well.
'I feel like I'm doing the worst job from all of them' I thought. The creature finally regained balance and ran at me. I jumped and landed on it's head this way that it's jaws couldn't reach me. I fired a few bolts in the spider's eyes which made it stop and knock me off. I was now lying on the ground and my blasters rolled away somewhere. Suddenly Scout charged at the spider and constantly dodging it's attacks, he was shooting it with his scatterguns. He also tried to stab it with one of his knives that he kept from his world, but this time the spider accurately knocked it out of his hand. The weapon landed next to me and an idea came to my head. I grabbed the knife and turned towards the creature.
"Hey, ugly!" I shouted to the spider which looked at me. "Come and get me!" That was enough to provoke it. The spider charged towards me and swung one of his legs to stab me. I dodged and when it was close, I stabbed the creature in the head. There was an earpiercing shriek and the spider fell on me and I felt like a damn bantha was lying on me.
"Oh man!" I groaned. "Can someone help me?" then I saw Heavy above me.
"Tiny girl was credit to team today." he said and then using his giant hands, he lifted the spider corpse and threw it away like it was nothing.
"Uh, thanks." I said.
"Dat was AWESOME!" Scout suddenly appeared. "BUT you stole my knife." I laughed and gave him his weapon back.
"I admit, this was good." Hera's voice sounded from behind.
"Hera?" I asked. "Did you watch us all the time?"
"Most of the time since I left with Sniper and Zeb. Heavy decided to join us as well." she replied. "Now we need to go back. Demoman is still in the base and no one watches him." Everyone including me were laughing. We walked back to the base and Scout suddenly turned towards me.
"Hey, dat was nice wasn't it?" he asked. "Next time we MUST invite Bridger for dat!"
"No doubts." I chuckled. We arrived at the base and there was Demoman with an empty bottle of his alcohol and sword on his back.
"All of you *burp* are f**kin *chrrrr* and you'll all f**kin die and..." he stoped for a while and smashed his bottle to the wall. "I'm gonna drink... and drink and f**king-" then he took his sword and threw it at the wall. The sword bounced off in the air, hit the other wall on the right, bounced off again and sticked itself in the Demoman's butt. "ARGH!"
"Dummkopf!" we heard Medic's voice. He came out of his lab holding a new bottle of alcohol and his medi-gun. "Take zis, drunk cyclops!" he gave him the bottle, removed the sword and healed him with his medi-gun. Demoman took a sip and his eyes became clearer.
"Ayy thanks, doc." he said.
"Wait, what?" I couldn't understand.
"Demoman is so drunk, zat his body is used to have zis amount of alcohol in blood." Medic explained. "If zhe level is too low, he reacts like a normal drunk person."
"Ok..." I really didn't know what to think about it.
"Hey, look!" Scout suddenly shouted. "Wizards are back!" By wizards he meant jedi. I almost jumped and looked at the direction which Scout was pointing at. Indeed the Phantom was heading to the base. When it landed and the hatch opened, my heart stopped for a while. Ezra came out supporting Kanan who had a bandage on his eyes. What was bothering me was that Ahsoka didn't come out. Hera rushed towards the older jedi, looked at him and hugged. Suddenly Rex came out of the crowd. He looked at Ezra and I understood.
'Ahsoka.' the thought immediately came to my mind. Ezra couldn't look the old clone in the eyes and Rex understood as well. His good friend was dead. Everyone, even Scout had his face really serious and full of saddness. Ezra walked out to his room. I really wanted to stop him, but my feelings barrier blocked me when I really wanted to help. It seemed like Scout thought about the same thing, because he raised his hand, but didn't do anything else. I was really worried now that Ezra will be a completely different person now.
'I hope that he'll be okay.' I thought.
A/N: AND THIS IS THE END (of this part of the whole story that I planned). So my begginings with the story weren't easy, but I really thank you for your support for me and I hope that you'll like to read the season 3 story