Tommy had knots and butterflies inside his stomach as he drove to the mall. He wondered what he was going to tell Kimberly when she asked why they weren't going to the movies. For weeks she had been wanting to see Pirates of the Caribbean: The Cruse of the Black Pearl. That morning Tommy got up bright and early to go to the mall to purchase their movies tickets. He was hoping that he'd be able to walk up to the ticket desk and purchase the ticket without having to wait in a really long line before the movie started. But, when he got up to the ticket desk, he was told they had sold out of tickets.

Flash Back

"What am I going to do?" Tommy thought as he sat on the bench to try to think of something else for them to do. "Where am I going to take her for our date?" He knew that she roses, especially white and pink roses. It wasn't valentines day and flowers weren't going to cheer her up. She loved lamps that had pink, white, and green colored led blubs. Every time they ordered something at Ernie's or the Cyber Space, she always ordered a strawberry milk shake. And he knew she loved swimming and soaking in the hot tube. Just then it finally dawned on him what he could do to make it up to her. He'd reserve a hot tub with a Spa Caddy. He'd request to have rose petals and floating candles in the hot tub.

End of Flash Back

"Tommy, let's go get our seats before all of the good seats are taken," Kimberly requested as she got out of his jeep.

Taking a deep breath, Tommy knew he had to tell her the truth. "Kim, I went to get the tickets this morning and they were all sold out." he confessed and was wishing that he told her sooner. "I knew you were going to be disappointed so I've made special arrangements for us to have soak in the hot tube. But, I promise you that you won't be disappointed."

Trying to hide her disappointment, she grabbed her gym bag and followed him into the mall. "What did he mean when he said I wouldn't be disappointed?" Kimberly thought while she could see how nervous Tommy looked. He looked like he was hiding something from and she immediately knew he wasn't telling her the complete story. "What did you do?"

"Kim, you'll see when you get changed," Tommy quickly responded when he they walked into the water spa. The lady at the front desk gave him a card with a room number. "I meet you at room nine." He quickly left the front desk and went to change.

Kimberly walked into the changing stall and changing. "I know he has done more than reserve a hot tub," she told herself while she was changing out of her pink pant suit. She could tell because everytime he wasn't telling her the full story or trying to hide something he always blushed.

A nervous Tommy stood outside of room nine. "I hope see likes this," he nervously mumbled to himself. He felt his heart jump when he saw his princess walking down the hall in a pink swim skirt and halter swim top. "She looks so gorgeous."

As Kimberly guilded down the hall, hearts appeared in her eyes when she saw Tommy in white swim briefs. "Finally, I get to see my princes charming white again!" Kimberly cheered as walked down the hall.

"Kim, I hope you are happy with this," Tommy began as he lead her into the room. "What do you think?"

Kimberly's eyes lit up when she saw white and pink rose petals and pink, green, and white light shining in the pool. She walked over to take a close look and saw the light was coming from three candles that were floating in the tub. "Oh, Tommy! You went to all this trouble for me," Kimberly squealed. She then noticed it had a spa caddy. A waiter walked in laid two strawberry milk shakes on the spa caddy. "I honestly don't know what to say."

"You were worth it," he smiled as they climbed into the tub and started drinking their shakes. "I love you and want to make you happy."

"Just spending time with you makes me happy," Kimberly reassured him as she snuggled up next to him.