"More like dying"

Chapter Four


"I do hope you are ready, love, because we are not leaving our room for a week." Klaus growls at me very seductively just before tossing me on the bed, and in the next second, he and I both are completely naked.

I give him a "come and get me" look as I drag my hand up to my breast. "Oh baby, I am beyond ready."

Klaus gives me a very sexy grin as he crawls onto the bed at my feet, kissing and caressing my body as he makes his way up. When he gets to my mouth he crashes his full soft lips to mine immediately. This kiss is so full of passion that I feel it in my entire body.

Heat flood every part of me as I lift my right leg up and wrap it around his slim hip, pulling him closer to me as he continues to devour my mouth like a starving man; like he can't get enough of me. Just as his kiss slows down, I feel him grind his erection against my heated and wet core.

"Nik…" I gasp as our lips part. My chest rising from the bed as our hips continue to move together, over and over.

Nik lift his hips from mine slightly and grins down at me as he rest his weight on his elbow. He slowly glides his fingertips down across my breast, to my stomach, and then further down between my legs. "I know just what you need, my love." He whispers sensually as he begins to stimulate my clit with the top of his finger. My aroused body arches into his sexy chest from the searing pleasure that he's giving me. "And I promise you that I will never hurt you, my love." He leans in and slips his tongue into my mouth teasingly, just as I feel him penetrate me with his finger slowly.

I moan like a wanton whore when he adds another finger. He grins and flicks his tongue across my lips as he begins to move his fingers in and out of me slowly while the pad of his thumb continues to stimulate my sensitive clit.

Nik suddenly stop his wonderful ministrations as he nibbles and tugs on my bottom lip with his deadly teeth. Before I can protest his actions, I feel him adjust his body so that he's completely on top of me, with my legs spread wide open for him.

He lets out a hungry growl as he begins to quickly and aggressively kiss down my body until his shoulders are beneath my knees and his mouth right above my most private area. I shiver and moan when I feel his hot breath blow across my saturated skin, and the moment that I growl at him for teasing me, he take a long slow lick from my entrance to my clit, then back again.

"Nik!" I cry out as he begins to move his tongue over my clit very fucking fast.

Nik grips my thighs hard as he begins to suck and bite my very sensitive bud. Soon, my entire body begins to buzz with pure, white hot ecstasy, and moments later something snaps within me causing me to fall apart completely. Nik growls low in his chest, and just as my body begins to twitch I feel him turn his head slightly to the right and he sinks his sharp fangs in the juncture between my inner thigh and where where he was just pleasuring me seconds earlier. I feel him take a few pulls of my blood and the feeling of this action causes my body to buzz yet again, then explode out of me; leaving me a twitching and moaning mess.

After a few seconds of Nik licking and healing his bite mark, I feel my body relax completely. Jesus Christ, this man can play my body like no other. Not that any other has ever done anything like that to me before.

My wonderfully talented mate grins wickedly as he moves back up my body then grabs my legs and wraps them around his hips. "Isabella, this may hurt a little, but I promise you that I'll be as gentle as I can. Okay?" He caresses my cheek lovingly as he slowly pushes himself into me.

I can feel him stretching me as he pushes further into me, but it only hurts a little, and a few seconds after he's fully sheath inside of me, that pain of being stretched for the first time is replaced with the pleasurable pressure of his bigger that normal size.

Once I'm ready for him to move, I grasp his biceps tightly and nod my head as I thrust my hips up into him slowly at first, but when he begins to thrust back, my hips start rolling and grinding faster and harder.

"Bella! Fuck…baby, that feels… oh god…you feel amazing." Nik groans and grunts as he begins to move harder and faster within me, bringing me closer to that proverbial edge once again.

It doesn't take long at all for me to explode from all the pleasure that this gorgeous man is give me. "Nik!" I cry out just as grasp the back of his head and pull him down to me then sink my teeth into his warm soft neck. Marking him while drinking his delicious blood as he continues fuck me so good.

Nik groans as his hips begin to move faster and harder, pounding into me like there's no tomorrow. The feel of his body against mine and the taste of his sweet blood causes me to explode in ecstasy once more.

The moment that I feel Nik twitching and pulsing inside of me, he gets to his knees and roughly lifts my body up against his, then sinks his teeth into my neck as my back arches while my hand hold him to me tightly. My entire body hot and buzzing from that now familiar and extreme pleasure that I feel as he drinks from me while he continued to fuck me until we fell apart one more time, together.

"I love you so much, my beautiful Isabella." Nik sighs after we've both relaxed into the mattress, with our sweaty limbs tangled together and our wandering hands touching and caressing any part of each other that we can reach without moving too much.

"Mmmm…" I smile as I lean into him and kiss him softly. "I love you too, my Niklaus.





"This is pointless Kol! I'm not able to control it like you're asking me to…it's hard to explain. I just…Ugh!" I throw my hands in the air then take a deep breath to try and calm myself so that I can explain my predicament, with this witch craft shit, to Kol and Maddox better. "When I took the Bennett witch and her bloodline powers, it was like I knew what to do. Like I have done it many times before." I growl in frustration. "It like was an instinct and now when I try…I get nothing."

After Nik deemed the both of us fully sated, we went down stairs to visit with his family and a few hours later Kol suggested that we work on my magic so that I can control it better. So I have been in the parlor all afternoon with Nik's brother Kol, and his witch friend Maddox.

We have been trying to tap into my powers so that I can learn all my magical limits, but its not really working like I'd hope it would. The only thing that I've been able to do is light a candle and that was only because Kol got frustrated with me and threw his tumbler against the fire place. It startled me so much that the candle I was holding just lit up like a freaking torch. That pissed Nik off because I almost set my ass on fire. I had to stop my mate from snapping his little brother's neck.

"Try shutting everything down and closing your mind off to everything around you." Kol suggest but I shake my head at him.

"I have been trying that, but I can't block everything out." I stop when I Maddox moves from his perch by the window.

"That's it…" Maddox grins at me knowingly. "You're having trouble shutting everything out, aren't you?" He gives me a sad look. "It's because of what you went through to become what you are now. Your every sense and instinct is keeping you alert and aware of your surroundings, because you absolutely trusted the people that did this to you. So whats to say that the people around you now, that you just met, won't do the same. Am I right, little Belle?"

I sigh and nod because he is right. The only reason that I trust Nik is because he is my mate and could never hurt me but these other people are still strangers to me…and Damon and Elena I will never, ever be able to trust.

"Nik is the only person here that I trust completely." I sigh as I sit on the couch. "That doesn't mean that I can't trust anyone else here. I just know for a fact that he would never hurt me." I shrug. "It's a mate thing, I guess."

Nik smile at me as he walks into the parlor and sits next to me, wrapping his arms around me and holding me close to him. "Do you think that you can trust that I will keep you safe from everything and anything?"

I turn and smile at the man that I love and trust more than anything on this earth. "I never tried to look at it that way." I lean up and kiss him softly. "And I think that, that just might work because I trust you with my life, Nik."

"Good…" Kol hand me the spell book that use to belong to their mother. "Try to spell this lapis lazuli, and make Stephen a daylight ring." Kol hands me a ring with the Mikaelson crest in the middle of the stone.

"I already have a daylight ring Kol." Stephen and Rebekah both smile down at me as they walk into the room.

Those two have been inseparable since yesterday when Rebekah woke up. Boy did Elena have a tantrum to rival all tantrums, because Stephen basically drop her like a bad habit the moment he got his mate back.

"So not the point, Stephen." Kol grins mischievously at him. "You will be our test subject because you and Damon are the only ones here that is affected by the sun, and between you and your brother…you are the only one willing to help Bella. Damon is too much of a pussy to stick his hand under a stream of sunlight with a potentially ineffective daylight ring." Kol points out in a duh tone.

"Fine." Stephen looks at me and smiles encouragingly. "You can do it, Bella…I have faith in you." He looks around at everyone else. "But to be on the safe side; how bout everyone but Klaus and Kol move to a different room so Bella is able to relax more?"

I nod and smile as everyone but my mate and his brother leave the room.

I read over the spell a few time then set the book down and grab Kol's dagger. I close my eyes and let all my stress and thoughts float away until all my thoughts are completely and solely the ring and the spell.

The moment that I feel like my body is floating I begin to chant the spell in a soft tone as I open my hand that holds the ring. I bring the dagger swiftly across my hand then clutch the ring in my bloody hand. Once I'm done I open my eyes then my hand to see that the ring is kind of glowing and absorbing my blood.

I look at my mate and frown at the look that he and his brother are giving me. Before I can ask whats wrong, I hear a soft angelic voice in my head…

"This ring will not only protect one from the sun, it will also protect whoever wears it from being killed in any way. This ring is linked to you and will only work on whoever you chose. That person will be a true immortal like you."

"Bella! Isabella!" I look at my mate as he yells my name out frantically. "Oh, think god you're okay." He pulls me to him and hugs me tightly to his chest. "What in the hell happened?"

"I…" I shake my head. "I heard a voice in my head after I did the spell."

"Bella, That wasn't the daylight spell that you just did." Kol looks worried. That is not a good look for the crazy vampire." I don't even know what language you were speaking."

"Really? I thought I was speaking English?" I mumble and then I remember what the voice told me. "That voice that I heard in my head…it told me that this ring is now linked to me and that whoever I choose to wear it will be a true immortal like me. That nothing could ever kill that person." I stand and turn to Nik. "I can feel the power pulsing in this ring, Nik." I grab his hand and shove the ring on his finger. "This ring is not for Stephen, it's for you, Nik."

"But love, I can't be killed by…" I shake my head and interrupt him as he looks down at the ring on his finger.

"You can be killed by the white oak, Nik and your father is still after you with a fucking white oak." I growl at him. "This ring does not come off your goddamn finger. Do you understand?"

Nik smile as he pulls me to him. "I will never take it off." He presses his lips to mine softly.

As soon as I end the kiss I turn to Kol. "I'm gonna need you to get me five more rings so that I can make one for each of you. I think that I can make one that will link me to Maddox to make him immortal, even though he is only a witch. This way he doesn't have to become a vampire and lose his power to live forever."

"I take it that you have connected with your power?" Kol smiles at me.

"It's like we are one now. I can feel it alive inside me." I grin and wave my hand at him, causing him to disappear.

"Where did he go?" Nik looks at me, stunned at his brother's disappearance.

I open my mouth to tell him just as Kol runs into the room looking sick. "I really hate you right now, Poppet."

"I sent him to Rebekah room." I grin at the look on Kol's face.

"I saw…" Kol gags. "I saw Stephens white harry ass as he and Rebekah…" He gags again as me and Nik laugh at his misery. "Oh god, I need brain bleach."

"Sorry, Kol. I didn't know their state of dress when I sent you there." I laugh.

"Well they were." Kol shakes his head. "And payback is gonna be a bitch, Poppet."

"Bring on, Cricket." I grin at him as I give him a new nickname.

"I love you my mate." Nik wraps his arms around me from behind as he laughs at mine and his brother's antics. "How bout you use your magic and take us back to our room so that I can show you just how much."

"Mmmm." I moan as he places soft kisses up and down my neck. "I love you too, my Nik." And I really do love this man, more than anything.

Stay tuned…

Sorry it took me so long to get this out to you guys, and I hope you all enjoyed this chapter…