Chapter 8: Epilogue

A few days later, Ginny was finally released from the Hospital Wing and sprinted as fast as she could to the Gryffindor common room. It was the late afternoon and she knew that Harry would be starting his detention soon, but she wanted to see Harry once more before the punishments began. After giving the Fat Lady the password to the common room, Ginny patiently waited for her boyfriend to appear. It was about 10 minutes later when she heard someone come down from the boy's dormitories and turned around to see who it was.

Harry was not looking forward to going to detention once again. Last night he ended up alphabetizing all of Snape's ingredients while listening to insults about his father from the greasy haired professor. As he headed down the stairs and into the common room, Harry saw his girlfriend on the couch in front of the fire and went over to her immediately. After kissing each other for a few minutes, and receiving some calming words from Ginny, Harry knew he could face whatever punishment was in store for him that evening. Before he left, Ginny pulled him into a hug and whispered into his ear.

"I love you Harry. Please hurry back after detention. I want to spend time with my new boyfriend while NOT being in the Hospital Wing." said Ginny.

"I love you too Gin. Don't worry my love. I have no intention of going anywhere else afterwards and would love to spend time with you as well." said Harry.

After one final kiss goodbye, Harry left the common room and headed over to the headmaster's office. No matter the punishment, Harry would get through it because he had one thing that made him extremely happy. He knew dating Ginny was a dream come true and vowed to never let her go no matter what.

(Three Years Later)

Harry Potter was standing outside of the Burrow with Ron and Hermione while waiting for the ceremony to start. Harry needed his friends right now because despite the fact that he tried his best to appear confident, inside he was filled with worry and was slowly losing his mind.

"Ron. Hermione. I don't think I can do this. Is it too late to call the whole thing off?" said Harry

Hermione was taken aback by what her best friend had said, but it was Ron who decided to speak up. "Harry don't you DARE even think of calling this off. I don't care if Voldemort returns from the grave and brings a hoard of undead Death Eaters with him to stop this wedding. It'll happen today no matter what. I would suggest keeping your opinions to yourself. You're lucky I approve of you marrying my sister because if not you would be in a world of hurt!"

"Well said Ron. Although Voldemort returning in any form is actually laughable now considering we all destroyed his horcruxes and made sure he would no longer come back" said Hermione.

After rolling his eyes at Hermione, Harry turned to Ron and said "So me being your best friend for years has nothing to do with you approving of our relationship, Ron?"

"Well… I mean… You're not a completely terrible choice for Ginny is all."

"Wow so glad you approve Ron." said Harry.

"Look Harry, best friend or not, you even think of ending this wedding and I will make sure that every single day of your life will be filled with pain and misery." said Ron.

"Even though I don't normally agree with Ron, I would listen to him today Harry. He seems to be hitting all the right notes somehow." said Hermione.

"Hey Hermione why are you sticking up for him all of a sudden? He may be your fiancé, but that doesn't mean you should take his side! I mean I'm practically your brother! Blood is thicker than water!" said Harry.

Hermione swatted his arm and said "Prat." With that she began walking off to the tent to see if anything else needed to be done before the ceremony began. Ron began following her which left Harry by himself and his own thoughts.

"Do I really want to marry Ginny? Maybe it's not too late to call this whole thing off. Wait. Why would I even say that? Of course I love Ginny! I love her with all my heart and soul, but why am I so nervous? Maybe this is what the muggles call "cold feet". I really need something strong to get over this feeling. Thank god the age of adulthood is 17 in this world." Harry thought.

With that Harry began walking over to the open bar area. Before he could attempt to order anything, Harry had a crazy idea that just might help him in getting over the nerves he was feeling. Harry dashed into the Burrow and nearly ran into Mrs. Weasley in the process.

"Harry you're not supposed to be in here! It's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding starts!" said Mrs Weasley.

"I know Mrs. Weasley but I really needed to get something from my room. This is really important and I wouldn't risk the bad luck but there is something I really have to do!" exclaimed Harry.

"Okay Harry dear but please DO NOT go anywhere except for your room. Promise?" asked Mrs. Weasley

"Yes I promise." said Harry. After the Weasley mother nodded, Harry sprinted up the stairs and could hear Ginny's bridesmaids getting her ready for the big day. If he had stayed there a moment longer, Harry would have been in trouble with them and didn't want to get thrown out without obtaining what he so desperately desired.

Harry approached his door and opened the door in a flash. Next was to find his trunk from school and that would prove to be quite a task considering Harry didn't keep his room in the most pristine condition. After a few minutes of searching, Harry gave up and reached for his wand. "Accio Trunk!" shouted Harry. Instantly the trunk rose from the depths of the mess in the room and shifted itself just a few inches from Harry's feet.

"Great. Now I just have to hope and pray that it's still there!" thought Harry.

Harry checked every single compartment and hiding spot within his trunk but was not able to find what he was looking for. This made no sense to Harry because he specifically remembered hiding it in his trunk for emergencies just like this. "Wait. Emergencies…." thought Harry. Was it possible that he could have hidden it inside of Hermione's endless bag during their year long quest? Without thinking about it too hard, Harry pointed his wand into Ron's room across the hall and muttered "Accio bag!". With that, Hermione's bag flew through the air and hit him in the face so hard that it made a loud SMACK sound.

"SON OF A .. Urggggh that hurt!" said Harry. The bag left a little bit of an impression on the right side of his face, to which Harry fixed immediately thanks to his medical training from Hermione on their journey. "What's in there anyways? Oh wait nevermind. Well it still shouldn't feel like an anvil struck me in the face since it's so light! I will never understand magic sometimes!"

Harry picked up the bag and used the Accio spell once more to find his copy of Hogwarts, A History. "Okay here goes nothing!" thought Harry. The back part of the book was opened to reveal a hidden compartment inside but unfortunately there was nothing contained within the book.

"Oh no. I must have used it sometime in the last few years." thought Harry. "It must have been for something important then. Did I use it to propose to Ginny? No no I remember giving it to Hermione to hang on to just in case I decided I needed it after all. Did I ever get it back from her? Yes. I did a few days later. Did I give it to someone else? I don't think I did. What did I use it for then? There's no way I would use it for something so trivial, especially after what happened last time. I promised to only use this in case of emergencies and THIS is an emergency! How can I possibly go out there without some form of luck on my side?"

Harry was upset that he did not find the small potion of Felix Felicis inside of the book, but realized it was for the best anyways. All those years ago when Professor Slughorn had given him a second vial, he vowed to not use it unless something important came up, or if his life was in grave danger.

"Well whatever it was used for had better of been worth it." said Harry.

Feeling somewhat defeated, Harry returned outside and waited anxiously for the wedding to start. It was only a short time later that everyone was ready and the ceremony would start to commence. Thankfully the even was smaller than Harry was expecting, and only friends of both parties were invited so the event felt more homey. That didn't mean reporters weren't trying to get in every second that they could however. After a few reporters snuck their way in the first time during the set up of the ceremony, Kingsley Shacklebolt, the current Minster of Magic, gathered about 15 different Aurors to cast charms and spells around the Burrow so that no one that wasn't invited could get in.

As everyone took their seats, Harry stood at the altar with his groomsmen Ron Weasley, George Weasley, and Neville Longbottom (who was overjoyed to even be invited at this point) while the bridesmaids Hermione Granger, Angelina Johnson, and Luna Lovegood, who were all looking beautiful in their dresses, took the other side of the altar.

As the music began playing, Harry almost fainted once he saw Ginny being escorted down the isle by her father, Arthur Weasley. Her dress was simple yet elegant and the way her hair and makeup were done made Harry thankful that they were getting married because most of the single men in the audience were drooling in response to her beauty. As Ginny reached the altar, Harry was able to get an extremely great view of the way his fiancé looked, and he too had to muster the strength of all the wizarding world not to join in with the single men in the crowd and drool as well. When he realized that the priest was trying to snap him out of the daze he was in, Ginny laughed a little and the ceremony continued as normal.

Saying their "I do's" passed by way too quickly for both Harry and Ginny, but they vowed to use a pensive later on to view this memory again. Once the happy couple cut the cake, and everyone was fed, the dance floor was open to everyone and Harry instantly wanted to escort his beautiful bride into the first dance of the night. Ginny smirked at Harry for his tenacity and accepted his hand for the first dance. The music began and the two of them seemed to glide across the dance floor with everyone staring in awe.

Harry however was confused. He had spent weeks trying to get his dancing right for Ginny at their wedding, but he proved to be clumsy and would trip more often than not. However tonight he seemed to be on airs and floated along with his bride. There were a few times where Harry wanted to ask Ginny what was happening, but she hushed him and told him to not think to hard about it. It was after their first dance, and the happy couple starting their next one, that Ginny finally said something to Harry.

"Harry I have to tell you something. I don't want you to overreact but if I don't say it now, it may ruin the beginning of our marriage later." said a very nervous Ginny.

Harry had a feeling what Ginny was going to say, but decided against it and wanted to see if he was right. "Go ahead my love." said Harry.

Ginny beamed with happiness at her husband and began speaking once again. "Harry I used your vial of Felix Felicis earlier today. I don't want you to worry because I took the whole thing so that way nothing bad could happen. Are you upset with me? I really needed it for today!" said Ginny.

Harry laughed a little. "Ginny, my love, I am so glad you told me. I had a feeling that Felix was at work considering we both know I am absolutely horrible when it comes to dancing. Plus nothing, and I repeat nothing, has gone wrong today and since we have had numerous issues leading up to our wedding with the planning details, I am so glad everything is going astoundingly well today. I am not mad whatsoever with you, and to be honest I was planning on using it today because I needed everything to be perfect for not just you, but for this special day as well." said Harry.

Ginny stopped dancing with Harry and pulled him into a kiss that shook her to the core. After releasing her husband, and receiving some cat calls from the crowd, Ginny lead Harry over to an empty table and proceeded to ask him something.

"Harry are you sure you're okay with me taking the potion? I know it's not a big deal, but after what happened last time, I just didn't want to worry you." said Ginny.

"Gin you have no reason to be afraid. I'm really glad you told me. I don't want you to think that just because today is perfect, it will mean that our marriage will suffer without Felix Felicis in our lives. True it will be hard, and we may even scream and yell at one another sometimes, but I meant what I said all those years ago when we got together. I never want to let you go and I always want to be with you." said Harry.

Ginny stood and took Harry over to the dance floor once again. They danced long into the evening as everyone was leaving and the event seemed to be winding down. Ginny knew things would be amazing with her new husband, and he felt the same with her. The two of them were perfectly happy with how everything that turned out and vowed to not use Felix Felicis again despite having the best day of their lives. From that point on, they would make their own luck and that was enough for them.