Author Notes: Sorry for deleting a previous version of this Chapter, but it seemed to be very convoluted and too quick in pacing. This one is a bit more better in terms of flow. You might also be surprised how Ichigo acts in this Chapter, but it's an AU alternate universe. So it makes it justified.

Also more differences to the Shaman King manga and this AU's own continuity to make less of a ripoff. Sorry that the chapter was so short, but its a set up for the longer one that follows this one.

Chapter 35: Falling Stars

Ashil the brown haired boy's gray iris eyes narrowed in extreme irritation in response to what Ichigo just told him. In a bout of anger, he stepped forward and shouted as he waved his hands dramatically as he pointed out two particular members in the group, while the two monks sighed in relief that it was not them-

"How did you know that I was the newest of Lord Hao's followers and I am not as gifted as the rest as of yet- with the exception of Damayaji and Anahol!"

This declaration made the man in the crimson exaggerated collar and the long nose man to glare in Ashil's direction with a vexed expression with "^" shaped mouths and slanted eyes with "V" furrowed brows. They then slowly approach Ashil as they surrounded him in a semi-circle. Ichigo then became less tense as he saw the two men comically bicker.

"I am the weakest here- I at least didn't die getting tricked with bait from my opponent like you did.," the one known as Damayaji in his exaggerated crimson collar spoke in disdain as he stroke his mustache.

"And especially, I the great Anahol join to avenge my brother's death at the hands of the Iron Maiden in the preliminary rounds.," the one known as Anahol said with a vain tone of narcissism as he pointed his head upwards with his long nose pointed straight up. Green sparkling lights dazzled his conceited self as Ichigo ignored this very self absorbed fool.

"You mean you burros both managed to somehow die in the mandatory plane dropping test, so Lord Hao waited until after being granted-," the man in the sombrero corrected the two weaklings until he felt Hao's temper that caused the temperature in the space to rise in the sideways building dimension.

"That's all in the past...along with another 500 years of having to suffer Hell.," Hao told the group with a calm voice with a snarling undertone before returning to his calm expression.

I better get this over before that brat starts making a heat wave.I think beating a few will scare them off., Ichigo said with annoyance to himself as he brushed off some sweat from his brow due to the increased heat that Hao had caused. He then noticed that the the

"Uh, so what're you doing now?," Ichigo with a deadpan expression as he saw Damayaji, Anahol and Ashil now using Rock-Paper-Scissors to decide on something he didn't really care about.

"I won...wait, why are you smiling?!," Ashil laughed until he became vexed when Anahol and Damayaji began to grin smugly.

"I did think you were weak before, but that was before I was just sensing your Spiritual Pressure that shooting outside your bodies. I just now can sense inside that force coming out of you and I have to say you're tough..., just not as much as you all think you are, I'll ask Mr. Hat and Clogs later on on how you rank what's that called in comparison to Spiritual Pressure though.," Ichigo said with a perceptive tone as he made the trio forget their quarrel and take battle stances against the orange hair Soul Reaper.

"Careful Ichigo, those are brittle copies to Zangetsu- you can only use them for one blow each. I made several just in case you didn't defeat them with the first blow. We can resume when you've driven them off now that I see that they're getting too personal with your training.," Old Man Zangetsu spoke to Ichigo with a cryptic tone as he glared at the invasive group with a more narrowed gaze than usual. He then vanished as the sunglass man phased into the window side of the building to Ichigo's surprise before returning a serious gaze to the three seemingly weak opponents.

"I get it. Its one to thing to come into someone's room- it's another thing to get into someone's head.!" Ichigo declared as he lunged forward with his false Zangetsu- a crooked blade shaped like a lightning bolt towards the trio.

"You three can handle this. I now hear the incoming hearts of two uninvited guests that are very close to this area. This may be an alternative dimension than the one that Turbine created- from what I saw of the one with the shaggy hair, his powers are unnatural to say the least.," Hao ordered Anahol, Damayaji and Ashil to face off against the orange haired Soul Reaper as the remaining group faded away to the latter's surprise and confusion.

"I guess he has that much confidence in you guys in spite of what I can sense from you- huh?," Ichigo spoke to Hao before noticing that the three had leapt into the air through green tinted steps. They then narrowed downwards as they prepared for a technique.

"Bringer Light- Falling Stars.," said Ashil as he, Anahol and Damayaji shot downwards as flashing projectiles of green light towards Ichigo's position. The orange haired boy dodged just in time to avoid being hit. The combined triple landing created medium sized craters in the

"What the hell was that?! Were you trying to ram into me?!," Ichigo shouted in angered confusion.

"Ttch, fighting this way was really out of our usual pattern. Just because we're technically Death Gods, we had to learn this crap.," said Damayaji with a tone of annoyance as he patted the dirt off his pants.

"Your usual pattern?," Ichigo inquired with a snarky tone.

Suddenly, one of the glass windows of the building broke from its place and levitated with a green Spiritual Pressure. It contorted into a shape that gradually became more transparent as Ichigo looked on. Ashil smirked, indicating that it was he who made this odd phenomena occur

"What did you just do?," Ichigo asked the brown haired boy what he just did.

"You don't believe in fortune telling, horoscopes, feng shui, psychics or any bizarre phenomena other than seeing spirits right? You're as ignorant as most humans...and therefore evil.," replied the gray eyed boy with a narrow glare of scorn.

"That's a bit harsh-," Ichigo committed before he was suddenly punched to the right side by an invisible force that made him fly to one of the floating buildings. The resulting collision created a large crater. Ichigo breathed heavily as he felt some of his ribs crack from the hit.

"I meant this, if you were more enlightened in the supernatural- you would've been able to see Siegfried because of how large he is.," replied the boy in a condescending tone. Anahol and Damayaji stepped to the side and sat down in a cross-legged position.

"It's in the bag.," said the long nosed man with an arrogant tone.

"It's like trying to fight air. You know its there, but as long as you can't see it, you can't see it coming.," replied the man with the pointed mustache.

Ichigo grunted in frustration as he saw the brown haired boy leap onto an invisible being several feet above the building. He suddenly felt another powerful blow heading directly towards him.

Chapter 36: Ghost of My Tool