AN: This has been a hell of a ride, friends. My first (but obviously not last) story in the NCIS: LA fandom and my longest (by far) to date, and it's finally finished. I want to thank everyone who favorited and followed, and especially everyone who took the time to write a review (or multiple reviews!) or send me a message. Every single word from people enjoying my story was an absolute thrill for me to read. And now, without further ado, the epilogue (for real this time).

Spoilers: Up through season 7 and including spoilers for season 8. This is speculation on the storyline that will cover Daniela Ruah's maternity leave. Now that the premier has aired, this is officially AU.

Disclaimer: I no longer own the DVDs for Seasons 1 through 7 and I am not making any money from this. Disappointment all around.

July 27, 2018

"Where are the Wonder Twins?" Sam asked as he and Callen joined Kensi and Deeks at a local restaurant.

"Attached townhouses on Exxor?" Deeks suggested with a grin.

When Kensi groaned and shook her head, Callen chided her, "Hey, you married him."

"And despite comments like that, I'm pretty happy I did," Kensi replied with a nudge to her husband's arm on the table. She looked at Sam, "And to answer your question, it's just us tonight."

Catching the look the senior agents threw at one another, Deeks asked, "What's that all about?"

Sam responded, "Just a little wager we have going about the purpose of this get-together."

"We need a reason to buy you guys dinner?" Deeks' hand went to his heart in ersatz hurt.

"No, but you have to admit that asking us to meet you here tonight when you weren't even at work today is a little suspicious," Callen said.

The waitress approached with menus and Kensi ordered a round of beers. When they were delivered a few minutes later and Kensi took the first healthy swig of hers, Callen pulled out his wallet and handed a bill over to Sam.

Kensi's eyes widened and she barely managed to swallow her mouthful of beer before she sputtered, "Oh my god, you thought I was pregnant."

"And the fact that the whole gang wasn't invited out was our first clue that G was wrong. You drinking alcohol is the second," Sam answered smugly, tucking the twenty in his back pocket.

Deeks put his hand on his wife and partner's thigh under the table and gave it a gentle squeeze. Their team didn't know that Kensi was suffering from early menopause as a result of the chemotherapy. She was technically still in the perimenopause stage, since she did occasionally have her period, but it was not predictable despite the fact that she was back on birth control pills as a method of hormone replacement therapy.

Kensi gave no outward sign that the belief she might be pregnant was like an arrow to her heart, but she appreciated Deeks' silent show of support. Pretty happy that she had married him was definitely an understatement. "Okay, smart-asses. You know us so well, why did we ask you here tonight?"

"To tell us Kensi's leaving NCIS," Sam directed his response at the woman in question. His tone was matter-of-fact, neither happy nor sad. He had always believed, and had only ever shared with Callen and Michelle, that once Kensi and Deeks married, her days as a field agent were numbered. Even if they weren't expecting a child now, Sam figured they soon would be. After all, he'd been down this very road with his own wife.

Kensi and Deeks glanced at one another, mildly impressed. "Not quite," Deeks said.

"But close," Kensi added. She leaned forward as she explained, "When I was sick and I wasn't sure I'd be able to get back out into the field, I reached out to Michael Morgan to see if he had any openings at FLETC, preferably here in LA."

"Isn't he the head of the program at Glynco?" Sam asked.

Kensi shook her head, "Assistant Director for Training at the regional level now. He and I have kept in touch over the years; he calls on me occasionally to take part in Q and A sessions for female agents-in-training. Anyway, he told me they'd probably have an opening or two this year due to retirements."

"I didn't know you were still that involved with FLETC," Callen remarked.

She nodded, "Even though there are more women in the field than ever before, we're still the minority, and there are some issues that are best addressed by and discussed with those of us who have actual experience with them." Kensi shrugged and returned to her story, "So he called me in November and told me they'd have an opening in LA beginning the first of this year if I was interested in applying for it."

"LA's Training Center only offers maritime-related courses," Sam stated.

"True. And since that's not really in my wheelhouse, I would have had to undergo all the training first, which wouldn't have been too big of a deal – "

"But Special Agent Blye-Deeks was already cured and back in the field by then," Deeks interjected.

"Right, so it made little sense at the time. But then he told me something else. The LA site had just been tapped to expand its programming. It won't be quite as big or self-contained as Glynco, but all the basic training for entry into federal law enforcement will be provided in and around LA as of the first of next year. There will also be a newly expanded anti-terrorism course offered beginning in two months."

"Which means they're looking to hire several instructors," Callen realized.

"You're both leaving?" Sam concluded, more surprised and disappointed than he wanted to admit.

"That may depend on you," Kensi responded.

At the senior agents' questioning looks, Deeks clarified, "Kens and I both interviewed for instructor positions today. We think they went well. Of course, they had already talked to Hetty before they even offered us interviews, but they want to speak with you two as well."

Callen sat back, enjoying himself. "So you want us to give you glowing recommendations."

Deeks could see where this was going. "Hey man, we just want you to tell them the truth. Which, let's be honest, should get us hired, given how exceptional Kensi and I are in the field. Or, you can mess with us, because who could blame you for wanting to keep this much awesomeness on the team? But if we don't get the jobs, you have to put up with watching us make googly-eyes at each other for the rest of your careers."

March 12, 2020

Deeks walked into the mission, exhausted but never happier.

"Hey, what are you doing here? How's Kensi? Why aren't you at the hospital with her? Why didn't you call us? We would have come to you." Nell reminded Deeks of a hyper Chihuahua, tiny and constantly yapping, not giving him the chance to respond.

"Easy there, Nellosaurus. Wouldn't want you to sprain something," the former detective said.

"Then tell us, Deeks. We all want to hear the good news," Sam prodded.

"The mutant ninja assassins are finally here and ready to conquer the world." Deeks announced as he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out three cigars, each with a pink band around it. "Baby A is a girl." He stuck his hand in the other inside pocket and pulled out three more cigars, these banded with blue. "And Baby B stands for boy."

"One of each!" Nell squealed and threw herself at Deeks, giving him a quick but strong embrace. When she released him, she said, "I'm going up to get Eric. And I think Hetty's in the Assistant Director's office. I'll tell them you're here."

"Congratulations, man," Callen offered a handshake and hug next. "A daughter, huh? You are going to be in some trouble, Deeks."

"Oh, I already am," Deeks smiled proudly. "Both have already got me wrapped around their perfect little fingers." He held up his hands and wiggled his own, "Of which they each have ten, by the way. Along with ten toes. Baby A's are perfect like mine but poor Baby B might take after his mother in the foot department," Deeks laughed.

"No names yet?" Sam asked once he had offered his best wishes.

"I want to wait until everyone's here before sharing," Deeks said.

"So now that your little side project is complete, you think you and Kens can get back to work on finding us a permanent fourth?" Callen pointed to Deeks' once-again unoccupied desk.

"Hey, we've always got an eye out, but it takes a special je ne sais quoi to complete this team. I should know, having been that magical missing piece myself. We're not going to steer someone here unless we're confident they'll be a good fit."

"And in the meantime we have to put up with all of these wannabes who wash out after two weeks. If that," Sam complained.

"Mr. Deeks," Hetty's voice carried as she and Granger descended the stairs, "As happy as we are to see you, shouldn't you be with your wife and children?"

Deeks beamed at the sound of those words. "Kensi, my beautiful, remarkable, and awesome wife needed some time to sleep, and it was her idea for me to come here to tell you all in person. As for our children," his smile shone even brighter, if that was possible, "They are being watched over by their grandmothers, who cannot be more thrilled that they don't have to split their time holding them."

Eric came down the stairs with Nell, shaking a baby rattle in each hand. "Please tell us you're finally getting rid of those things, Beale," the petite former analyst practically begged.

"What? It's only been a day-and-a-half." When the technical operator reached the group, he gave Deeks a warm hug and handshake and presented to rattles to him. He explained, "Ever since you texted us that Kensi's water broke, I've been using these to get the team's attention when a case comes up."

"And it's been an unusually busy day-and-a-half." Callen complained.

Pulling out six more cigars and handing two each to Hetty, Granger, and Eric, Deeks noted, "Poor you, having to listen to Beale make some noise. I'm not sure I'll ever get the feeling back in my left hand, with the grip Kensi had on it during labor and delivery."

"How is she doing?" Sam asked.

"She's incredible, man. And I mean that literally. I thought she was like Wonder Woman before, and I became convinced of that over the past nine months, watching her body change as she grew those babies. Not to mention dealing with how uncomfortable it's been for her the last several weeks, with the two of them practically full-sized and practicing their ninja skills all the time. But I have a whole new level of respect for my Kensalina now. I don't have the words to describe what she did today, and even if I did, you guys wouldn't believe it. Because wow, there were two little humans inside her and now they're outside, and she pushed them out. Without drugs."

"I get it," Sam said. "When Michelle gave birth to Aiden I knew without a doubt that women are the stronger gender, by far."

Deeks nodded in solemn agreement.

"So the gang's all here, Deeks," Nell reminded him. "What are their names?"

Deeks pulled out his phone and tapped and swiped through a few screens. "First, visuals." Looking at Eric, he continued, "Beale, I just sent you some pics, can you put them up on the monitor?"

"Right on it," Eric said as he moved toward the screen that sat next to what used to be Deeks' desk while he fiddled with his tablet.

The first picture was of Deeks sitting beside Kensi, propped up in her hospital bed, both looking weary but ecstatic. Each held a wrapped bundle in their arms, and neither was looking at the camera. Instead, their attention was on the babies.

Deeks pointed to the baby he held. "That's our daughter, older by sixteen minutes." Moving his finger to the other side, he said, "And that's our son." The team could just make out the profiles of the newborns.

"Next one, Eric." When the picture changed, it was of the infant Kensi held. Her face was in contour as their former teammate looked with awe into the eyes of her baby boy. The team let out a communal "Aww" as they took in the child's blue eyes, pink lips, perfect nose.

"I am pleased to introduce Benjamin Robert Deeks, after Ben Hughes and my mom."

"A good, strong name for a good, strong boy," Hetty noted.

The next picture was of Deeks holding his daughter. The pride on his face could not be mistaken, either in the photo or in person, as he gazed at the darker-blue eyes that seemed to stare right back at him. Her lips and nose were shaped slightly differently than her brother's but were no less perfect.

"And that little princess is Donna Julia Deeks, for Kensi's father and mother."

"They're both named after worthy role models, Deeks," Granger approved.

Nell let out a whistle, "You two make some beautiful babies, my friend."

"Thanks. They are something, aren't they?" When Eric flipped to the next photo, one of just the babies in the same plastic hospital crib, Deeks was reminded that he wanted to print that one out and mail it to Ray via the U.S. Marshall assigned to him.

As requested, Deeks had let his old friend know "how it turned out" with Kensi. When Kensi first moved into Deeks' apartment years ago, she snapped a pic of the mess of the living room with her boxes scattered about. They printed it and wrote on the back, "It's official, there IS a thing." They'd subsequently sent a picture of Kensi's newly-bejeweled hand captioned, "She said yes!" after they'd gotten engaged. A shot of both of their hands, decked out in their wedding bands was mailed soon after the wedding, this time with, "She's stuck with me forever now; we said our 'I Do's.'"

Ray, whatever his name now was, had returned the favor, which was how Deeks knew that he and the former Jenna had become the proud parents of a son about six month after the team helped them escape LA and Nelson Saunders. And another boy three years later.

Deeks continued when he was done grinning over his perfect children, "It's a good thing you're out in the field full time now, Nell, and the second generation of Wonder Twins is already separated, because you're about to be replaced by Wonder Twins three-point-oh."

Eric rolled his arm several times as he bowed at the waist, "We gladly pass along the title."

"Speaking of, now that they're here and have real names, are you finally going to stop referring to them by those ridiculous nicknames we've been hearing and getting texts about for the past half a year?" Callen wanted to know.

Deeks was aghast, "Have you not been paying attention all this time? Me, not use nicknames? Besides, what was wrong with Sunshine and Gunpowder?"

"Or Smith and Wesson?" Nell chimed in.

"Fred and George," added Sam.

"Reasonable Doubt and Preponderance of Evidence were my favorites," said Granger.

With a smile, Eric recalled, "Grommet and Gremlin"

"What about Law and Order?" came from Callen.

"Lest we forget Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael, and Donatello," Hetty concluded.

"Hey, you don't know how close little Donna came to being Donatella," Deeks claimed.

"Not close at all, if I know Kensi," Nell countered.

"Yeah, okay, that's true," Deeks confessed, looking at his watch. "I need to get back to my wife and kids now." Deeks shook his head in amazement. "And that is something I just said."

Sam wondered aloud, "Who'd have thought, when we had your driver's license picture up on that screen calling you Wannabe Wyler, that over the next decade you'd become an integral member of this team, be a great partner and then husband to Kensi, and give us a niece and nephew to spoil?"

"Not me, man," Deeks admitted, shaking the SEAL's hand in thanks for the compliment. "But I wouldn't change a second of it."

March 13, 2021

Typical of most first birthday parties, the event was more for the adults than the kids, but there were still more children present in one place than Kensi ever believed she would be comfortable with.

In attendance at Ben and Donna's celebration was the most of crew from NCIS: Callen, Sam and Michelle, and Eric and Nell, and Hetty (Granger sent his apologies along with gifts, explaining that he would not be able to tolerate the noise of all those toddlers, even if the party was outside); two friends from FLETC and their three toddlers and one infant; Kat and her three-year old, Becca; Mindy, her boyfriend, and their two-year old son, Gavin; Emily, who was a great babysitter when the need arose, and Jasper, now a full-fledged medical student; two families from the neighborhood; and of course, both doting grandmothers.

The party was in their spacious back yard. Julia had helped them find a bigger house, and they'd moved in shortly before Kensi gave birth. Now they could comfortably accommodate two children and keep an office-slash-spare bedroom for whenever a grandmother decided she was too tired to drive home after spending a day playing with the babies.

Their NCIS family were regular visitors. They made sure to plan a dinner or get-together of some sort (Super Bowl Sunday was now an annual event at the Deeks-Blye household) at least monthly with the friends with whom they'd worked for eight years. All of them knew it was too easy to drift away from people you no longer saw every day, so they made the effort to keep each other in their lives.

She and Deeks had been with LA's Federal Law Enforcement Training Center for more than two years now, and while Kensi missed seeing her OSP team every day, she was glad they made the career change. They enjoyed the challenge of training new agents and keeping veteran law enforcement officers updated on the latest strategies and tactics in antiterrorism. At Hetty's request, they continued to keep an ever-watchful eye out for trainees who might one day have what it takes to be part of an elite undercover team. Most important, people no longer shot at them on a routine basis (unless it was a simulation), and not once since they started at FLETC had they had to run from an exploding building.

They didn't spend every minute of every workday together, because they usually taught different classes (with the exception of Close Quarter Combat, which they loved co-instructing), but they saw enough of one another in their shared office. More often than not, one of them, if not both, spent their lunch break with their children in the on-campus day care facility, adorably called Little Rookies. They drove to work every day as a family and drove home the same way.

The last strains of "Happy Birthday" were still resonating in their ears when Deeks and Kensi helped their children blow out the candles on their cupcakes. Backing away from their high chairs after pulling the extinguished candles from the treats, the parents encouraged their twins to tear into their dessert with both hands. It wasn't long before they were wearing more cake and frosting than they had actually eaten.

"Think we could just spray them down with the garden hose before we take them inside?" Deeks joked, sort of.

"If it was a little warmer out, I'd vote yes. Maybe we just let Monty Jr. give them a good cleaning first?" Their beloved Monty had to be put to sleep not long after Kensi and Deeks were married. Monty Jr. was another former police dog, this time a German Shepherd, and a female. She was retired from the job after an injury in the line of duty, but could still be fierce when necessary. And she was very protective of her "pups," Donna and Ben.

The party and kids cleaned up, and their children finally sleeping off their sugar high, Kensi and Deeks collapsed into bed. "Whose idea was it again to implant the last three embryos together even though we knew it would increase the chance of a multiple pregnancy?" Deeks questioned. Over the course of their careers, they had spent many sleepless nights and expended more physical and mental energy than they had today. But raising twins was no joke.

"Wasn't it you who once said that twins were on your bucket list?" Kensi asked, snuggling into her husband's side and laying her arm across his abdomen.

"Not at all what I meant at the time, but this is infinitely better."

"They are pretty awesome, aren't they? Can you believe they're a year old already? God, did that fly by."

Deeks kissed the top of his wife's head. "I didn't think it was possible, especially after their births, that I could be even more in awe of you. But the past twelve months have done just that. You're an amazing mom, Kens. And a wonderful wife. And a kick-ass FLETC instructor."

"You do realize I'm way too tired for sex right now, don't you?"

Deeks chuckled. So was he. "Yeah, no, that's not what I was going for. Though you are spectacular at that too."

"Back at you, babe," Kensi pressed her lips against his chest. "And thank you. For the record, I always knew you would be the incredible father you are, I'm just glad you recognize it more as they're getting older."

"And you think that why?"

"Because you're much more confident in the decisions you make with them now than you were even six months ago. Plus you can't miss the way their faces light up, they throw their little arms open, and they rush over to you as soon as you walk in the door. Even if you're not a detective anymore."

Deeks couldn't deny it. Though he'd never said as much to Kensi, doubts started creeping in right after Donna and Ben were born. Not that he'd be as bad a father as his own, but that he wouldn't be as good as he wanted to be. A year later though, he thought he was doing a pretty good job of it.

Kensi continued, "And if I'm such a wonderful wife, it's only because you're a great husband, Deeks. I learned everything I know about being a spouse from you. I just copy what you do, if you hadn't noticed."

"I can't say I did. So you've been cheating at wifehood all this time? Not cheating in the extramarital sense, of course."

"Are you complaining? You seemed pretty happy with the results a minute ago. And I don't consider it cheating. More like taking my inspiration from you."

"Well when you put it like that…" He fake-coughed and shared his disbelief.

"It's not bullshit, Deeks, it's the truth."

"How about being a FLETC instructor?" Deeks changed the subject as he yawned, for real.

"What, you're fishing for compliments now? Since when do you need me to inflate your ego?"

"I totally don't. I just thought maybe you forgot that part."

"You telling me that I'm the perfect wife and mother kind of outweighed the professional comment, I guess. But since you asked, I think we are both kick-ass instructors, just like we were both kick-ass federal agents. Or federal agent and liaison."

"Do you miss it? NCIS?"

"Sometimes. More the old gang than the constant danger. I won't deny that I like to hear the stories when we get together."

"Is that enough for you? The adrenaline rush by proxy?" Deeks' voice was quieter, as if he didn't want Kensi to hear the question because he wasn't sure he wanted to hear the answer.

"If you're asking me if I regret leaving NCIS, the answer is no. Unequivocally no. You were so right about changing careers. I wouldn't give up our lives today for anything, Deeks."

"Glad to hear it. Got to make sure I'm keeping my ladybird satisfied. Happy wife, happy life, and all that. Even if it's been a bumpy ride getting here at times."

"Shh," Kensi admonished. "We're probably already tempting Fate by talking about how happy and wonderful we are. No need to really piss her off by mentioning everything we've overcome to get to this point."

"Oh, you mean like a couple of bullets to the chest, a few murder accusations, countless bombs, torture, a helicopter crash…I could keep going."

"Please don't. Except to add the near-fatal illness that resulted from that crash."

"Of course. And don't say it."

"Say what?"

"You were about to thank me for saving your life, like you do every time the topic of your aplastic anemia comes up. We're partners, Kens. We have each others' backs, always. Even fifty years from now when we go to the Super-Secret Agents Old Folks Home."

"At which point we'll also add chin-wiping to the list of ways we back each other up. And speaking of wiping chins, your daughter will be up at the crack of dawn and tomorrow's Sunday, which means daddy makes 'smores cakes for breakfast. We need to get to sleep."

"Why is she always my daughter when she gets up early?"

"Because my son appreciates sleeping in, just like his mother."

"I'll convert him once he's old enough to surf. Then he'll have a reason to get up early, like his daddy."

"Looking forward to it." And she meant it. Kensi couldn't wait for the day Deeks started to teach their kids how to surf; she knew it would be yet another special experience they would share with their father. Like Sunday morning 'smores cakes and tickle attacks.

Kensi rolled over to her other side and Deeks followed suit, spooning into her back and draping his arm over her. He kissed her shoulder. "Night, Kens. Love you."

She threaded her fingers through his and squeezed gently, "I love you too, Deeks."

They drifted off to sleep, ready to meet the next day as they had the past eleven years: together.

Hold on to me, never leave
Forever be what you mean to me right now
Don't you feel better now?

~Rob Thomas: My, My, My

AN2: Remember way back in the Chapter 3 author's note when I warned you that there would be an original character death? I'll let you in on a little secret: while Detective Tom Gerard ended up filling that role, he was not the character that was marked for death throughout the story. If anyone's interested to know who narrowly escaped the Grim Reaper (and why I changed my mind), PM me and I'll fill you in.