Hellooooo again;)

I know this has been written somewhere else on fanfiction and I promise to that author, that I haven't stole the idea, because this ain't the first time that I'm reversing the gender of my favorite characters in my favorite books! Hahaha

This is basically a story of Rusty if he had been a she-cat called Apple, but I have changed it a lot, so it won't follow the original plot-line.

Please review if you're interested in me continuing and following up on this idea or else I will focus 100 % on my other story:)

But anyways, here's a longer describtion:

The young, beautiful kittycat Apple with bright orange fur and piercing, green eyes, has been drawn to the forest since the first day she arrived with her twolegs. Warned about the danger of the forest, the she-cat follows her instinct and curiosity and trespasses the territory of a rumored clan. Here she stumbles upon the feared and rumored wildcats. Met with a great danger, she manages to survive and still protect an apprentice from ThunderClan. Due to her heroic actions, she is barely accepted into their ranks because of her boldness, curious nature and intelligence, but even though life is hard for a kittypet in the forest, Apple finds herself infatuated with their way of living. She even goes through hell and fire to prevent the worst-possible prophecy to come true, which could be the doom of the clans.

Leave a message if you have questions and I'm always open to advice and tips, but please don't write negative things just to.. ya know.. write them. Only critics if they have anything I can follow up on.