They shared the smooth caress of skin on skin for as long as they could. Anna finally sighed and pronounced the sky far too lightened to stay abed.

"Ivy will be 'round knocking doors, so I'd best be up and about to give myself an alibi."

Anna retreated to the loo to ready herself for the day, but not before insisting that he have a lay-in for her, that she would bring him tea and toast after she tended to Lady Mary's breakfast tray. She even pulled out a wrapped parcel.

"So you won't get bored," she said sweetly.

He listened to his wife go about her morning toilette and with a deep sigh, determined to be content with his blessings whether or not he deserved them, to enjoy the rare luxury of a large, soft bed, to be grateful for his comfort and safety, and Anna's unbridled joy. He picked up the gift. A book. She was unendingly thoughtful, this woman who had insisted on his hand, on having a right to her place in his life. God, he loved her, more than he thought possible, more than he did when he married her, even. In the brief time he had been to his bedroom, he had found new toiletries, a fresh tin of peppermints, a hand-knit scarf of warm, green wool, matching socks, a small tin of the almond biscuits he liked when they went to tea in Ripon, and the handkerchief of course. She had left so many small touches. Now this. He unwrapped the volume carefully and smiled. To Let, by John Galsworthy. He enjoyed the Forsyte Saga, had mentioned it once, and of course she'd remembered.

Anna bustled back into the bedroom looking her usual smart, drab self. A lady's maid couldn't outshine the Lady, after all. In that moment whether she was playing the maid, or wife, he wasn't sure. She wasted no time flinging wide the curtains and building and stoking the fire.

"Thank you for remembering," he said, holding up the novel.

Anna rolled her eyes at him. "How could I forget? You went on about the first one for days."

"Days? Surely I..."

"Days," she said, in the tone that brooked no argument. "Now, I know I told you to go to the doctor straightaway, but would you wait until after I look in on Lady Mary so that we might walk to town together? I'm afraid I'm not quite ready to have you away from me just yet."

John smiled. "That sounds like just the thing, a walk en plein air with a beautiful woman on my arm."

Less than an hour later she'd returned with a bowl of porridge with raisins, clotted cream, and sugar, scrambled eggs, fresh toast dripping with butter, and even a few rashers of bacon.

"From Mrs. Patmore," Anna said, setting the tray carefully over his lap and proceeded to relay the cook's insistence that the plates were only to be returned to her if they were empty.

"She mumbled something about needing to get some meat back on the bone," Anna said, not bothering to hide her delight. "And Mr. Carson said to say that Mr. Murray has been in touch with His Lordship and will be facilitating Mrs. Bow's move to the village over the next week or so. She is apparently eager to be settled in as soon as possible. So maybe in a few weeks..."

"Good," he said, tucking in, enjoying the treat of scrambled eggs. He offered her a corner of bacon, glanced up at her after he swallowed. "After learning the full extent of your charms, I will be hard pressed to refrain from succumbing to them and pulling you into the nearest alcove at any given moment."

"We've made it this long without shaming our prestigious employers, Mr. Bates," Anna said with a particularly wicked smirk. "I promise I'll behave, if you will. Though you realize, that all bets are off once we are in the cottage."

"I should hope so."

She laughed and touched his cheek, kissed his forehead before standing. "Leave your things here. We'll go into town and when we return I'll tend the room and get them discreetly back to you."

The angle of her stance changed as he watched her. She was going to insist on something, he could tell. She frowned, not looking quite at him.

"Tell me," he said softly.

Her eyes found his. "It's a while off yet," she began. "But I should like for us to do something special in April, for our anniversary. We could spend a few days away somewhere, maybe a week, just the two of us on a proper honeymoon. I started setting aside a bit extra each month." The flush on her cheeks spread to her ears and she glanced at him. "Long before I insisted you marry me."

"Where did you have in mind to go, my darling?"

"Anywhere," she stated, brightening. "So long as it's with you."


It has been a lovely romp, my dearhearts. I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have. Don't fret too much. I've been wanting to write some happy cottage fluff for a while now. This little endeavor will continue soon in a companion piece that will likely be titled "In Eachother's Pockets." (Though hopefully not before I get a chapter of WW&B out.) leave a review if you enjoyed it!