Note: Drama, drama

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Chapter 4

"One more, please." A deep, yet feminine, voice called out, signaling for the waiter to refill the strong alcoholic beverage placed on the oak counter of a bar. The waiter eyed the customer, sighing and taking the bottle of tequila, reluctantly refilling the tiny glass. "Come on; don't be so…stingy…more!" It was obvious that this customer has had one too many.

"Ma'am…maybe you should take it easy."

"You take it easy! The love of my life is…is…marrying a man!" Many of the bar patrons rolled their eyes, hearing this story multiple times before. Fareeha well…she was a different person when liquor was involved. "She's…she's marrying a fucking MAN! We got into one measly fight…I told her I was done…and then she ran into his fucking omnic…a-arms…and then got engaged…" Her angry tone switched to a somber one, eyes filling with tears as she laid her cheek on the hardwood countertop. "I…I didn't mean it…I was just…just angry…"

"Of course you were." A familiar voice rang out, appearing in front of the drunken Egyptian. There stood the notorious hacker, Sombra.

"What…do you want….?"

"You're coming to the wedding."

"E…Excuse me?" Dark brows furrowed, Fareeha lifted her head from the table and stared daggers into her former Talon enemy.

"I talked it over with my amiga, Angela. She said you can come—so come on."

"Angela said…I could come?" The Egyptian was confused, chest tightening as images of her engaged lover filled her head. It brought solace to the poor girl, but only for a moment as images of her soon-to-be husband followed. "Well it doesn't matter, I'm not going."

"So…you're not gonna try and get Angela back?"

"Why should I? She left me and is happy with Genji."

"…Mmm…I wouldn't be so sure about that." Sombra teased, turning away from the girl with a smug smirk on her face.

"What? What do you mean?!"

"Oh, nothing!" The Latina woman turned around, clasping her hands while giving an 'innocent' smile.

"I-Is he hurting her?!" Fareeha jumped to the worst possible conclusion, eyes widening as she leapt from her seat. Of course, Sombra pondered telling her the truth about Angela's pregnancy, but ultimately decided against it—domestic abuse would get Fareeha off her fat ass and come to the wedding.

"I can't really say… all I can say is, you should come."

"Sombra! Tell me!" Fareeha shouted, stomping her foot.

"Just come to the wedding." The hacker spoke in a serious tone this time, crystalline irises staring directly into the others. "I'll see you there. Boop." Sombra smiled, poking Fareeha's nose before translocating back to the Shimada home for the wedding. Fareeha stood in awe, heart sinking as her drunken anxiety began to run wild.

Should she do it? Should she go?


Lena wept silently in her guest room, face tucked into her knees as tears stained her denim jeans. It was sad, having all of her feelings from the past being conjured up. Amélie was someone Lena admired, and eventually grew to love; but, Amélie made her choice. She chose to let 'Widowmaker' make all of the decisions, she chose to let Widowmaker be the dominant personality, so much that Amélie would just wither away. She knew Widowmaker had to show no feeling, no remorse…she knew being Widowmaker meant no more Tracer. So, Lena moved on. Lena went back to England after Overwatch's final disbandment, found a nice girl, and began a relationship with her. Emily was nice enough, grew up in London and despite coming from a tough household, found a way to be positive and openly come out of the closet. Lena cared for Emily deeply…so why was she so taken aback from Amélie being here? They never dated—never even were friends for that matter, so why should she care?

As the sobbing continued, a small vibration temporarily distracted her from her sadness as she checked her pocket for her smart phone.

Incoming message:


Hey babe! How's Japan? I miss you so much!

Tear-filled hazel irises peered down at the small glass screen, heart sinking more than it did before. Emily… what could she do for Emily?

Good, I miss you too.

Lena shakily sent in response, head hitting her knees again as she began to cry more. Amélie and Emily were jumbling up her brain…what could she do?

Incoming Message:


You okie babe? You seem a lil dry?

A 'lil' dry was an understatement. Lena was so emotionally drained from being here with Amélie plus harboring Angela's secret, she couldn't help but text weird.

I'm fine, just here with everyone and enjoying a little sake.

Lena after Overwatch's dissolution turned to the bottle for a while, but when Emily came into her life she decided to limit her drinking to prevent Emily from dealing with her alcohol. In fact, Lena usually never drank anymore…so why did she lie to her girlfriend?

Incoming Message:


Don't have too much babe! Wish Angela the best for me xoxo

The British girl smiled weakly at the text, feeling slight comfort from her girlfriend's kind words. Lena cared about her; she loved being with her… so she had to stop feeling so bad about Amélie! Standing up, the girl wiped her tears and stuck her phone back in her pocket, leaving the room to greet the others.


"What am I even doing here?" Fareeha whisper-yelled to herself, hands covering her face as she stood outside of the Shimada home—why was she here?! Angela was getting married to Genji…she had to support that, eventually. Shaking her head, Fareeha held her breath and knocked on the door, but quickly cursed herself for doing so.

"I should go…" The Egyptian turned to leave, but was promptly stopped by the door opening.

"Fareeha?" Lena spoke shyly, tilting her head at the other's sudden appearance.

"O-oh…hi..Lena…," She spoke awkwardly, scratching the back and smiling half-heartedly. "Sombra…invited me."

"Oh, uh, of course, luv!" The young woman smiled, opening the door wider and allowing the other to enter. "Fareeha's here, everyone!"

"Fareeha!" Reinhardt yelled, smiling widely at his (crushes) comrade's daughter.

"Hello, Wilhelm." She smiled softly, walking in to reveal herself to the others. Chocolate irises peered over to Angela and Genji, who both smiled and nodded in recognition to the young woman.

"Fareeha, come, sit with your mother." Ana spoke proudly, patting the seat beside her for her daughter and trying to break the awkward tension between the two exes. Fareeha sat beside the older woman, leaning her head on her mother's shoulder.

"Fareeha! Amiga?!" Sombra 'casually' walked in, sitting right beside Fareeha and awkwardly cuddling up to her, which of course made Satya uncomfortable in her own subtle way. "I missed you! Do you want some tequila?" The latina smiled and held a bottle of tequila, shaking it to show the liquid inside.

"I want some!" Jamison yelled, standing and raising his hand, nearly falling out of his seat in doing so. "Me! Me!"

"Of course, Junky." Sombra mused, blue orbs meeting with Angela's. "Want some, Angie?"

Angela shifted uncomfortably, brows knit as she made a sour expression.

"Danke, but no."

"You sure? We're all gonna be drinking."

"I shouldn't be."

"Angie, loosen up! This is an informal, coed bachelorette party anyway."

"Sombra, I'm fine."


"She cannot, Sombra-san." Genji interjected, tightening his grip on his fiancé's shoulder.

"But, why can't she? Don't tell me you're controlling her, now."

"Sombra, some things are—,"

"You can't be so controlling!"


"She's a free woman!"

"She's pregnant, okay?! She can't!" Genji was fed up at this point, but immediately regretted revealing this private information. Of course, the room went silent. No one knew what to do or say, so he just sat there quietly. Angela, however, was frozen, completely petrified by what just happened. Without thinking she stood up, running off to her room.

"Angela!" Genji and Fareeha yelled at the same time, but Fareeha jolted up and ran after her ex, leaving everyone in the room alone. Genji motioned to move, but glanced back at his mentor, Zenyatta, who shook his head. Gulping, Genji remained seated, hanging his head in shame.