"I'm Here." . . .By Ravenclaw0829

Summary: All Harry Potter wanted was a family. A family that didn't abuse and torture him for every little thing, like the Dursley's. Draco, being from a pureblood family, has an inheritance, a creature inheritance. In his case, his inheritance isVeela blood. Not having full inheritance yet, Draco has only some of his Veela traits. All Draco wants is his mate. All Harry wants is a family. And when Draco finds out the horrific stuff that the Dursley's have done to him...He tries his best to let Harry know, "I'm here."

Disclaimer: Though I wish, no I do not own Harry Potter or any other Harry Potter Characters.


From there, Madam Pomfrey performed spell after spell, and deciding what should be done. Once finished, Harry was given supper by the house elves, plenty more than necessary in fact. And he waited for tomorrow to come. So that he could see Draco…and his friends of course!

CHAPTER 6: Overwhelming Adoration


It's been one week since the incident at the lake. And still…everything felt like a dream. The Slytherins were being nice, Merlin, DRACO MALFOY was being an absolute gentleman towards everyone he sees. But best of all, Draco would not leave Harry Potter's side…or should it be worst of all. Draco had "insisted" that Harry stay in the infirmary for two extra days—practically forced Harry to stay bedridden even after Madame Promfrey gave him the all clear.

Harry understood, really, he did. But it was just too much. It got to the point where Draco had even followed him to the privy. It was always Draco. Draco, Draco, Draco…

"Devi, is everything alright?" Draco had asked.

"Yes, Malfoy. Everything is just fine and dandy." Harry replied.

"Are you sure? You seem a little bit stressed lately. Is there anything I can do?" Draco asked with worried eyes.

Harry looked up from correcting his 3-foot essay for Charms. They were currently in the Hogwarts library doing some homework; Harry working on his Charms homework as Draco worked on finding an extra credit project for Potions class. Harry had only thought Hermione did stuff like that…overachievers.

"Draco, where are you followers?" Harry asked.

Even though it has already been established that Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy, and Zabini were truly Draco's friends, Harry still called them followers.

Draco did a quick tempus with his wand and replied, "Blaise and Crabbe are probably still in the Great Hall waiting for Pansy and Goyle to get from the common room. They should be out any minute now. Those two are just a little slow waking up in the mornings—take their time when there is no classes."

"I see…" Harry thought. "Draco, is it alright if you got us some snacks from the Great Hall? Some fruit would be nice." Harry asked sweetly, fluttering his eyelashes for effect.

Draco chuckles at Harry's fluttering eyelashes. As the days went by, Harry had gotten more and more comfortable showing him his goofy side—something he'd only seen from afar as he joked around with his Gryffindor friends.

"Of course, love," Draco stood up from the chair across from Harry.

"I'll be back soon," and with that Draco was gone. Harry gave a big sigh.

The idea of your own personal slave and all sounds amazing, but to actually have one is completely different. Draco was doing his best to make sure that Harry doesn't feel alone. He's even making an effort with getting along with Ron and Hermione. The conversation over Draco now courting him was the most awkward conversation between the Golden Trio to have ever taken place. Hermione was utterly speechless while Ron wouldn't stop gasping, making choking and vomiting noises, and crinkling his nose. Of course, there was the conversation between the trio about the extent of the Dursley's abuse. Hermione still speechless and Ron getting louder with each detail he was told. "I'll bloody turn them all into-"

"Ronald!" Hermione had interrupted.

Harry had cried just a bit more that day, but smiled at his best friends' antics. They still loved him, though they felt slightly betrayed not being told sooner. "We're here for you, Harry. We love you, and we want you to be happy and safe." Hermione had said with Ron's nod of approval.

"You're not going back there!" Ron exclaimed, "You can come live with us, Harry! Mom already thinks of you as a son."

Harry couldn't help but smile at the memory. They are still not used to the idea of Draco now courting the raven-haired Gryffindor, but are slowly warming up to the idea. Not much can be done when you're a soul mate of a Veela….or any other creature as the matter of fact. Hermione has begun slowly speaking with Pansy and Blaise, while Ron has made a particular liking towards Crabbe and Goyle through a talk over Quidditch. Even trying however, Ron still purposely gets on Draco's nerves as much as possible. "I just want to know if he'll snap in front of his deeeeviiii." Ron said dragging out the last word making smoochy noises at Harry. At that, Harry scowled but blushed so hard that Merlin got to witness it from his grave.

Harry blushed again at the memory. It was nice having Draco and his friends around—there was a limit to how nice though. No room to breathe. No room to digest everything that has happened for the past week or so. School restarts once again in approximately a week and what will all the other Hogwarts students think when they come back to see Draco following the Golden Boy around like a love-sick puppy? Harry was sure rumors would go around about how the trio cast a spell or tricked Draco into swallowing a love potion just to mess with the Slytherin Prince.

Harry gives another sigh and decides to go in search of his new Slytherin friends. Now that his own personal slave has been given a mission, Harry can go on a mission of his own…

"Pansy!" Harry exclaims as he spots Pansy Parkinson and Gregory Goyle coming up the stairs that led to the dungeons.

Pansy Parkinson turns at the sound of her name. She halted in her steps with Goyle stopping beside her. Pansy gave a look of surprised eyes, but smiled at the Gryffindor none-the-less.

"Good morning, Harry. What brings you to this side of the castle?" Pansy says thoughtfully.

"N-nothing much. Just wanted to ask you something about Draco." Harry says as he cautiously glances as Goyle.

Pansy looks up towards Goyle and nods, letting him continue to the Great Hall without her. "What is it that you wanted to hear, Harry?"

Harry smiles in relief, happy that the Slytherin accepts him even without Draco looming around by his side…about that…

"Well…a-about Draco. Will he always be, you know, s-so-" Harry stutters not knowing you to put it, but Pansy seems to understand his predicament.

"Ah. The Ice Prince is starting to get on your nerves will all his gushing." Pansy smirks as she states.

Harry sighs, but nods his head to confirm her suspicions. "I-I mean it was alright at first, but now Draco just won't let me out of his sight. The only reason I was able to escape is because I asked him to get me a snack!"

Pansy snickers. "Sorry about him, Potter. Draco is just not used to you finally paying attention to him. He just feels a little extra overprotective of you because of the…Muggles situation. He just wants to make sure you're staying healthy and being well taken care of."

"You-you think it will lighten up?" Harry asks hopefully.

"Well, it being Draco," Pansy puts on a thoughtful face and a finger on her chin. She smiles sweetly at Harry and says, "Not one bit."

The raven-haired boy stares at her for a bit, hoping for the slightest indication to show that she could possibly be lying. Nothing. Harry groans.

Pansy gives him a pitiful smile. "Why don't you tell him to bug off?" she asks.

"Have you seen him lately? Draco is all over me like a love-sick puppy. If I tell him to leave me alone he would probably die of starvation or something!" Harry exclaims.

Pansy laughs whole-heartedly at Harry's accurate description of the Veela. "He probably would." She says. Parkinson thinks about what she had just said and how that would truly happen if Harry isn't careful of how he approaches the situation. Pansy's memory reminds her that Draco will die a painful, slow, and agonizing death if Potter rejects her best friend.

"Don't do anything to truly hurt him," Pansy speaks softly. Harry looks at her. "Even though it may seem overwhelming right now, Harry, you are his reason for living."

And again, Harry could see that Pansy was not lying. How can he mean so much to someone whom he has truly known for less than two weeks? All of this was overwhelming to Harry. The Boy-Who-Lived had been in the spot light for a few years now and has grown somewhat accustom to the attention. But having someone's undivided attention is not something he is used to. It feels nice though—having someone care for you and making you feel like you are their world. Being someone's reason for living is a lot of pressure to put on someone. Harry still doesn't know how he feels about Draco. Yes, they are friends. Yes, Draco is good company. He makes Harry laugh. He's attentive, caring, loyal to those he sees as friends and family, smart, and handsome (Harry blushes as he thinks of the last part). But to accept at mateship with him is another thing. What is the worst that could happen to Draco? He would probably be heart-broken, but can still move on. They can continue as friends Harry would think...but would Draco be okay with that?

"Harry?" The Golden Boy snaps out of his thoughts by none other than the Veela himself.

"Draco…" Harry says with a little confusion. He looks at his surroundings and realizes he is in the Great Hall. Not noticing that as they were conversing, Pansy had led him into the Great Hall. He turns to her and sees her giving him a gentle smile. Harry slowly smiles back with a nod of thanks. Pansy continues walking towards the three other Slytherins who were already eating their breakfast.

"Devi?" Draco asks with a hint of worry in the word and worry written all over his face. "Is everything alright?"

He stares. Harry has been staring a lot lately. "Yes, Draco. I'm alright," the Gryffindor smiles, "I actually came because I wanted to get some treacle tart too. I forgot to mention it when I asked you to get me snacks, I'm sorry."

Draco's shoulders slack with what seemed like relief. The blonde-haired Slytherin smiles brightly at his intended. "Don't worry, love. I've brought some with me, just in case. I know how much you like it," he says as he holds up a bowl of fruit with a few pieces of treacle tart on top.

Harry blinks at the bowl in front of him. He remembered…How did I get so lucky? Harry thought to himself. Draco blushes from ear-to-ear when he sees his intended's beautiful, unreserved smile that was given to him. Merlin…how did I get so lucky? Draco thinks to himself.

It was then Harry's turn to blush madly as Draco plants a kiss on his forehead to Harry's surprise. Harry splutters in shock as Draco smiles and says, "My bad. I just couldn't control myself."

And once again Harry finds himself with a love-sick puppy on his trail…

Hello, readers! Sorry it has taken me so long to post. I know that you all have been waiting for QUITE A WHILE! I don't really have an excuse other than having too much on my plate. I will not promise a sooner update, however, I do wish to complete this story before I commit to writing another one. I thank you for your patience and see you in the next chapter of "I'm Here."