Quinn smiles as she silently observes the cute interactions of the tiny red kitten and her enormous pale purple dragonling. Who would have known that Shyvana could be that accommodating to other monsters? It felt like just yesterday when the big jealous dragonling would flash its teeth and growl at the smaller and more cautious monster whenever the crimson kitten so much as glanced at the young dragon's brunette owner. Katarina (Shyvana had claimed that that was the red kitten's name.) had also been particularly hostile and visibly frightened by the bigger monster, hiding behind Quinn and generally keeping the female dragon in her sight as if expecting Shyvy to lunge at her at any given moment.

The brunette trainer merely shakes her head at the sudden change in the two monsters' behaviors, humorous amber eyes quietly observing Shyvana put another big helping of stew in Katarina's already overflowing plate. The pale purple dragoness had obviously decided to take the little maroon kitten under her nonexistent wing and make sure that the adorable crimson furball was always well-fed and comfortable. The sight of the big pale purple dragonling caring for Katarina was more than a little heartwarming.

The young dragoness previous hostility was now gone. Shyvana would keep filling the scarlet kitten's plate with an abundance of food, claiming that small monsters needed to eat a lot to become big and strong like herself. Shyvy would also claim that fruits and vegetables were important even if onions were secretly mean and evil. Quinn didn't quite understand that last part, but it might had something to do with Shyvana occasionally seeing her crying while she was preparing the mentioned vegetables for her various recipes.

Did her little ashen dragonling actually interpret those incidents as attacks against her person by the cruel evil vegetables? The brunette trainer wasn't really certain, but that would actually explain the vengeful way in which Shyvana would devour her least favorite food sometimes.

Quinn blinks, her train of thought completely derailed as she spares the cute naive duo a quick look only to witness Shyvana happily patting the head of the tiny red kitten that's currently trying to sink its tiny teeth into a potato almost the size of its own paw. The young woman stifles her laughter when Shyvana not only proceeds to cut the cooked vegetable for the sanguine kitten, but also pretends that the tasty morsel is a flying edible cloud as she waves the food in front of the red-furred feline's excited face.

The small crimson kitten soon opens its tiny mouth to allow the edible cloud to land before snapping its jaws shut and swallowing the food with gusto, green eyes shining expectantly, waiting for the appearance of the next tasty yellow cloud. Shyvana doesn't disappoint the young cat and so soon enough another cooked vegetable is gliding towards the salivating hangar of Katarina's mouth, the buzzing exaggerated sounds produced by Shyvana's lips accompanying its solemn doomed journey.

The kind brunette trainer feels immensely touched by this gentle display of affection, proud amber eyes carefully observing the budding relationship blooming between the two monsters as her once tiny dragonling is now attempting to share its wisdom with its designated red-furred pupil. And curiously enough Katarina seems to be willing to listen to her kindhearted Shyvy, her tiny crimson ears twitching attentively as Shyvana starts disclosing to her new student the truth about the clumsy giants and the big upturned water bowls in the sky and the yellow lamp that is the sun and lights up whenever an unseen dragonling attempts to play a prank on its owner.

The little scarlet kitten seemingly absorbs all of this new information, seriously nodding its furry head at every few seconds or so, green cunning eyes suddenly wide with interest and wonder.

Quinn carefully tiptoes away from the two innocent beings and into the shack's sole bedroom all the while laughing quietly with Shyvana's tall tales and shaking her head at the two young monsters' antics. The kind scout doesn't wish to ruin the young monsters' special moment with her laugher. The brunette trainer merely shakes her head as she stores away Shyvana's old sleeping basket. Her big pale dragonling wouldn't let the red-furred monster sleep in it in peace anymore anyway.

Shyvana would recently wake up in the middle of the night and kidnap the adorable little ball of red fur before stealthily carrying it back in their bed. Quinn's enormous little dragonling couldn't even imagine the horrors of sleeping far away from its beloved trainer and so the thoughtful dragoness wanted to make sure that Katarina wouldn't be scared or sad by letting the small red kitten borrow (and only borrow!) her beloved kind Quinny.

The young brunette scout didn't really mind of course, Katarina was tiny for one and usually slept soundly and Quinn had often caught the scarlet kitten's envious and pained looks whenever the kind brunette would settle with Shyvana for the night, or read the big dragonling a fairytale with Shyv curled up around her form like a dozing miniature dragon whelp.

Maybe Katarina missed her trainer more than the small red-furred kitten let on.

Quinn sighs at that though, remembering of how she had ultimately failed poor Katarina by not being able to find the lost kitten's owner. Now all Quinn could do for the unfortunate crimson being was to make sure that the poor scared creature was well cared for until her trainers hopefully managed to contact them.

Loud footsteps approaching the room alert the brunette woman to the arrival of her sweet big dragonling and Quinn's smile is anything but fake when she spots her babbling little Shyvy carrying an obviously sated and sleepy Katarina.

"And so don't worr-y if you hear a loud so-und when the upt-urned water bowls wet the earth. Quinny says that that's just my stomach!"

The sleepy red kitten merely nods its head once more as Shyvana places Katarina on top of a pillow and then lies right next to her, wrapping her armored hands around the small sanguine creature protectively.

"It used to scare me when I was s-mall like you, but anymore. I am no longer afraid of my loud stomach!"

Shyvana grins at the crimson kitten that looks impressed by that and Quinn just smiles and shakes her head as she reaches to grab a collection of fairytales from a wooden bookcase.

"So who wants to hear the story about the time the Tiny Crimson Scale met his best friend in the world, the Red Feline Paw?"

"Me! Me! Me! Quinny, please tell us the story!"

An excited pale hand and a hesitant scarlet paw instantly rise as the smiling scout slowly opens the old book, her lips forming the first few words before her amber gaze even lowers to the yellowish faded pages…

"It was a beautiful day like any other day, the sky was blue and shiny, filled with joy and light and the clouds were chasing each other like fat grey sparrows. The Tiny Crimson Scale was happily chewing on its owner's slipper, its four stubby limbs tightly wrapped around this dangerous adversary. But can you blame it? What little monster wouldn't shiver before such a mighty foe-"

Notes: I initially thought that Shyvana would pretend the morsel was a flying dragon, but then I realized that Shyvana wouldn't be too happy with that and that teaching a little monster the concept of cannibalism wasn't such a great idea… Kat will have to get older for that… or be really, really hungry. Hmmm that reminds me of the previously mentioned avalanche conclusion.

We are safe under here Miss Dust! Quinn will never find us and lecture us for breaking that old cracked vase! –Little Shyvana while hiding under the bed seconds before Quinn discovers her.