It was two weeks after the twins were born. Maria was up feeding them in their nursery when Arizona's alarm went off meaning today was the day she had to go back to work for the first time after the twins were born. She wasn't the most enthusiastic about it, to say the least, especially since all the sleepless nights from the twins waking them both every 3 hours.

"Morning Ria." Arizona greeted after she'd had a shower and entered into the nursery.

"Morning Arizona." Maria greeted whilst she was burping Hazel. "How are you?"

"I'm good. I just don't want to go back to work already." Arizona answered and picked up Josephine. "I'm going to miss you all today."

"We'll miss you too," Maria answered, putting Hazel back in her crib. "I'm going to go back to bed," Maria told her wife, wanting some extra sleep.

"Oh. Okay." Arizona answered, slightly taken aback by how it seemed like her wife didn't want to spend time with her. "Can I say goodbye first?" She asked.

"Of course Arizona," Maria answered as Arizona put Josephine back in her crib before kissing Maria goodbye. "Have a good rest Ria." She wished.

"I will until the twins need me again," Maria answered, pausing. "Have a good day at work."

"Thankyou Ria," Arizona answered as Maria went back to their bed so she could sleep again.

Arizona arrived at work just on time and changed into her scrubs quickly before heading down to the paediatric ward.

"Robbins your back!" Karev exclaimed happily, seeing his friend and colleague.

"Yes, I'm back." She answered and yawned.

"I'm presuming you're not getting much sleep?" He asked.

"No. Twins are hard work. Maria does all the feeding but they still wake me when they cry."

"That must be annoying. How are the twins?"

"It's very annoying. And they're doing great." She answered.

"How's Ria?"

"She seems tired and I'm a little worried about her because she seemed a bit withdrawn this morning."

"She was probably just tired Arizona. Try not to worry about her too much."

"Yeah, I guess so. I just care about her and I want her to be okay."

"I understand that. Maybe try and talk to her later if you're worried." He advised.

"Yeah. I will if she's awake when I get back." Arizona paused. "She's been sleeping a lot."

"She's just had twins Arizona. You know that's normal so don't let your love for her make you over-worry."

"Thankyou Karev. I'll try not to."

"Good." He responded before they both went their separate ways for consults.

Arizona's first patient was a teenage girl aged 15 who was admitted by the ENT resident the previous evening with impaired breathing and frequent ear aches and bouts of tonsillitis. "Hello, I'm Arizona Robbins." The doctor greeted as she looked at the girl's chart. "We would like to give you surgery, it will mean you won't get sick so much," Arizona explained. "I will remove your adenoids and your tonsils. You will be able to leave the hospital the day after it's done. I just need your parents' consent."

"Will I be able to sing again?" She asked.

"Yes. In a couple of weeks you'll be good as new." Arizona replied, answering the patient's question.

"Thankyou." She answered as Arizona left. "Do you want to assist?" She asked the ENT resident as they left.

"Please!" Alice exclaimed excitedly.

"Okay. After you get her mother's permission schedule her in as soon as possible." Arizona told her, wishing she had Maria to do the surgery with because although she didn't need another attending to assist it was always nice to have adult company, especially her company. Alice would have to do though, it was as close to Maria as she could get.

The surgery was scheduled that afternoon, soon after lunch. "Why did you ask me to assist?" Alice asked while they were scrubbing in.

"Because you're good and I haven't done an Adenoidectomy in a while," Arizona answered. "Maria has always been there."

"Oh okay." She answered. "Do you think Maria will be okay if I come over so she can help me study for my boards tonight?"

"I don't know. Give her a call after the surgery." Arizona answered, knowing that although Maria would normally be up for helping her favourite resident she wasn't sure if she would today as she had been so tired lately.

"Yeah. I will." Alice answered she could really do with the help on studying for her oral boards.

The two did the surgery, talking to keep each other company as they operated. Fortunately, the surgery went perfectly and they were in and out in just over an hour. "Can you check on Haley and alert me when she wakes please?" Arizona asked.

"Sure." Alice agreed.

Haley came round soon after, fortunately feeling a lot better although she did feel a little groggy from the anaesthesia. "How are you feeling?" Alice asked her.

"Better." She answered hoarsely.

"That's good," Alice answered and carried out some basic checks to make sure everything was okay. "We should be able to release you in the morning."

"Thankyou." She answered.

"That's okay. We're just doing our jobs." She answered as Arizona came into her room and first looked at the updated chart before talking to Haley and making sure she was okay.

"Are you coming round tonight?" Arizona asked Alice as they went out of the patient's room.

"Yeah. Maria said she feels up to helping me." Alice answered.

"Do you want to come with me?" Arizona offered, knowing that they had both finished their shift.

"That would be nice of you Arizona. Thankyou." Alice answered, taking up the offer.

"That's okay Alice." She answered, as they both went separate ways to get changed out of their scrubs and into the clothes they came to work in before meeting up again and driving to Maria and Arizona's home.

When they arrived at the house Maria greeted them and served them both up dinner, having cooked as she got bored during the day from being home on her own. "Maria I didn't know you could cook!" Arizona exclaimed, eating the food. After 7 years of being together, she didn't realise that Maria could cook.

"Yeah. I can cook." She answered.

"Why have you failed to tell me this until now?"

"Because I haven't been so bored that I've wanted to cook properly until now." She answered.

Arizona laughed, knowing that Maria was normally really lazy when it came to being in the kitchen and cooking. It was typical of her to wait no more than 20 minutes for a meal and the extent of her cooking was boiling some pasta and veggies and throwing a pre-prepared sauce over the top.

After dinner Arizona went into the living room and looked after the babies when they needed it whilst Alice and Maria stayed in the dining room so Maria could help her with her boards by running through possible scenarios and questions she could be given and finding a balance between helping her and waiting for her to figure things out for herself.

"I think you'll do great in your boards," Maria told her at the end of their session as she knew this last minute visit was because she was panicking about them.

"Thankyou Maria. I just don't want to let anyone down."

"You won't let anyone down." She reassured.

"I hope not." She answered. "Can I come round whenever I need your help?" She asked, knowing that seeing as her boards were in a months' time Maria would not be back from maternity leave.

"Of course you can. Just call first to make sure I'm in." Maria answered warmly.

"Thankyou." She answered. "You're so helpful."

"And you're really talented," Maria answered. "Have more confidence in yourself. It'll do you good."

"Yeah I'll try to," Alice answered before they both said goodbyes to each other and Alice left to go home.

After Alice left Maria went to the living room to see Arizona. "Hello, sweetheart." Arizona greeted, seeing her. "Come and snuggle with me."

"Okay," Maria answered and went over to snuggle with her wife on the sofa. "Just don't touch my boobs." She warned.

"Oh okay. Why not?" Arizona asked, letting Maria get comfortable before wrapping her arms around her, being sure to avoid her boobs.

"They're a bit tender at the moment and I have two babies clinging on to them all day. I just would like them to be left alone for the time being."

"I understand," Arizona answered softly, knowing it was normal for women to not want to be touched soon after giving birth.

"How have the twins been?" Maria asked once they were snuggled.

"They've been fine Ria," Arizona answered.

"Oh good. They'll probably wake for a feed soon." Maria answered and decided to embrace Arizona's warmth until then, knowing she had to make the most of it now that Arizona was back at work.